4:57pm Dec 15 2010
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Spirit rolled her eyes, ignoring Osiris's first question. "They are probably busy then, or don't care about you anymore." She tried to grab his arm to try to help him up, but her paw just pas.sed right through his arm. "Damn.." She snarled out of frustration.
4:47pm Dec 17 2010
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Osiris shuddered as her ghostly form pas.sed through his. "There's no hope," Osiris admitted, "Just... go away I suppose." -FAIL-
5:37pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 5:39pm Dec 17 2010)
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((Fail is just 'Ail' with an 'F' in front of it. c: Hope that makes you feel better for failposting. <3)) Spirit clenched her teeth together. "No." She said firmly. "I wont leave you here to die." Her mind started to think of every possible idea as her eyes darted around the torn Canine camp. She saw it. A wagon. That would work perfectly. She turned to Osiris. "I'll right back." She said, running to it, no longer caring if she made any noise. She turned the wagon onto it's side, dumping out the firewood that was inside of it. Turning back on it's top again, she wheeled it to Osiris. "Are you strong enough to climb up?" She asked, her eyes desperate.
2:40pm Dec 21 2010
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Osiris sighed. He was in a lot of pain. "I-" he paused, biting his lip softly in nervousness. "I can try" he admitted. He dug his claws into the tree and carefully rose. He then pushed carefully off of the tree to fall into the wheelbarrow. He groaned in discomfort as he hit his back on the solid metal bottom, but this would be better than bleeding to death on the outskirts of a canine camp. He tucked his tail around his injured leg and winced in pain. "Alright, now what?"
3:52am Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 3:54am Dec 30 2010)
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"Now I'm going to get you out of here." She said, looking around to make sure no one was looking. "I'll try my best to avoid bumps." She added before she started to walk, slowly but surely, towards the Feline camp. Luckily, there wasn't that much debris or rocks or any other things that would cause painful bumps. Spirit wasn't sure at first if she could remember how to get back to the Feline camp, since that feeling of the almost homing instinct like she had when she went to the Canine camp was gone. Which was strange since she was a Feline.. She thought. She tried not to let the flicker doubt that had been ebbing at the edge of her subconscious ever since she first was told she was a Feline become a big thing in her mind, which was starting to become difficult. She almost went right through the Feline camp without noticing the area around her, luckily she snapped out of her thoughts just in time to realize that she was where she needed to be. She looked around, hoping to see Gem or Eora, or possibly a healer.

4:40pm Jan 14 2011
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Eora glanced at the entrance to the camp and gasped at Spirit's appearance. She noticed Osiris only second, and immediately sent for some healers. "Spirit! What are you doing here?" she said urgently, taking the wheelbarrow gently from her ghostly paws, propping the helpless Osiris against a tree.
8:42pm Jan 20 2011
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((Sorry for the delay. o3o;)) "I... I..." She was at a loss of words for a few seconds. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, realizing that she probably shouldn't have came back before the Canines moved to a new camp. "I needed to help him, I couldn't just leave him there.." She trailed off.
8:46pm Jan 20 2011
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((I Grrr at you XD)) Eora sighed. "Gem doesn't have to know that you're here, just- go back! Hopefully they'll still be there. We'll care for Osiris." ((And its a fail -_-))
8:55pm Jan 20 2011
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((I don't wanna be Grrred at. 8c)) Spirit nodded. "Thank you Eora!" She said as she turned to race back to the Canine camp. She navigated her way through the woods like an expert, and like the last time, her paw steps seemed to almost morph into the path to the Canine camp like she had taken it many times before. Maybe while she was alive? She growled and mentally shook the feeling of familiarness from her subconscious. She stopped when she reached the camp, letting out a relieved sigh knowing that she hadn't wasted too much time.
10:47pm Jan 25 2011
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6:02pm Feb 3 2011
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((Bump. 8u))
6:10pm Feb 3 2011
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((*NOMNOM*)) Iceblink stretched and yawned. "We should go," he said to Torment. Though he couldn't tell himself, he could see frost budding on trees that had dropped their leaves and snow was drifting steadily down. He wondered what Flare was doing. Little Ciara was freezing her tail off. She could only imagine how Torment felt. Her tail was wrapped around her front as she shivered. She stayed close to Rainstorm.
6:54pm Feb 3 2011
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((... *Licks* 8u)) Torment paced around the camp, not wanting to keep still. He had an odd feeling that if he kept still he would freeze. Even if that idea was preposterous. He rubbed his front paws together, paranoid that they would some how succomb to hypothermia if they even became slightly cold. He didn't even want to think about his back paws, that he could barely feel at the moment. He flinched slightly when Iceblink talked to him. "Wha-" He stammered as he was ripped away from his thoughts of frost bite. "Ah yes, I agree." His voice became the normal gravely tone that it usually was. "We don't want to loose men to hypothermia now do we?." His voice wavered slightly on the end of his sentence, but it was barely noticable. ((And since I miss these guys. 8u)) Ribunny's paws were inside the sleeves of her camouflage jacket. Never was she so glad to have it. Besides that time that candy machine was broken and her pockets seemed to have limitless boundries. She shivered as cold air blew past her and sent a chill up her body. She knew she should ask Miles or Flare to make a fire.. Or at least move by the others to share body heat, but the idea of asking them for help didn't apeal to her at all, even if she was about to become a chihuahuasickle. She shivered again and wrapped her wings around herself to try and add some extra warmth in the form of a wing-blanket. Dot raced around everyone. As always, she was hyper. However, this was more of a desperate type of hyper, as if she was afraid of staying still. Even though it was hard to explain her exact thoughts, since they changed every few seconds, they basically were the words, 'Freezing, Frost Bite, Candy, Hypothermia, and wondering what squirrel's favorite nuts were.' Miles glanced at everyone else, a growl rising in his throat. It's not that he was cold, far from it. He had enough fur, (Although it was mostly body fat that helped him,) To keep him warm. It was the fact that he wanted to help the others, but he was too proud to tell them that he wanted to help or ask them if they wanted help. He looked at Ribunny, his eyes softening for a fraction of a second when he saw her shiver. He then remembered his hatred of dogs and looked away. A tight grey ball was curled up by a tree. At first, it may have been a rock. Then, on closer inspection, it was revealed to be none other then Ratt! Even though it barely looked like him. He was shivering voilently, since he only had light fur and barely any meat on his bones. He whimered, grasping the necklace in the shape of a four-leaf-clover around his neck tightly in his small pink colored paw, the necklace was strangely warm to the touch and helped him shiver slightly less. It was always doing odd things like that. Swift didn't mind the cold much. He wasn't like his twin, since he wasn't fat at all. He just.. was more tolerable of cold. He squinted at the blurry shapes in the distance, and barely recognised the shape of other creatures.. Or were they trees? He sighed as he thought about his terrible eyesight, and wondered why it was so terrible in the first place, and more importantly, how to fix it.

7:39pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Flare lay on his back in the snow, though it had melted around him to reveal the sticky grey gr*censored* coated with mud. He blew little flames into the air, oblivious to all of the others' coldness. He exhaled and smiled, watching the little flames twist and then disappear into a thicket of smoke. Getting bored, he shook out his fur and stood up. The brown T-Shirt and jeans he had on were caked with mud, though it dripped off as Flare emitted heat. He frowned, realising that Ribunny was a hairless dog. He smiled evilly, and decided to play a joke on her. He stalked through the snow quietly as she paced and then pounced, pinning her under him. "Warmer?" he yipped, tail wagging. The ice was melting into mud around them. --- Iceblink frowned, and wished that Flare was here to make the chihuahua warmer. He didn't get near anyone; his ice would only make it worse. "Rainstorm, don't you know a spell or something that could make everyone warmer?" he asked, hopeless. The caravans full of canines were zipped up tight and the four of them got into the one that would lead. Iceblink sat in the corner, trying not to touch anyone. He could tell it was getting a little warmer, but not much. The Worg wolves (instead of horses) let out a large growl and started to pull the carts.

8:53pm Feb 3 2011
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Ribunny was taken by surprise and let out a sharp yip when she was pinned. She growled a little, sounding a bit like she was about to loose her temper. Then she realized that it was just Flare that she did indeed feel warmer. Laughing, she nodded, "Nice and toasty!" Miles flicked his tail, narrowing his eyes at Flare. He felt something prickle in the back of his mind, but ignored it. Letting out a low hiss, he turned away from them and curled up on the ground to take a nap. ~~~ Rainstorm thought for a few seconds. "Well.. I do know a spell that can make others more cold-resistant, which would help us become warmer, but it isn't permanent." She turned away, walking to a patch of snow and scooping up a handful of it. She then lifted up a jar and shoved the snow into it while muttering a spell. The liquid in the jar turned blue and milky, and was super cold to the touch. She turned back to the others and held out the jar. "This should work for a few hours." She said, "Everyone only take small sips, or you could be permanently frozen solid."

8:05pm Feb 4 2011
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Flare smiled sideways at Miles. "Don't be jealous," he sang, trotting over to the shivering little Ratt by the rock. He huffed a short breath on him to warm him up so that he didn't die of hypothermia. His tail wagged as he waited for the little rodent to come out of its shell. --- Iceblink was still nervous. He wished that he could make the absence of ice as well as create it. Granted, it wouldn't help the cold scenario.
7:37pm Feb 7 2011
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Miles ignored Flare, pretending to be asleep. Even though he clearly wasn't, since his body was so tense. Ratt whimpered a little when he suddenly felt warm air on him. He stopped shivering and slowly started to uncurl from his tight little ball. The necklace around his neck stopped glowing just before it entered Flare's line-of-sight. He looked up at Flare, letting out a surprised squeak when he saw the wolf staring back at him. ~~~ Rainstorm took one more look around her, and took a sip of the potion that she had created. She shivered a little, the coldness spreading throughout her whole body. A few seconds later, however, she felt much better. It wasn't that she was warm, it was that she was.. an average temperature, like someone living in the Arctic would feel about cold weather or someone living in the tropics would feel about hot weather. She pas.sed the potion to everyone. "One sip only." She warned again.
8:10pm Feb 8 2011
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"Don't be afraid," said Flare, trying to be kind. He didn't smile, afraid that his teeth would frighten the little mammal. He took a step back and sat, the snow once again melting into mud around him. He wagged his tail. --- When the cup came his way, Iceblink shivered. It felt warm in his paws- almost hot. He didn't like it at all. He pas.sed it on swiftly and then blew ice on his paws to cool them down.
4:01pm Feb 15 2011
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((Will it let me post..?))
4:20pm Feb 15 2011 (last edited on 4:25pm Feb 15 2011)
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((YES. I figured it out. 8D I'll post now. <3)) Ratt whimpered quietly, and slowly looked up at Flare. He slowly sat up, his frightened eyes fixed on the wolf.. Just incase. "Th.. Thank you." He murmured to him when he gathered enough courage to talk. "I could have died from the cold.." ~ Torment sniffed at the potion. He didn't trust it. What if it was laced with poison? Or.. Or.. He shook his head, knowing that he was just creating nonsense conspiracies again. He sniffed it one more time, then sipped it. "Gragh!" He exclaimed as he felt as if he was hit with a wave of cold that started from his mouth and went through his whole body. When the cold faded, he realized he felt warmer. The same warm that you feel when you spend the whole day outside in the snow, and then come inside to a perfectly heated house. He pas.sed it on to whoever was next, he was too busy imagining frolicking in a blizzard to look at who it was.