8:23pm Sep 10 2010
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"So what exactly are you wearing?" Iceblink asked inquisitively. He had only ever seen humans wear clothes. He wondered if he should find some way to cover himself too. "It's nice to meet you" Flare said with a smile.
8:26pm Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Well.. I'm wearing my hat, because I believe it gives me good luck, and it hides my crystal from.. prying eyes." She pointed to her hat. "And I wear my hoodie because I believe it also brings me luck, plus it keeps me warm and I can keep stuff in the pockets. And the fact that I love camouflage." She smiled, wagging her tail. She was always happy to talk about her camouflage things.
8:40pm Sep 10 2010
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Flare and Iceblink both dropped to their paws. "Where did you obtain these items?" Flare asked curiously.
8:46pm Sep 10 2010
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"Er.." Ribunny blinked. "That information is clas.sified sir." She said, putting her paws in her hoddie pockets, something she had also become accustomed to doing.
8:54pm Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"Oh" Flare said, sort of disappointed, "Well, do you have any place to stay for the night?" he inquired. "We have plenty of room in our home, and would love to learn more about you."
8:59pm Sep 10 2010
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"I still can get you some of your own.. if you would like.." Ribunny added, "It's just that you can't know where it came from." She thought for a few seconds about the question, "Well.. It would be nice.. But I have a few friends and my sister that would be mad at me if I just bailed on them, and I wouldn't want to be a burden..."
9:06pm Sep 10 2010
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"You have a sister?" Iceblink said. "Is she like you?" Flare's ears pricked happily. "I want something fire proof!"
9:16pm Sep 10 2010
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Ribunny shrugged. "She's a little bit more.. hyper." She replied, then she looked at Flare. "Sure, is there any specific colors or styles you have in mind?"
1:13pm Sep 11 2010
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"Something that matches my fur, but not anything that blends in. Not too tight either." Flare said. His tail wagged with excitement. "Meet you here tomorrow? Or is that too soon?"
1:25pm Sep 11 2010
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Ribunny thought for a few seconds. "Alright. I think I have a few in mind. And sure, I can bring them tomorrow, no problem."
1:35pm Sep 11 2010
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"Okay!" Flare said happily "See you tomorrow!" he said, bounding off into the woods back to his home. Iceblink nodded to Ribunny. "Why don't you bring your sister and friends tomorrow? We'd love to meet them, we've never met anyone else with crystals before"
1:48pm Sep 11 2010
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"Sure." Ribunny said, smiling at Iceblink. "See you tomorrow." She walked off into the direction of where her friends and sister were.
4:34pm Sep 11 2010
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"See you then." Iceblink said coolly, turning around and walking off. He had a feeling that he was being watched though. He looked around. "Flare...?" he called, but Flare was far away, back at home. The presence felt odd, dark in a way. He stared at the bushes. "Who's there?" (Rainstorm? :3)
4:40pm Sep 11 2010
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((Omg yes >|D)) Rainstorm stiffened, realizing that she had forgotten to do a spell to make herself undetectable, very unlike her. Knowing there wasn't any other choice, she slowly stood up and walked out of the bushes. "I am." She said calmly, her red eyes flashing.
5:26pm Sep 11 2010
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Iceblink growled, his collar fur ruffling. "Who are you?" he repeated, not tolerating the half-sentence answer.
5:32pm Sep 11 2010
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"Who are you." She replied, smiling slyly. She loved playing mind-games with others. Especially when it's possible that they may loose their temper, so she could show them what she could do.
5:36pm Sep 11 2010
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Iceblink stood up, his fur still ruffled. "I am none of your concern until I know why you have approached me." he said stubbornly. This wolf was smart, but not smart enough to get the better of him so quickly. He was instantly glad that Flare wasn't here, he would have already lost it.
5:45pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-stalk- ouo -slips back into the shadows-))
6:01pm Sep 11 2010
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((Bad Rika :c *Targets with sniper rifle*)) "How do you know that I approached you?" Rainstorm replied, tilting her head to one side. "Isn't it possible that you approached me without knowing it?"
6:09pm Sep 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((*tugs Sniper away* Calm Riri... *stroked Riri's head gently* Rike is friend, Rika is friend.....)) Iceblink shrugged. "That is a possibility, but if that were true, why were you hiding in the bushes, rather that minding your own business as I was?" Iceblink said cleverly, his mind working.