6:17pm Sep 11 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Sep 11 2010)
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((Rika..Friend..? *Picks up flower and gives to Rika* Frieennd..? c: *Drool*)) "How do you know that I was not, in fact, minding my own business myself?" Rainstorm replied, purposely twisting around her words in a confusing way. She was even starting to confuse herself slightly.
6:20pm Sep 11 2010
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((*smile* Good Riri! *Throws chocolate square into the air*)) "What sort of business would you have in a bush, stalking me?" Iceblink answered. ((Oh, post on the other crystal RP!!!))
6:23pm Sep 11 2010 (last edited on 6:25pm Sep 11 2010)
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((Chocolate :D *Noms* And I'm waiting for a opening for Rainstorm to come in in that RP c:)) "How do I know if you, in fact were not stalking me, as I was just taking a nap inside a bush?" Rainstorm replied, smiling a little.
6:28pm Sep 11 2010
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"If I were stalking you, it would be logical to be in hiding, would it not?" iceblink said. ((Rainstorm already is in that RP, remember? Basil gave her the tattoo, and then Rika's charrie bumped into her and now is having a conversation with Basil))
6:31pm Sep 11 2010
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((*Headdesk* I mean for her to come into the conversation XD)) "It would, but maybe you thought I was sleeping, and you decided I would not see you if you stalked me. You were wrong, of course." Rainstorm replied.
6:35pm Sep 11 2010
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((OOOOHHH. XDDD)) "Which brings up the point: why would you sleep in a bush when the terrain is littered with caves and burrows plenty large enough to inhabit wolves. And if you were sleeping, how come you heard me when I called out? Most wolves cannot hear in their sleep." Iceblink pointed out.
6:39pm Sep 11 2010
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((:P)) "Because a bush is much more comfortable." She replied simply. "Also, hearing is one of the few senses that you have when you are sleeping, and it actually becomes heightened when you sleep, so it would be strange if I didn't hear you call out."
6:42pm Sep 11 2010
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"You don't seem like the type who would sleep out in the open, why would you do that unless you are some sort of a fool? And don't try and tell me that a bush is more comfortable than a nest." Iceblink said.
7:32pm Sep 11 2010
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"I am some sort of fool though." Rainstorm replied, then blinked, realizing what she had said. "I mean.. er.."
7:35pm Sep 11 2010
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Icebling raised his eyebrows. "Care to correct yourself before I eternally mock you?" he asked, "Or will you simply state who you are and why you were stalking me."
7:38pm Sep 12 2010
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"Alright, alright." Rainstorm said, snorting. "My name is Rainstorm and I am 'stalking' as you call it, you because I see that you have a crystal, like I do, and I wanted to make sure it really was a power crystal, and not just some fake thing."
5:14pm Sep 13 2010
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Iceblink stood up normally and showed the two half-crystals on either of his paws. "They are ice crystals." he said. He rubbed his paws together then aimed one at the tree. A sharp shard of ice shot out of his paw and drove the ice through the tree out the other end. If it were only a little more blunt and less sharp, it would have split it in half. But that took a lot of energy. "My name is Iceblink" he said. He was still suspicious of this female wolf, so he chose to leave out his brother, Flare.
12:13am Sep 15 2010
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"Interesting." Rainstorm murmured. "I never new two halves of a crystal could be on two paws.." She stared at the broken tree for a few seconds. "You seem pretty strong too.." She then looked up at Iceblink, "I am Rainstorm." She told him, sensing that he was hiding something, but decided that whatever it was wasn't important to her.
4:39pm Sep 15 2010
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"Iceblink! What's taking so long?!" flare howled. Iceblink flinched at the sound of Flare's voice. He growled softly. "Shut up Flare!" he barked annoyed. He was trying to hide him! Could his brother just shut his mouth for ten minutes? He stared at Rainstorm, half expecting her to go on a rant about secrets like his mother always would. Flare trotted into the forest and met Iceblink. "why so bitter Iceblink? Don't want me to meet your new lady-friend?" he teased. Iceblink growled. "She's not my friend, and she's certainly no lady." Iceblink wanted to add that he didn't like her at all other than someone who could argue as good as him, but he didn't want to lie. Nor did he want to get on Rainstorm's nerves. "So why are you trying to hide her from me?" Flare said stubbornly. Iceblink groaned. "Flare, just shut up, okay," he lowered his voice "I'll tell you later" Flare's tail wagged slowly as he turned his gaze to Rainstorm. "So you're Rainstorm?" he asked. "You were eavesdropping too?!" Iceblink barked. Flare laid his ears back guiltily. "It's possible...." Iceblink groaned and sat down, exasperated. "I'm Flare, then" Flare said to Rainstorm.

7:11pm Sep 15 2010
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Rainstorms eyes flashed. "Nice to meet you Flare." She said, looking at Flare from head to toe, hiding her smile when she saw his crystal. "You.. have a fire-controlling crystal, correct?" She asked him after a few moments of silence.
8:01pm Sep 16 2010
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Flare snorted. "She's not very bright is she? Stating the obvious like that" his tone had a playful hint to it, but the comment was still pretty rude.
8:10pm Sep 16 2010
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Rainstorm narrowed her eyes at Flare. "I was just trying to verify my conclusion." She growled back, unable to tell that he was being playful. Since she really didn't have much socialization with other wolves since she ran from her pack, she didn't really get things like sarcasm and saying something playfully.
6:54pm Sep 18 2010
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Flare chuckled. "Don't get your fur all ruffled" he said, his tail wagging slightly. "It was just a joke, you know, funny?" Iceblink groaned.
9:20pm Sep 19 2010
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Rainstorm blinked. "I don't know this 'funny' that you are talking about." She said, confusion clouding her eyes. "Please explain, if only a little."
5:29pm Sep 20 2010
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Flare and Iceblink looked at each other, than at Rainstorm. "I... ehhh... gotta go!" Flare said, giving no one a chance to ob ject before her bounced off. "Flare- just- ughh!" Iceblink growled, exasperated. He turned back to Rainstorm and sighed. "Well, fun is doing something that you like to do, some wolves like hunting, others fightng, Flare goofs off..."