2:53pm Sep 21 2010
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((Holey crap. Micro waving apple juice= WIN. 8D)) Rainstorm blinked, tilting her head to one side. "I believe I may understand." She replied, although her tone was still confused.
3:35pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((lol, did it turn out good?)) "Ermmm..." Iceblink said, thinking about how better to explain it. (F is for friends who do stuff together, u is for you and me! N is for anywhere and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea!)
12:37pm Sep 22 2010 (last edited on 12:37pm Sep 22 2010)
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((Yes. 8D Lol, I have the FUN song stuck in my head now x3)) Rainstorm shrugged. "Maybe I would understand more if I had this 'fun.'" She said, smiling a little. ((Can Iceblink and Rainstorm fall in love <33 8D))
2:48pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((maybe. :p We'll see how this plays out. Most likely yesh... *breathes deeply* I don't like people. Nothing you did ribun, no worries. Just a spammer on my oldest current going RP)) Iceblink examined Rainstorm closely, all suspicion from their first encounter gone. "Well, from what we were saying earlier, you seem to like mind games and logic, like me. I think you'd have fun if we found a topic we disagree on and argued over it."
3:20pm Sep 22 2010
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((Aw. 8c Wanna talk about it a little? It sometimes helps me if I talk about something that makes me angry.)) "Alright." Rainstorm replied, thinking for a few seconds. "Which topic shall we choose?" She asked, unable to hide a wide smile that, for the first time in her life, wasn't an evil smile. It made her face look almost like it was lit up, and it actually made her feel.. well.. good to smile.
5:47pm Sep 23 2010
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((The user InvalidNumbers spammed NightshadeTW's last surviving RP thread because I wouldn't let his/her illiterate sister join. His/her sister had no earthly idea how to roleplay, and when we told her problems with her post, she must've gone crying to her older sibling to try and tell us off.)) "Well, how do you feel about starving animals who steal from others?" Iceblink began.
5:54pm Sep 23 2010
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((FFFF- That's so not cool. >c)) Rainstorm crossed her arms, thinking for a few seconds. "Well.. It depends on what they have stolen. Something unimportant, no, but if it's something important or if they steal food from others, then yes." She said.
6:00pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((I know. this same thing happened a while back, about 6 months ago now, but then the user had the dignity to rmail me to complain)) "Okay, imagine that a starving fox creeps into your den and steals your newest kill. That fox has a mate and a litter of cubs on the way, and both are starving. but the fox hadn't the decency of asking you. What would you do then?" Iceblink asked.
6:19pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Mmmf.. That suucks. 8c It seems as though people are getting ruder with age. o-o;)) Rainstorm thought for a few seconds. "Well, I think the fox should have hunted for itself. Also, since it can't, it will pas.s on bad hunting in bad hunting conditions and stealing food whenever hungry to it's young, which is not what we need." She replied. ((I had to get into Rainstorm's character to post that. xD; Since I would have let the fox have the food. o3o))
6:33pm Sep 23 2010
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((Ikr? If someone online told my little sister that she was a n00b and that she couldn't join whatever it was, I'd look at the post and probably agree. XD If a kid can't handle that sort of thing, he/she shouldn't be on the forums.)) "Well, what if the fox was born the best hunter on the planet, but just couldn't find anything?" Iceblink asked. "Or, it was too weak to hunt because he used his energy finding things?" ((I would have too, but I would have tried to capture the fox and relocate it, because I have cats, and cats and foxes don't mix. One of my best friends was five when she watched her cat give birth to three kittens. She let the kitten outside when they were old enough and then a fox came out of the bushes and killed two of them. D: It was devastating!))
6:38pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Same. e.o Poor kittens. D8)) "A fox is smart enough to find anything even in the most hardest times." Rainstorm replied, growling softly. "Also, if it was too weak then that means it would pas.s on genes that would make it's young also weak, and if those young have young with other weak foxes, we could end up with the whole population of foxes being weak."
6:41pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"No, no, you're not getting it. Let's say the fox is weak because it was attacked by a bear in the middle of the winter and the bear killed most of the deer making them difficult to find. So, this fox, who is actually a great hunter, couldn't find anything to eat because all the prey was either eaten by the bear or scared away to somewhere else. So, the fox is starving and steals out of your cave when you too are going hungry. His young would be as strong as he was when he was fortunate." Iceblink said, pleased with his explanation.
6:42pm Sep 23 2010
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6:44pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Sep 23 2010)
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((Ha. I bet that troll didn't even understand half the words you used. (I sure didn't o.o;))) "Hm.. Excellent point." Rainstorm replied. She tried to rack her brain for an idea that would counter what Iceblink had said. Unable to think of anything, she sighed. "I guess letting the fox have my prey would be a good idea, I may still however steal back a little bit of it, so I wouldn't go hungry too."
6:49pm Sep 23 2010
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Iceblink smiled. "Let's think of something else, do you get what fun is about yet? Doing something you enjoy. Don't pretend I didn't see that silly smile on your face a few moments ago"
6:57pm Sep 23 2010
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Rainstorm chuckled a little. "Yes, I guess I do know what it is about now." She smiled at Iceblink. "Thank you."
7:09pm Sep 23 2010
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Iceblink smiled. "I bet you wanna come up with a topic now" he said, a grin sprouting on his face.
7:11pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Rainstorm nodded, smiling. "What about.." She thought for a few seconds. "Your view on magic, if it's good or bad, if it's real or not real, things like that."
7:14pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"That's a pretty wide topic." Iceblink admitted, abashed. "Well, magic exists, obviously" Iceblink said, indicating to the hole in the tree where his ice shard had been. "And whether its good or bad all depends on the handler. Only the best of hearts are incapable of corruption, and if that is true, then there is very little good magic out there."
7:19pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Rainstorm nodded. "Yes, I agree." She thought for another few seconds. "What about.. er.. aliens..?" She asked, taking the first thing out of the top of her head.