7:20pm Sep 23 2010
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"Nonsense!" Iceblink laughed., almost falling backwards.
7:21pm Sep 23 2010
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Rainstorm shrugged. "It is a bit stupid. Although, you can't really disprove them. There is also a bunch of eye-witness accounts of alien sightings."
7:26pm Sep 23 2010
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"I suppose not, but it is still nonsense. All of those sightings are from mental humans and animals alike. Aliens don't exist." Iceblink said. "What do you think of..." Iceblink paused. "The un-sophisticated animals around here, how they shun us and refuse to socialize and talk and things like that."
7:32pm Sep 23 2010
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"Hmph." Rainstorm growled when Iceblink mention un-sophisticated animals. "We should be the ones shunning them for not being intelligent enough. I can't imagine how they live without knowing beyond eating, drinking, mating, and surviving."
7:36pm Sep 23 2010
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"I see your point" Iceblink said "But there are so few of us with crystals, should we not go out and try and socialize and become mates with an un-sophisticated animal?" Iceblink asked. "Of course, I would never be able to stand that, mating with one who contains less than half of my intelligence."
9:30pm Sep 23 2010
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Rainstorm crinkled her nose slightly at the thought of being mates with an animal that wasn't her intelligence. "I see what you mean." She replied. "Still. It is a bit of a good idea. Plus once in a while an animal without a crystal, or even a touch of magic is sophisticated, although it is rare."
4:31pm Sep 24 2010
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Iceblink shrugged. "I suppose we agree on that too." he said. "New topic?" He asked, sitting down.
7:22pm Sep 24 2010
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Rainstorm thought for a few seconds. "What about the Canine and Feline war?" She said after she finished thinking. She wasn't really sure if Iceblink knew what the Canine and Feline war was, and she was prepared to explain it if needed.
7:25pm Sep 24 2010
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"Theres a war going on?" Iceblink said in the exact confusion that Rainstorm expected.
7:45pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 10:51am Sep 25 2010)
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"Yes." Rainstorm replied, nodding. "You remember how I said that once in a while a sophisticated animal is born without crystals or magic? Well, I forgot to include that the number of sophisticated Felines and Canines, more specifically Cats and Dogs, is higher then most other species of animals. Also, like you said, they sometimes are mates with unsophisticated animals, since they can stand them better for some reason. However, for a reason that was lost in history, Dogs and Cats hated each other and started fighting uncontrollably. They were smart enough to create an army, and now fight all the time, and even when they aren't fighting they don't treat each other equally." She sighed, "It's just a never ending war that no one even remembers how it started, besides the leaders of the army and their closest advisors."
1:50pm Sep 26 2010
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"Hm" Iceblink said, going over the thoughts in the mind. "Well, we ourselves are canines, should we not be with our magic-less counterparts, fighting the cats?"
2:56pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 2:56pm Sep 27 2010)
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"That would be the best option." She replied. "However, wouldn't that be unfair to the Felines?" She usually didn't care about fairness, but she felt that one side having a crystal and the other not would be too unfair for even her to overlook.
4:13pm Sep 27 2010
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"Surely, there are felines with crystals as well." Iceblink replied. "And if we didn't fight, and they did, it would be unfair to our side"
4:15pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm nodded. "I guess you are correct." She replied. "And how are we to know that two cats are having the same conversation as we are right as we speak?" She shuddered slightly, "Strange feeling, is it not?"
4:34pm Sep 27 2010
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"There is no way to prove or disprove that statement, but it doesn't really relate to the war itself. The question is, why aren't we fighting with the canines?" Iceblink said.
4:43pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm shrugged. "It's very hard to find where exactly their base camp is to ask to join them, since most of the recruits are recruited because they are friends or family with other recruits. I also heard the leader of the army is a bit.. er.. odd." She replied. "However! I overheard two Canine Soldiers speaking about where the base camp is currently, and we should be able to find it if we hurry."
4:51pm Sep 27 2010
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Iceblink shrugged. "Hrm, It would have to wait until after tomorrow, my brother saw a sophisticated animal wearing clothes, and she's getting him some, and they're meeting tomorrow. I might get some for myself, but that would take another day, would they still be there by then?" Iceblink asked.
4:55pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm thought for a few seconds. "Probably." She replied. "We would have to rush to get to them however, but we should catch them in time."
4:59pm Sep 27 2010
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"Rush is my middle name" Iceblink said with a sly smile. "Do you wish to spend the night with Flare and I? We can ask to get you clothes if you wish as well. If Ribunny doesn't seem overburdened that is."
5:04pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm chuckled. "I would love to." She replied. "I'm not sure about the cloths though, I like just being in my own fur." She smiled slightly.