5:06pm Sep 27 2010
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((Doesn't Rainstorm know Ribunny? like, y'know, bitter enemies? I thought she was gonna insist on going right away. :3 lol)) Iceblink smiled. "Let's go, before Flare sets the whole forest on fire waiting for me." he laughed.
5:16pm Sep 27 2010
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((..Oh yeah. XDDD; What about she just doesn't recognize Ribunny's name at first. o3o;)) Rainstorm nodded, laughing a little. "Sure." She replied, smiling.
5:17pm Sep 27 2010
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((Okie, lawl)) -failpost- Iceblink padded back to the cave, sitting at the entrance. Flare was already sound asleep in his nest.
5:27pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm followed Iceblink. She glanced around the cave once she stepped into it. "Where may I sleep?" She asked Iceblink, keeping her voice at a whisper so she wouldn't wake Flare.
5:30pm Sep 27 2010
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"Right here" Iceblink said, indicating to his own nest. "There are plenty of materials, I can make a new one in no time." he said.
5:34pm Sep 27 2010
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"Th..Thank you." Rainstorm replied, smiling at Iceblink. She never really had anyone be as kind to her as Iceblink was, and it was a very nice change of pace.
5:38pm Sep 27 2010
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Iceblink chuckled and quickly made himself a new nest, curling up in it. It would be fine for the night, after all, they'd be leaving for war soon. He smiled to himself as he went to sleep. His powers would never be useless again... Iceblink's eyes opened catiously, bracing themselves against the pink dawn sunlight. He stretched and yawned, careful not to disturb Flare or Rianstorm. He trotted softly to the entance of the cave. He had always been an early riser. Flare was the next to wake up, and he expressed his surprise at Rainstorm sleeping next to him by trotting u to Iceblink. Neither wolf said anything yet, waiting for her to awaken.
5:44pm Sep 27 2010
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After a few minutes, Rainstorm lifted her head up sleepily. Still groggy, she sat up, yawning. Her eyes widened when she didn't recognize where she was, but she relaxed again when she remembered what had happened yesterday. She stood up and trotted to Flare and Iceblink, smiling at them. "Let us go then." She said, smiling.
5:53pm Sep 27 2010
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Flare smiled politely. "I told Ribunny we'd meet her by the stream, next to that really thick tree, okay?" he told Iceblink. "I know what you're talking about" Iceblink chuckled. "you and your silly obsession with clothes. "It's not silly" Flare objected. "It's more sophisticated to cover yourself, humans do it." "The last time I checked, we weren't humans." Iceblink said. "Never mind, let's go."
6:11pm Sep 27 2010
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Rainstorm nodded. "Let's." She said, then started to walk to where the stream and the really thick tree was with Iceblink and Flare. She glanced around for this, 'Ribunny.' Thinking about how her name sounded oddly familiar to her.. Ribunny stumbled over to where the wolves where. "Hey you guys." She said, not able to see them that good behind the cloths she was carrying. She laid them carefully on the ground. "Alright, I got a lot, but-" She cut herself off when she saw Rainstorm. "You!" She growled, pointing at Rainstorm. "I remember you!" Rainstorm narrowed her eyes. "I believe I remember you too." She growled.
6:16pm Sep 27 2010
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Flare couldn't decide whether to smile at the clothes or frown at the reunion of enemies. "You two know each other I see..." Iceblink said, inching between to pair. If necessary, he knew he would take Rainstorm's side, but what would Flare do?
6:30pm Sep 27 2010
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"Damn right we know each other!" Ribunny snarled, glaring at Rainstorm. "She tried to get me to use my crystal in warfare!" "Hmph." Rainstorm said. "It would be a good use of your crystal, wouldn't you like to use it for good purposes, and I thought you liked the army." "Not your kind of army!" Ribunny snapped back. "Ribunny, please stop your yelling." A voice said from in the bushes, and out came a cat with a dark blue crystal on his head. "It is rather loud." "Why did you tell her to stop!" Another voice hissed, and out came another cat wearing a red bandana. "I like fights!" A rat came out of the bushes also. "Fighting is scary.." He murmured. "Fight! Who said fight?!" A very high pitched voice said, and out came a super speedy runt chihuahua. "Did I miss it?" Ribunny sighed. "These are my er.. friends, and sister." She said to the wolves, shrugging. "They were a bit slow following me. I think Miles found a dead toad or something and dared Dot to eat it. "It tasted like warts!" The small runt chihuahua, apparently Dot, said, smiling and licking her lips.

7:21pm Sep 27 2010
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((Ooops, thought I replied. LOL)) Iceblink tilted his head. "What wrong with supporting canines in the war with felines?" he asked. He glanced at Miles. "No offense intended of course." he added politely. Flare was too busy putting on the handsome clothes Ribunny had brought him.
8:02pm Sep 27 2010
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((Lol x3)) "Offense taken." Miles hissed, crossing his arms. He was never in a good mood, especially around Canines, and he took strong offense when Canines talked about his kind in a bad way. Though, he was being hypocritical, since he talked badly about Canines all the time, but he didn't care. Not at all. Ribunny blinked. "Not that war." She replied. "Rainstorm wanted me to go into a war against animals without crystals and humans, well I simply wont, you understand?!" She growled, her voice starting to have a slight British/hillbilly/redneck accent like it always did when she got mad, which was one of the many strange things about her.
5:38pm Sep 28 2010
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Iceblink glanced at Rainstorm, then back at Ribunny. He smirked, a cold glint to his eyes. "It's only logical." he said "They have no use in the world, only to take up space for their unintelligent populations. Prey is fine, humans are dumb" Flare blinked and stared at Iceblink, his every feature echoing his shock. "Iceblink, I have never known you to think like that" he said, his tone grave and serious, not usual for him. Iceblink's eyes met those of his brother. "If you think about it Flare-" "I will not think about it!" Flare barked, interrupting. Iceblink's eyes narrowed and he growled. He stood up on his hind legs. The crystals on his paws glowed. The trees overhead grew long, sharp ice crystals...
9:10pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I would have replied sooner, but I fell asleep and when I woke up I had to do my homework before I could go on the computer. XD; At least the new episode to 1,000 Ways To Die isn't on yet. :D)) Ribunny took a few steps towards Flare and stood next to him, growling. She narrowed her eyes at Iceblink, ready to fight with Flare if she needed to. It started to get very windy around where they were as she got angrier. Rainstorm glanced at Iceblink, smiling slightly. She was happy he was on her side. She glanced back at Flare and Ribunny, her smile fading and her eyes narrowing. Her eyes glowed faintly and shadows started to circle around her. Ribunny's sister and friends looked at each other. They didn't know which side to take, and didn't really know if they wanted to get involved. Smartly, they all took a couple steps back, Ratt taking a few more steps back for good measure.
4:51pm Oct 1 2010
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Flare barked loudly and violently, flames exploding around his feet, and flames bursting from his parted jaws. The flames sparked, appearing uncontrolled. Iceblink glared continually. "That is quite enough" he spat. It was rare that he lost his temper like this. It was time for rationality. "We will meet again" he said coldly. The ice that surrounded him disappeared. "Rainstorm, let's go to the war" he said, his eyes not leaving Flare's.
5:07pm Oct 1 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm Oct 1 2010)
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Rainstorm nodded, and at once her shadows disappeared and her eyes became normal. "It's this way. We can make it if we hurry." She glared at Flare and Ribunny before she started to lead Iceblink to where the location of the base camp was. "You better run!" Ribunny growled at Rainstorm and Iceblink as they walked away. Rainstorm ignored Ribunny as she kept walking, after a while of walking through thick woods, they made it to clearing where lots of tents and supplies were, many Canines, mostly Dogs, walked around on their hind legs, packing up tents and suck. Some of them glanced up at Rainstorm and Iceblink, but most of them didn't care, since they were also Canines. In front of the camp was a flag with a white background and a black crescent moon in the middle. A female german shepherd walked up to them. "Welcome to the Canine base camp." She said in a voice that sounded as though it was rehearsed over and over again. . She looked a bit like a Dog version of a secretary. She had on thin black glas.ses, probably made especially for her, and was carrying a clipboard and had a pen behind her ear. She picked up the pen and clicked it once. "Please state your names and reason for coming here."

5:15pm Oct 1 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Flare stared at Iceblink as he walked away, barely able to decide whether he should be sorrowfull or ragefull. At the last moment, he rose onto his hind legs. "We will meet again Iceblink!" he howled. He let a burst of flames escape from his mouth before he dropped onto all fours again, panting with a mixture of anger and sadness. Iceblink smiled coolly as he walked away, not even glancing back at his arrogant brother. He followed Rainstorm to the canine camp. The wolf that greeted them wasn't unattractive, but he wasn't in the mood to be taking a fancy on another. "We are not normal canines" he snarled, sound angry. He showed his paws, where ice shards were hovering, just above each crystal.
6:04pm Oct 1 2010
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The german shepherd's eyes widened. "Oh my!" She said, nearly dropping her clipboard. "You must see the leader right away. He has been waiting for this. He is in the largest tent to your left. I would go with you but I have to go back to making sure we have enough supplies." She scurried away, clutching her clipboard to her chest. Rainstorm looked to her tent, spotting a very large white tent with the same black crescent moon on it as the flags did. "This way." She told Iceblink, and walked to the tent, her walking was a bit hurried. She stopped right outside of it, her ears pricking. "It sounds like someone is.. singing in the tent." Rainstorm said, tilting her head to one side. There was indeed singing coming from inside the tent. A snarly, but somehow nice, singing was coming from inside the tent. Rainstorm strained her ears, and was able to make out the words. "When the Devil is too busy, and Death is just too much, they call on me, by name you see, for my special touch. To the Gentleman I'm Miss Fortune. To the Ladies I'm Sir Prize. But call me by any name, anyway it's all the same! I'm the fly in your soup, I'm the pebble in your shoe, I'm the pea beneath your bed, I'm the bump on every head, I'm the peal in which you slip, I'm the pin in your hip, I'm the thorn in your side, I make you wriggle and writhe! Oh it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see, the Devil tips his hat to me! I do it all because I'm evil, and I do it all for free.. Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need! While there's children to make sad, while there is candy to be sad, while there are pockets left to pick, when there are grannies left to trip down the stair I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner, it's a game I'm glad I'm in it, because there's one born every minute! And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see the Devil tips his hat to me, I do it all because I'm evil, and I do it all for free... Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need. I pledge, my allegiance, do all things dark, and I, promise on my damned soul to do as I am tolled, Lord Beelzebub, has never seen a soldier quite like me, not only does his job but does it happily! I'm the fear that keeps you awake, I'm the shadows on the wall, I'm the monsters they become, I'm the nightmare in your skull, I'm a dagger in your back, an extra turn on the rack, I'm the quivering of your heart, a stabbing pain, a sudden start. And it's so easy when you're evil, this is the life you see, the Devil tips his hat to me, I do it all because I'm evil! And I do it all for free.. your tears are all the pay I'll ever need! And I do it all for free... Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need! And I do it all for free! Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need! ....It gets so lonely.. Being evil.. What I'd do to see a smile.. Even for a little while.. And no one loves you when your evil.. I'm lying through my teeth! Your tears are all the company I need!" A gravely laughter echoed in the tent. "I love that song." ((If you want to listen to that song it's called 'When You're Evil" By Voltaire. x3))
