8:52pm Oct 1 2010
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((Ha ha. :P)) Iceblink rolled his eyes, tired of all of this nonsense. "Sir" he intervened, standing in the doorway of the tent. His eyes were glaring, unkind in every manner. "Do you really think you should be singing a tune while you have warriors being thwarted by the felines right this moment?" he said coldly.
9:17pm Oct 1 2010 (last edited on 9:20pm Oct 1 2010)
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The Canine leader, his figure shadowed in the corner of the tent, turned around to face Iceblink. One of his eyes was a normal brown color, but the other was a unnatural bright red color and it also looked almost.. distorted, as if it didn't belong, and if you knew anything about eyes, you would be able to tell right away that is was a glas.s eye, a horrid vulture eye that could make even the bravest soul's blood turn to ice. It was the only thing clearly visible in the tent, and that made it all the more menacing. He walked on his hind legs to the two wolves, when he was out of the shadows, it was reviled that he was a chihuahua. Although his size did not take away from how evil he looked. He had surprisingly large pectoral muscles, that almost made Rainstorm do a double take. "Why are you here?" He asked in a voice that sounded like rocks being rubbed together and ignoring what Iceblink had previously stated. As he talked, his jagged teeth that looked like razor sharp knifes in his mouth, flashed in the sunlight that was filtering through the tent.

9:29pm Oct 1 2010
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Iceblink stared down at the leader. His crystals glowed steadily in the dim tent light. He chuckled darkly. "I thought you were supposed to be this smart and famous general." he said, breaking eye contact to examine the tent. "And if you truly are, you would know that we are an advantage to your army."
9:42pm Oct 1 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Oct 1 2010)
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The general looked at Iceblink's crystals, then at Rainstorm's. A wide, jagged-looking smile spread across his face. "I hadn't noticed your crystals." He said, then coughed into his paw, "Ugh, it hurts my voice to talk like that." His voice had switched from the gravely one to a normal voice. (I always imagine him sounding like Jim Carrey if that helps. XD) "Crystals would be very very useful! I actually have one myself, although I am the only one, and I can't really use it that good," He pointed to his shoulder, that had a brown crystal on it. "Why do you think I look so strong?" He chuckled. "You may, of course, join my army. But first.." He directed his attention to Rainstorm. "You are able to use spells, correct?" He asked, without waiting for an answer, he continued, "Well.. I need an.. Important favor.." "What kind of favor?" Rainstorm asked, tilting her head to one side. She didn't know what he could possibly want from her. "Well.. Do you perhaps know how to.. er.." He coughed. "Bring back the dead..?" Rainstorm's eyes widened. "That goes against the laws of nature! However.. It is possible... It may be hard though, since someone with a necromancy crystal would really help, but it still is possible." The general smile became wider. "It would be most appreciated. And if you help me, I shall definitely let you into my army, I'll even make you both second in commands if you want!"

7:55am Oct 2 2010
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Iceblink's eyes shone with ambition. "Second in command, eh?" he said to himself. "We will find someone with a necromancy crystal, and then return, is that alright Rainstorm?" he asked.
10:53am Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 10:54am Oct 2 2010)
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Rainstorm nodded to Iceblink. "It shouldn't really be that hard." She replied, smiling slyly. "Since the ones with necromancy crystals usually like to be in predictable places. Like a dead forest, or a graveyard." ((Do you want to be the one to have the necromancy crystal or should I? c:))
11:39am Oct 2 2010
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((Me~~~ :P Looks like this is turning into a canine VS feline thread, lol. XD)) Name: Ciara Age: Adult Gender: Female Crystal Color: Purple Species: Fennec Fox Looks: Not my art  History: Her father was always protective of young Ciara. When Ciara was cornered by mountain lion trying to kill her, her father sacrificed himself so that she could run. If he hadn't been eaten by the lion, Ciara would have brought him back to life. Personality: Twitchy, easily scared, protective of anything she owns. Other: Nope. :3 --- Iceblink nodded. "Do you happen to know where any of these are though?" he asked, looking around.
11:46am Oct 2 2010
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((Lol yeah. xD)) "I do know where a forest is that has been burnt down by a large fire and never recovered, it is full of dead trees and they will be sure to gather there." Rainstorm replied. "It's not too far from here either, follow me." She led Iceblink to the Dead Forest, they got there in no time. "Now all we have to do is look for one." She said, looking around.
11:49am Oct 2 2010
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Ciara trotted into the wreckage, carefully examining each charred tree. "It'll take a lot of power to revive this one" she said softly, resting her paw on a tree that was charred black. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Energy flowed from her into the tree via her crystal, and in a swirl of light, the tree was standing, leaves green and swaying in the wind as if it had never been burnt. "That's suspicious" Iceblink said, pointing in the distance where one of the burnt trees simply stood back up and began living again.
1:58pm Oct 2 2010
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Rainstorm nodded. "Let's investigate." She said, quietly walking over to where the tree was, careful not to spook whatever it was.
3:42pm Oct 2 2010
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Iceblink totted forward wordlessly, his snow white fur making it nearly impossible to hide. He soon spotted the tiny fox-like creature. He was instantly grateful that it wasn't a feline. "I see you posses a necromancy crystal" he said. Ciara jumped with a surprised squeal, turning around to face the wolves, who were each more than four times her size. Her tail swished nervously. This wolf was talking to her. That's a good sign. Sophisticated animals didn't kill without reason. She stood up to her normal stance, barely able to keep her balance because she was shaking so much. "Y-yes... I d-do..." she stammered softly.
3:52pm Oct 2 2010
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Rainstorm smiled slightly. "Would you help us with something?" She asked, trying to use the nicest voice possible, although it sounded a bit strained. "You see, a 'friend' of ours needs someone brought back to life, and since you have a necromancy crystal, that means you can do that, correct?"
3:57pm Oct 2 2010
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"Yes, I can do that" Ciara said in a small voice, still nervous, but not shaking so much any more. "But I don't want to hurt anyone, or be hurt at all" she said.
4:09pm Oct 2 2010
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"You wont, and no one will." Rainstorm promised. "Now follow us, we will bring you to where you need to go." She led her to the Canine camp with Iceblink, where the Canine general was waiting. As soon as he saw Ciara his eyes lit up. "Well hiii!" He said, going up to Ciara, "I suspect you know what to do?"
4:11pm Oct 2 2010
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Ciara's large ears flattened nervously on her head. "I don't even know what you want" she said quietly. Iceblink looked on sympathetically at the little fennec fox.
4:18pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 4:30pm Oct 2 2010)
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"Right!" The General put his paw against his head. "I forgot I didn't tell you!~ My name is Torment by the way, General Torment!" He smiled widely, "I almost forgot to introduce myself, how silly of me! Anywaay.. I would like you to bring someone I.. know to life please." He clasped his paws together, "You can do that, right?" ((EDIT- I'll put it in my next post so I'm not confusing. xD))
4:20pm Oct 2 2010
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"I'm Ciara" Ciara said. Her thick tail swished. "I could I suppose... where is this animal?" she asked.
4:29pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 4:30pm Oct 2 2010)
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Torment blinked, "I read that you can bring the dead back to life as long as you have DNA and something that they were always in contact with through their life, correct?" He asked. ((EDIT- have an idea. x3 What about somehow when she tries to bring his.. friend back to life it somehow backfires and she only brings them back to half-life and their ghost is transported to a random place. And the thing about half-life is that no one can see you, you can't touch things are alive (besides plants), you can still get hurt and bleed, you can only go through some walls, and you can levitate, but not actually fly. Also, only special sophisticated animals could see you, ones that have a special sixth sense (Like the movie xD) You also have no memory of your previous life and sometimes can get random flashbacks. 8D OHOH I got another idea. 8DD You could be a sophisticated animal (With our without any crystal you want) that can see her, but the animal is a cat. >:D Squee twist. |D))
6:16pm Oct 2 2010
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((Hrm. Your idea somewhat confuses me. When I think half alive, I think zombies, not ghosts, lol. XD Here's how I think it should go down... Torment brings the rotting corpse to Ciara, as requested. Ciara is a bit disgusted, and very nervous. So she puts her paw on the corpse to revive it to its full life potential, but the felines attack halfway through, and she is shot with some sort of dart that knocks her out. Her power is cut off in the middle phase of bringing the animal back to life. Since necromancy would be bringing its soul down from heaven, its soul is only half in the body, the part containing all the memory. Now the ghost is walking the earth, confused at why its here. Of course, it can still feel, inflict damage and take damage. But only the gifted can see it. I was thinking that Rainstorm should be gifted, and Ciara because she has necromancy; and then one of the felines of course. :P I also think I'm going to make a few more members of the canine army. And feline too, just to be fair.)) "The more remains of the animal I'm trying to revive, the better" Ciara answered.

6:31pm Oct 2 2010
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((Awesome idea. <3 And okay xD I would too but I'm lazy. o3o; Maybe later.)) Torment nodded. "I understand." He sighed sadly, then walked off, after around five minutes, he brought back a decomposed corps. Well.. it wasn't actually a corps, more of a skeleton with a few bits of meat still on it. The bones had very suspicious markings on them, almost like they've been cut, and the scull looked as if it was caving in slightly, as if it was hit really hard. "Here.. she is.." He said, keeping his composure and trying not to cry.