7:10pm Oct 2 2010
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((Is it alright is I'm the feline leader? :3)) Name: Gem Age: Adult Gender: Female Looks: Not my art Bigger Pic: http://pearleden.deviantart.com/art/Tiger-s-Heaven-132622103 
Ignore baby. :P History: Gem is a beautiful tigress, but don't be underestimate her- she could seriously whip any of the males in her army. Her actual name is Mohana, but she prefers to be called Gem. anyone who calls her by her birth name is at serious risk for a butt-kicking. Personality: Her claws are pretty sharp, remember that whenever you talk to her. Crystal color: NONE D< Other: She is sophisticated, and the leader of the feline army(?). --- Name: Eora Age: Adult Gender: Female Looks: Not my art Bigger Pic: http://sagegoat.deviantart.com/art/Lion-106217518  History: Nothing special Personality: RP it out Crystal color: none Other: Nope --------- Ciara cringed at the sight of how rotted the corpse was. She could tell it would take energy... lots. And time. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she laid her paw delicately onto the shoulder bone. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Her crystal began to glow...

7:15pm Oct 2 2010
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((Sure. ^^)) Torment sat down and waited. If he had fingernails he would be biting them nervously. One of his floppy ears pricked as he heard a strange sound. he shook his head, deciding it was nothing.
7:31pm Oct 2 2010
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Gem kept still. Not even any of her whiskers moved. She let out a small hiss when one of the fighter's tails brushed against a pile of dead leaves. Her eyes were fixed on the two new wolves. She was whispering battle commands to her second in command, a handsome cheetah, not much younger than her. "Take out the fox first" she hissed, never taking her gaze away. "We cannot let her revive her" she snarled, straining to keep her tail from lashing. The cheetah nodded and carefully went over to the felines who carried the poison dart guns. She waited for the perfect moment... Eora watched Gem, all of her senses alert. She gripped the two short knives in her paws. Her bright golden fur was splattered with war paint, and a toothy grin was glued on her face. Around her neck there was a necklace made from teeth and claws of canines... and their spinal cords as well, gorily enough. Her heart was pounding so loudly, she was almost sure everyone could hear it, though the rational side of her knew that it wasn't true. --- Ciara's ears flattened in effort. The pile of bones was rising slightly in the air... -- Gem's ears flicked backwards suddenly and she broke her gaze to turn to the head of the gun cats. Fire The head gun cat remained quietly, but nodded at Gem, who turned back to the front. He softly loaded his dart gun, taking careful aim at the fox, as instructed. He fired... and hit. Ciara yelped in surprise and pain, the chain of magic shattering and the bones falling back to the ground. She turned around and gazed at the dart for a few seconds, then, she fell down. "What the-" Iceblink began, his collar spiking. He might have finished his sentence had he not been interrupted by the sudden roars of felines. "Attack!" Gem roared at the top of her lungs, sprinting out into the canine camp, her long sword slashing one poor fellow right in half. Eora let out a battle cry and raced into the clearing, her knives armed and ready.

8:18pm Oct 2 2010
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Torment's eyes were wide for a few seconds, then they narrowed again. He glanced at Rainstorm and Iceblink. "Now would be a good time to fight!" He snarled at them, his voice becoming low and gravely again. He then raced in his tent and came out with a huge.. shovel? Yes, it was a shovel, but it wasn't an ordinary shovel, it was as sharp as the sharpest sword, maybe even sharper, and harder then diamonds. Blood was stained on it. He roared and leapt into the battle, slashing at Cats and Felines everywhere he turned. Rainstorm turned to Iceblink. "You heard him." She said, shadow fire forming around her paws. She shot some at some Felines, making them scream in agony. A strange light was forming on the corps of whoever Torment wanted to revive. Although, no one could see it. The shape formed into a young female chihuahua curled up in a ball. She opened her green eyes and looked around, slowly standing up, dog tags that she wore clinking as she stood up. A faint glowing aura surrounded her. She glanced around at the battle, her eyes widening. "Looks like I walked into something bad!" She said staring at everything, she gasped as a Cat ran over to her, but was surprised when the Cat ran through her. Her eyes widened. "What the hell?!" She gasped.

8:30pm Oct 2 2010
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Iceblink let out a howl of fury when one foolish cat slashed at his muzzle with his claws. He stood up, his crystals glowing. Shards of ice took only a few second to form, and even less to shoot through the target... and three others who were behind it. He smiled at this, but it didn't last long. It wasn't a fraction of a second after he shot the first shard that a foolish young cheetah sprang at him from behind. He saw this out of the corner of his eye and round house kicked it right in the stomach. He needed something faster than the ice shards. He thought for a second, using his natural fighting skills against the advancing felines. Then it hit him. He snickered at a tiny bob cat who was bravely bowling towards him. He concentrated hard, and his paws and feet froze, forming sharp, cold crystal gloves with pointed claws. Now his attacks were more effective, slashing through enemies and making them freeze to death at the same time. Gem slashed through a few more canines, some of the more unfortunate souls lost their heads- not that it bothered Gem at all. She smirked with anticipation when she noticed Torment in combat with the young cheetah she had earlier addressed. She leaped out of combat with the hyena and stood in between the cheetah and the chihuahua. The cheetah ran back to take care of the hyena. "We meet again" Gem growled lowly, her sharp sword locked in combat with Torment's shovel.

8:54pm Oct 2 2010
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"So we do.." Torment snarled, baring his teeth at Gem. He was still for a few seconds, his eyes locked with Gem's, finally, he twisted around with his shovel and tried to slash at Gem's face and eyes. The female chihuahua 'ghost' looked around. She was still confused, and didn't recognize anything around her. She didn't even know her name. She clutched the dog tags around her neck and peered at them, the name Spirit was on it, it also said something about a rank, but she didn't care. She just knew that her name apparently was Spirit, and she was somehow invisible somehow. Maybe it was just a dream. "A pretty screwed up dream." She growled. She looked at her paws, and saw that there was a strange glowing aura around her paws, and that she could see through them. She narrowed her eyes. "The hell.." She muttered then crossed her arms and walked around. ((Now would be a good time for your gifted Feline to see Spirit. xD))
7:07am Oct 3 2010
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Eora slashed another canine down, and was about to go into combat. Then she saw a chihuahua, semi-transparent with an odd glowing aura around her paws. She was too young to know who this canine ghost was, though she had heard stories. Gem growled, backing up just in time for the shovel to chop off her whiskers. She snarled and took a stab to Torment's large, chihuahua head. (XD)
10:11am Oct 3 2010
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Spirit turned her head towards Eora, her green eyes narrowed. "I guess you can see me." She said, a hint of a growl in her voice. "This is seeming less and less like a dream." Torment snarled, moving to one side to dodge the stab. However, since his head was so large, he still was grazed by the sword on the side of his face. He narrowed his eyes at Gem, not even flinching at the blood ran down his cheek. He then tried to stab at Gem's heart.
1:10pm Oct 3 2010
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Eora blinked nervously at the ghost, then sprang into combat with a black german shepard coming at her with a mace. She ducked to avoid the blow from the heavy ob ject, putting both her knives forward into the canine's chest. She whispered a short phrase of curses from a language and religion that she came up with, sending the canine straight to the underworld. She did a front flip and stood in front of the chihuahua, staring at her with some confusion. She eyed the dog tags. "So you are Spirit" she sneered. "Your name and your being." Gem lithely dodged to one side, but not fast enough. The shovel grazed her arm, creating a deep gash. She snarled and roared, jabbing her sword at Torment.
1:20pm Oct 3 2010
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Spirit looked at Eora from head to toe, her eyes narrowed. "Apparently so." Spirit replied to the Feline, her eyes still narrowed. "Now please tell me where I am and what I am doing here." She crossed her arms, huffing. She was annoyed and confused, and she also felt asl if she needed to do something important, and it made her stomach turn, but she had no idea how to stop it. Torment ducked, the sword grazed his forehead, the blood drip down into his eyes, making it hard for him to see. However, his sense of hearing and smell were still sensitive enough to be able to fight even with visibility low. He swung his shovel in the direction that he was able to tell that Gem was in, trying to hit her on her side and even smash a few ribs if possible, although it was unlikely to do more then give them a few cracks, if anything.
7:20pm Oct 3 2010
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Eora nodded, not revealing her surprise. She thought fast- this canine had no idea who she was, or what she was. "You are a rare hairless cat" she said "You are different than the others because of your ears and eyes, and your nose is sharper than that of most felines. You are the great Spirit, you died years ago, but you have been brought back to aid us in battle"
Gem hissed with frustration as Torment delivered a blunt blow to her side. She hadn't seen because of the thickening fog. She took a second to catch her breath, just enough time for Torment to have an advantage. She back-flipped out of the way just in time. Her tail lashed dangerously and she waited for Torment to advance.
10:05pm Oct 3 2010
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Spirit tilted her head to one side. "Okay.." She replied, blinking. "I don't remember anything, but I guess anything is possible in his situation." She crossed her arms, "I guess I should aid you in battle or whatever." She strained her memory, trying to remember a single detail. Nothing came up and she ended up with a headache. I don't feel like a Feline.. She thought, sighing slightly. But I don't really feel like anything right now.. Torment narrowed his eyes. He pointed his shovel at Gem and charged at her, letting out a battle cry. The pointy tip was aimed at her chest, he was trying to hit her heart, or at least puncture a lung or something..
10:21am Oct 11 2010
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Gem followed Torment's voice with her ears, her eyes useless in the fog. She side-stepped out of the way as he came too close, and then kicked out with back claws to hit him. "Yes" Eora said smiling encouragingly. "Take a weapon and attack!" she said, slashing an enemy t=with her own short sword that tried to sneak up behind her.
2:25pm Oct 11 2010
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Torment yelled out in pain when Gem hit him with her claws. Knowing that he would be an easy target if he fell over, he fought to keep his balance. He swung out with his shovel again, trying to keep quiet so that Gem wouldn't be able to tell what was happening. Spirit nodded, she bent down and snatched up a battle ax from the Dog that Eora had just slayed. "I guess this will be good." She murmured, then swung at the head of a very mean and tough looking Great Dane who was about to finnish off a rusty colored Cat, decapitating him. "Was that good? I don't really remember how to use this."
3:55pm Oct 15 2010
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"Perfect, Eora said, distracted with her own opponent, a rare thylacine who had just wounded her between the shoulder blades. Gem grunted in pain when the shovel nearly severed her arm. blood ran down her side and she gave out a roar. "Retreat!" she snarled, quietly at first, glaring in Torment's approximate direction. Realizing that no one else had heard her, she averted her gaze and took a few steps backwards. "Retreat!" she roared, her injured voice ringing around the battle field. Eora snarled with defiance. "Come on Spirit, we have to go!" she said quickly, following her leader in a full sprint. She scooped up one of the sphinx cat breeds onto her back. The little cat clung to her pelt with its claws as she ran. Iceblink slashed another feline down with his glowing claws. Then they retreated. He gazed at them for a moment, then let out a howl of victory, letting his crystal rest.
12:25pm Oct 16 2010
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5:48pm Oct 18 2010
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((Sorry I wasn't here, busy with school and all that good stuff. xD)) Spirit blinked, stunned for a few seconds. She felt as if something inside her was telling, no, commanding her to stay in the Canine camp. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. This is not the time to doubt yourself. She scolded herself inside her head as she started to follow Eora and the rest of the Felines. Torment smiled smugly to himself as he watched the Felines retreat. He noticed a Feline running and he tilted his head when she seemed to talk to nothing. What really got his attention however, was what she said. He didn't really hear exactly what she said, since it was very loud, but he was able to make out something that sounded like, 'Come on Spirit'. His gut seemed to flutter when he heard Spirit's name. It couldn't be... He thought, shaking his head. He then turned to Iceblink and Rainstorm "Well done." He said to them, his voice returning to normal. "You helped us win yet another battle against the Felines." Rainstorm was turned away from Torment, she was using a spell on a Feline to throw it against a tree before it could run out of sight. She blinked and turned to Torment when he talked to her. "We were just serving our kind." She replied to him, saluting.

6:48pm Oct 19 2010
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Ciara moaned. Her coat was so dusty that she blended into the ground between Rainstorm and Torment. She blinked dizzily and looked around. "What happened?" she moaned. Iceblink blew cold air through Ciara's fur to help clean the dirt off- and wake her up. "You appear to have been trampled by those treasonous felines" he growled, staring back to where the felines broke through into their camp.
7:23pm Oct 19 2010
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Rainstorm bent down next to Ciara. "Do you have any broken bones?" She asked, concern in her voice for once in her life. "I know many healing spells, but I need to know what exactly needs healing first." Torment sighed looking around at the carnage of the battle field. The blood was stained red, and some Canines and Felines were still moving, but there were mostly dead bodies. The loss of both the Canine and the Feline side was great, and he could tell it would be a while before either sides would be battle ready. He looked back at Rainstorm. "When you are done, might you have a look at our other injured Canines? It would be a great help if you worked along with the healers." Rainstorm looked up from Ciara. "Sure." She said, nodding. "What about the Felines that are still half-alive?" Before anyone could comment, she quickly added, "If I were to heal them, we could make them prisoners, so we could hold them for ransom, or interrogate them."
6:49pm Oct 20 2010
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Ciara shook her head quietly, then laughed darkly at Torment. "You're asking the wrong canine" she said, her purple crystal glowing slightly as she stood up. "Any canine out there is dead, or about to be. When I heal animals, they are brought to their full power instantly. It would be best to let them die and then allow me to revive them, as for the felines..." Ciara snorted with disgust. "If any of them are still moving, chop them into little bits and then burn those heathens" she snarled darkly, not normal for her. "Fiesty" Iceblink chuckled. "I hate to point it out little fox wolf thing-" "Ciara" Ciara corrected angrily. "Ciara" Iceblink corrected himself "You are awfully small" he said "and there are a lot of canines out there who are dying. To revive them all-" "Would cost energy" Ciara finished. "I know. That's where the healthy canines come in handy." she said "I've heard stories about you Rainstorm, and you know spells" she said bluntly. Iceblink blinked in surprise. "When I feel weak, you could use one. If each canine transferred a tiny fraction of their energy to me, I will be able to revive them all." Ciara said. "What about Spirit?" Iceblink asked, looking with disgust at the carc*censored*, unscathed by the battle around them. Ciara licked her lips, thinking. She put a paw gently against the corpse, then gasped, jumping back with wide eyes. "Her mind is in there!" she yelped, her voice high. "Her spirit is elsewhere though"
