5:26pm Sep 4 2011
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Lols, random titles ftw. xD So. Orphan kid, adopted by family, falls in love with their child. Which gender and stuff you want to be? I'm fine with w/e. 83
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:29pm Sep 4 2011
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Oooh, nice ti tle btw ;D Love eet <3 Annnd.. I'll be the brother! I'm usually the girl but... this time I just wanna be the guy :3 Lol
5:31pm Sep 4 2011
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[[Shounds good to meh. And I'm weird with words. I notice things like that. xD I shall try and write up a bio ASAP.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:56pm Sep 4 2011
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5:58pm Sep 4 2011
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Name~ Jenine Smith Age~ 15 Gender~ Female Appearance~ Jenine has raven black hair down to her stomach, with bright blue streaks in her bangs. Her eyes are both icy blue, and her skin is sort of between light tan and pale. She has smooth skin, and no freckles in sight. She likes to wear denim jeans, and too-big t-shirts, of varying colours. For shoes, she has a strange pair. If they can be called a pair. One blue, one pink converse, with yellow and green fronts respectively. She has a very slim, athletic build, but is certainly not lacking in the upper torso area.[This is a suckish deion, I know, buuut. Meh...]] Personality~ Shy and withdrawn, Jenine likes to keep to herself. She isn't particularly clever, stays around a B or a C, but exceeds at sports. The only downside is, she's too afraid of embarassment to sign up for a team in soccer, her favourite sport, and is ridiculed against as it is for being a girl that plays it. History~ Her parents were killed when she was six in a freak road accident, and with no living relatives, she went into care. She refuses to lose her maiden name, not taking on whatever name she gets adopted by like the other children.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:59pm Sep 4 2011
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[[Thar we go, all readeh now. 83]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:22pm Sep 4 2011
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[[ Yay :D Imma use a pic AND deion.. yeah xP Just because I feel like writing o-o ]] Name~ Kaiden Sazos Age~ 16 Gender~ Male Appearance~ 
His hair wasn't always this color, he had dyed it because purple and blue are his two favorite colors. His preference of clothes is mostly just like in the picture above, dressy, but the laid back style as well. Kaiden doesn't wear much shorts and tanktops unless he's sleeping or playing basketball with friends. Personality~ Kaiden can sometimes be rude towards others, he doesn't mean to but he always uses that indifferent tone of voice. The one that would make you think he didn't care about anything anyone ever told him. He's very laid back and casual, laughing very little unless it's a joke that he made himself, in those cases he will just smile. He's the sarcastic type as well, but once you get past that tough outer look, he's just as goofy and silly as the next person. History~ He tries his best in school, having a record of straight A's and the occasional B. All his life he's just played the game, going where life takes him, shrugging off problems as if they were nothing.

6:30pm Sep 4 2011
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[[Looks good to me. ^_^ I'll post a start, then gotta go bed.>.<]] Jenine stepped out of the car, gulping slightly as she spotted the house. She has been told she would have both a new big brother, and a new mum and dad. She hated those words. 'New'. As if her old parents could just be shrugged off completely, forgotten about and replaced. Hadn't worked the last seven or eight times, wouldn't work now. She walked straight past the social worker that had gotten out, and headed straight for the front door. She walked slowly and casually, and the social worker, a young woman with blonde hair, scowled at her as she passed her out again. ''Come on, Jenine. You're new family expected us ten minutes ago.'' Jenine just rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath. The woman stands in the doorway, tapping her foot lightly on the ground, waiting for Jenine to come up and ring the doorbell. Jenine sighs, steps up into the doorway, and knocks rather than rings, just to be awkward. That done, she sticks her hands in her pockets and waits. [[Sorry for failure. -is sleepy-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:46pm Sep 4 2011
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[[I'ts totally alright :D I'm kinda sleepy as well :3 But I will try my best (;]] Kaiden had been sitting down on his bed, bopping his head absentmindedly to the song on his iPod. He couldn't hear the knock at the door but he did feel the tap on his arm from his mother. He pulled one earbud out of his ear and listened. "Honey, someone is at the door, will you please answer it for me while I go check on the laundry?" she asked him, using a sweet tone of voice, hoping to get him to show some emotion. Kaiden just sighed and nodded, getting up from his bed and walking downstairs, every step seeming to drag on. He reached the front door and opened it, surprised to see some random girl standing there, but not showing it in his ex pression. "Um, you knocked?" Kaiden had known about his mother adopting another child, but he had no idea that it was this girl in front of him. Or maybe he did know, and he was just messing around, you take your pick. Kaiden looked at the social worker. "Oh, wait. Mom.. people here to see you" he called over his shoulder, obviously not wanting to get into introductions, he hated things like that. His mother came down the stairs and smiled brightly. "Ah, why hello! You must be, Jenine" Kaiden then took a step back and kind of faded into the background, still standing there, but mouthing the lyrics of the song in his ears, barely paying attention.

2:55am Sep 5 2011
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Jenine didn't say anything in reply, earning her a glare from the social worker. ''Yes, this is Jenine, I'm her social worker. You can call me Anna.'' Anna smiled a bright, big, utterly false smile, and Jenine rolled her eyes. She hated how fals and how fake all these people were, plastering all these emotions into their smiles that they obviously didn't feel. She liked the other boys hairstyle, though. Anna sighed at Jenines bored ex pression. ''Is it alright if you and I talk in private?'' Anna said brightly to Kaidens mother. ''Jenine won't understand some of the legal things we're talking about. Is there somewhere she can 'hang out' for a while?'' She said, pouring sickly sweetness into her voice. Jenine continued to glare at the false woman. She understood a lot more than that social worker ever would.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:38pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden's mother nodded. "Oh yes, we can talk in my office. Kaiden, honey, would you mind showing Jenine around the house?" Kaiden blinked at his mother and gave her a nod. She sighed before showing Anna where the office room was. He didn't really understand why they even had an office, but he guessed it was needed for when his mom needed to concentrate on paper work or something. Like I would ever interupt her.. Kaiden looked over at Jenine, blinking twice before saying: "I'm Kaiden. The smiley woman you met was my mom... Nothing much to say. I can't guarantee that you'll like it here, but I assure you that we aren't terrible." While he was speaking he smiled a tiny bit, and then he returned to his bored look. It got quiet, most people would say it was an awkward silence but he was used to these things. Whenever Kaiden spoke to someone, they would always shut their mouth for some reason, which he found amusing. "Oh, yeah. Your room is this way.." he turned and headed upstairs, not checking to see if she was following him or not.

12:48pm Sep 5 2011
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''Ah, thank you very much. I'm sure Jenine will love it here.'' The disgustingly fake smile was still on her lips as Anna followed Kaidens mother to her office, blabbering on and on endlessly about legal paperwork and the like as she went. Jenine smiled slightly at his deion of his mother. She was glad that damn social worker was gone, though. She was a really annoying woman, to say the least. Jenine followed the boy, 'Kaiden' as he was called, up the stairs, wondering exactly what her room would be like. The last room she had had been pink. Oh, how she detested the colour pink. Blue... blue was her thing. Ice blue, midnight blue, baby blue... indigo was her absoloute favourite, though. In fact, she especially loved the shade of Kaidens hair. Blue and purple. A really good combination, should anyone care to ask her. Not many people usually asked her things, though. Not many people cared. ''If you didn't know already, I'm Jenine. Some people call me Jay, though.'' She said, coming to a stop next to him. ''Nice hair, by the way.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:03pm Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 1:05pm Sep 5 2011)
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Kaiden turned to look at her. "Jay, huh? I like the sound of that.. Thanks, you can imagine the shock I gave my mom when I came back home that day" He laughed, remembering it all as if it were yesterday. She had made a huge fuss, furious with his new hair color and very worried about how this would affect his 'behaviour'. All he had done was shrugged and went up to his room, blasting rock music from his stereo, drowning out her voice. He opened the door of her new room. The walls, were dark blue, blue and purple were Kaiden's favorite colors. He of course, had painted the room, his mother had asked him to. As usual he just nodded and had gotten to work. Actually, he loved the room, it showed off his personality perfectly. What, with the diferent shades of blue and streaks of black... You could say that the walls were his canvas, and that he had painted out his feelings. "Hope you like the room" he told her flatly, shoving his hands into his pockets. Just standing there and looking at the result made him feel better. Finally something real in this house.. "So, Jay. You hungry? 'Cuz I'm starving!" he said as he turned around and headed down the stairs and into the kitchen, swinging the fridge door open and grabbing a coke for himself. He serached the cabinets and smiled when he spotted a pasta box. "You up for pasta?" he asked, before opening it and pouring it into a cooking pot.

1:13pm Sep 5 2011
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Jenine gasped silently, just a little, when he opened the door. That... was definitely not pink. It was perfect. Dark blue and purple, the shades and streaks meeting together perfectly, showing clearly the passion and emotions, feelings and thoughts of whoever painted it. She knew instantly it had been Kaiden. It was beautiful, just beautiful. She knew guys didn't appreciate their work being called 'beautiful', so she decided she'd call it something different when she remarked on it. ''Yeah, sounds good to me.'' Jay said, smiling at the fact this guy wasn't some dumb show-off teenage boy like she was used to. The smile lit up her face, and it made her look beautiful. ''The room is...'' she paused for a moment, trying to think of the right words. ''Incredible. It's perfect. I love it. I'm guessing you painted it?'' She wasn't guessing at all, not really. She knew it was him. He was real, not fake, and he actually put effort into things. That room was definitely his work. She decided she'd get on well with Kaiden. People who were fake... she couldn't stand them.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:38pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden threw the pasta box away and added all of the ingredients into the pot. "Yeah, I painted it. Glad you like it... Maybe you can help me repaint my room, I'm thinking of changing it..." he added with a small smile at her. At least someone liked his work, his mother had looked at it and frowned, asking him if he was feeling okay. He had just stared at her and turned up his music again. Music... his only escape. He had been wanting to repaint his room for awhile now, but he didn't have any inspiration for it. Maybe Jay could help him out with it, especially since he wasn't expecting any support from his mother. She was a great person, it wasn't that Kaiden didn't like her. It was just that she expected him to be her vision of what a 'perfect' boy should be. He was nothing like that.... Quiet, short of words, flat out expressive with things, the end. Kaiden stirred the pasta and sat down at the kitchen table, motioning for Jay to sit down beside him. "What type of sauce do you prefer with you pasta? We've got plenty" He told her. Kaiden had learned how to cook at a young age, his mother too busy arguing with his father to cook. Yeah, his father had left, but it didn't matter to Kaiden. "If anyone wants to leave, then don't stop them.. it's their choice." he had told his mother while she cried. He took a long look at Jay. She wasn't so bad, pretty if anything. I won't be having any problems with her living here..

1:58pm Sep 5 2011
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''Really? I'm ok with a paintbrush, but I've tended to only paint on small canvas. I'm sure I'd figure out how to paint nicely on a wall, though.'' She excluded the fact that she had, in fact, had plenty of experience painting on walls. Spray painting, at least. She'd been an avid spray painter when she was younger. About last week. Not that she was in a gang, she just found it the best way to get her name out there, for her voice to be heard. For once. ''Whatever sauce you want. I'm not picky.'' She said with a small smile, taking a seat next to him at the table. She brushed her bangs out of her face, the indigo hair reflecting the light irredescently. Her icy eyes glittered with eagerness, happiness, and hope, hope that this time it would be different, that she might actually like this family. They all seemed pretty nice so far, to say the very least.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:40pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden smiled. "It's settled then! We'll plan for a few days, maybe make a couple of sketches before we start painting. Sound good?" Now, he was excited, but he didn't know why. Afterall, they were just going to paint a room. He shrugged off his thoughts and headed back to the kitchen, turning off the stove and getting out two plates. One for Jay, and the other for himself. I should make some coffee for mom and that social worker.... He thought with a sigh. But, he figuered it could wait until after he was done eating. He looked over the sauces carefully, choosing one that he thought anyone would like. Kaiden put the pasta into the plate and added the sauce, mixing it perfectly. He walked back to the table and placed the plate in front of Jenine. "There you go, Jay. Enjoy!" he told her with a wink before sitting down beside her and taking a bite of his food. His iPod was still playing music, and it was rather loud but he didn't care. Kaiden looked over at Jay again, and he couldn't help but smile. She was probably the first person he actually got along with, other than some friends at school. He was rather popular with everyone, only because he would draw them whatever they wanted. Kaiden was a brilliant artist but he didn't believe it, he would just say he was 'good' and walk off. "You know how to play any instruments?" he asked suddenly, the question just popped up randomly in his head.

2:51pm Sep 5 2011
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''Thanks.'' Jenine said, giving him an appreciative smile, before digging in. She swallowed her food, before glancing back at him. ''I... can destroy a guitar, if you wanna see that.'' She said with a slight laugh. All her stuff was still out in the car, her guitar case included. ''And, by the way, this is really good. You're a great cook.'' She added, her smile still bright. She wasn't just sweet-talking, either. It was deliscious, as far as she was concerned. She thought back to her guitar. She had started playing it a few years ago, mostly as an escape from her troubles, and as a calming agent when she was stressed. That, and meditation, were her stress-relief.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:33pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden laughed. "Good one. Thanks again.. I'll be doing most of the cooking in the house, so it's good to know that you like it" he smiled. That made him feel a whole lot better, he didn't have to worry about any complaints against his cooking style. "I have an electric guitar, solid black. It isn't much, but it sure does annoy the neighbors." he joked before taking a sip of his soda. He enjoyed playing instruments, he even made a few songs... which were all still in progress. He could never decide on what he wanted in a song, which is probably why he didn't play much anymore. Kaiden had been real busy this past week, painting Jay's room, school, friends... it was a lot to balance out. "Do you still need to bring your stuff inside? I can help you out.." he suggested, finally thinking about her stuff. He soon finished his food and got up to wash his plate. When Kaiden had washed the pot and dishes he came back and waited for her to finish up with her food so that he could wash her plate as well. Chores were a normal thing for him, he wasn't the lazy type. Anything his mother asked of him, he would do it. Kaiden loved to see his mother happy.

3:40pm Sep 5 2011
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Jenine finished her dinner, and carried the plate over to the sink, washing it nonchalently. ''Yeah. You sure you don't mind helping out?'' She asked, holding the dish when she was finished, altogether unsure of where to put it. That was one thing she disliked about when she first moved into a place. She never knew where anything went. It was a real pain in the neck, but she'd have to put up with it. Eventually, she gave up, and turned to him with a slight blush in her cheeks. ''Um... Where does this go?'' She asked him, with a good-natured laugh. It would be good to have him helping out with carrying her stuff. One of her bag weighed like it was full of rocks. Which, in fact, it was, but that was besides the point. She liked her crystals; they were good muses, they gave her inspiration, and some were said to clear the mind, aid in meditation... amethyst, espcially... some even helped with a few sicknesses.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥