4:07pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden blinked when she washed her own plate and smiled when she asked where to put it. "It goes right here..." he said as he opened the upper cabinet door. "It's no problem, I wanna help you." he told her. He always loved to help people, whether they appreciated it or not. "Hey, don't worry about what goes where, don't be afraid to open up every cabinet door to find out either. It's your house now" he reminded her softly. He could understand this because he had moved plenty of times, his father's job had involved traveling. Kaiden was just glad that he didn't have to move anymore, starting over really annoyed him. Especially if he had to go to a new school... he loved the school that he was at now, or he could at least stand the people there. [[Brain Fail! Dx]]
4:13pm Sep 5 2011
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[[Is good! My brains just in a state of fail so much, I generally only alert people when it actually wakes up. xD]] ''Thanks...'' Jenine replied, suddenly pretty shy for some reason. She stretched up and slid it in, only just. If it was the shelf above, she wouldn't have been able to reach. ''I know, just... I'm kinda clumsy.'' She said with a regretful laugh. She always seemed to break stuff. Shaking herself out of whatever daydream she'd been having, she headed in the direction of the front door. ''You said you played electric guitar? I'm more of an acoustic type person, but I'm open to anything.'' She said over her shoulder, remembering a time hse'd played electric at one of her old houses and broke the amplifier.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:27pm Sep 5 2011
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[[Lol xD Okay :3]] Kaiden just nodded. "Eh, we've got enough money to pay for a few broken dishes" he joked lightly, not wanting to hurt her feelings somehow. "Ah, acoustic, wonderful. We should play together sometime! Maybe even cause a disturbance?" he laughed. 'Disturbance' is what his neighbor had called his guitar playing, because he had turned the volume all the way up and just strummed a few notes. The memory still made him laugh today and he was pretty sure that his neighbor never forgot either. The stern looks he gave Kaiden everytime he saw him grab his guitar proved it to be true. He followed her out the door and towards the car, humming along to his iPod, which was still on for some reason. "In terms of music.. what's your prefernce?" he asked, suddenly feeling curious. "Oh, if I'm asking too many questions, don't hesitate to tell me to shutup.. Sometimes I get carried away" he chuckled.
4:31pm Sep 5 2011
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''Hehe, well, I don't think your parents would appreciate shattered stuff all over the floor. As for 'making a disturbance', would you believe that's what they used to call it when I was practicing?'' She said with a slight laugh, opening the boot of the car and pulling out her guitar. She slung the strap over her shoulder, and thought on how to tackle the suitcases. She picked up one, and left the 'rock' suitcase to Kaiden. ''Music-wise?I don't believe in genres. I either like a song, or I don't. Genres are unneccesary labels, if you ask me.'' She added lightly, flashing him a smile again. ''And why would I tell you to shutup? It's rare someone actually speaks to me this long without checking to make sure I'm sane.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:47pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden smiled, he didn't remember when he had ever smiled as much as this. "My mom isn't the one who cleans so, it really doesn't matter" he said before grabbing a suit case. His eyes widened, it was heavier than he had expected but he could handle it. His mother was one to remodel the living room a lot, which meant that Kaiden had to move the tv around, probably why he could lift heavier things.. he still wasn't sure. "Oh, really? That's funny.. Maybe we should make a band and call ourselves the 'Disturbances'" he laughed. This, was trully wonderful. Someone he could actually relate to, was now living in his house, totally epic. "I never thought about it that way before... and haha. My mom still wishes that i was sane, or in her definition, normal enough." Kaiden then grabbed another suitcase and headed towards the front door, entering the house and heading upstairs.
4:59pm Sep 5 2011
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Jenine smiled and closed the now-empty boot. ''Well, I think we'd have a bit of a time trying to convince people to watch us.'' She said with a laugh, following him upstairs and dropping the suitcase down on the floor with a thud, and placing her guitar gingerly, gently, on the bed, careful not to damage it in any way. Guitar was her life, her soul. Almost as much as sports, but she didn't get to play them as much. Unzipping the case, she pulled out her guitar, the indigo vinyl reflecting the light, the tribal black markings almost shimmering, and the deep purple neck sleek and graceful. She began tuning it carefully. She was always careful with this. It was her baby; she designed it herself. Smiling, she looked back up at Kaiden. ''So, what music do you like? Besides your 'disturbances'.'' She added with a laugh at the blue and purple haired boy.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:12pm Sep 5 2011
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Kaiden shook his head. "I'm pretty sure we'd get at least one fan" He watched as she tuned her guitar, fascinated for some reason. He placed the suitcases down gently and blinked. "Music.. I like all types... excpet country, for some reason, I just can't seem to grasp the concept of it. I like one country song... but it isn't the regular kind. More modern if you ask me." He loved rap, and rock, but he didn't want to tell Jay that, he didn't know why. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to opening up to people, he was pretty sure his own mother didn't know him as well as she thought. Then again, Kaiden didn't know his mother that well either, other than she hated cats, the one time he had brought in that stray was the last... and hopefully it would never happen again. He had never wanted to make her mad, but cats weren't her thing.
1:25pm Sep 6 2011
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''Hehe, 'country' music is something I don't often like, either. Sometimes, but not often.'' Finished tuning her guitar, she ran her finger down the side of the neck for a moment, liking the usual smooth feel of her well-cared for guitar. Eventually, she sat straight, guitar ready, and thought of what to play. Smiling slightly, she began, humming along a little under her breath as she played. [[Trololol, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrYNiEuzFSA. In case you wanna hear it. ;3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:52pm Sep 6 2011
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[[Nice :3 <3]] Kaiden smiled and listened intently, admiring her concentration. When she finished, he applauded. "That, was magnificent!" he exclaimed. He wanted to get his guitar now.. and he decided to go and get it. "I'll... be right back!" he promised as he rushed to his room and got his acoustic. He had two of them, and then his electric in his closet. This guitar, was pretty special to Kaiden.. it had belonged to his grandfather and he had entrusted it to Kaiden before he died. Now, he ran his fingers over the smooth surface and remembered seeing his grandfather playing it on the front steps of his house, with a smile that no one could erase.. He went back over to Jay's room and smiled. "Alright, show-time!" he chuckled, sitting down beside her. Kaiden strummed a few notes and looked over at her. "You lead", he insisted.
5:15pm Sep 6 2011
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Jay blushed a little when he applauded her. It hadn't been that good... ''Uh, thanks,'' she said, her voice bashful and modest. When he disappeared for a moment, wild thoughts began running through her head. He actually liked it? No one where she used to live liked it. They called it 'making a fuss', although she still couldn't see how she was making a fuss by just playing. She admired the beautiful piece of craftsmanship that was the guitar in his hands as he entered, and saw the smile on his face. It must have been something special to him, she thought. ''Uh, sure... But first, I think we should make sure you know the song. Any ideas?'' She asked, laughing a little at Kaidens eagerness to play. He was sat down so near her... for some reason, she felt... electric. She wouldn't have been able to describe it if she tried.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:26pm Sep 6 2011
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Kaiden shook his head. "We should just free play, see what we can make off the top of our heads. It's more fun that way." He and his friends had always done that, randomly playing together, following the sound of one another until the rhythm matched perfectly. He always enjoyed it, it was something unique... Free playing brought a lot of peace to him. Kaiden looked back at her again, and he suddenly looked back down at his guitar. There was a feeling in the air, very strange..... but it wasn't a bad feeling. He just shrugged it off, but he could still feel it. "Go ahead, just play anything. I'll follow, I promise." He told her, looking straight into her eyes. Kaiden believed that eye contact was important, it could really show one's emotion about what they were saying.
5:32pm Sep 6 2011
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Jay decided she liked the sound of free playing. It was what she normally did by herself, but no one else had ever wanted to do it with her. They had said it was unorganised, disorderly... but since when was music all about order and perfection? It wasn't. It was about free flowing minds and creativity. She blushed slightly at the eye contact, looking down at her guitar after a moment, and fingering the strings before beginning. She played a few chords, simple enough, with a steady beat and a regular rhythm. Easy enough for Kaiden to play along to, or at least she hoped it was. She played all her notes fully, no flat sounding notes among them, and it made good, easy to listen to music.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:58pm Sep 6 2011
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Kaiden listened to her play, concentrating on each and every note, its sound, the rhythm. He bobbed his head absentmindedly to the beat, smiling as he joined in. At first it didn't sound quite well but he soon figured out why and he changed notes, shifting to a better sounding flow. "Alright!" he laughed as they played together. He had to admit, it was perfect. The sound, the harmony... music was wonderful. It was pretty simple, if you really thought about it, but Kaiden was having so much fun and he didn't care. His fingers flew over the cords, it was obvious how familiar he was with guitars, especially this one. Kaiden suddenly felt the urge to sing along, he thought it through a couple of times before finally clearing his voice and he started singing. "It's that freedom.. that we feel, yeeah. It reminds us, that this is more than real..." He sang, and continued on, waiting to see Jay's reaction.
12:17pm Sep 7 2011
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[[Trololol. xD Mah avatar is nakey! o__o]]
Jay listened to every note as they played together, loving the feel of the music, the way the strings brushed her fingertips. It was perfection. Sheer perfection, as far as she was concerned. When he started singing, she faltered for a moment before getting back into the rhythm, her smile widening slightly. She was shy of singing in front of people she didn't know, but Kaiden had done so, so why not? What was the worst that could happen? She knew the answer to that. He might not like it and laugh at her... oh well. ''It's so much more than reality... this feeling I got inside of me...'' She sang it smoothly, her voice having more of a mature tone than a sweet one; like the music was in her, part of her, from her very soul.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:55pm Sep 7 2011
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[[Bleh, colors and ALL other stuff isn't working on my computer D: It could be my browser, I'm not sure.. anywho, I'm just going to tell you that my posts can't be blue or bolded anymore... *sad face* and LOL, cover her up (; jk]]
Kaiden looked over at Jay with an ex pression of pure joy, there was no other way to describe it. It wasn't just a smile, for anyone could smile and not care... it was much more than that. "Niice!" he cheered, continuing to play along, tapping his foot on the ground, totally into the music. He listened as the music began to speed up and he laughed, keeping up. Kaiden closed his eyes, still playing, and just smiled. It was perfectly wonderful.
3:07pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Trololol. She has clothes on on mah profile. o_o xD]]
Jay saw the look on his face as she sped up in tempo. It was so cute, that this could make him so happy, something so simple as playing some music with guitar and singing along... thing was, she wasn't so certain that was the only reason she found it 'cute'. She blocked the thought off before it grew anymore. What other reason could there be for thinking something her new 'brother' did was cute?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:40pm Sep 7 2011
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Kaiden watched and then he tried to find a way to end the song, although he could stay there for hours... playing with Jay, hearing her voice... "Alright, time for the big finish!" he told her, waiting for her to change so that he could follow along. He couldn't understand something though. His whole life, he had kept to himself, never speaking to those who didn't bother to speak to him. Now here came Jay, his new sister, and he was getting along with her as if he'd known her all his life. This... was truly a mystery to him. Whatever.. she's cool.. Aren't siblings supposed to get along? Although he didn't know of many siblings who were proud to call themselves related..
5:46pm Sep 7 2011
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Jay smiled, and gave a laugh. ''Yeah, sure! The big finale!'' she said, laughing again, before slowing the music right down and eventually stopping altogether, her final note being a slow, deep chord. She thought it was a fair good finish, to say the least. She was curious about herself, though. Why did she get along so well with her new brother, Kaiden? Weren't siblings supposed to hate each other with a vengance? Whatever, she thought. We just get along. So what.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:12pm Sep 7 2011
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Kaiden ended as well and then he got up from his spot and took a dramatic bow. "By the wonderfuuul, Jay!" he said as he introduced her to his imaginary audience. He winked and then said: "It was all her!" before sitting down again. "We make a great team", he laughed, his eyes lighting up with happiness. Then he remembered he had wanted to make coffee for his mom and the social worker.. Nahh, I'll do that later, he thought with a shake of his head. He didn't think they had wanted it anyway, and their meeting was probably already over.
3:18pm Sep 12 2011
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