3:27pm Sep 12 2011
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[[OH DEAR GOD. I thought I replied to this, and I'm all like. Why isn't cool replying. o_o I ish sorreh! >.<]]
Jay just laughed at what he said. ''Nah, I sucked. You were epic. You're a good singer, by the way.'' She said, the laughter still very much present in both her voice and her eyes. She put her guitar back in its case, zipping it up and propping it down next to the bed. ''So, Kaiden. Besides being an awesome guitar player and savage painter, what else do you like to do?'' She asked, deciding she may as well get to know him a little.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:40pm Sep 12 2011
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Posts: 3,318
[['Tis okay <3 Lol]]
Kaiden smiled and thanked her before placing his guitar neatly against the wall, making sure that it was balanced so that it wouldn't fall over. I'll have to remember to put it into its case later. "Well, I like to play football.. but I suck at basketball" he laughed, remembering when he played basketball with his friends, it was a total failure. "I love to play video games, but I'm more of an outdoors type of person. I'd choose camping over staying inside any day." He smiled at her before asking: "What about you, Jay? What do you like to do? I mean, other than being an awesome person and all." He added with a wink. Kaiden could tell if he would get along with a person just by looking at them. When he had seen Jay standing at his door he hadn't known what to think, but now he knew clearly that he would like her.. Heck, he already did take a liking to her.
3:46pm Sep 12 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Phew. ^^']]
Jay blushed slightly at his comment, a little embarassed.''Oh, I like to play football too, but I kinda fail miserably at it.'' She replied, not mentioning she more than liked it, she practically lived it. ''I like rugby, too, but lads very rarely let me play.'' She added with a slight laugh. ''Camping's ok, and as far as videogames go, the only ones I like are Assassins Creed.'' She loved Assassins Creed. As far as she was concerned, no other video game so much as measured up to it, let alone outdid it. ''Camping can be fun, but it seems every time I go, torrential rain and gale force winds start up.'' She wasn't joking, either. She couldn't remember a single time she'd ever gone camping when it was sunny.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:19pm Sep 12 2011
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Posts: 3,318
[[Lol xD I'm pretty patient and understanding (:]]
Kaiden nodded and listened. "Awesome. Ah, yeah! Assassins Creed is beast! I also like to play Silent Hill Homecoming, but that's just me." he told her with a laugh. Sometimes he would turn off all of the lights while playing Silent Hill, it would get him focused and it gave you those chills when scary parts were coming up. Which, he thought was pretty epic in all. "We should play some games later." he suggested. Then Kaiden remembered what she said about the bad weather every time she went camping. "Oh, bummer. I hate when the weather gets out of wack... but I do love rainy days.. unless they mess up my plans for the day, haha." Rainy days were always his favorite, Kaiden loved to listen to the drops as they hit the windows and he always enjoyed the silence that followed. It brought such a calm over him, probably why he drew pictures of rainy days more than anything else.
5:30pm Sep 12 2011
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''Ah, I stand corrected. The only ones I like are Assassins Creed and Silent Hill. And, rainy days rock. Rainy, wet, nights in a cramped tent... not so much.'' She gave a slight laugh again, before glancing out her window, glad to see it wasn't raining in the least, even if it was a little cloudy outside. ''Playing some games later sounds awesome.'' She replied. Man, this Kaiden guy really had good taste, as far as she was concerned. He liked all the good games, in the least, and he wasn't some obnoxious self-centered moron like most guys she'd met who liked the same games as her. So... she guessed that would make him a good brother, right?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:41pm Sep 13 2011
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Kaiden listened and smiled again. I feel like I'm being too smiley.... Yet, he couldn't stop smiling, he was just happy. "I've also been on one of those student program trips where they send the smartest kids on a vacation, those things are wonderful!" he remembered when they sent him to Costa Rica, it had been totally amazing. He couldn't believe everything that he saw and did, good grades did pay off. "Oh, yeah! Gaming to the fullest!" he cheered with a laugh. "Ohey, wanna go and see if mom and that lady are done with their meeting? I wanna ask if we can get started on painting the room anytime soon..." The painting had once again popped into his mind and he got all excited. Man, were things going his way today. He couldn't help but bl ink when he found himself staring at Jay, it was kind of strange...
6:12pm Sep 15 2011
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11:46am Sep 16 2011
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''Heh, I've never been on one of them; I'm not exactly the smartest.'' She gave a small laugh at that. ''Music, Art, and English are the only subjects I ever have good grades on.'' She smiled at him, then, shaking her head as some wild thoughts crashed into her head. Like that he was both incredibly adorable and smart. ''Sure! D'you have paints already, then?'' Her eyes were full to the brim with excitement, her smile having grown with her eagerness.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:36am Sep 17 2011
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Kaiden listened and then shook his head. "You seem pretty smart to me." he told her with a nod, his ex pression totally serious. "Yeah, i have all the paints and stuff in my room... But when we go to my room you'll have to excuse my mess, hehe. There's paintbrushes and stuff everywhere!" he laughed before pushing some of his hair out of his eyes. His room, looked more like an art studio than a room, well other than his bed in the corner, that was the only way you could tell it was a bedroom. He got up and motioned for her to follow him downstairs. He walked around the corner and to his mom's 'office', knocking gently on the glass door. It opened and he could see his mother and the woman laughing about something. "Hey, mom, Jay and I want to get started on repainting my room... is that okay?" She just looked up and nodded. "Oh yes, that fine! Go ahead, sweetie."
1:12pm Sep 17 2011
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Jay smiled. At many of her homes, her room either resembled a tornado stricken house, or maybe as though a cyclone of paints had crashed through. Once, when she was sculpting something out of stone at some highly irresponsible parents house, someone opened the door, knocking it, and it fell through the wall and outside, smashing onto the concrete. She was sent back home later that day, after her parents had discovered the six foot hole in her wall. ''Heh, trust me, I'm about as smart as an insect.'' She gave a slight laugh, as she followed him downstairs to see her new 'mother' speaking with the social worker and laughing. ''So, what kind of design would you like? And don't worry, my room's always a mess, too.'' She gave another laugh again, that sounded like bells, light and tinkling. She began thinking up designs as she walked alongside him, trying to figure our what he might like.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:06pm Sep 17 2011
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Kaiden smiled and thought awhile. "Just paint your heart out, that's what Imma do." he chuckled. It was just like with playing the guitar earlier, let it flow and it'll come out right. He wasn't a big planner when it came to painting. Kaiden would simply pick up a paintbrush, paper and begin, wondering where it would take him. He went back upstairs and opened the door to his room, sighing a little when he realized that it wasn't that bad in his room this time. Kaiden laughed and motioned for her to step inside. "Welcome to Kaiden's sanctuary" he joked.
4:50pm Sep 18 2011
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Jay couldn't help but smile as he showed her into 'Kaiden's Sanctuary'. ''I've been told I have a disturbing heart.'' She responded with a laugh, stepping into his room. It was nice, although there were a few paints and brushes scattered around, but not as bad as he'd made it out to be. Certainly not as bad as her room used to always be. ''Heh, it's not that much of a mess.'' She said, smiling still.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:26pm Sep 18 2011
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"Ah, well it isn't usually this clean, it's a miracle actually" He laughed before going over and examining the paint that was already on the wall. It was of course, a black and red mixture, he had just been experimenting and decided to leave it that way, He listened to Jay's comment about a 'disturbing heart'. "Well, you're not the only one, sister! Who knows what my mom thinks about me, sometimes it seems as if she thinks I need help" he joked. Kaiden was the type to stay in his room all day if possible, and if not he was never home, that's just the way things were. He'd only come home when his mother told him to or if she wouldn't let him go out, which wasn't very often. "You wanna borrow one of my white shirts? you know, so that you don't dirty your clothes?" He bought plenty of extra shirts, since painting is what he mostly did and he was sure to mess up his nice clothes if he didn't wear something on top. But, the shirt suggestion was only for Jay because he usually painted with no shirt on, just a habit of his.

5:34pm Nov 3 2011
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[[Woah O-O Found this in my favorites.... Bump?]]
5:36pm Nov 3 2011
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[[Sorry this one died, I thought I'd replied. :x But... we won't get in trouble for necroposting, will we? oxo]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:44pm Nov 3 2011
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Posts: 3,318
[[I don't think so.. I mean we're both here and this was between us so...? I surely hope we don't]]
5:59pm Nov 3 2011
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[[Well, we'll see how it goes, and if it gets locked we can always make another thread. :3]] ''Sure, thanks. Well, at least you just think she thinks you need help. People have actually sent me to therapists before.'' Jay laughed and shook her head at the memories. After that, she'd ignored every person she knew, and hadn't said a word for over a month. She quickly ended up back in the home again. ''That's a really nice start, by the way.'' She said, smiling warmly a she motioned at the black and red wall. [[Blurgh. -trying to get back into it and failing-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:14pm Nov 5 2011
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Posts: 3,318
[[Lol okay^^]]
Kaiden listened intently to her words and gave a small smile. "Well the people who sent you to a therapist are the ones who NEED a therapist, not you. I mean, you've gotta be crazy if they want to send a perfectly sane person like you to a therapist!" He told her, wide-eyed with seriousness. "Eh, I love my mom, I just feel like she doesn't get me, y'know?" he asked before moving a canvas to the far corner since it was blocking the wall. "Hmmm? Oh, yeah I was just experimenting with the red and black. They aren't my favorite colors... I was thinking of switching to blue and black here...." He said as he pointed to a spot on the wall, using his hand to motion specific points at which he would place a design of his. "But I'm not sure how it would come out... Which is why I need you help." He told her with a smile.
5:59pm Nov 6 2011
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1:41pm Nov 7 2011
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[[Gnnngh. I will say this once: This thread is out to get my posts. >:I]] ''Heh, thanks. And for the record, I think it's a mom's job not to get you.'' Jay chuckled, grinning. She thought about how to carry out the specific design he had in mind, running different ways it might work through her mind and trying to decide upon the best course of action. She figured that Kaiden had a pretty good base plan, and she didn't even wante to give it a few tweaks, like she had when working with almost any of her old friends ideas. Besides, even if it turned out nothing like it was planned, they could easily lie and say it was intended for it to look like that the whole time. ''I think the colour switch will actually bring out the best in both colours. Makes sure neither of 'em are overbearing. And your idea sounds really cool, I like the design a lot.'' She said, a smile painted onto her face as she stepped up beside him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥