5:25pm Nov 7 2011
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Kaiden's ex pression turned to one of pure thought as he listened to Jay's input. He nodded twice and blinked, looking back to the wall and nodding again. "Alright, I like that idea!" He almost blushed when Jay complimented his design, he tried to control himself but he probably blushed anyway. Oh well... he thought. "Thanks." he added a little more quietly. Kaiden didn't stop to think about why he had blushed, he usually handled compliments pretty well. He decided to shrug it off but it still nagged at him. "Okay then, let's get painting!" he laughed as he pulled off his shirt and threw it onto his bed, stretching his arms a bit before going over to pick up a paint bucket and brush. He was well built, what with playing a lot og sports and working out with his friends, but he wasn't too much, it was pretty normal.
5:32pm Nov 7 2011
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Jay felt her cheeks burn up as he just pulled off his shirt and throw it onto the bed, and she couldn't help but notice how lean and well-built he was, even though she tried not to. Her cheeks burned a deeper red as she realised she'd been staring at him, and she walked over to the paint stuff with him, picking up a bucket of deep blue paint, as well as a rather large brush. She tried to keep her thoughts on other things, but they kept drifting back to Kaiden. Why was he so... so... attractive to her? He was supposed to be her brother, for god's sake. Despite this fact, nothing she could do could shake the thoughts from her mind.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:00pm Nov 8 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden splashed some paint onto the wall and smiled, thinking about all the possibilities and not wanting to mess up. "You can have this part of the wall to yourself, if you want that is" he told her with a kind smile. He had wanted to see what she could do and he was pretty sure that she could do many wonderful things. He smiled at the thought and quickly composed himself, hoping that she hadn't seen him blank out. Kaiden couldn't quite understand why but as he talked to her and pointed to various spaces on the walls, he knew that he was flirting. What is up with me...?! He scratched his head in confusion and found himself gazing at Jay. "Ah, I know this is random but... you're really pretty", he told her with such a calm that he found even himself stunned.
1:09pm Nov 9 2011
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Jay felt the blood rush to her cheeks, and knew they would be a bright scarlet by now. So, she found him attractive, and he thought she was really pretty? Well, this was going to please 'mom'. He's probably just trying to be nice, she thought, not believing him when he said it. Kaiden's the kind of guy who'd do that type of thing. ''Ah... Th-thanks.'' She replied, not sure as to what it was she was thanking him for. It might've been for letting her have a section of wall to herself, or it might just have been for the compliment. She didn't know why she stuttered either, but it might've been because her heart was pounding faster than it ever had, and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying something utterly stupid and moronic. She didn't know how she was supposed to respond, so remained silent as she walked over and began painting the wall he had pointed to, but she was certain he'd be able to hear her heart anyway.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:51pm Nov 9 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden wasn't aware of how she stuttered or how her cheeks turned red, he just found her completely adorable. Nodding again, he turned back to his part of the wall and concentrated, letting his hands glide over the wall, engulfing it in color as if it were some sort of magic. At least, magic is what it seemed like in his opinion. His tongue stuck out to the side, what it usually did when he was focusing on something, making it look like he was trying to make a ':P' face. Of course, he didn't notice this because it was one of his habits, just like biting on his tongue absentmindedly when he played video games. He stretched again and set his paintbrush down on the table, taking a couple steps back to marvel at what he had done so far. He grinned and then looked over to where Jay was painting, watching the movement of her hands as she painted.
6:29pm Nov 9 2011
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Jay watched Kaiden for a moment, giving a silent laugh at his ex pression. He looked so funny, the way his tongue was just sticking out like it was... She shook herself from her thoughts, and dipped her paintbrush into the paint. She watched as the deep blue, indigo paint clung to the brush as it went into the bucket, and was too transfixed with spreading it onto the wall to notice Kaiden anymore. She brought the brush up in smooth strokes, giving the thick strokes of paint tapered ends by twisting the wide brush in her hands as she painted. She loved how easily the paint went from being just like any other paint on a brush, identical to every other bucket of paint, to a creation that was part of what she was, what she felt. Right now, the strokes of paint were arranged in a pretty wild order, but a small inkling of a shape was beginning to come through, and she was getting an idea as to what the finished design would look like.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:29pm Nov 10 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden continued watching Jay, glancing back and forth between the wall and her hands, each time he could feel excitement bubble up inside his stomach. This is going to be epic... He then decided to continue painting but this time he had a wonderful idea. Jogging over to the other side of his room he got a bucket of purple paint and smirked wildly before running back to his place on the wall with the bucket in his hands. Slowly he dipped his hands in the paint and splattered it onto the wall. Yeah, it may sound like he was was just being childish, especially since it was finger painting, but he had just learned something the other day. He had been walking down the street when his neighbor, Layale had skipped up to him. She was an artist, so Kaiden knew her well. Layale had told him something strange, something he would never forget; "Sometimes the paintbrush shouldn't be doing all the work, y'know... Sometimes you have to just use your hands and see where it takes you.." And that, was exactly what he was doing.

2:01pm Nov 11 2011
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Jay, satisfied she had made a section of the wall just the way she'd wanted it- i.e. anyone could see it was meant to be something, but very few people, if anyone, could tell what- and smiled. It looked like a tribal-style animal of some sort, and was actually supposed to be a dragon. She glanced over to Kaiden, wondering how his work was coming along. She was gobsmacked to find him with paint all over his hands and splattering the wall, doing what appeared to be finger-painting. ''Uh, Kaiden? What are you doing?'' She laughed, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. She still held the brush in her hand, though, so ended up with deep indigo paint in her hair. Not that she noticed or anything.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:01pm Nov 11 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden turned to look at Jay with a huge grin on his face. "I wanted to take matters into my own hands" he joked with a laugh before focusing his attention back to the wall. He didn't care how childish he looked, and this was how he was towards everything. Biting his lip, he moved his finger, which was now covered in paint, over the wall in a circular motion. Kaiden continued working swiftly for a few minutes, stretching his arm to the top of the wall and completing another circle until it looked like a whole bunch of circles. The design consisted of a huge purple circle in the center that was partly surrounded by blue circles. The purple and blue circles overlapped each other and he painted it so it would fade more at the ends. He wiped sweat from his forehead with his arm and took a step back, laughing before walking over to Jay.
[[Just in case my deion sucked x'D]]

7:35am Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Jay laughed again, shaking her head at Kaiden. He really was an utter child, but his idea sure worked. ''Well, I think you've succeeded in that.'' She chuckled, shoulders still shaking slightly. ''It is really cool, though. Very inventive...'' She mused, beginning to murmur slightly before stepping back and a step closer to him to get a better look at his work. ''What inspired you to do that?'' She asked, turning her head slightly towards him and smiling warmly. She began to lose focus a little, tapping her fingers against her leg like she usually did when thinking.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:13pm Nov 22 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden smiled and chuckled a bit at Jay's comments. He thanked her and looked back at the wall, thinking a bit before answering. "Actually... I didn't plan this.. But I just thought that the colors should blend in a more imaginative way... Like instead of just color, more of a shape blending kind of thing." After he said this he began to get a handful of ideas that could work but he shook his head slightly, it wasn't like he had an unlimited amount of wall to paint. "Oh, and that indigo paint in your hair is what sparked the trigger" he winked with a smile, almost forgetting to mention that.
4:54am Nov 26 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Wow... Jay thought. He really is incredible at that... She shook the thought aside, glancing back to his 'creation' for a second, before looking back to him. She looked slightly confused as Kaiden mentioned paint in her hair, and reached up to see what on earth he could mean. She groaned as she pulled her hand back and saw the deep blue-purple paint on her fingertips. ''Great... Well, if I have paint in my hair... You're gonna have paint in your hair too.'' She said, grinning, before stepping right next to him and brushing past his hair with the paintbrush in her hand.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:43pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden chuckled. "You know that this means...war?" He smiled before dipping his hands in a bucket of blue paint and scooping out a handful. "Now, what can I do with this?" he asked her, giving the obvious hint that he was ready to throw it at her. A part of him wanted to wait and see how she would react, just in case she would get mad at him. The other part of him just said: "It doesn't matter what happens after, you were just trying to have some fun." Kaiden decided to take a more sensible approach and wait for her to get her "weapon" before doing anything. Once again his imagination began to kick in, his bedroom was now a desert battleground, the paint was now the blood spilled of others.. a sad thought, but it was the only thing he could think of. Jay had now become his 'enemy', well in the paint-war kind of sense. He chuckled at his small fantasy, he could get a little too carried away with things.
3:05pm Dec 3 2011
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Jay grinned as Kaiden declared war and scooped out some paint, watching as the blue paint fell from his hands to drip onto the floor. Giggling, she reached down into the bucket nearest her and cupped her hands together, holding them out in front of her with the liquid colour dripping from them. ''Oh really now? Well, you know what they say; 'All's fair in love and war'!'' She might have blushed, had she realized the other way in which that sentence could be misinterpretated. She didn't, though, so remained grinning and stock still, waiting for Kaiden to make the first move. After all, she'd gotten paint on him first. A part of her began to worry about what his mother would say, but she brushed that thought aside and instead focused on the task in hand, i.e. getting more paint on Kaiden than he managed to get on her.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:51pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 3,318
Kaiden grinned, excited and relieved that Jay had chose to play along. He just hoped that the mess they made would be easy to clean up afterwards. He thought about how he could approach her with his attack.. rushing up to her, or just throwing it right away. He looked back at the bucket of paint and blinked twice before making his move; carelessly throwing the paint at her and throwing his hands back into the paint.
3:14pm Dec 15 2011
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