12:27pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 2,378
PlotTwo races are at brutal war, skirmishes being fought almost every day, and random smaller fights breaking out every hour. The cause for this war, you ask? A treaty between the two had been supposedly 'broken' though neither side admit to being the first to draw blood. And that's all you're getting. This RP is going to be so winged.
Bio Skelly: You know the drill.
Rules: We're two people, do we really need rules?
Bio: Name: Abigor Deumos.
Race: Shifter
Age: Unknown. Shifters and Elementals be immortal, silleh.

Personality: RP it out.
History: RP it out.
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12:44pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 12:44pm Jan 15 2012)
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Posts: 2,378
(Will contain my first post..)
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1:32pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 3,809
Name: Umbra Nativus Race: Elementalist Age: Pft. D'uhh. Appearance:
 Personality: Girly. Kidding, I'mma rp it out. History: D'urrr. Rp out also. He liek. Lives alone naow though.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:59pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 2,378
Abigor was crouched on one of the many parapets of the camp's walls. Her long, black leather trench coat billowing in the wind. Guard duty before a battle was always tedious, she'd rather be out there killing that sat on a high tower freezing herself solid. She was the only one of the camp who had no fear of heights, however, and was currently 200 feet from the ground, not a single sign of a shiver.Her skull white hair had been tied back to keep it out of her face, and reached down past her black crossed belts. Her heavy, spine like scythe was strapped to her back, the non-bladed end - around 4 feet of spine - had coiled around her lower torso to keep secure.
She sniffed slightly, looking down at the walls, see foot soldiers pacing 100 feet below, like ants from this distance. They didn't like her, anyone else on her rotation, anyone in the camp, really, other than her superiors. They called her freak, loner, heartless... She was none of these things, yet all of them at the same time. She did not like company, not of these simple-minded fools at the least. She preferred a good high perch to being stationed on the ground. But most of all, the reason she seemed heartless, was the way she destroyed the last three to try and win her hand. There was nobody she'd met that could ever have a chance, so she had to prove that with demonstrations of what she could do.
She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was a mighty falcon, a wingspan of twenty feet, feathers as white as the first perfect, freshly fallen snow of any winter. She flew from her perch, soaring high before beginning her descent, liking to take in all the details and ensure there were no surprise ambushes waiting for her and her clansmen.
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3:21pm Jan 15 2012
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Umbra walked quickly and quietly through the forested area on the edge of camp, wondering if the battle had started yet or not. Probably not, it was a bit early, but it would soon if it hadn't already. He'd heard it was going on nearby, anyway, but it wasn't his turn to be on duty that week, so he didn't know very many details. It didn't matter, anyway. If anything happened too close, he was surrounded by plantlife and vegetation as it was, so would be fine. The only reason it could possibly be benificial to know where it was happening was if he wanted to avoid detection, which he wasn't too bothered about. Reaching the part of the forest where light grew scarce and gnarled tree trunks cast eerie shadows upon the ground, he smiled to himself and continued walking. The majority of his clothes were dark, but there were places with light grey or white, so he blended in perfectly. From a little further down the path, it would be near impossible to realize anyone was even there, unless they had exceptional eyesight; a rather big bonus in a time of ill-rest. He had at one time been called an emo-goth-weirdo person quite regularly, but that had been before his powers had awakened. Now that people knew he could be of benefit to them, they often tried to gain his favour. Not that it would ever do them much good, of course, but it did create rather amusing living, if nothing else. Finally, the dense shadows seemed to disappear somewhat, and he reached the free-flowing waters of the deep river. The water itself was as deep as his neck, fast, and about eight feet wide. Water was one of Umbra's favourite things, and he was quite happy to sit by the edge of the river, simply listening to it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:31pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 11:58am Jan 16 2012)
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Posts: 2,378
Abi soared down at an amazing speed, pulling up the split second before impact, and doing a perfect rotation, before landing, and morphing back into her normal self, the white plumage once again replace by her black leathers. She knew the battle was beyond due, but she had lost track of time up in her ramparts. She turned to the huge, almost intimidating iron gates of the camp and raised her arms, the signal for the guards above to open them and signal the attack.
There was a thunderous creak as they were hauled open by over a dozen men, sweat breaking out all over their arms and foreheads at the mere effort. Hundreds of men and women, each equipped with various melee weapons, storm from the gates, all fuelled and ready for action. "Are we ready to bring the fight to the enemy?!" A chorus of cheers and a few grunts of disapproval at Abi's role at the lead sounded, though she ignored it all, turning around, and beginning to walk, rather slowly, as if going for a stroll, towards the agreed location.
Once there, the troops grew uneasy, wanting to get to fighting as soon as possible. It had been almost a week since the last real fight, as the clans had many more wounded than dead from the last one, and therefore it took a lot longer to 'clean up'. Abi, looked over her shoulder, not needing to raise her voice at all for them to know that today of all days, she was not to be disagreed with. "I must go meet with their leader. You will all wait here, without exception."
It took her a few minutes to cross to the middle of the field, were a broad man was stood, extremely slim for his height and width. He had a small crop of jet black black hair, the rest of his scalp scar tissue. "Your men are ready for the battle, I assume?" There was venom to his tone, though Abi over-looked it, deciding to pay him back on the battlefield.
"Yes, the women too... Shall we get to this?" She turned before awaiting an answer, unsheathing her scythe and thrusting it into the air, all of her men beginning to sprint towards the attack. She stood with her scythe coiled up her arm, with a good three feet above where her hand was gripping, the huge blade curving around and down her forearm, stopping at her elbow. "Let's do this." When her troops were no more than a few seconds behind her, she herself ran at the enemy, moving effortlessly, almost floated over the ground, bring her weapon arm up and down to meet with an unlucky soul's shoulder.
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2:40pm Jan 17 2012
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Posts: 3,809
[[Trolololol. Prefer for a mighty fail to combat that epic battle. o _ o]] Umbra spent some time there, in his own little world, relaxing in the peace and quiet of the densely packed forest, the only sounds disturbing it being the rustling of the undergrowth every now and then and the rushing sound of water. It was nice, being alone. It was perhaps the elementalist's favourite hobby, to just sit and listen to the world around him. His grandfather always said you learn more in the fleeting whispers of the forest than the great bellows of a king. Perhaps he was right, but Umbra could never be sure, as he hadn't yet met a king with which to test that theory out. Maybe someday he would, though. Eventually, he grew bored, and decided to 'play' with the water a little. He leaned back a moment and looked up at what little was visible of the sky through the treetops, before shifting to kneel down next to the water. He held his hands over it and bent the water in an arc over them, the held water still flowing as fast as the river itself. He moved his hands from under it and it fell, and he spent the next few minutes hapy to do that. When he grew bored again, he did something similar to the first time, but he made three arcs. When he moved his hands away, the water remained contained, so he continued. Running his fingers over the water, barely gliding off it's surface, he twisted the strands of water together to create a braid like rope. He was leased with his result, and decided to try making it longer, so pulled up more water as needed. Yes, Umbra Nativus was a very easily amused young man.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:08pm Jan 18 2012
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Posts: 2,378
Abi was surrounded by three elementalists, each with fire in their hands. "Hullo, pritty lady..." The nearest one says, a leer on his face and a slur in his voice.
"Bad idea, crone." She thrust her scythe forward, the blade folding down and the spine staff extending, two feet of steel through the man's groin and coming out at the base of his spine. She dragged him toward her, side stepping and sending him hurtling into the man behind her, the two instantly bursting into flames.
She felt metal meet skin and gritted her teeth, one of them had dug the top of a spear into her thigh. Her scythe twirled around of its own accord, arching up and bringing the tip down across the assailant's neck. She felt metal bite into the flesh of her upper right arm, the scythe still coiled around her waist, it continued scything enemies of its own accord. She took one to the side, and that was it, she was down.
She woke up and everybody was gone, not a soul left alive on the battlefield, whatever side that was victorious had retreated to the safety of their camps. Her scythe was dragging her towards the forest - shelter. She placed a hand on her side and cried out in agony. She could taste blood. Not good. Not good at all. She looked around. Why had they abandoned her? Surely her pulse was an obvious sign there was life in her still?
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3:26pm Jan 18 2012
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Posts: 3,809
Umbra had been heading home, after time- in his opinion, in the least- well-spent doing more elemental magic practices. He had reached the part of the path that travelled nearer the outskirts of the forest, and stopped dead in tracks when he heard something- or someone- cry out. What on earth was that? Had one of the elementalists survived the battle nearby, but been left behind? It wouldn't be the first time. ''Hello?'' He called, walking in the direction of the sound. Climbing through a densely packed thicket of thorns that tugged at both clothing and skin, he was horrified to see someone lying on the ground, apparently being dragged along by a scythe that was wrapped around her waist. Whoever this person was, she was not one of his own. That thought alone should have made him turn back and report her, let the fire elementals come dispose of her, but he didn't. Maybe he pitied her. When she looked around, he caught a glimpse of her face. ''She's scary...'' He muttered to himself, wondering how someone could look so frightening without being ugly. Truth be told, she was fairly far from ugly. Despite the fact that she was 'scary', he began walking hesitantly towards her, holding his hands out and feeling more and more uncomfortable the closer he got to her. ''Ahm... Hello? Who are you?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:28pm Jan 18 2012
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Posts: 2,378
Abi was almost in tears by the time the man had approached her, and she didn't notice him until he spoke. She looked up and was rather startled at what she saw, it was an elementalist, but he wasn't trying to kill or maim - already done - her. "It was one of your kind that did this to me..." She choked and coughed up a mouthful of blood.
She looked at him, there was something different... something innocent about this one. Something she hadn't seen in such a long time. The last time she saw it was in her sister. Her sister was so young. So young... Her eyes drifted closed and she was gone again, somewhere between this life and whatever darkness awaited afterwards.
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4:28pm Jan 18 2012
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Posts: 2,378
(I'm ashamed in that one. DX)
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4:51pm Jan 18 2012
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Posts: 3,809
By her words, Umbra guessed she was a shifter. Which probably meant she wanted all his kind dead... Which, he supposed, included him. For some reason, though, he didn't wish the same of her. He wanted to help her, even if it would be breaking the code of his people. Nature elementalists were often said to be 'softer' than the other elements, perhaps why they were good medics. Whatever the reason, he wanted to help this person that appeared to have passed out before him. The fact that she wasn't moving, and the blood she coughed up, made him frown. There were dark stains on her side and on her thigh, something else which wasn't good. Gaining courage by the fact that she wouldn't be able to do anything even if she wanted to, he walked right up to her and kneeled down on the ground beside her. Closing his eyes and moving his hand over her, inches away from touching her, he muttered something to himself for a moment before getting to work. He gently pressed the tips of his fingers against the wound he was most worried about, the one on her side, and they glowed a very faint green for the briefest of moments, the skin beneath them visibly knitting together and healing over. It was good she was asleep, he thought, as it would hurt like hell otherise. The 'magic' was good at reducing infection as well, though, so hopefully she'd be okay, even if he didn't have the righ supplies to be doing what he was doing. He repeated the process on her thigh, the glowing green appearing a little fainter this time. He figured he should probably move her, but he was just so sleepy... Normally, when he healed people, it wasn't just from his own energy, but from actual medicines and herbs, bandages and splints and such. He didn't have any of those things, though, and so was feeling a little drained. Still, she'd lost a lot of blood, and would get hurt out in the open like this. He attempted to pick her up, pulling her arm over his shoulder and putting one arm around her waist. Despite all his efforts at carrying her, he failed misserably, succeeding only in barely supporting her. Still, it was enough to bring her the last stretch to the forest and set her down next to the cover of the trees and bushes, sinking to the floor next to her. He couldn't help but think she was a lot more trouble than she was worth already. A chill breeze ran through the air, and he wondered if she was cold. The damage she'd sustained already made her vulnerable to disease and such, so he slipped off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted- no, needed- her to live. That would be a lot more difficult to pull off if she got sick. The feeling of sleepiness returned, having never really left, and this time he relented. He leaned against the thick trunk of the tree behind him, his head tipping forwards and his eyes slowly slipping shut. He should stay awake, just a little longer, make a fire to keep away animals... He found, however, that sleep was more than a little convincing. [[Asdffdg. If I moved too fast or anything. Lemme know. And I'll change this post. x3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:01am Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 8:02am Jan 20 2012)
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Posts: 2,378
(Totally down with my flu, and usually that causes me to write well, so leggo!)
Abi's eyes drifted open and closed, though the snapped open when images of her near-death flashed through her mind. She grasped the staff of her scythe and pulled it away from her body, using it as a crutch to pull herself to her feet, wondering how she had healed. She looked at the jacket as it fell off her, raising an eyebrow and picking it up.
"That boy..." She looked around, snickering slightly as she saw him fast asleep against a tree. She wrapped both hands around her scythe, her body still weak from blood loss, it was going to be a while until she could shift successfully. Staggering over to him, she covered him up with his jacket, before buttoning up her ruined black leather trench coat.
She looked up at what little of the sky she could see through the dense tree cover. It was pitch black. "How long have I been out here..?" She felt the wind then, and shivered. She walked over to a tree and leant on it, before thinking a command and letting go of her scythe, smirking as it scythed down a smaller tree, before starting to hack it into firewood.
Sat by the fire, heating her hands, she looked back at the boy for the first time since she had covered him. She should have killed him on sight, and other shifter would have... But there was something about this one, something different. She didn't know exactly what it was, but she thought to herself that she was not going to harm him unless it was absolutely necessary. She panicked then, digging through her pockets and producing a picture of her sister, the corner stained with blood, but otherwise in good condition. She ran her finger down the edge, a tear running down her cheek
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8:32am Jan 20 2012
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Posts: 3,809
Umbra woke up to a warmer feeling than he had expected, considering the circumstances under which he had fallen asleep. His eyes flickered open, and he was surprised to see a fire in front of him. He was even more so at seeing the shifter from before, and actually jumped slightly, before quickly getting to his feet, just in case she tried something. He realized his jacket had been back over him as it hit the ground, and picked it up, closing his fist tightly around the fabric. She didn't look very threatening, though, and Umbra had never been the best at strategising on 'how not to get killed when someone probably wants you dead', so he walked over to where she was and sat down cross-legged next to her. He couldn't see her face clearly because of the dancing shadows caused by the flames, but something about her posture seemed a little off. Maybe she had gotten ill despite his attempts to ensure she didn't, then. ''Ah, are you... uh... feeling any better?'' He asked, turning to look at the fire. Anywhere but the terrifying person sat next to him was a good place to look. Why had he ever even helped her to begin with, if she was this scary? It obviously hadn't been a wise decision. Then again, she hadn't tried killing him yet, so there was at least one plus to the situation. Unless she was just keeping him alive to obtain information. Which was just as likely as any other idea he may have had.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:04am Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 10:04am Jan 20 2012)
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Posts: 2,378
Jumping slightly when she heard his voice, Abi wiped the tears from her face with a sleeve and once again pocketed the photo, looking up at the elementalist who had sat beside her. "Much better... Thank you." She sniffed, looking into the flames. They flickered and snapped and she was reminded of her home, they were so happy then, why could things not go back to how they were? Everything was happy back then.. Perfect.
She looked at the side of his head, tugging on his sleeve slightly to get his attention. "Why did you save me? Any others of your kind would have put me out of my misery and left my bloodied corpse for the crows... But not you. Why? What's different about you?" She was aware she was rambling, but did not particularly care, there was something about the boy that made her feel comfortable, which was a rare luxury for her to be able to enjoy.
She reached out slowly, hesitating slightly, before moving her right hand under his left and holding it, letting her head rest on the tree and her eyes narrow slightly, her body still extremely weak. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth... I'm glad and grateful that you saved me when you did. A few more minutes and I would have been a goner." She stared into the sky, at the stars littered across the dark expanse, the moon hanging low.
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10:21am Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 12:02pm Jan 20 2012)
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Posts: 3,809
Umbra saw her bring her hand up to her face and sniff, and wondered if perhaps she had been... crying. That terrifying woman, though, crying? How was that even possible? Maybe she was more exhausted than she appeared. He turned and looked at her when she tugged his sleeve, listening confusedly to her words, and was horrified when she took his hand in her's. What on earth was she doing? His eyes widened slightly and his whole face looked unsure and almost entirely confused, but he didn't pull his hand away in case he offended her. At least, that was the reason he gave himself. Who would want to offend that girl? She'd probably slice them in two. The current situation did not, however, help him figure out himself why exactly he'd helped her. Maybe it had just been for no reason at all, other than a desire to go against the code he'd been raised with. Although it was true he'd forgotten about the code by that point... ''I don't know. People usually say green or blue elementalists are soft or something, and don't like seeing things get hurt. Seeing as I'm both, it might have been a combination of that... and...'' He hesitated slightly, looking up into her eyes. ''I guess you just seemed different to me. Like you should live. Like you deserved to.'' He was quiet after that and turned back to watching the fire, his heart pounding within his chest. ''But, you know, if the chief medic finds out about this, I'm toast... See, we're allowed to go and do as we please, so long as we heal no one other than people from our own camp, because if we heal anyone else, we've broken laws that have been in place for years and years and years, and that's punishable by... Ah... Well, it's not nice. Anyway, even if the chief medic doesn't find out, his second in command will, and she'll report it straight to her highest superiors, who are further up than the chief and pretty nasty. I wouldn't really want to be on the opposing side when they find out that the superiors have a secret weapon, or-'' He stopped himself, wondering if that was perhaps the brightest move. He'd been talking fast and with very little breath between words, so hopefully she hadn't even been able to understand him...
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:30pm Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 1:52pm Jan 20 2012)
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Posts: 2,378
Abi smiled at the boy who seemed to panic slightly when she took his hand. "I am different... Though its nice to be called that rather than 'freak' which seems to be the favourite of all my kind." She put her other hand on the top of his, realising that she hadn't smiled since she left her home, her family... Nobody had been able to bring a smile to her face since them, and for good reason, everyone she had met since simply weren't worth wasting the facial energy.
She hoped he didn't mind her holding his hand, she had washed the blood off in a nearby stream before sitting down at the fire, so she assumed he didn't. She listened to him ramble and did her best to listen along to it, but failed to keep up and grinned at him, before leaning over and kissing him, "My name's Abigor, by the way... But don't call me that, or I'll hit you, call me Abi."
She didn't know why she'd just done that, or if he minded at all, but at that moment in that forest, she didn't care. She leant back in the tree, resting her head on his shoulder and letting her eyes drift closed again. "And as for what you were saying about punishments and the such in your camp... We'll just have to be sure to stop them finding out you healed me, then."
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2:16pm Jan 20 2012
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Posts: 3,809
Umbra jumped out of whatever daydream he had been in when he felt the scary woman kissing him. He found that, despite how obviously terrifying she was, he didn't dislike the feelings it gave him altogether. He didn't doubt for a second that she really would hit him if he called her by her full name, and thought it just as well, as he liked the shortened version more. He was even more surprised when she rested her head on his shoulder, seemingly going to sleep. He wondered if she knew exactly how strictly they checked every night to see where every single member of the camp was. If anyone went missing, a search party was sent out after two days. If the person wasn't found, they were pronounced 'Dead or Traitor', a ti tle which could only be removed upon brnging evidence to show you had been doing nothing traitorous. The ti tle 'dead or traitor' was perhaps a little incorrect, as the two were very nearly one and the same in the elementalist camp. Should anyone ever be so bold as to betray their own people, it was decided that they deserved death. Umbra had seen people be put to death because of healing a small cut or disinfecting a wound, so what would he get for bringing back one of the shifters from so close to death? He didn't know any of the answers, so just leaned his head back against the tree and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off into an uneasy sleep.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:02am Jan 21 2012
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Posts: 2,378
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9:04am Jan 21 2012
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