9:26am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Zayce looked at her older brother in amusement, rolling her eyes, as he bounded from bough to bough like a deranged, yet highly co-ordinated, monkey. Abadon paused for a while, and Zayce could see her brother's eyes widen with shock as he peered into an opening in a m*censored*ive tree. She stood up, grabbing her bow and quiver, and with concern, yelled,'' Abe...what's the matter?'' Abadon didn't reply, and before Zayce could stop him, he entered the cocoon. Zayce yelled out invectively, and cursed under her breath. Sometimes her stupid brother was just so impulsive. '' You idiot!'' she screamed in frustration,'' You know I have a thing against heights!'' She blew a rogue strand of hair away from her eyes, and clumsily, starting climbing the humungous tree. She gasped when she neared the cocoon. It radiated such chaste power, and somehow, the strong force sent a shiver down her spine. She hesitated a bit, but that's when she heard Abadon shriek loudly. Something was definitely up. Abadon never shrieked. ''Abadon?'' she called out loudly. She could hear muffled voices from inside. Someone was in the bark of the tree with her brother? She almost giggled in spite of the pressing circumstances. Although Zayce wasn't as brave as her brother, she was smarter and more intuitive. She traced the bark of the tree with a finger, and she paused as she heard faint voices. '' You're a smart girl...go away and let me devour these children in peace...'' Let the stupid tree go to Hell. No way in Hades was she going to abandon Abadon like that! She climbed up the tree with surprisingly dexterity, and gulped as she stood before the cocoon. That's when she saw a tall figure lurking five trees away. She was definitely in dire need of some help. Should she ask the person for it? -x-x-x-x-x-

9:26am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 271
(Did we just skip over Zae's turn? o_______o)
9:27am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 271
(Oh.We posted at the smae time. o`.o)
9:27am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(we can rearrange if needed later Largeh ^^)
9:28am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 271
(sure. ^o^ My turn?)
9:30am Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(yup ^^ I've gotta go to bed so, night all <3)
9:32am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Naw. xD Shao. I didn't know you edited it. I posted something totally different. Could we please go with mine? xD Pleasee?
9:33am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
Abadond grabbed the the woman's arma s she turned away, pulling her to face him again, he had finally lost all control he had, he had grown tired of her 'full of yourself' attitude. "Alright, for one it isn't 'Abadon Angle Of Death' it's Abadon Buer, and it means king of the dead, of king of the damned depending on your stance on latin. I'm a demi-god, son of Ares. Now you'd be wise to stop calling me kid and boy for one, I'm nowhere near an age suitable to be called that." His hands went up to his head and four fingers went through his jetblack hair, pushing it back, doing his best to get it out of his face after that series of leaps and bounds. His mind went back to when the woman landed, his hand shot to the hand of his blade, ensuring it had not been lifted from his person. "And Zayce can look after herself fine, but I do agree I'll have to meet up with her again, our mother will want to see us... we have been out travelling for a few days now."
\r\n \r\n
9:49am Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 271
(Posting once we decide what story we're going with 8D) -is boiled in soup-
6:04pm Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(Or we could just have it be that Largeh meets Zayce first and Largeh tells her to get away saying that they'll get out in time. That's when Alitas and Abadon kill the tree then Abadon tries to interrogate Alitas and Alitas uses her "sight" to look for Zayce. When Alitas sees that Zayce is with an unknown person they rush to her side. Just an idea ^^)
11:10pm Feb 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(can Shao write? she's bored again ^^;)
11:26pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 1:18am Feb 25 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(this can be removed later ^^;) Alitas knew that Abadon was talking to her but she wasn't taking any notice. She blinked and her left eye turned gold. She turned around and walked to a nearby rock to survey their surroundings. There was something different, something had changed and she was even more on edge then she had been in the coccoon. Turning towards where she sensed the presence of humans she saw two obscured shapes. One was obviosly Abadon's siser Zayce seeing as their auras were almost identical. The other though, disturbed her. It had the same normal light as an animal except there was a black void in the center. It seemed to be moving at a fast pace with Zayce on it's tail. She could not read their intentions as she was too far away to make eye contact but she *censored*umed the worst. "Abadon I think your sister is in trouble." she said to a still rayging demigod. His head shot up and he faced her. (sorry Reu but we can change later) "You sure?!" he shouted, startled. "We should..." started Alitas but Abadon cut her off. "Wait were you not listening to ANYTHING I SAID?!" Abadon fumed. "I told you that I planned a meeting point with my sister and that we should meet there ASAP!" "Oh," replied Alitas, she paused. "Well then..." she kneeled to the ground. "Hop on kiddo we're going for a ride." Abadon stared at her both dumbfounded and insulted. Alitas felt her muscles ripple beneath her skin, ears began to grow out of her head, her tail bone elongated and her fangs grew so they were noticable. Her dull gold eye became a molten gold and her right eye turned from brown to blood red. Fur sprouted from her back and down her spine and her nails thickened and grew until they were each an inch long tapering to a deadly tip. "Now come on Abadon, I can't wait like this all day." she said, her voice had deepened because of the lengthening of her windpipes and she let out a long howl that shook the skies her back-length hair caught the wind and her cry reached even the outskirts of the forest.

2:23am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
(Yeah that's definately getting changed, lol)
\r\n \r\n
3:34am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
(then rmail what you want it to be and I'll edit it immediatly ^^)
6:41am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 271
(Shao can shape shift too! O_O I better post my character attributes)
10:21am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
(We could continue with mine. The figure lurking was supposed to be Larg, but whatever rocks your boat, guys. :) )
10:49am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
Right, let's just try a fresh start from that point, lol. Zae, post what Zayce does to rescue her brother, Abadon... And then I can go, then Shao, then larg, rinse and repeat... makes more sense that way.
\r\n \r\n
11:10am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Well, I'll re-post the bit I had written, because I ain't that good at rescuing scenes. xD Why don't you do your bit, and maybe I'll get an idea? Or Shao and Larg can carry on from there?
11:20am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
Re-post yours, I'll go, then shao, then larg, rinse and repeat, lol *joke re-cycler*
\r\n \r\n
11:23am Feb 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
Zayce looked at her older brother in amusement, rolling her eyes, as he bounded from bough to bough like a deranged, yet highly co-ordinated, monkey. Abadon paused for a while, and Zayce could see her brother's eyes widen with shock as he peered into an opening in a m*censored*ive tree. She stood up, grabbing her bow and quiver, and with concern, yelled,'' Abe...what's the matter?'' Abadon didn't reply, and before Zayce could stop him, he entered the cocoon. Zayce yelled out invectively, and cursed under her breath. Sometimes her stupid brother was just so impulsive. '' You idiot!'' she screamed in frustration,'' You know I have a thing against heights!'' She blew a rogue strand of hair away from her eyes, and clumsily, starting climbing the humungous tree. She gasped when she neared the cocoon. It radiated such chaste power, and somehow, the strong force sent a shiver down her spine. She hesitated a bit, but that's when she heard Abadon shriek loudly. Something was definitely up. Abadon never shrieked. ''Abadon?'' she called out loudly. She could hear muffled voices from inside. Someone was in the bark of the tree with her brother? She almost giggled in spite of the pressing circumstances. Although Zayce wasn't as brave as her brother, she was smarter and more intuitive. She traced the bark of the tree with a finger, and she paused as she heard faint voices. '' You're a smart girl...go away and let me devour these children in peace...'' Let the stupid tree go to Hell. No way in Hades was she going to abandon Abadon like that! She climbed up the tree with surprisingly dexterity, and gulped as she stood before the cocoon. That's when she saw a tall figure lurking five trees away. She was definitely in dire need of some help. Should she ask the person for it? -x-x-x-x-x-
