6:51am Feb 28 2011
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(cause he's just that kind of person *evil eyes back* lol Zae, can the light coming from the coccoon be my cat/sword? you know since it's kinda on fire and since Abadon and Alitas couldn't actually see anything *since he did step on her foot, which implies darkness* and I wouldn't want to insult Abadon's manliness if it's not on purpose ^^)
6:54am Feb 28 2011
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(Aw, well thank you ShaoShao, makes me feel better, Abadon feel's less offended now. ^_^)
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7:21am Feb 28 2011
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(glad to be of service to you and Abadon Nomz ^^ So what's Abadon's reaction to my sword becoming a cat then setting on fire huh? *jumps up and down*)
7:26am Feb 28 2011
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(I think he'll be surprised to say the least, lol)
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7:48am Feb 28 2011
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(well that's what I was hoping for ^^ seeing Abadon surprised shall make Alitas' day I bet)
7:49am Feb 28 2011
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(Nomz you do know it's your turn right? O.O)
11:05am Feb 28 2011
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Abadon's eyes widened, almost taking full control of his face. the cat, which he thought was rather adorable, had caught flame after a whisper, he would dread to think what it was she'd said to the poor animal. He raised his blade as the new universe he had been dropped into began to crumble around his ears, revealing flashes of the forest he had been in previously. "Okay, so now I'm impressed, at least slightly." He winked at alitas, a smirk on his otherwise expressionless features. He crouched low, preparing for something like a flaming jaguar or a cheetah made of ice to come leaping at him. Rather than that, the tree limb he had been stood on crumbled and gave way from underneath him, causing him to go tumbling towards the ground. "You're so thoughtless sometimes, Abe." He looked up, rubbing the back of his head, picking a few small leaves from the back of his jet-black hair. Zayce was stood over him, her hands on ehr hips. "Yeah, well, I'm alive aren't I?" "Probably the blood of ares, thick headedness must run in the family." He winced, "Love you too, baby sister."
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6:18pm Feb 28 2011 (last edited on 7:30pm Feb 28 2011)
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So that's Zayce, Alitas thought, shorter then I expected but the similar auras give it away. She jumped out of the tree and landed next to Abadon. "Nice landing." she said mockingly. He looked at her expressionlisly and she laughed. "Come here Helki." Alitas gestured to the tree. The cat that had been on fire jumped out of the tree and. instead of landing, flew around her head and sniffed both him and Zayce. "Good boy." she said, petting his soft nose. "Now, seal, Enriha, Caliburn, Reppumaru, Tetsuiga!" and with those words the cat became a sword once again. "Now that that's over, anyone care to eat? Cause i"m starving." this got a chuckle out of everyone, including a stranger that Alitas and Abadon hadn't noticed. On reflex, Alitas pointed her sword at her and she grew wolf ears and a dragon tail. Her wolf ears perked towards the stranger, she was obviously annoyed with whoever it was. Alitas was about to lunge when Zayce stopped her and told her that she was a friend too. "Well you couldn've told me before-hand?" Alitas complained. She turned around and walked off a bit and they saw two large lumps forming on her back, and as she went they grew until they became large bat-like wings. "My business here is finished, I should be going." she shouted over her shoulder. "You guys should probably scram too, oh and..." she paused. "And Avalon, thank you but, don't come into my territory again." She catapulted herself into the air, sword still drawn and flew into the sun. The light flashed in their eyes and blinded them for a split second. When they looked back up, she was gone, dissappeared like a ghost.

4:43am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 271
Avalon scoffed.She glared in the direction of the disappearing Alitas. "HER TERRITORY?HER TERRITORY? I can't believe her audacity.First of all she dicides to gallivant into this side of the forest,then if THAT wasn't enough she decides to take refuge in a dryad's old hollow AND Burn it down once she can't find a way out.WE would be punished for HER carelessness.Is she completely INSANE?" She took out her dagger and began carving greek letters into the tree that had trapped Abadon and Alitas in it cursing in Ancient Greek while she did this.
4:56am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(lol I see a rivalry between those two ^^)
5:10am Mar 1 2011
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(Who's up next?)
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5:45am Mar 1 2011
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(Niece or you?)
5:45am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 204
( ME, me! :D )
5:46am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Go ahead then ZaeZae, lol)
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5:56am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 204
'' I'm doubting my Greek, because I just heard that as 'Eat my socks' ,'' muttered Zayce to her elder brother. Abadon stifled a laugh, and nudged Zayce,'' Pfft. It's something worse, sister,'' '' Well, apparently,'' mumbled Zayce, as she stared at Avalon with disbelief as the latter suddenly yelled in irritation. '' Wow, you're...zesty,'' commented Zayce. '' Well, it's frustrating, alright? Artemis is so going to kill us,'' groaned Avalon. She whined, and started banging her head against a tree. ''Whoa whoa!'' said Abadon, pulling her away from the tree,'' Don't kill yourself before Artemis gets a chance to do so,'' '' I can pray to Dad and ask him to ask Artemis to spare us,'' suggested Zayce. '' Fat chance,'' said a soft, alien voice. Although the three didn't recognize the voice, they had a chilling guess of who it was. ''Goddess Artemis,'' squeaked the three in unison, turning to face the Goddess of Hunt. (Sorry for controlling your characters, Reu and Larg. Had no choice. -smiles sheepishly- )

6:02am Mar 1 2011 (last edited on 6:12am Mar 1 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon turned slowly, drawing his blade, "Well if i'm getting killed by a goddess who barely even knows my Dad.... I'm not going down without a fight." He turned to his sister, before dropping into a crouch, "Praying to either of our fathers isn't particularly useful... They're not so omnipresent since so few people believe in them readily." He was not entirely sure how fighting a goddess would go down, he ahd been told that a demi-god had always had no chance against a full god. But today he had chosen that it was about time he chose his own fate, sure his father would stick with him, whatever his decision was. "Time to right a few wrongs." He spoke the words like any true god would, spining the blade on his palm via the handle, laying all his trust in such a simple weapon. He had always relied heavily on his combat skills, but not as muc as he was now, he was laying every last morsel of faith he had into the small machete he usually carried in the side of his boot. "Ares Bless my blade and guide it steadily..." he spun the blade so it was upside down in his grasp, waiting for the goddess before him to make the first move.
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6:50am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(well lol, how'd I become Artemis? split personality or something? that'd be awesome ^^ it should be where she can take control of Alitas' body but when I take over again she has no recollection of what Artemis was doing. She has almost full control at night though.)
10:18am Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 204
( Uh. That doesn't really happen in Greek mythology. xD Let Artemis just be Artemis. What say? )
12:47pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(*waits patiently*)
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6:00pm Mar 1 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(sure, that'd be easier ^^)