3:13am Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 204
( Shao...it's your turn to write, isn't it? )
4:33am Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(yup) "I really should go back and help though," fretted Alitas as the wind whipped her face. She let her senses roam the skies, covering a rough 50 mile radius. "Hmm... a goddess is in town, wonder which one it is?" "Oh dang! if it's who I think it is they're in trouble!" she yelled. Abruptly she dove down below the clouds and blinked, her left eye turning gold. Looking down she gasped as she saw the tell-tale light of an immortal, a blue shaft that came down from the heavens, the link that connected them to their Olympus. "Great, what am I going to do? Charge in there and shoot sound waves at her?! Despite my power I'm not sure I can stand up to a goddess in this form. I could transform fully but, then..." she trailed off, seemingly uncaring that she was plumeting towards the earth at an alarming rate. "What do I do?!" Alitas wracked her brain searching for an answer. "I can't have the Olympians recognize me. Wait, I can use a form they don't know yet! That's it! I can use my full power and still help them out!" she rejoyced and slowed her pace from mach 3 to mach 1. "All I have to do is see what she wants from them and I'm in the clear to use powers." she whispered and she slowed down to the point that her wingbeats could be heard and landed deftly on a large tree all to similar to the one that had trapped her. I hate to wait, she thought to herself, but I can't just attack her for no reason. "Wait! That's Artemis!" Artemis was one of the two goddesses that supported her actions to protect nature, the other being Demeter. "Well no need then. Might as well watch though, maybe release enough power so she knows I'm here." Little by little, power leaked from her body like mist until her body was glowing in an eeiry blue light. Now I wait, Alitas thought and she pondered if Artemis could sense her or not, a thought that was answered when Artemis looked straight into her eyes.

8:15am Mar 3 2011
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Posts: 2,378
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8:26am Mar 3 2011
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8:29am Mar 3 2011
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(-Tackles ShaoShao for mimicking-)
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2:26pm Mar 3 2011
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11:07am Mar 4 2011
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(*Tackles again*)
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1:00pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 271
Avalon froze about the same time as Zayce and Abadon behind her.The three of them turned to face Artemis,the goddess of hunt and the sister of Apollo.She could feel Artemis' powerful aura radiating from her as pwerful as the aura of any other Olympian. Artemis stepped out into the clearing and gazed at all three of them.She was very graceful,and was wearing the outfit of a hunteress,her face and eyes glowed like the full moon on a dark night. Her hunteress' gathered atound her,and stood in the shadows,quietly observing what the Goddess.Just then,Abadon picked up his dagger and praying fervently to his father turned around to face Artemis,wanting to fight her. "There shall be no need of that, son of Ares.You wouldn't be able to harm me even if you tried." she said cooly flicking her finger up in the air.Abadon's dagger fell to the ground. Then turning to Avalon and Zayce motioned at them to follow her and disappeared into the trees. "What's her problem?" Abadon growled. "Its always like that.She dislikes men." Avalon whispered.
8:02pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(lol that's so Artemis XD)
11:29pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 204
Zayce looked at her brother, biting her lip slightly, and said,'' Abe...you're okay?'' ''Why wouldn't I be?'' snapped Abadon, taking his sister by surprise,'' Just go, would you?'' Zayce opened her mouth to retort, but Avalon placed a hand on her shoulder, and she just glared at her brother. '' Let's go, Avalon...'' said Zayce with a grumble, and without bidding her brother good-bye, she shuffled in the general direction that Artemis and her Hunters had taken. Avalon waved an apologetic good-bye to Abadon, and followed Zayce. '' This is so cool, right?'' said Avalon in excitement,'' We're meeting the Goddess herself!'' ''Yeah, whatever, hallelujah...'' muttered Zayce,'' Let's just get this over and done with, yes?'' Zayce expected Avalon to snap back at her, but Avalon just sighed, and said,'' You have quite the temper there,'' When Zayce didn't reply, she continued,'' Temper's good. Very good,'' Zayce chuckled and said,'' You're something else, aren't you?'' Avalon grinned goofily, and said,'' I've been told,'' ''I've got a feeling we're gonna get along really well.''

8:44am Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon growled, using the heel of his boot that was capped with solid steel to tap the tip of his blade, causing it to fly back up into his grasp. His play had worked perfectly, he had annoyed his siter and now he could follow rather easily, avoiding releasing any of the power that quite naturally eminated from his body. He literally ran up the surface of the tallest tree he could find, getting to a limb high above any natural field of vision. "Let's see if this way works." Strapping the dagger back into his boot, he tapped the sides of each of them, causing a small blade to pertrude from each boot. he then leapt, knowing there was no limb to catch on the next tree, catching his weight in the side of the tree on his boot's blades. He then worked his way around, before pushing him off to the next, following his sister's scent as closely as possible.
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10:12am Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 4:51am Mar 6 2011)
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Posts: 1,792
"Ah, I see Artemis never changes." Alitas said to no one in particular. She was standing on a tree not too far from where Abadon was. "I guess the poor boy is feeling left out." Alitas jumped over a couple of trees to meet him. "Someone's getting desperate." she told him as she watched him leap to another tree and catch hold with his boots. "Clever, but a bit hurtful don't you think? I'm not too sure Artemis will be overjoyed to see you again if you keep doing that." "And I should care, why?" retorted Abadon. "No real reason, unless you WANT to provoke her into zapping you into a jackalope." Alitas replied sarcasticly. Abadon grunted and Alitas ran after him. As they went, Abadon got quicker at jumping from tree to tree, impressing Alitas with his quick perfection of the movement. Looking back, she could practically see the "Ares" in him, in every movement and word she could find relations between the two that proved his blood. Deep in thought, Alitas jumped off a tree and above the tree cover and sought out Artemis' light to make sure they were going the right way. As much as she trusted Abadon's sense of smell, she knew how easily Artemis could give them the slip if she wanted. It was Artemis' element afterall, she could've easily hidden their scents and having them follow a random rabbit or deer. "Nope, that's her." Alitas remarked when she saw the moving light ahead. "I wonder why though," she contemplated, "that she hasn't made any moves to shake us off yet. It's like she wants us to follow but her pride won't let her ask Abadon to join them... That is very possible..." "So what do you think she wants with them?" Alitas asked friendly, trying to break the awkward silences that seemed to pop up so often between them. Abadon stayed silent, concentrating really hard on something she couldn't understand. She slapped her head in annoyance, "Why is it that I always end up with the stoic one?!" she shouted. They continued on, silent companions, until they felt Artemis come to a halt somewhere not too far ahead. Slowing down, they tried to access the situation from afar using sound, scent and feeling. Why would they stop, and what in the name of the Prime Meridian did Artemis want with Avalon and Zayce?

10:37am Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Shao, I'm sorry to say but me and Zae have been discussing it, and your charra has far too much power, wolves were never mentioned in Mythology... Plus, she's just a demi-god as Abadon is, and he's rpetty simple, so we were wonderring if you could play it down? as Powerplaying can really deter other RP'ers.)
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9:16pm Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(okies, how do you think I should tone it down?)
10:43pm Mar 5 2011
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Posts: 204
( Uhm, you could with eliminating the cat-sword and the animorphing? And you could exhibit powers of your own parentage? )
3:40am Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(You'll have to edit it before anyone can post, either way.)
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4:01am Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 204
( I *censored*ume Larg will take a while to post, so you can take sometime to post. :D )
4:01am Mar 6 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 204
( I *censored*ume Larg will take a while to post, so you can take sometime to post. :D )
4:09am Mar 6 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
(I would post, but I need Shao's edited first, lol.)
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4:52am Mar 6 2011
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Posts: 1,792
(done ^^ is that better?)