2:04pm Jul 7 2014
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"Yeah it is pretty odd considering how old it is," Alfred agreed before he finally let the fabric he'd been holding onto slip through his fingers. He let out another soft little sigh, content and relaxed. It didn't last too much longer before he ended up shifting again, his usual personality being back allowing his antsy nature to urge him to get up and move around. "Um, chocolate chip or maybe peanut butter cookies?" He looked up at Ivan curiously. "Which would you like best? Or we could do something else like raisin and oatmeal cookies," he murmured. Okay so he mostly wanted to see Ivan happy and making something, but he couldn't deny that now he really did want cookies.
Then he glanced at the clock and took a moment to do some mental math before grimacing and letting our a groan, which led to him flopping against Ivan. "We have maybe like, twenty minutes now before we have to head off," he muttered, pouting. Maybe he was dreading work today for nothing?
This is cute ;u;))
3:19pm Jul 7 2014
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Posts: 646
((Phhehehehh... That's funny and fluffy~))
"Perhaps it was made by an expert? I do not know. Is nice, though." Ivan murmured, taking in the sound of Alfred's sigh and the relaxation in his frame. Just as well that he did, because neither lasted long. Well, he'd known that Alfred was frequently in motion already - so long as he didn't put too much weight onto one point, Ivan didn't mind. "I have never tried peanut butter cookies." He stated, intrigued. "In fact, I did not know that peanut butter and cookies could go together. I have tried the other kinds, though, and I have never met a cookie I have disliked." Was his boyfriend going to react to this as he had to the Russian's ignorance of French Toast? Ivan wasn't sure, but he felt that it would be interesting to see what Alfred had to say about this. He was about to ask what they were like, when he heard Alfred groan. Slightly alarmed, he glanced at the American to see if there was something the matter - a stomachache, perhaps? He wasn't going to complain about the flopping, Alfred could do that all he liked, but it was only when the other male spoke up again that he realised how silly he'd been. Of course Alfred was alright. Good thing he hadn't said anything. "I guess that means that we should be going soon? My shoes are not far." Ivan responded, feeling regretful that the cuddling would have to cease. Still, it would be a bad idea to make Alfred late just for hugs, particularly if he wanted to get a job at the cafe.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
2:02pm Jul 8 2014
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"For some reason I really just don't want to go into work today," Alfred muttered before he gave in finally and moved to climb off Ivan's lap, stretching out his arms. "And wow, okay, you have no idea what you're missing with peanut butter cookies dude," he said, turning to grin over at Ivan. "They're super good and now it's decided that we're making those so you can try them because they're amazing and I feel the need to share their wonders," he said as he laughed softly and moved to go find his shoes to pull them on. "They can be really weird to make though if you don't like sticky, gooey stuff," he said as he looked over at his boyfriend with a wide smile. "But hey it's something to most definitely look forward to after work. You wouldn't believe the people we get sometimes," he said with a little laugh. "Most of the time though it's nice, until you get someone who has to have something in that super specific way and demand you remake it if you don't do it EXACTLY the way you want it. Like three drops of creamer or whatever being too much and apparently ruining the entire drink specific."
2:02pm Jul 8 2014 (last edited on 2:11pm Jul 8 2014)
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((Oops doublepost))
3:22pm Jul 8 2014
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((No worries~))
Ivan tilted his head as Alfred spoke, a quizzical ex pression on his face. "You don't? But I will be there today." He protested playfully, a mock-hurt look settling onto his features as he pouted briefly. His teasing didn't last long, though, as he registered the smiling and the endorsement of peanut butter cookies. "They are that good? Well, you will get no protest from me about trying them~" He stated, getting up. He cast about for his footwear, wandering over to pick up the relevant Items, before sitting himself down and putting them on. "I like sticky gooey things - if they do not smell bad, and if they are not on my things. The squishiness... it is amusing. If I had a problem with goo or stickiness, why would I cook? There is plenty of that sort of thing in food." He pointed out - quite reasonably, in his opinion, but with a mild smile. "I am certainly looking forward to them now~" He added, allowing his smile to widen. "Perfectionists? Ahh, is good that they are only sometimes customers - like sprouts are a sometimes food." The Russian responded thoughtfully, "Is it stressful, dealing with the demanding ones?" He didn't know what he could do to help with that sort of thing, considering that he couldn't control the whims of strangers, but perhaps he could make it seem less important? Maybe simply being there would help - Alfred being there seemed to help him, so it might work the other way around, and it wasn't as though some persnickety customer whose drink had to be perfection was life-threatening or terror-inducing.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
4:02pm Jul 8 2014
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Posts: 11,785
"Yeah but here I can also directly spend time with you," Alfred pointed out with a grin, reaching out to tap Ivan's forehead a moment before he moved over to where the DS had been charging to gently unplug it, then pause and laugh softly. "You know what, you have a point. If you hated goop cooking probably wouldn't be a good hobby, huh?" he responded, grinning before he ended up making another face. "I'm so glad they're only sometimes. I don't think I could handle a lot of them at once." That would be absolutely horrible. Wow, okay, more than horrible, it would be a nightmare and he would probably quit.
Then he moved over to Ivan, leaning against the chair. "Thank goodness you'll be there so I know I'll have someone sane to talk to," he said with a soft laugh.
((My replies are so short and crappy I'm so sorry xD))
4:33pm Jul 8 2014
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Posts: 646
((I don't mind your short posts - they've still got good content for me to take cues from. ^_^))
Ivan blinked when his forehead was tapped, and smiled. "True." He admitted, watching Alfred dealing with the DS. He wondered whether he should bring a bag to put it in - just in case it fell out of his pocket or something. Perhaps he could put it in a little bag with his sketchbook? That was in a drawstring bag already, so it wouldn't take long. "Indeed." Ivan confirmed, with mock solemnity. "For me, the goop is a good part of the fun. It was actually part of why I became interested in cookery - I saw my mother kneading dough when I was younger, and I wanted to play with the messy substance also." He confided, reflecting that it was a rather good thing that she'd taken him seriously, and taught him how to do so properly. Playing with dough had never lost its appeal, though he didn't feel the need to get it all over his face and in his hair any longer. Heh... Alfred makes funny faces. He mused, watching the American's ex pression change. "I think that they could not travel in packs - plural noun would be argument, da? Therefore, small doses are more practical for them as well." He declared, feeling quite pleased with his lighthearted reasoning. He paused for a moment, when Alfred drew close, struck by something in his boyfriend's words. Why did they seem so... ironic? "Mm, da. I will make sure that the coffee crazies do not pickle your brain with their fussiness." He joked, appreciating the closeness, even though the peculiar ironic feeling to Alfred's statement was a little unsettling.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
5:11pm Jul 8 2014
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Alfred grinned, tilting his head a little bit. "You sound like you were an adorable kid, man. I'm told I was a little terror for a while," he said with a laugh. "Like, if you think I have a lot of energy now you should have seen me when I was like, six. I'm pretty sure my parents had to have a child leash for me so I would run off and accidentally lock myself in a display cupboard or something," he said, grinning. "Which, honestly, I actually still managed to do once. I have no idea how they ever managed to deal with me, honestly," he said as he moved to idly run his fingers through Ivan's hair again. "Thank whatever higher powers may exist for that fact there, man. A pact of prissy perfectionists would probably agitate me to no end" he said with a quiet little sigh, his head tilting a little bit. "Most of the regular customers are nice, though. Especially the nice elderly couple that comes in on tuesdays. They're actually really adorable and sweet and besides you they're my favorite customers I think," he said, grinning.
12:51am Jul 9 2014 (last edited on 12:53am Jul 9 2014)
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Posts: 646
"Ahh, I guess I probably was..." Ivan mumbled sheepishly, smiling. It was definitely easier to smile properly by now - that was a good thing. "I did get into trouble, though... I was quite prone to tantrums for a while." He added, conscious that he should probably mention that he hadn't always been easy to deal with either. After all, no little one could really be perfectly behaved all the time, could they? "I think that I can imagine that happening... Was the display cupboard empty, then?" He asked, not certain that a wiggly six-year-old would have been able to fit himself into a full one. He wondered idly what was supposed to be on display, and whether the cupboard had been in a place that Alfred had lived, or elsewhere, but he didn't think it very important. A small happy noise sounded in his throat as Alfred's fingers trailed through his hair once more - it was actually quite a soothing sensation, and it reinforced the feeling of being cared for. His hair only had the occasional hints of wetness to it now, being mostly dry, and having exchanged its damp shimmer for its more misty appearance while dry. "Mmm, I think that they would be irritating to anybody, really." He agreed, not nodding - Alfred's hand was still on his head. "An elderly couple? If they are as sweet as you say, then I am hopeful that they might be there today - if only that you would have more customers to smile about than myself." He stated, while trying to figure out if there was anything he'd forgotten. Ah, yes, I should ask about the DS and bag... "Ah, Alfya? I have a bag that I could be putting the DS into, that it does not fall from a pocket - should I fetch that?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:48am Jul 9 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Alfred laughed softly. "Furniture stores usually keep their display things empty yeah," Alfred responded, grinning as he hummed lightly. "But on that note I also managed to get myself stuck in the sofas or caught in a row of display doors. I actually really needed that child leash," he said with a loud laugh, shaking his head. "I may have pictures somewhere. I don't think I ever put any in that album," he murmured, tilting his head a little bit. "I can go look when we get back, if you want. I may have even taken a nap in one when I was younger," he said, laughing lightly. "And dude, the temper tantrums are like, a staple of children's behavior I swear. I had them too." He tilted his head a little bit. "Though according to my mom it was usually when I was hungry, which I was a lot for some reason." And then his smile softened, the blonde looking down at the Russian. "I really enjoy when they come in," he said softly. "You'll like them. The guy's a real gentleman and orders for his wife and pulls out her chair for her and everything. It's so sweet, I swear," he said, humming contentedly. "It's people like that, the kind people that actually seem like they really appreciate you doing your job, that it worth it, honestly. I love it."
And then he blinked, looking down at the other with a smile. "Oh! Yeah, that's a good idea actually, Vanya. And you can be whatever else you want if you really wanna stay with me for my whole shift," he said, tilting his head.
2:11am Jul 9 2014
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"Ohh, so it was in a store." Ivan murmured, now understanding a little better. "Sofas also? I am impressed. Did you fall down behind cushion like coin?" He added, definitely amused now. "Such a puppy~" He giggled, smiling up at Alfred. "Oh, I think that I would like to see them - it sounds likely to be very cute~" He answered, grinning at the mental image of a tiny Alfie tearing around like an over-enthused pup. "Food tantrums? Ah, I am told that, once I was speaking, I was more prone to being sullen when I was hungry. The tantrums were more to do with company - if I had not had interaction with my mother or father for a little while, such as if there was cooking going on, I would have hissy fit. I was quite a clingy child, craving all the attention that I could get. I think there were times when I would not let go of my father's leg, unless to be transferred to my mother." He explained, shrugging slightly. He had not been short of attention from his parents, but he'd never liked losing sight of them for a moment when he was little. Almost as though he were afraid that they might disappear, and leave him alone. He'd heard of pet dogs reacting like that sometimes, and trashing rooms - perhaps dogs and toddlers were on the same wavelength?
"Ahh, chivalry - that is something I am familiar with. It does sound as though he is a gentleman. What about the lady? What is she like?" He responded, pleased by the upbeat tone of Alfred's voice as he spoke of the old couple. "Oh, I will fetch that now, then~" He answered, when Alfred told him he could indeed bring the bag. "This will not take long." He assured the other, striding to the place he had left his backpack and digging into its contents. Pulling out a smaller, drawstring bag, he checked inside - there was his pencil case, his sketchbook, and a notebook - that would be good. Carrying it back towards Alfred, he waved it to indicate that he had obtained what he wanted. The bag itself was a pale green, with darker green strings, and there were simple images of sunflowers upon it. It had probably been intended for a younger target audience, but he'd liked it too much to care. "Found it~"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
4:21am Jul 9 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Alfred laughed softly. "I think I got my leg stuck in part of the sofa," he responded. "I don't remember exactly what my mom had told me since it was a while ago when I asked her, tilting his head a little bit as he watched Ivan head off to find the bag he was talking about. He smiled when the other found it, holding out the DS a moment later. "Perfect!" he said rather happily. "Oh and as for the lady, you know those stereotypical sweet gramma's you see places? That is basically her. Her name's Edith and she's super sweet and except you, her and her husband are one of the few who bothered to keep conversation with me going. They even ask me how school's going and ask me if I'm getting enough sleep." His smile grew wider. "I absolutely love when they come in." He laughed softly. "If they do some in today you'll really like them, and they'll probably like you too. Edith and Henry O'Neil," he said with a soft laugh, trotting over to Ivan to take hold of one of his hands, his mood regarding working seeming to have lifted a good bit.
((These two don't even exist and I kind of like them now too))
7:12am Jul 9 2014 (last edited on 4:33pm Jul 9 2014)
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Posts: 646
((Having really bad cramps and some nausea - I may not be able to post again for a while today, I don't know.))
Ivan was amused by Alfred's sofa-related plight, for all that it had been long ago, and he was glad to hear the other's amusement also. “Spasiba.” He responded, when Alfred called his bag perfect, and took hold of the proffered DS. Slipping it into his bag, he continued listening to his boyfriend's deion of the old lady. “It does sound as though they are very nice.” Ivan agreed, musing that the couple seemed to be quite considerate – perhaps they had come to see Alfred as being like an honorary grandchild? It could simply be that it was how they treated people. “It sounds as though they care, and that is a pleasant thing – one that is not seen enough, really. I am glad that they come, though I have not met them yet, and I would be pleased to meet them if they are there when I am.” He concluded, fingers curling around Alfred's hand when it met his own. It seemed that the sparky American's mood had improved through discussion of the nice customers, and Ivan was glad of that, and of the warm hand in his own. “Is it time to be going now?”
((Edit: I'm feeling much better now.))
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:30am Jul 10 2014
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Posts: 11,785
((I'm glad you feel better dear <333))
Alfred nodded. "It's definitely worth it," he agreed before he stretched out his arms above his head and nodded. "Yeah, we probably should head out around now," he responded, letting his arms fall to his side before he turned to start to the door, making sure to grab his keys. "It feels nice knowing that Penny won't be here alone this time," he said rather happily, grinning. He was really glad they found Vodka and that they were able to integrate him this easily into their little home. "You sure you'll be okay at the cafe for my entire shift?" he asked, looking back at the Russian. Granted it might be better than just staying home, but...still.
1:53am Jul 10 2014
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Posts: 646
((Thanks~ ^_^))
"Okay~" Ivan responded, watching Alfred stretch for a moment, before following as the other male headed towards the door. "Mm, da - company is good." He agreed, reflecting on the issue of the kitties. "I am sure that she is glad to have someone to play with now~" He added, smiling. He, too, was quite glad that they'd encountered Vodka, and was relieved that there hadn't been any arguments between the cats thus far - or any destruction. "Hmm? Oh, da, I will be okay." He answered, when asked about staying in the cafe. "I will be quite content to remain, and I have things to occupy myself with, so I will not be bored. I do not yet know where I would go besides your workplace, and it is a nice place besides." It was sweet, knowing that Alfred was considering whether he'd be bored, but he really didn't know what else he could occupy himself with, and he recalled quite clearly the anxiety he'd felt the last time they'd separated while out and about. He didn't understand it, but he wasn't keen to encounter it again just yet - it had not been at all pleasant. "Do not be worrying, all is fine~"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
2:13pm Jul 10 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Alfred nodded in response to Ivan's words about the cats, trotting over to his car to get it all unlocked. e looked back at Ivan with a wide smile. "Then I guess at some point that's something I should show you," he said, leaning against his car for a moment. "I actually kind of forgot that you just moved here since I'm already so used to having you around," he said with a soft, sheepish little laugh. "Wow whatever hit us hit us hard, huh?" It still felt like he'd known Ivan for longer than just one lifetime. And they had been drawn together like this, and they fit together so well! That reincarnation thing was feeling more and more likely by the day. "Oh yeah and I'll check and make sure we have a spot open in the kitchen area an get you an application if we do," he said rather happily, grinning wide. He was sure the cafe could benefit from having Ivan around since he loved to make things.
3:40pm Jul 10 2014 (last edited on 3:46pm Jul 10 2014)
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Following Alfred out, Ivan smiled at the sight of the sky. There were more clouds than there had been the previous day, but none of them looked heavy with rain, and the blue of the sky could be seen peeking from between them. Somewhere to the left, he could see an indistinct flock of birds wheeling through the air - though he didn't know what type they were. "It seems to me as though I am used to being around you more than I would have expected also..." Ivan responded, nodding. It was... more than a little odd, the way that he and Alfred gelled so well – as though they'd known each other for years. Thinking about it, Ivan realised that it was actually somewhat disconcerting. He'd been in America for less than a week, and he'd already decided to stay. Because of Alfred. Decisions like that shouldn't go so fast, should they? How had he even managed to build up enough of a connection to someone here so fast? It seemed... unreal. He was an iceman, after all, or so he'd thought. Hadn't he gone years without any meaningful friendships – or even meaningless ones? No wonder reincarnation didn't seem like such a preposterous notion, considering just how fast he'd gone from being a stranger newly met to being a boyfriend. A boyfriend. He sighed, bringing his palm up to meet his forehead. None of this made any sense – so why did it feel right? He was used to being a reticent loner, prickly towards strangers and, well, anyone who got close enough to hurt him. He didn't used to trust so easily. If he'd known Alfred in a past life, maybe they'd have already gone through the process of bringing him out of his shell? He didn't even consider that he might not have had one – if anything, perhaps it would have been thicker, for not having been melted before.
He felt as though perhaps he ought to be nervous of what he and Alfred had, and he kind of was, but he knew that he wouldn't give it up. How could he? He hadn't been lying when he'd told the American that he was happier than he could recall being, and he knew – he knew – the feelings within him. He loved the man. There was no way he could leave his heart and happiness behind out of fear – he didn't want to live broken, always wondering what he'd fled from. He kind of felt like he was a stray who'd followed Alfred home, though – like Vodka. He was Alfred's kitten – he'd been lonely and cold and unused to being loved, and now he was devoted to the one who'd brought him into the warm and held him. Was that okay? If he thought about it that way, it seemed a little... pathetic of him. He liked being Alfred's kitten, he enjoyed the affection that was suddenly part of his world, but he didn't want to simply be a stray who'd stolen a place for himself in the American's big warm heart – he wanted to take an active role in forming their relationship. To be someone who could be depended upon, rather than only depending. He was sure that Alfred would approve of that – he seemed to value Ivan's opinions – but what could he do? He felt uncomfortable. Wasn't dating supposed to play a rather large role in forming relationships? Perhaps he ought to find out if there was anywhere he could bring Alfred... True, he didn't know his way around, but that was what maps and the internet were for, wasn't it? It would be nice to be the one bringing Alfred somewhere – and maybe he wouldn't feel so... lost. Perhaps he should find someplace interesting, like an aquarium? Those were nice, and they'd probably be signposted or something. He'd have to think about that later.
"Da, we have definitely been hit hard." He agreed, giving Alfred a slightly lopsided smile. "I am glad of it, for all that I am still reeling." He added, his fingers finding the handle of the car. "You will? Spasiba~" Ivan grinned, his features adorned by a wide, genuine smile. He didn't tend to smile so big, but perhaps Alfred was rubbing off on him a little. He wouldn't let a stranger see him smile in such an open way. "I appreciate that~"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
5:23pm Jul 10 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Alfred tilted he head a little bit as he watch Ivan, who seemed almost...lost in himself for a little bit. His brows furrowed a little bit. "You okay?" he asked, concerned for the large Russian. Had he possibly brought up something at a bad time? It probably wouldn't be the last time, given how mouthy he could be sometimes. Maybe he should work on trying to give himself a bit of a filter instead of just yammering on endlessly sometimes. Sure, Ivan had said that he liked listening to Alfred talk, but that didn't mean he'd always like what was said, right?
He was soothed a bit when he saw Ivan smile, a genuine smile from the look of it, though. "Yeah it is pretty intense still, huh?" he said with a quiet little laugh. It was certainly odd how fast they'd settled into being in a relationship, but it was more than nice being able to share intimacy like this with someone that felt so familiar, like he was meant to be there and he'd simply been away for a little bit. "The universe is kinda funny I guess," he said with a quiet little laugh before he slid into the car, pulling on his seatbelt. Maybe he could ask Ivan later about what he may have been thinking about?
1:37am Jul 11 2014
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Ivan was startled into the realisation that he'd got lost in his thoughts for a little longer than he'd thought, and that Alfred had noticed, when the American asked him whether he was alright. "Ahh, I am fine, do not worry. I was simply lost in thought." He answered, feeling a little anxious that he might have discomfited his boyfriend. Plans or no plans, he didn't want to upset Alfred. What must he be thinking? I hope that I have not made a fool of myself already... "Is confusing, how soon we have bonded, da? I was trying to understand... Is hard to get past how glad I am that it has happened." He added, hoping that this answer would cover all bases. He wasn't sure precisely what had caused the furrowed brow that indicated Alfred's worry, but he wanted to fix it.
"Intense indeed." He agreed gratefully, happy to have something to latch onto that seemed to indicate that Alfred was less concerned. He didn't like feeling as though something he'd said or done had caused Alfred to worry, though he didn't tend to mind if other people were worried by him, and he made a mental note to figure out how to avoid it. Surely that couldn't be too hard? "The universe? Ohhh, definitely a funny place... Full of weird and wonderful things, and some of them great and terrible. Beautiful, though." He responded, supposing that there must still be a great deal left unknown about that vastness, if their little hypothesis was correct. He wondered whether, if they really had been reborn, he might be able to remember anything about Alfred in order to figure out a nice surprise. That thought got cut off quickly, for some reason. Almost as though he was afraid to remember... Well, he could live with that, for now. Following Alfred into the car, Ivan buckled himself in and glanced across to see the American's ex pression, hoping that he wasn't too worried now.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
8:28am Jul 17 2014
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Posts: 11,785
After getting everything settled and ready to go, Alfred started up the car, got it into gear, and pulled out to start off towards Cafe Americana, another smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah it is pretty confusing, huh?" he responded with a soft laugh as he leaned back to adjust himself. "I actually forgot that you've only been here a few days until now. Wow, huh?" Really the most obvious explanation for this was that reincarnation thing they'd talked about, since they had clicked so immediately and subconsciously remembered things about the other...and Alfred subconsciously knowing what was apparently a great deal of Russian. He'd never looked up the language in his life, so that alone was weird. Wow, he hadn't really stopped to think on that a lot had he?
"It is indeed full of all sorts of things," he responded softly with a slight tilt of his head. "Big place where I guess anything can happen, huh?" he said, glancing over at Ivan for a moment. They'd known one another a few days and they were dating and were just so close already it was almost dizzying to think about.
((I am so sorry I took so long I'm terrible ;^;))