2:02am Jun 30 2013
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Sly smiled his cocky smile and he calmed down a bit. "Haha, you wouldnt want me to die now? I think someone is getting the hots for me, eh?" he chuckled. Sly loved teasing Enola whenever she slipped up, it was practically his job. Sly then watched as the old woman sat in her rocking chair in the larger room and turned on a magic box with moving pictures. Amazed, he sat right in front of the box with both ears perked as he watched a dramatic "show" of something they called Law & Order. Such horrible things humans did! They murder a helpless woman and actually try to run away from that crime? Shame.. Well, I've murdered those foxes that night we were still at the forest but that was survival.. And at least it wasn a helpless female fox. I dont think I could stoop so low. Sly thought to himself. He then heard Mabel gasp and he quickly turned around. "Oh! My dear, it seems you 'ave an ol' scar on your side! And your paw is damaged a' well!" she exclaimed as she picked up Sy to inspect him. Any other human, and he would surely try to snap but he figured he owed Mabel one so he let himself be looked at. Sure his paw still hurt but.. come on! Mabel then put him down and rushed outside into a shack. Sly then looked back to Enola confused. "Whats wrong with her? So what I got a couple of scars, you women are so sensitive.." he teased.
10:41am Jun 30 2013
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(XD I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair... It hurt. O-O) Enola growled, tail poofing up like a feather duster. "Oh, I suppose you'd want me to leave that paw of yours to bleed out, you'd want me to leave you on that train? Have you get yourself killed in every way possible?" She loped past Sly, curling up beneath the chair. "You're too masculine to understand. Vixens know these things." Enola snarled, lowering her chin onto her paws.
(O-O Sorry it's short, I just heard about a bomb that went off up here in Spokane.)
1:28pm Jun 30 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Holy crapz really? I hate how this world is turning out, so many bombings all of a sudden. I hope they catch Edward Snowden already -.- ))
Sly flashed a flirty smile but before he could say anything Mabel came back with a bottle that said ALCOHOL with big letters. Sly quickly hid in the shadows but Mabel soon found him. "C'mere you ol' sly fox." Mabel said, grabbing him by the scruff so he wouldnt fidget. Mabel then took him outside to the back and layed him on the porch in the shade. "Jus' lay down an' we can be over with this." she ordered. Sly unwillingly layed down, curious and cautious about what she would do. Without warning she squirted the liquid onto the scar on his side and it stung. Sly yelped in pain but she held him down. She then wrapped the cloth around his body and inspected his foot. "All I can do is wrap the cloth 'round it. We'll take ya to the vet later." Mabel announced and carefully wrapped the cloth around his paw. Sly then limped inside and looked to Enola. "What's a vet?" he asked.
1:47pm Jun 30 2013
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(The bomb was in the passenger seat of a car and went off at 4 in the morning. Nobirdy knows who did it. :/ ) Enola smirked, pawing at the cloth. "Ah, well, now you get what you deserve, eh? Another of your victims - Allirea, the one who nearly took your tail off, if I remember correctly - had said that the vet is a place of ultimate torture. Said that she saw creatures die there." She flattened her ears against her head and backed up. "Again, don't die. Because if you're going to be killed, I'll be the one killing you. I have plenty of reasons at this point, so don't push it."
1:57pm Jun 30 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Oh ok, but I also meant that I just hope they catch him. *shudders* Then the whole situation with N.Korea..))
Sly smiled and said, "Allirea was just using me. She deserved what came to her. She just wanted me around so she could make her old boy jealous.". Sly then looked down to his bandages and back to Enola. "And dont worry, I'll try my best not to die." he smirked. He tried chewing at the wraps around his paw but they were tight, stupid humans and their oppasable (( Did i spell that wrong? >.< )) thumbs. Mabel came back with the same thing they put on his muzzle back at the zoo and he slowly backed away. "Oh no dont worry, it'll just be for this time.." Mabel said and quickly put it on. Sly tried hisbest to shake it off but it as tight as well. He then sighed and looked to Enola, not able to say very much.
2:29pm Jun 30 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD Apposable, but Auto-Correct won't admit it.)
Enola frowned, clawing at the muzzle. "Eh, don't worry. You're hardly competition for a worm." She dug at the collar around Sly's nose, but it wouldn't budge. "Alright... Don't say a word about this, because it worked with a bear trap on my father's tail once. Not. One. Word." She clamped her jaws across the width of the collar, and tried to pull it off sideways. She tried to bite in as hard as she could, but not too hard as to hurt Sly. She yanked it to the side, but it still wouldn't move. "Oh, come on! Alright, now, don't even laugh about this. I'm not kidding. If you want it off, you'll shut out your pride and deal with it." She bit into the thing lengthwise so her teeth hooked onto the buckles, and tried to pull so hard that her paws were about to slip out from underneath her.
12:28am Jul 1 2013
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Sly grunted in pain as Enola yanked his jaw. The thing obviously wouldnt budge."AH! JUST -AGH!! Just, stop!" he begged. He was losing his balance and so was Enola, from the looks of it. Like an idiot, he tripped over his own paw and tumbled right onto Enola. He widened his eyes and blushed furiously and quickly sqwirrmed off of her. "I, um.. *ahem* Im just going.. outside and wait for Mabel.." he said akwardly, his cheeks growing redder than usual. YOU IDIOT!! HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH AN IDIOT!? Sly thought to himself angrily. He then waited for Mabel patiently on the porch.
(( XD ANOTHER ROMANTIC SCENE ( >3< /) )) (( You can play Mabel now ^^))
12:06pm Jul 1 2013
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Enola growled and stood up, swishing her tail around to get the dirt off. "Reason number five hundred fifty-two... Check." She frowned, then sat down. Mabel bustled out through the door, wearing an enormous hat with gargantuan sunflowers on it. "Alrighty naw, let's git this ov'r with! Heh, gots'ta look mighty fine for the vet! If Morris ain't gonna find out, I's home free!" She waddled over to Sly, her huge folds of fat jiggling like puffer fish on steroids.
5:08pm Jul 1 2013
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Sly could feel Mabel take him off the ground and stuff him into a small cage like the zookeepers once did. He was then carried into a moving.. thing? He heard a loud roar and it began to rumble. "What the-?!". Soon he was at another building with a big red cross and a picture of an animal. Mabel then came and grabbed the cage and walked inside the building. (( Od, sorry thispost is so dull and lame. My sister wont shut her mouth and I couldnt think of anything good >.< Maybe Enola can follow them or have secretly tagged along?))
6:42pm Jul 1 2013
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(XD I have a plan.) Enola popped her eyes open as she felt something stuffed in on top of her. "Hey, do you mind?!" She scrambled around, then waited until they were out of the moving thing to see who was shoved in. "Sly?" She squinted at the bright light coming in through the spaces behind Sly. "Eh, I won't even bother asking. So, where are we now?"
12:05am Jul 2 2013
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Sly was surprised to see Enola in the moving thingy with him. "What? What are you doing here?!" he asked through the bars of his cage. "Also, Im not sure. But there is a lot of dirt so Im guessing the road or something. I heard Mabel said we'll be getting to the vet in 5 more minutes. How did you even get here?" he asked once more, astonished.
12:35pm Jul 2 2013
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Enola frowned, trying to steady herself. "Well, I was taking a nap. And I was able to squirm through that tiny little hole up there." She pointed with her nose toward the sun roof. "Mostly because I'm not as fat as you are." She tilted her chin up and giggled a little bit. She hated that giggle.
12:47pm Jul 2 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Hahahaha... Very funny." Sly said sarcastically. He looked at the rusty lock of his cage and he fidgted around with it. Stupid human things were so complicated.. He then felt a jolt and the moving thing stopped. Sly hard Mabel humming and coming their way. "Hide or, something!" Sly said.
1:11pm Jul 2 2013
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Posts: 4,211
Enola scampered over the top of the back seat, waggling her hind legs until they fell down with her. "Alright, you be careful! I'll find a way to catch up!" She squirmed underneath the cup holder, watching Sly and Mabel with round eyes. I'm not kidding... Be careful, you fat old stud.
1:31pm Jul 2 2013 (last edited on 1:35pm Jul 5 2013)
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Posts: 2,763
Sly nodded his head as Mabel grabbed the cage Sly was in, whistling proudly as she stomped to the front door. Sly looked as other humans gave him cold stares and tried to stop their dogs from going crazy. "Ah yes, I be here for an appointment." she spoke to a woman at the front. "What is your.. pet's name?" she asked as she looked down to Sly. "Oh he's not my pet, just thought I'd help the poor fella with his hurt foot." Mabel said. Sly was then taken to a room and taken out of the cage to siton a big thing Mabel called a 'Scale'. Mabel waited foe the doctor to arrive while Sly hoped Enola found a way in.
2:11pm Jul 2 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Wow... Enola grabbed the cage Sly was in?)
10:27pm Jul 4 2013
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Posts: 2,763
( What? No. Lol where did you get that from XP))
12:49pm Jul 5 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(First sentence of your post, genius. XD)
1:33pm Jul 5 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( OH! Jeez XD I honestly didnt see that there XD Ill edit it in a bit.))
12:31pm Jul 16 2013
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Enola weaseled out from the top window of the moving box, then leaped down and onto a dumpster outside Sly's window. She scratched the glass, hoping to get his attention before the doctors arrived. Enola worked on the little latch on the outside, muttering to herself. "Stupid humans and their stupid thumbs, stupid contraptions, stupid glass, stupid rocks, stupid Sly..."