3:21am May 26 2013
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(This whole thing reminds me of that one scene in Spirited away when Chihiro is trying to cure Haku, if you've seen it... XD) Enola frowned, lifting her head up again. "I'd heard of this cave made of trees, where a trapper's supposed to live. I guess we'll find out, eh?" She lowered her head again for a few more minutes, then backed away. "The pain should be gone in about half an hour." She loped back to the cave, curling up in the far corner again.
3:24am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol no I havent XD ))
Sly moaned. "Half an hour? ARGHH!" Sly then slowly slumped over to the cave and curled up on the oppisite side of the cave, finalky falling asleep as he hid his face with his bushy tail. (( Timeskip to morning?))
3:25am May 26 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Yerp... But which of us should post first?)
3:30am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( You can post first if you want ))
3:40am May 26 2013
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(XD Okie!) Enola woke up slowly, pleased to see that Sly was still in the cave. She stood up, crawling down to the river. She bent her forelegs and lapped up water, checking her surroundings by swiveling her ears in every direction. Her tail swished slowly like a horse behind her, creating a steady breeze among the small field daisies and tall grass. The morning was lovely, and Enola enjoyed every minute of it.
3:47am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly woke up and noticed Enola missing. "Enola..?" he mumbled tiredly. His thoughts flashed back to last night where he got into a fight with Bruno. ( Lets just say thats his name XP) He then stood straight and walked around looking for her frantically as he tried his best to ignore the pain. Sly was relieved to see her at the river and he turned his head to the side where he saw Bruno's dead friend's body still there. His eyes widened and he looked from Enola to the body. I cant let her see this. She'll think Im crazy and I killed him. You did you idiot.. Sly then acted as if he didnt see the body and walked to Enola, lapping water nervously. "M-Morning.." he said.
3:50am May 26 2013
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(XD OMAIGAWD BRUNO) Enola glanced toward Sly, then back at the water. She lifted her head and licked the water off of her nose. She tilted her head to the side, sitting down. "Something wrong?" Her tail tapped the ground slightly like a kitten, but it still swayed with the wind and plucked daisies from the ground that just wove themselves in.
3:53am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly stopped drinking water and stared at the water as if his responce was hidden in there somewhere. "Um, no.. Hey maybe we should just leave now. And like, not going back to the cave at all.." he said.
3:53am May 26 2013 (last edited on 3:54am May 26 2013)
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Posts: 2,763
(( Double post.))
3:57am May 26 2013
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(ANGRY HOUSEWIFE ENOLA INITIATE!) Enola frowned, standing up and looking around. "Alright, what're you hiding? I'm not an idiot, I know when I'm being distracted." She squinted her eyes, looking for a patch of fur or a piece of metal, SOMETHING. She stepped forward, sweeping the area like a metal detector.
4:00am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly panicked and quickly ran in front of her, staring into her eyes, his pupils small infear of Enola finding the body. "No, wait Enola please! I just think-" Sly then felt his backfoot touch something soft and wet. "Oh gosh.." he mumbled as he hanged his head, knowing it was the dead body. "Before you say anything, its not what it looks like." he said softly.
9:30am May 26 2013
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Posts: 4,211
Enola lifted her head and moved it to the side, inspecting the fur. "Yes, it is." She trotted around Sly and leaned down to look closer. "It's..." She lifted her head and looked Sly in the eye. "A job well done." Enola smirked, then she bent down to grab the fox by the scruff and drag it toward the river.
11:01am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly was confused, again. "What do you mean? I just mauled someone and your fine with it?!" he asked astonished. Sly then followed her to the river. "I mean, he's dead,Enola!" he shouted.
11:15am May 26 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD Are you kidding me, Sly?) Enola shrugged, nudging the body into the river. "With that much blood? Must have deserved it. What, would you rather my reaction be ripping your skull and spine from your skin, twisting every vertebrae out of place to make it as painful as possible?" She padded into the river and shook the blood off of her head, then came back out and looked at Sly.
11:20am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD that sounded creepy.))
Sly got chills from what Enola just said. "Um, no.." he muttered. He guess the fox did kinda deserve it. At least Bruno would leave him alone now. Sly then sighed and looked at the ground. "I guess your reaction now would b better.." he said, fright clearly showing in his voice of Enola.
11:28am May 26 2013
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(XD I learn what I can from Mortal Kombat fatalities) Enola smirked, then walked past Sly, kicking him with her left haunch. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going hunting. For rabbits. Or, possibly, someone's tail." She jumped across the river at a thin point and bounded up a hill, then sat down. She held her back straight and head alert, ears yet again swiveling in each direction for danger.
11:37am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly slightly laughed and watched Enola hunting for her prey. He figured since- they were leaving today he should head back to his neighborhood and possibly cause something. The forest could be a boring place sometimes and usually running away from victims he just stole from was very exciting. Sly swiftly ran back to where his den was, not to far away, and looked around at the other burrows. He watched a fox come out of his den andwalk away from it. Sly smiled and slyly ran to the den, looking for any prey piles he knew were probably in there. Sly soon found a pile of vermin and took a few rabbit from it and ran, hearing the shoutes of the male fox. "Hey! Thief, help!" he shouted but Sly just laughed and found the same den near the river and laid down to eat one of his prizes.
11:48am May 26 2013
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Enola lowered her head and shoulders down below her haunches and slowly escalated down the hill, eyes on a big old poofy rabbit. "That's it... Come to mama..." She grinned, then pounced on the hare. She strangled with it for a couple moments, then snapped it's neck with her jaws. She triumphantly escorted the dead body back to the cave, bloody limbs swaying left and right.
11:50am May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly looked at Enola's kill and wanted to show off what he 'caught'. "Hey look, I got more than you!" he teased stupidly. (( Lol so braindead.))
12:15pm May 26 2013
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Posts: 4,211
Enola shrugged, sniffing the air, and catching the scent of another fox. "At least I caught my own prey." She dropped the bunny onto the ground, then lay down next to it. (SHORTY MCSHORTERSON!)