12:19pm May 26 2013
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Sly dropped his ears but smiled anyway. "Yea you might have, but I just love the adrenaline. I think its the best part of.. doing what I do." he said. Sly honestly was terrible at hunting, he didnt think he could pass by after his mom and dad passed away. That was when Sly started stealing just to try to survive for as long as he could. Now, stealing was a daily thing and it was like a new life cycle for him. Well it was. "After this are we leaving?" he asked.
12:23pm May 26 2013
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Enola nodded. "Yeah, come on." She stood up, snapped a few bones, and ate her kill, then went on toward the dark forest. She was always afraid of that forest, but apparently now, it didn't exactly matter what she was afraid of. All that mattered was Enola finding her siblings, and going on with her life.
12:28pm May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly followed Enola into the forest. It didnt seem to bad but then again there could be trappers anywhere. He heard about those weird metal bear jaws hunters placed on the ground and covered with leaves. "Just watch where you step." he told her quietly. He then heard a click and stopped dead in his tracks. "E-Enola..?" he whispered. "Did you hear that?" (( Are we going to do the same as our story and get them caught and sent to a zoo?))
12:36pm May 26 2013
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(XD Yep. This is gonna be goooooood.) (This roleplay reminds me of Morning Light by Jen Wood... Just saying. XD) Enola stopped, too. "Yes... Do you think it could be..?" She turned her head slowly, one paw frozen in the air. That's when she saw it, stone cold truth right in front of her. There was the edge of a boot poking out from the bushes. Her eyes widened again, and she sprinted away. "RUN!" A net came from the opposite direction, catching her entire body. Enola yelped, struggling to escape. "Sly! Get out of here!"
12:40pm May 26 2013
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Sly stood frozen in place and tried escaping, only to feel something grab at his feet. He soon realized it was one of those painful metal jaws. He howled in pain and tried frantically to get free. Finally he felt something sharp hit his neck but it didnt hurt as much. He then felt himself slowly going to sleep and the metal teeth being torn away from his foot. "Eno...." he was asleep. (( AH SO MUCH DRAMA! XD ))
12:56pm May 26 2013
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(Time skip to zoo? We both know Enola is going to be sedated.)
1:26pm May 26 2013
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(( Yea sure. But I have to log off for a bit. ))
1:28pm May 26 2013
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(Okie. You get to post first, since I did last time.)
2:35pm May 26 2013
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Sly woke up surrounded by grass and some trees, along with a hollow log here and there and.. toys? He hoped the whole thing happened was just a nightmare but then he looked down at his paw to find it wrapped in something similar to cobwebs. He looked closer to find bars in front of him. "No, no, no.. This cant happen! Enola!" he shouted. His foot still hurt everytime he put pressure on it but he was just glad they took it off before it got any worse to the poitn where it chopped it off. Just then a human came through a door around the back and slowly made is way towards Sly. Sly backed away, growling loudly but it only set a bowl of water down in front of him. "There you go buddy." the human said a dissapeared through the door.
2:46pm May 26 2013
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(Well, this will certainly be interesting XD) Enola yelped as a needle was injected to her haunch. "Get your filthy paws OFF me!" She scrambled to get off the table, but fell backward at the yank of some kind of tree root wrapped around her chest. Then, a human picked her up and set her on the floor, where she stumbled off into the light. "FREEDOM!" She ran in circles multiple times at light speed, panting to cool off. She bumped into something long and tall. In front of her was a series of metal bars. "Wh... What? Why..." She backed up slowly, bumping into a small cold piece of metal. She shrieked, turning around and jumping backward. It was just a bowl of water. And by it was Sly, probably as quizzical as she was.
2:55pm May 26 2013
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Sly was glad to see Enola. "Enola!" he smiled. "I thought they skinned and stuffed you!" he exclaimed. Sly then looked around and saw two humans comming their way behind the bars and he growled,as he saw the hunters from the forest."There they are. Beautiful arent they?" the hunter asked. The female human smiled, "Yes, thank you so much for them. Im pretty sure the kids will love them- and the offspring we're hoping to have later." she laughed. Sly was confused. "Offspring..?" he whispered to Enola.
3:10pm May 26 2013
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Enola's fur bristled, standing on end. "No... Way..." She growled, leaping toward the bars, snapping and snarling at the hunters. "YOU SUNNUVA-" She reached a paw through the bars, attempting to scratch one. "LEMME AT HIM! LEMME AT HIM!" She shrieked, clacking her jaws together. "I'LL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS! EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!" The humans just laughed, amused by her restricted aggressions. Enola fell backward, but stood up again, arching her back. "Sly, are you planning to subject to this... This madness? This slavery? This ASSAULT?"
3:17pm May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly blushed furiously and stuttered like an idiot. "I, well um.. Uh. Oh hey look, more.... more um, grass.." he then pawed the dirt, embarressed and nervous. He then looked back to Enola and couldnt stop smling but he tried hard to hide it, knowing Enola would kill him if he laughed at this whole situation.
3:26pm May 26 2013
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(MY MY WHAT FINE GRASS DOES THOU GROW THIS HERE SEASON IN THINE GARDEN) Enola frowned and slunk away into a hollow log. "I'd kill you if I didn't-" She realized what she was about to say, and held her tail over her muzzle. "Nrrvrrmrrnd," She muttered from beneath her tail. She knew now that she'd never hear the end of it, thanks to her damnable flapping gums.
3:34pm May 26 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly laughed and crawled over to where Enola stayed. "If you what, Enola?" he asked, giving her those cute puppy eyes he learned and mastered so well. "Aww, does little Enola have a crush? Aww, thats so sweet." he said, mocking the tone of a little kid. Sly then layed by her, his face facing hers. "Enola?" he laughed.
3:43pm May 26 2013
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(XD FUDGE YOU SLY!) Enola growled, moving her head so she could look away from Sly. "(Ah-ah-ah, four letters!) you." She knew it. All the same. One comes so close to admitting something, someone has to just make a joke out of it. "You just don't quit, do you?" She squinted, brows furrowed.
12:26am May 27 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly smiled a sly smile, "Haha, what do you mean? Im adorable!" he laughed, still trying to bug her as mich as he could. Just then little kit-humans came to the bars and pointed at them both. "Look at the pretty foxes mommy!" one exclaimed. The mother smiled but quickly shooed her child away. "Ok, ok Dave. You dont know if those two have diseases." the mother said, giving them a mean face. Sly glared. "So this is why were here? Just to be looked at?" he asked. Just then the same female human came guiding a few children. "And here are our two new arrivals. They dont have a name yet but they will soon enough. Since the foxes are going extinct, we have to capture them and hope they can-produce. To save their species. And now to the.." Sly heard this and was surprised. "We are going extinct..?" he asked Enola.
12:07pm May 27 2013
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(XD FOXEH FOO. I can definitely imagine someone naming Sly after Justin Beiber or something.) Enola frowned, standing up and whacking Sly's head with her tail. "You look like you fell off a cliff about twenty times." She trotted out and sat down to watch the children. "I don't know, but I haven't seen these creatures before. These are probably endangered. What I do know is that I don't like their plan to 'repopulate' us." Enola hissed, swishing her tail back and forth like a cat.
2:47pm May 27 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly laughed as Enola hit him with her tail. "It isnt my fault, stupid metal teeth.." he mumbled looking at his wrapped paw. Sly then padded to Enola's side to watch all the humans. "I seriously doubt they're in dangered. There are a lot of humans around this place." he stated. "We cant just stay here, I- We need to go." he said.
3:23pm May 27 2013
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(XD What? No love for my JB idea? Fine.) Enola shrugged, watching the children go by. "My mother once told me about trapper things called zoos. She said that whenever the zoo was done with the things they captured, or if the things fulfilled the zoo's wish, they'd be let out again somewhere far away. Maybe we're in a zoo." She cocked her head to the side, striking an awe from the children.