3:29pm May 27 2013
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Sly smiled and did a hoarse short laugh. "Yea I guess so. You think there could be more animals in that cage in front of us?" he asked Enola. (( Short post :P ))
3:36pm May 27 2013
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(XD I'd laugh so hard if a kid jumped into the exhibit and Sly just kinda mauled his face off.) Enola stood up and put her paws up on the bars. She swiveled her ears side to side, trying to fix a noise from the lion exhibit across the zoo. "Hold on, I think I speak their language." She cleared her throat and held her head up in a dignified manner. Then, she snapped her jaws and snarled. "AYO KITTIES! T-BONE STEAK STEAK MOUSE HEAD FISH LAMB PORK CHOP STEAK!"
3:49pm May 27 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD LOL ))
Sly pinned his ears down and grabbed Enola from behind, covering her mouth. "Um, I dont think thats their language, Enola" he said mockingly. "Im pretty sure they can speak regular English -.- But we have to wait until the zoo closes, we dont want to freak people out." Sly said. (( Wait can humans hear them speak? XD ))
4:29pm May 27 2013
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(Probably not, but it would be hilarious if they thought they could. XD) Enola squirmed, but realized it was pointless. She was like a twig in an alligator's jaws. She sighed and stopped squirming, but she still tried to paw him off of her face. "rffkff mff, gff ff mm fffffff ffff!"
7:40pm May 27 2013
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Sly let go of Enola and laughed. "Come on, get serious. We have to-" Sly stopped when two humans in white coats came by. "Ok, you take the male and I'll take the female. They have to get their shots already, we got a complaint from a mother saying she was afraid these guys got diseases." one said. The other human nodded and they went around and soon opened the door in the back. One got Sly by the scruff and the other headed for Enola. He struggled to get free but the human had a firm grip. "Enola!" he said.
8:11pm May 27 2013
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(XD It seems that Enola is always the hero in these situations.) Enola snarled, pulling the rabies trick again. She made sure her spit was nice and frothy around the edges, and that her fur stood up at just the right angle. She arched her back, heading for the human that was trying to take Sly. "Back that (Ask.com) up or I'll tear you to SHREDS!" She payed absolutely no attention to Sly, only intent on the murder of that man. She leaped onto his coat, hanging on, sometimes flying in the air if she was thrown. She shook her head like a puppy and pulled backward. She violently yanked her head sideways in hope to trip the human, but he only wobbled.
8:43pm May 30 2013
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Sly watched as Enola tried that same trick from the first day he met her. "No, no no.. Not now Enola!" he tried to say before she tried to maul the white coated man. "Joseph! Grab that rabied fox! She'll have to get her Rabbies Vaccine as well.." he said as he tried to pry the fox off himself. The human named, Joseph came and grabbed Enola with some sort of a stick that had two claws at the front that opened and closed. Sly watched as Joseph attempted to put Enola in a smaller version of of bars. "Ok, ok Henry.." Joseph said hesitantly. Henry then threw Sly into a small box of bars too and began walking out the back door.
11:13pm May 30 2013
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(XD Nice outro. By the werrr, I'm in Seattle now with mah kitteh... I'll update my siggy soon.) Enola growled, throwing herself at the bars. "Don't you walk away from me! I'll find you! I'll kill you! You can't be a coward in my presence!" She snarled, then threw herself again. "LET ME AT HIM!" She barked and snapped with fury, then soon tuckered out. She sat waiting at the bars, heaving air back into her lungs. "I'll kill you ALL." Her eyes burned with a kind of fire that meant death to all who stood in her path. This girl means BUSINESS.
11:22pm May 30 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol ok cool, Im staying on for another hour so, where I am, its 9:15 so Im getting off 'round ten kay?))
Sly looked back at Enola, she seemed as angry as hell. He knew Enola didnt like being treated this way but hopefully she would eventually get used to it. Sly knew he didnt like this place either though, but he tried to keep his cool as much as possible. "Enola! Just-calm down! They'll think your crazy if you dont stop." he hissed. Soon, they were in a small building that had decorations of the forest and little drawings of animals everywhere. He watched as Joseph put Enola in a separate room and Sly panicked a bit. If Enola didnt calm down they'd put her down, thinking she had gone insane. Henry then slowly opened Sly's cage and he slowly came out, growling if the man ever got too close. "Ok, buddy. Just stay still..." Henry said softly as he grabbed a sharp icicle with liquid inside. He then had to call in what they called a 'nurse' to hold him down as Sly fidgetted and squirmed,nipping at them both and trying to scratch Henry so he wouldnt hurt him, Sly wondered if Enola was having tis much fun..
10:11am May 31 2013
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(XD Mkerr. I won't be on too much today because me and mah daddy are going to be driving down for Everett to stay on the boat.) Enola frowned, but she slowed down a bit. "I am crazy." She muttered as they shoved the box onto the ground. The front slid upward, light showering in from the gaps that bars covered. She came out cautiously, often freezing in place when she heard a sound. She looked around like a wild animal, which is exactly what she was. It was just a simile. A lady with an exaggerated smile trotted up to her, clad in white. "Hey, there little girl! Do you want some shots today?" Her fangs were horrifyingly round, and her fur was knotted up on the top of her head. Enola was about to snap at her, but she remembered what Sly told her. She took a deep breath and let herself be picked up. Patience, Enola. Patience.
6:03pm May 31 2013 (last edited on 6:03pm May 31 2013)
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2:14am Jun 1 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol kk.))
Sly could feel a very sharp twig point and pierce through his skin and Sly immediantly lost it. Trying to snap feriously at he nurse and doctor. Henry then had another nurse come in and she put something strong around his muzzle. Whenever he tried to open his mouth, he couldnt, it was clamped shut. Sly then lie there as they all poked him with sharp sticks, feeling something being injected into him. "Its ok, buddy. It'll be quick." Henry said. The poking then stopped and they slowly took off his muzzle. Sly then bolted up and growled at them all, watching as they backed up. "Jane, get him back to his cage. We'll have to keep running tests on these two to make sure they're in good health." he said. Jane then stuck Sly in the little cge and walked back to the door that led to their exhibit.
12:02pm Jun 1 2013
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Enola growled at the humans quietly as they approached with things that looked like hollow sticks of various colors. One grabbed her by the scruff, and she could barely move from the pain. Her jaw was frozen open in shock, and her fur stood on end. They stabbed the sticks into every muscle in her body, refusing to stop. Eventually the pain ebbed and she found herself back in the exhibit, numb and aching everywhere.
1:56am Jun 2 2013
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Sly looked around the large exhibit and soon found Enola. "Enola!" he smiled and ran to her to make sure she was fine. "Did they poke you with clear iscles too? It hurt like hell.. They even put some weird, strong leaf over my mouth, I could barely breath." he said, talking a bit fast. Sly didnt like this Zoo at all. What kind of human would be so cruel to torture animals eith sharp utensiles? It was just inhumane. Slythen looked to the sky, seeing it getting dark already, what kind of horror eould come to them now? He then noticed the humans escorting other humans through large gates and out of the Zoo. "I think they are closing." he said.
9:44pm Jun 2 2013
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Enola smirked, standing up weakly. "Yes... You know what? I think you missed me. Jumping around, for some reason so excited that I'm here?" She shook one of her hind legs in a frail attempt to regain feeling.
5:41pm Jun 4 2013
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Sly growled slightly. "I wouldnt say missed I was just wondering if you were alright." He glared. "Alright guys, goodnight!" the peppy female human chirpped through the bars. It was night out already and he could now hear animals chatting. "Thank God..." he muttered.
5:53pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Good job, Sly. Now you'll never hear the end of it.) Enola smirked, circling around Sly. "Oooh, so you're sitting here worrying about me being alright when you could be trying to find a way out or flirting with the wolves next to us?" She leaped onto a log, her ex pression darkening. "I've heard of your reputation, you know. I've never been oblivious."
6:30pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD Oh this should be good.))
Sly glared slightly at Enola, trying to play everything off, he knew Enola wasnt like the other foxes he had to trick, it was as if Enola had been keeping tabs on him. "Reputation? Ha! I honestly dont know what you're talking about. Im just like any other fox." he lied smoothly. "And besides, Im sure you would be doing the same if Iwas hurt." he smiled. "You know, you having a crush on me and all.." he smirked, now being cocky about this whole thing.
7:33pm Jun 4 2013
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(Fur will fly. XD) Enola growled, pacing back and forth on the log. "Oh, shut up. Like any other fox my furry little (Ask.com)! Do you remember sweet young Malia? Came crying to me when she found you missing one night, just like the others; Inara, Eri, Elmira, Niamh, Jaye, even Tayla for crying out loud!" She froze and lowered her head to glare at Sly. "You know why? They want to know how I'm so independent. I'm not. They think I'm some teacher of independence. I'm not. And you know why they think I'm so independent? Why they think I don't care about anyone else? Because my name is Alone. It's Alone, just spelled backwards. My parents wanted me Alone from birth. And now you make fun of me for saying one thing that betrays all of that. Shows what you know." Her muzzle twitched, then she slunk down inside the log.
10:51pm Jun 4 2013
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Sly could feel himself shrink inside. Did he really leave that many girls? He figured only 2 or 3, but deep inside he knew it could have been more than what Enola had just described. "Enola, I- Im sorry. I didnt know about that. And Im sorry for the other girls too, if only they were here so I could say it to them directly.." Sly admitted, inching closer to Enola. "And your not Alone, you have me afterall.." Sly said sweetly now laying on his belly so he could look at Enola from inside the log. " Please, Enola. Im sorry.." he said, showing his puppy eyes. (( XD AH THIS IS SO AWESOME!))