11:07pm Jun 4 2013
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(XD We're becoming more like my Tyren every day. We truly are sadistic... Plus, she mentioned seven to be exact, probably from the past, and Sly counted about three around the present, SO he left ten girls... About to be eleven.)
Enola snarled at Sly, inching away. "You've left ten. Ten! How can you possibly live with yourself? How can you forgive yourself? Is it that hard to commit to just one?" She shook her head, looking away. Her voice was getting shaky, and her sight was blurred. "Folks back home are probably glad that you're gone. Glad that you won't do this to anyone else. I'm glad, too. I'm glad, because all I've seen is lies from you." She shut her eyes, then snapped her jaws. "Why did you come with me to the forest? WHY?!"
11:16pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( How late can you stay up? I can stay up for another hour.)
Sly backed away from Enola. Sly was just a criminal back home. Home wasnt even his home, nowhere was. He was always moving, just in case someone ever found him in his den and tried to kill him. "Im glad, because all I've seen is lies from you." That part stung him a bit. "Because I cared! Thats why I came to the forest with you! I- I already know who I am.. I thought if just this once I could help someone and maybe try not to screw up then maybe... Maybe then I wouldnt think of myself as some jerk who leaves and steals and causes stuff. But right now I screwed up. I SCREWED UP!" he shouted. Sly wanted the humans to come and just take him away already. He noticed some of the animals stop talking and listening and looking at them. "Guess he's a prblem then.. Problems dontlast long in the zoo.." he heard an animal whisper.
11:42pm Jun 4 2013
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(Not too long, I'm afraid. It's 9:36 where I am, and I need to go to Celtic Woman tomorrow...) Enola shrank back, eyeing Sly from beneath her tail. She'd never really heard him yell at her before, and the first time was not pleasant. "I... I really... I don't..." She stuttered for words. She took a deep breath, lifting her head to address him. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't want to hurt you. Please..." She shook her head, trying to squeeze the small tears back into her eyes, away from Sly's sight. "Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you..." Although he had a lousy reason to follow her to the forest, she had to believe him, because what wasn't lousy about him?
11:54pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( oh OK, I had to log off after this post anyway.))
Sly sighed, calming himself down. He couldn't remember the last time he yelled like that. Despite the fights he had been in he would play the cool and calm character there, not the angry guy. "No, it- Its not your fault." He said in a softer voice. Now it sounded as if Enola was afraid of Sly hurting her. "Right now we need to deal with how to get out of here." He said, looking around. He then looked back to the animals in front of him, a few Ocelets. "We can asked them if they know a way out." Sly suggested.
10:35am Jun 5 2013
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Enola frowned, looking at the Ocelots through a hole in the log. "They're just miniature mountain lions... Enough trouble already. If they knew, wouldn't they have tried to escape already?" She lowered her head onto the cold plastic log again. "Everything's just a fake." (SHORTNESS!)
6:41pm Jun 5 2013
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Sly rolled his eyes. "You know, your attitude about this whole thing isnt helping." he hissed. Sly then walked to the bars and got the Oclets attention. "Hey! Do you guys know a way out of this place or at least the cages?" he asked. One oclet looked over to Sly and was a bit confused. "We know a way out of the cages, but why would you want to leave the Zoo?" he asked. "Um, we dont belong here, we have to get back home." he stated. "Who would want to stay in captivity anyway?" Sly scoffed. The ocelot rolled his eyes. "They keep you safe and well fed, duh. But we'll help you get through the bars I guess.." the female ocelet said. Sly then heard pawing at the door and squeaking and turned around to see the door wide open. "Enola, look." he smiled, nudging Enola with his nose on her head.
9:41am Jun 6 2013
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(-facepalm-) (MUAHAHAHA I SAW CELTIC WOMAN!) Enola growled, standing up slowly. "Touch me again and I won't hesitate to bite your head off." She went along to inspect the door then looked at Sly, smiling shyly. "Eh... Thanks... Now come on, I don't have all day." She leaped down from the door of the cage, nodding her head to the ocelots. "I give you both best wishes, and may you live long." She slunk away, maw drooping. "Really (freaking) long..."
9:37pm Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol dont know what or who that is XD ))
Sly smiled and rolled his eyes as he followed behind Enola. He thanked the Ocelets and watched as more animals cameout of their cages to enojoy the night. "Wow.." he mumbled as he saw giant animals come stomping around and just talking or having fun. Sly then noticed the gate. "Hey, Enola, look." he said as he crept closer to the tall gate. "Maybe this could be our way out." he stated as his paw reached for the gate. "We ca easily just.." ZZZzz! Sly jumped back as he felt the gate surge sharp energy into him. "What the heck was that?!" he asked, obviously angry for being stung. (( Eh, lame post :/ ))
9:54pm Jun 6 2013
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(XD Seriously? They're on world tour. Four Irish ladies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Woman) Enola sniffed the gate closely, but not too close. "Strange... I've never seen anything that could make lightning that way." She padded over to Sly and inspected his fur. "It's singed. Almost halfway to the roots. Do you need help with that?" She looked at his tail, the only place that was avoided by the gate. Enola tilted her head to the side, clearly confused.
10:56pm Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol no sorry XD ))
Sly pulled away from Enola. "Im fine." he snapped. He sighed and looked around the zoo. He could see a sign nailed into a tree. "S-Sa...San D..Dieg-go..?" he tried to pronounce. "San Diego.. Zoo. What's that? Whats a San Diego?" he asked Enola. Sly tried to remember where he and Enola came from. He remembered: Texas. Though,Sly wasnt a geologist, so he had no idea how far away from home they were. (( Sorry its kinda short, also should they be from Texas? I know foxes are common there so I just figured :3 ))
11:08pm Jun 6 2013
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(XD Why not?) Enola shrugged her shoulders, then began pawing at Sly's singed fur. "I think it's a place. A friend of mine, one of your victims if you must know, had told me that most Zoos have the location in their name. So... We must be somewhere called San Diego... But where could we be? I mean, we were out for quite a while between here and the forest. No telling where home is now." Her paw ran over a deep incision, and she stared with a puzzled ex pression. "Sly, where did you get this? When?"
11:17pm Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly couldnt help but smile when Enola mentioned. "One of your victims if you must know." Sly then tried to look around for any clue until Enola pointed out a cut he had. Sly had no idea, he had quite a few of them. "Um, I dont know, I usually get them when I go out.." Sly said, not even paying attention to what Enola was pointing at, he was busy looking for anything else that could have helped him. He then looked back to the electric fence. Maybe there is a switch that turns it off. Hmm, but it has a lock. There could be akey hidden somewhere in the humans den.But then we would have to...
1:23pm Jun 7 2013
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Enola frowned, inspecting the cut closer. "Sly, this isn't just a little scratch!" She snarled pawing at the injury. "You either tell me what it is, or I'll shove you onto that thing!" She pointed toward the gate with her nose. (SHORTY MCSHORTERSON)
4:01pm Jun 7 2013
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Sly was in now full attentiôn to Enola's yelling. "AH! Ok, ok!" he shouted, looking over at the slice in his skin. "Thats probably from the... um, fight. I had, before we, left.." he said akwardly. "Or it came from the metal jaws or the humans when they poked me with those sharp things.." Sly stated. "Um, what do you think its from?" he asked.
10:33pm Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(Dr. Enola, report to the office, Dr. Enola.) Enola inspected the cut closely. "It's a bit old to be from before we left, the metal jaws only caught your leg, and the cut is too long and wide to be from the sharp things. It's too angular too be from a wolf or mountain lion, though too big to be from a fox. Too deep to be from a human. What could it possibly be?" She looked at it from each angle she knew of, including crossing to Sly's other side and jumping on him while tilting her head to get a better birds' eye view.
12:52am Jun 8 2013
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Sly nearly stumbled over when Enola jumped on him. "What do you eat?!" he asked, trying to hold his balance. "Look Enola, we can figure this out later. Right now I- we need to get back to our home. And we are wasting time here." he stated. Sly then shook Enola off and jumped away from her so Enola would stop staring at it. He then looked around and saw a paper in the grass nearby. It had different shapes and colored lines all over it. He saw one of those before and this one said USA at the top. What were these called? Humans use it to navigate it, I know. A... map. Yea, its a map to the country! And there's Texas! Sly then ran over to it and grabbed it in his mouth, presenting it to Enola. "Its a map." he stated.
10:46am Jun 8 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD I feel so sad, not knowing where San Diego is...) Enola frowned, shaking the dirt off of her fur. "I don't eat as much as you do." She trotted over to the map, staring at it next to Sly. "And we're in... San... Diego... Where is that on the map? All I see are big shapes with little lines everywhere." She nudged one of the interstate marks, then sneezed. "Ugh... It smells like a crow passed gas." (Lulz?)
11:06am Jun 9 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly smiled a bit and tried to make out the letters on the different shapes. "It looks like near the bottom of.. C-Cali.... California?" he answered. "And Texas is all the way.. over.. here..." he sighed, it was too far. It was at least three or two states away. "How the hell are we supposed to get over there?!" he shouted and fell to his side and sighed. "I dont want to be here." he moaned. "We should ask the other animals if they know anything on getting out of here, maybe they know?" he said, getting up and facing Enola.
11:31am Jun 9 2013 (last edited on 11:42am Jun 9 2013)
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(XD Need I remind you that I'm a sixth grade Washingtonian and you're a mentally insane Californian? YEAH GURL THAT'S RIGHT I KNOW WHERE YOUR ARSE IS PARKED.) Enola frowned, staring at the map. "I don't know. It's real far away... Are you sure the other animals even know where that is? Maybe they don't even have these... Map things..." She looked closer at the little lines and dots. "There's a green line that connects from where we are now to Texas. Maybe it's a river or a forest!" She was almost excited, but then she frowned again. "But how do we get to the... Green line? If we can get out, we might have to avoid even more humans who would take us back."
11:53am Jun 9 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD Hey how'd you know Im insane?! :D And yes, Im in California. Just at the very, very, VERY VERY bottom.. If you go to Google Maps you can zoom at the bottom of California near the border and youw ill see the name of my city.))
Sly sighed. "I dont know, maybe they have some sort of transportation?" he said then grabbed the map with his mouth. Sly then trotted to a very tall animal with a long neck. "Hey! Do you know a way to Texas or somewhere near that!?" Sly shouted to the top. The neck shifted and soon the animal covered in yellow and brown dots came down, face to face with Sly. "There's a train leaving next week to New Mexico. After New Mexico that should be Texas but you'll have to travel off of the train to the place in Texas. That's all I know." she said. Sly smiled and turned to Enola, dropping the map on the floor once more. "Ok then, We'll go through.. Ari..Arizona then to New Mexico. But when we get to New Mexico we'll have to find another way to get to Texas." he said.