11:58am Jun 9 2013 (last edited on 11:45am Jun 10 2013)
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(XD I know, I stalked you on wattpad.) Enola nodded, then looked at a hole in the wire fence on the edge of the zoo. "We can get out through there. But there's still the problem of humans on the way, right? We can't just trot along to Texas without being seen at least twice. I doubt we could pose as a couple of-" She stopped, then smirked. "Hey, Sly, do you know what a dog looks like?"
11:27am Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Bumpz))
11:45am Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(DONE! I forgot XD)
11:51am Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol its fine.))
Sly was wondering what Enola was up to. "Um, yea.. Why? Not like we can pretend to be- Good idea." he smiled. "Where are we supposed to get a dog costume or whatever?" he asked, grabbing the map. (( WHY SHORTNESS WHY?!))
11:56am Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD OMAIGAWD THIS IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGGIN FUN) Enola smirked, and trotted over to a puddle of mud. She dropped down and rolled around in it, and soon she looked like a German Shepherd. "Like this." She lifted her head and trotted around, then barked with difficulty. "There was one that looked like this with those trapper humans. But... I think it had something around it's neck. Where can we get those?" She frowned, searching for a collar.
12:03pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly laughed when Enola rolled in the mud and did the same. He really couldnt get his ears to flop over but only one did. "We can find a couple in the little building right there. It says, G...Gift Sh-Shop.." he stated. Sly could tell his reading was improving, being around this alien place and all. He then trotted over to the Gift Shop and hopped over the counter. "Theres some here. I guess they allow dogs in this zoo then? They have a box full of them." he said and then rummage through the tiny container holding the dog collars. He then picked u a black one and fixed it onto himself. "Your turn." he said as he waited for Enola.
12:06pm Jun 10 2013
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Enola smirked, trotting over and slipping a little pink one over her ears, letting the little heart shape hanging from it jingle. She shook around, clearly enjoying the sound, then she frowned. "Yep, annoyed now." She giggled slightly, which she'd never actually done before, then leaped over the counter and bounded toward the hole in the fence to wait for Sly.
12:12pm Jun 10 2013
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Sly laughed and followed after her. He stood at the fence and looked back to the zoo. No more 'tests' or animals who are too domesticated to understand that life here is terrible. "Ladies first." he said.
12:16pm Jun 10 2013
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Enola stuck her tongue out at Sly, then wriggled through the hole. "It's so strange out here! Look at all these huge buildings!" She trotted around in a circle. Not too long until she found her own tail being sniffed by a little chihuahua. The small dog barked, hopping around, then backed up. "Hey Señorita! You are looking BUENO tonight!" He beamed at Enola, who stood back. She could barely even understand the small dog's words.
12:20pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XD I hate chihuahas.. And soon will Sly XD))
Sly growled at the little dog and snapped at him. He was in this situation many times before in the woods, surely this stupid little dog would be even easier. "Leave her alone or you'll find yourself on the side of a taco, dead!" he growled.
12:40pm Jun 10 2013
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(N'aww, I have a little chihuahua. His name is Apollo and he is adorabuns.) Enola looked between Sly and the chihuahua, not sure who to be afraid of. "Oi, hotshot! Can't you see I am talking to a lady here? This is Pedro you are talking to here! You wanna fight me? Huh? Huh?" He bounced around left to right, wagging his tail and barking sharply. He growled like a puppy, tail in the air like he was going to pounce.
1:04pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Haha, despite being Hispanic, I honestly cant really stand little dogs. I have 3 dobermans and a rottweiler and Ive had big dogs since I was a baby so Im more used to them XP ))
Sly growled and the little 'Pedro'. This was going to be too easy for Sly. Sly then unsheathed his claw and swiped Pedro across the face. Not like this little guy had anyone to defend him. "Now beat it shortie. She's with me." Sly said with a cocky tone. Sly kinda hesitated what he said about Enola. He wasnt really her boyfriend or anything and.. Its complicated...
1:13pm Jun 10 2013
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(XD Then you haven't seen what I call 'Terror mode') Enola backed up, obviously predicting what would happen. Pedro snarled, eyes shining red, teeth bared and drooling. He snapped at Sly, biting one of his paws. Now, let me tell you, I know a guy who got his finger bitten off by a chihuahua. THROUGH THE BONE.
1:24pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly jumped back and his paw bled. Now it was serious. Sly pounced on the little dog and using his sharp canines, bit his side and clawed his face once more. Then, he saw a white van coming their way in the distance. It had a picture of a cartoonish dog on the side and it said San Diego Animal Shelter. That didnt sound too promising. "Enola I think we should go.." Sly said, turning away from Pedro.
1:41pm Jun 10 2013
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Enola nodded, and sprinted away from Pedro. "Call me!" He hollered, while she looked for a good hiding place. She jumped behind a trash can, motioning for Sly to follow. "What do you have against that poor little thing?" She stared at Sly's blood-pulsing wound, suddenly a bit worried about the bone.
1:47pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly rolled his eyes as Pedro called after Enola. He then stopped behind the trash can next to Enola, feeling the blood from his paw going onto the ground. He could tell Pedro had his share of blood too. His face seemed to be bleeding as did his side. "He was.. holding us back. We wasted some time back their. Just remember, I didnt do that for you. It was for the sake of time.." he said a bit coldly. He then watched as the white van stopped where the small pool of blood was on the sidewalk and a human came out, looking around for any sign of the fighting dogs. Sly smiled slightly as the human drove away. He then licked his paw and looked up at Enola. "We should get going.." he said and started walking with a limp in his paw.
1:56pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 4,211
Enola frowned, looking away. "That's twelve you've hurt so far..." She muttered, then leaped in front of Sly. "No, you're injured. Keep pushing on like that, and you'll kill yourself. Come 'ere." She frowned, gently pushing Sly back to the garbage can. "Lay down, I need to take a look at all of those scratches and that paw of yours. Get up and I'll bite your legs off."
2:10pm Jun 10 2013
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Sly rolled his eyes and stayed put. "Enola, Im fine. That stupid mutt just made a scratch, its nothing to fuss over." he said. Sy then sighed and laid down behind the trash. "Fine, alright.." he said hesitantly.
2:22pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(XD N'aww) Enola frowned, looking over the various scratches and claw marks. She looked at his paw, then scowled. "I need to stop the blood. Any idea how?" She searched around for some kind of cloth or tree bark, but nothing availed. (SHORT!)
2:29pm Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 2,763
Sly looked around and saw a worn out rag underneeath a trash bag and grabbed it. "Here." he said handing it to her. Sly looked down at the wound and noticed it bleeding a bit more. This sucked. His other paw had just healed and now this one was messed up now, this was surely going to take up time. "Lets try to make it fast.We have to find that train." he stated.