4:02pm Jun 10 2013
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Enola took the rag in her jaw, then placed it beneath Sly's paw. She used her paws to wrap it around. "The blood will dry around it, but in the meantime you shouldn't step on it." She stood and trotted at a steady pace so Sly could follow.
6:49pm Jun 10 2013
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Sly followed Enola and heeded her instructions on not stepping on his hurt foot, though every other step he did. He then heard loud roaring and the street rumbling beneath him. "Earthquake!" he shouted as a ear piercing shriek went through the air. The earth hen stop shaking and he looked up and saw a large and long boxy thing with wheels in front of him. At the side it said TRAIN TO NEW MEXICO. Sly smiled, realizin it wasnt earthquake but the train. "Come on, before it goes again!" he called to Enola, trying his best to jog to the wheels of the train. He then jumped into an open door in a large, green, metal box and waited for Enola as well. (( I realized this part will be kind of like Alpha and Omega, where they are traveling across the country and stuff.
9:11pm Jun 10 2013
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(XD HOLY SHISTE I'VE SEEN THAT MOVIE LIKE THREE TIMES AND IT WAS ANNOYING BUT WOAH YOU'RE RIGHT) Enola sprinted to keep up with Sly, then leaped up onto the train's car. Her legs were still dangling, but she pulled them up as soon as she could. She panted next to Sly, and when she regained her air, she looked up at the moon. "At least we made it! I can't believe... I mean, I can't believe we made it on time!" She paced around in a circle, and if she had imposable thumbs and elbows, she'd hug Sly. "I'd hug you if I could!" She was excited and overjoyed that she'd get to go home for once.
11:32pm Jun 10 2013
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(( Lol yup XD ))
Sly couldnt stop smiling as he noticed Pedro in the distance, watching them go as he gave Sly an evil glare. "Stupid mutt.." he said softly. Without thinking, Sly licked Enola's cheek ( You know like a kiss o3o ) and quickly jerked back. "I uh.. sorry. That was my way of saying thanks, and sorry. For everything ya know?" he said, blushing a bit and looking out at the stars. He couldnt wait to get back home. He watched as the train went a bit faster, they were probably on the tracks and ready for the road ahead now. He then lay by a bag marked FLOUR and fell asleep. "G'night Enola.." he said before dozing off.
8:53am Jun 11 2013
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(XD TEEEHEEEE SO ADORABUNS N'AWWWWWW!) Enola sat for a moment, frozen in shock. What the hell just happened? She frowned, settling herself on a large sack of barley. I'll bet he's going to jump off of the train at the next chance he gets.
12:39pm Jun 11 2013
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(( Time skip to morning?))
2:56pm Jun 11 2013
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3:36pm Jun 11 2013
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Sly woke up and found some white powder on top of his hair. The flour bag must have opened. The sun was just coming over the hills and he stood at the open door of the cargo. Helooked back to Enola who was still asleep. He then realized the mud comming off a bit so he rolled himself in flour. He then walked over to Enole, each step dropped flour. "Enola wake up." he said standing over her.
7:09pm Jun 12 2013
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7:23pm Jun 12 2013
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(Sorry. My stupid little cousin.) Enola popped her eyes open, growling, and looking around. She jumped up as soon as she noticed that it was just Sly. "Oh, sorry. Are we anywhere near our spot? Do you know?" She padded over to the door, peering out at the dry land. "It's so strange..." She watched the outside with a fleeting wonder. (XD I've never been to any of these places they're going through, so forgive me.)
7:31pm Jun 12 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Its fine, I have. Where they are at its probably going to be mostly desert unless they stop at a city at the drop off.))
Sly smiled a bit and joined her at the edge of the cargo. He then noticed her mud-fur drying as well and chapping off. "You might want to roll in some flour. That's what I did and I look beautiful!" he joked, striking a pose for Enola. He then gestured to the torn Flour bag that he slept in last night.
7:38pm Jun 12 2013
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(XD Okay. I've only been to Washington, Louisiana, and Ukraine anyway.) Enola giggled a little bit, again, then leaped into the flour. In a cloud of white powder and a small poof of brown dust, she stood on her hind legs and was able to strike a pose. "Oh. My. Fox. I. Am. FABULOUS!" (Short, but I couldn't resist!)
7:42pm Jun 12 2013
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Sly laughed and felt the train come to a full stop. "We have taken a break for lunch and inspection. Just sit back folks, it wont take too long." he heard a loud human voice say. "In-Inspe...INSPECTION?!" he shouted. They would certainly be looking back here too. "Enola, we have to hide.." he said, looking around for a good hiding place. He noticed the flour bag would be big enough for one, but not two. And -that one had to be Enola, after all she was smaller in size. He then nudged her with his nose. "Get in the flour bag and stay as still as possible." he said and hoped inside a crate full of apples. (( This will be intresting ^^ Add any other problem you want XP))
7:47pm Jun 12 2013
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(XD I'LL MAKE A FAT MAN WITH A MY LITTLE PONY T-SHIRT AND BLOOMERS!) Enola nodded, taking a shaky breath. She squirmed into the bag at the same time as a bulbous man clamored through the door. He sputtered pieces of chicken when he coughed, waddling around in flowing pajama pants and a purple t-shirt with little horses on it. In the middle were two blue horses with the names Minuette and Rainbow Dash on the front. He paused in the middle of the room, wheezing while he breathed loudly.
8:00pm Jun 12 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Haha, good one Minnie XD))
Sly heard the loud footsteps and odd couching, he guessed an out-of-shape human entered the cargo. Its hard to believe humans are even on the top of the food chain.. Sly then heard the footsteps dimming, but towards Enola's hiding place. He panicked, thinking about what to do and how to do it. Instead, he just charge out of the fox just before the man had a chance to open the flour bag. Sly then bit his behind and didnt let go until the man passed out on the ground. "Agh! Gross! Enola, come out." he said. He then spit the taste out of his mouth from that discusting man. "We should probably get off here.." he said, knowing the conductor would be checking to see what took his guy so long.
10:23pm Jun 12 2013
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(XD Hey, guess what...) Enola stumbled out of the bag, looking toward the other door. "That way! I smell smoke from there, a human can't be inside!" She was about to crash through the door, when the door opened and a cigarette poked out. Walking through came a human in a dark blue suit, equipped with a yellow sneer. "Shiste." (That wasn't the guy.)
11:27pm Jun 12 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( XP Hey, I meant to ask, when are they supposed to have pups? Man, it feels reallyakward asking this O-O....))
Sly stopped dead in his tracks once he saw the other human being. He stood in front of Enola just in case the human tried anything. "Enola, what do we do..?" he asked through snarled teeth. (( AHH DIE SHORT POST!))
10:32am Jun 13 2013
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Posts: 4,211
(O-O Right, because we're on a virtual pet site for the elementary? Um... Heck, I dunno. And you should probably ask about that in Rmail XD) Enola looked at the side of the train, then nudged Sly. "I know you're going to kill me after this." She snatched him by the scruff and leaped off of the train, rolling to the ground and down the hill.
1:47pm Jun 13 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Um, yes.. good advice XD ))
Sly yelled as Enola grabbed him and she jumped taking him along as well. When he stopped rolling he looked to the train that was now rolling away along with the man inside, staring at them with surprised eyes. He realized they were probably just outside of New Mexico. "Are you crazy?!" he said but thought again. "No, your genius! ( GENIUS PEWDS! ) We're here! I cant believe we're..." he stopped and looked around at the desert and the tiny town behind them. "Oh, great.. we're here.." he said dissapointed. The powder was now washing away and they looked dirty. "We should find a different disguise." he stated.
5:22pm Jun 13 2013
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(GENIUS PEWDS STRIKES AGAIN!) (XD I've mastered his fake girl voice, and I'm good at it.) Enola lifted her head slightly in pride, then looked around. She lifted her paw, then noticed the red dirt. She smiled deviously at Sly, holding her paw toward him. "I think you know what I'm thinking..." She dropped down and rolled in the dirt, then stood up. She was completely covered in red and ruddy. (I dunno about you, but I feel CHUPACABRA TONIGHT)