5:43pm Jun 13 2013 (last edited on 5:45pm Jun 13 2013)
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Posts: 2,763
(( XP Im trying to catch up with Hansel and Gretel right now.))
Sly sighed and rolled in the dirt. He then adjusted his collar by moving his neck andbegan walking to the town. "Ok, just keep your cool, keep your cool, keep your cool.." he mumbled to himself. As he passed some humans, they petted him and cooed. "Oh, what an adorable puppy!" Sly sighed and rolled his eyes and felt a drop of water on his nose. He then looked up to see the sky fill up quickly with dark clouds. The rain came down heavy and washed away the dirt. "Enola, we got to hide!" he said, looking around for a shelter of some sort. He then found some horse stable and gestured in that direction. "Over there." he said.
(( Makin' it rain, BEEACHH!))
5:54pm Jun 13 2013
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Enola nodded, and sprinted as the dirt came off in a wet cloud. She panted, next to a palamino who didn't seem too happy to have a roommate. "Oh! Disgusting! A foul beast tracks mud into my abode? Oh! How devious!" Enola rolled her eyes, waiting for Sly. (I BECAME A BUTTERFLY.)
8:27pm Jun 22 2013
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Sly ran up to Enola and the shouting horse. He soon realized the mudd had washed off since the horse was now freaked out. "NO! A FOX?! Those filthy vermin that roam around, acting as if they own the place! Owner? Owner?! A fox help me, owner?!" she called but to humans it only sounded like silly neighs. She then begantrying to stomp at Sly which caused him to roll back. "Ok, ok geez Ill leave!" he shouted, rolling his eyes and looking to Enola. He snorted and the rain was now starting to make him cold. He then found a tiny house with a ramp and went inside. It had a heating light and was nice and dry. "Enola look! Its a hen house!" he called, soon noticing the chickens laying in their nests. (( GUESS WHO'S BACK. BACK AGAIN! SLY IS BACK, BACK AGAIN! * that was an Eminem refrence if you didnt know..*))
8:48pm Jun 22 2013
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(Nope. WHITE SHARK WHITE SHARK WHITE!) Enola tried hard not to giggle, then followed Sly into the hen house. "Well, won't be too hard to hunt now." She disappeared into the shadows, then reappeared with two hens hanging from her jaws by the feet. She dropped them, nudging one to Sly. "Roosters wouldn't shut up about it." She gestured to a larger chicken, squawking and puffing it's feathers up.
11:18pm Jun 22 2013
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Sly smiled and dug into the hen, hungry from the trip over here. He was probably going to get the sniffles from the rain but he really didnt care. He then shook his pelt and water landing on the hens, causing them to squake a bit. "Im going to get some sleep now. See you in the morning." he yawned.
12:03am Jun 23 2013
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(Will reply either tomorrow night or the day after, travelling cross the mountains again)
1:39am Jun 23 2013
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(( Its fine, my parents said they're taking me and my sister somewhere 'but its a secret'))
11:54am Jun 23 2013
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(I bet it's Disneyland. That's where I went on my first visit to CA.) Enola smirked, foxing (Ha, get it?) up the hen and curling up beneath a roost. She smoothed her tail down by grooming it for a minute or two, then lowered her head. "Night, Sly."
12:41pm Jun 24 2013
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(( Nah we went to San Felipe, sadly along with my mom and dad's friends and their VERY annoying kids. Two of thrm are already fourteen and fifteen but they act like four year olds! And they had a four year old that didnt know how to shut up or keep his voice down -.- Anyway we went to see the Wonder Moon.))
(( Lol yes I get it XP.)) Sly woke up the next day on a soft minature bed and a blanket over him. He struggled to keep his eyes open and when he did he saw a woman and her husband watching them. "I found them in the hen house." the woman spoke. "But im surprised they didnt chase all of them out." The husband only grunted and looked down to Sly. "Just be careful, those damn foxes are dirty and tricky." he hissed and walked away. Sly turned around to see Enola sleeping in a separate tiny bed that smelled like cat, and so did his. The woman came back with a bowl filled with chicken broth and she put one near Sly and Enola. He figured this woman would send them back to the zoo so he refused to eat it. "Oh come on, its just broth, aint nothing to be afraid about." the woman cooed. Sly then slowly bent down to take a sip before turning back to Enola. "Hey wake up." he said.
1:09pm Jun 24 2013
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(XD Okay, well, I'm a Washingtonian, I don't know what any of those things are, and I only took spanish class for four years.) Enola popped one eye open, then both as she noticed that they weren't with the chickens anymore. "What's going on? Where are we this time?" She stood up, shaking a bit of sleep from her tail. She sniffed the bowl of broth, but flinched away from it. "What is that? It still smells like chi-" She yelped, scuttling away from the bowl. "Chickens are a pain, but this is just... DISGUSTING!"
4:51pm Jun 24 2013
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(( The Wonder Moon is a type of moon that is much larger than the others and it's orange. I dont know how often it happens though, and I thought it was a world-wide kinda thing. Do you know Spanish now since you took that class for four years >.< Btw, San Felipe is really beautiful, the beach water there is warm so its better to get in :P))
Sly foldes his ears back when Enola shouted and he gestured to the old-ish woman. "Oh you two are so adorable! I'll be back." she said and left into another room. "I guess the lady toke us from the hen house. Her mate didnt seem to happy about it though. I think he was wearing a racoon on his head!" he exclaimed. "Lets go look around and see if-" The woman came back with a dark gray thing with a round piece of glass on the center. He then perked his ears and twisted his head and he saw a bright flash. "Agh!" he shouted and rubbed his eyes with his paw. "What IS that?!" he shouted to Enola.
5:53pm Jun 24 2013
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(XD Oh, that? Well, where I'm from, that's a harvest moon. And, from first to fourth grade, I only learned the words for clothing, animals, proper nouns, and that stuff.) Enola quivered, creeping toward Sly. "I don't know... I think she's trying to blind us!" She crouched down as the old lady slowly reached out to her and touched her head, petting her like a cat. "Ooh... You need to try this..." She purred like a little kitten, pushing the lady's hand with her head as she scratched behind her ear. "Yep, that's nice. Sly, come here, she's a wonderful back scratcher!" One of her hind legs thumped against the ground, the way a dog's does when being scratched on the back.
1:32am Jun 25 2013
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Sly looked at his surroundings and back to Enola being scratched and he couldnt help but let out a short laugh. He also realized that they were being treated like pets.. like, what are those things called? D-Domestic.. Domestic animals! No way Im turning into that.. Sly then stealthly slipped into the shadows and began walking around the house, looking at any kind of escape hole of some sort. "Mabel! Mabel do you still have those damn foxes in here?! MABEL!!" he heard a shout come from the front. It was the same mean man he saw earlier. "Oh calm down. Remember: your blood pressure!" she barked back. The man grunted and rolled his eyes, heading Sly's direction. Sly then quickly ran into a large room with a big bed and a glass that resembled a puddle on the wall. He hid under the big bed and watched the man wwalk in and lock the door behind him and walk into another door where he heard water run. "No, no, no, no..." he mumbled as he sprinted for the door. There was no way he could escape and if the man came out he would possibly kill him. "Enola! Get the female to open the wood! Enola!" he called, hoping she could hear him over the loud, rushing water.
((Yes Enola must come to da rescue XD ))
11:24am Jun 25 2013
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Enola frowned, shaking her head. "Always the hero in this situation." She slowly crept toward the door, where the old woman scampered over. "Oh, no, no! You can't go in there!" The lady shut the door, while Enola sat back and let herself be scratched. "Ah... I better get a nice thank you!"
6:33pm Jun 27 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Wait Im confused did she open the door or not >.< Sly has got some loose screws in her head so she is confused for everything XP))
8:03pm Jun 27 2013
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(XD The lady opened the door, and Enola tried to get in, but the lady shut the door again, apparently... And Enola was being sarcastic in that last line for getting him stuck in there.)
12:58am Jun 28 2013
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Posts: 2,763
(( Oh ok XD ))
Sly groaned when the door shut again and the water seemed to shut off. He gasped and inched backward underneath the human sized bed. He saw two wet feet touch the ground and head his way. But then it stopped and he heard sniffing. "I-Is that... a-a fox..?" he heard him ask himself while his feet walked around, searching for the source. Finally he stopped and the man crouched down to see two large frightened eyes. "A FOX?! IN MY ROOM?!" he screamed and quickly stomped to the door. "MABEL?! What the hell is that fox doing in here?! ILL GUT HIM!" he shouted. Sly then stayed frozen underneath the bed and awaited Mabel's response. (( You can play Mabel for this one.))
10:08am Jun 28 2013
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(XD ENOLA TO THE RESCUE!) (Sorry, couldn't take it any longer... I GAVE HER THE JOEL ACCENT!) Enola cowered behind the old woman, watching Sly as scared as he watched the old man. "Come on nah, Morris! Poor thing must'a slipped in there when I warn't looking." The lady patted down her big ol' dress, then bent over to see under the bed. "Come on nah, don't be 'fraid of old Mabel! Not safe down there, so come on over herr!" Enola poked her head out from behind the old lady, waiting for Sly to come back.
12:56pm Jun 28 2013
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Sly inched a bit back with his ears pressed down and his bushy tail puffed up. He then slowly walked towards Mabel and was soon out of the bed and quickly behind Mabel next to Enola. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked back up at the red faced man. Morris stomped his foot and jumped up and down like a child. "If I find those things in my room again, ILL KILL THEM!" he howled. Mabel simply rolled her eyes and walked out the door and Sly followed. "I thought he was going to really kill me." Sly said to Enola, still a bit frightened.
2:29pm Jun 28 2013
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Enola brushed her head against Sly, thinking of a way to calm him down. "Well, uh... Best not go in that room again, right? Just don't... Don't leave the room they put us in. I don't want you to die. Well, I mean, I don't really want to be responsible for your death if you die and I wind up having Briarria to deal with, is that an excuse? No... Um... Give me a minute..." She stuttered, while Mabel guided them toward a big room with a car on one side and a pile of paper on the other.