6:43pm May 1 2013 (last edited on 6:43pm May 1 2013)
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Ooc; /snuggles Snow. I'm sorry, hon. :c
"I said sorta," Kat slurred and blinked slowly. I shouldn't kiss him, her mind said. And then it said, but why not? And then she figured, I guess there's no real reason. Then to conclude those thoughts, the thought: I should definitely kiss him. And to a girl that had had probably a lot too much to drink for her small body, she was stuck in the present; the future didn't even exist, it was too out of sight in her blurry vision, and therefore out of mind. So Kat twisted her torso, one hand coming up to rest (and steady her) on his shoulder, the other sliding up to stay on his chest, where her fingers curled against his shirt.
And just like that, her lips were on his.
hello my name is elder price
6:51pm May 1 2013
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Liam stiffened up for a moment, partially in shock, unsure as to whether he wanted to kiss her back or not. He pulled back a moment, "Kat.." he began, afraid of her reaction from him pulling away, "are you really sure you want to do that, or is this the Jack talking?" His green eyes studied her face, full of confusion.
7:47pm May 1 2013
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There were two reactions a non-drunk, calculating Kat would have figured would occur from the kiss, the first being that, obviously, he would kiss her back. The second that he would push her away, but when he stiffed against her as she tried to meld her lips to his, was just plain embarrassing. "Kat..Are you really sure you want to do that, or is this the Jack talking?" She closed her eyes hard and sucked in a tight breath as she leaned back. Frustration and more surprisingly, anger skittered through her. If the kiss hadn't entirely been the drink--it had been a mixture of both her personal desire, spurred on by the alcohol--then this reaction certainly was.
"God, why can't you just stop being so damn cautious for once." She said it as more of an accusation than a question. "It shouldn't freaking matter. I don't understand why you can't just--" She cut herself off and turned away from him. "Nevermind, okay? Just nevermind." She scrambled off of the bed and away from him. On his dresser she spotted where she'd thrown her car keys and she snatched them up without a second thought.
hello my name is elder price
8:03pm May 1 2013
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Liam stood up and grabbed her hand, "Kat," he hesitated, "wait." He took in a deep breath, "Look, both of us just got out of relationships, is is really that weird that I would be cautious?" He took the car keys from her, "Besides, you are still gonna have to watch this movie with me, and you're not driving anywhere until I say so."
8:13pm May 1 2013
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Yes, it was weird that he was being cautious. Wasn't it like, in a guy's nature to run crotch-first at every pretty girl he saw? Pain flashed across her face and she looked down at the ground. Her fingers curled where he'd taken her keys. Of course he wouldn't let her drive like this. Of course.
"I wasn't dating that jackass," she muttered under her breath. However, she set her jaw and got down on her stomach to lay on Liam's bed. Her cheek pressed against her arm and she watched the tearjerker that was the Notebook continue to play on the screen. "Just drive me home after," she said, sounding resigned.
hello my name is elder price
8:16pm May 1 2013
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"No ma'am." Liam said, flopping down beside her, "I don't drink and drive." He grabbed the bottle and took another drink, holding it out to Kat as a peace offering. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but he just didn't want a rebound. It wasn't fair.
((nomnomnom pizza :D its my favorite food lol))
8:28pm May 1 2013
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"But you don't even seem buzzed," Kat complained. His offer at another drink was declined with a curt tilt of her head. "Nope. Don't want to embarrass myself any further," she said cheerily. Besides, if she had any hope of being able to convince Liam to let her drive tonight, she'd have to start letting the alcohol work its way out of her system. There was no way she was going to stay the night here, even if they were sneaky about it because 1. she wanted to hate on herself at home for screwing up again and 2. she didn't want to keep getting pissed off at Liam.
She pointedly kept her eyes on the screen the entire time. A rejection's a rejection, her mind whispered to her.
hello my name is elder price
8:36pm May 1 2013
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Liam shrugged and set down the bottle, "A drinks a drink, looks like you're stuck with me." He teased, tickling her side. "I can't be that bad to hang out with." he said, looking at her with one eyebrow raised. She can't stay mad at me forever he thought.
8:43pm May 1 2013
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"I can't be that bad to hang out with."
"Obviously you're not," Kat pointed out, still very much annoyed, though at herself or Liam right now, she didn't know. She gladly drifted back into a drunken haze and became transfixed with the fuzziness on the edges of her eyesight. Maybe I could just text mom to pick me up or something. Maybe they're home now. She sighed.
hello my name is elder price
8:48pm May 1 2013
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Liam chuckled, "you're sure making it seem that way." he said, mostly under his breath. He looked up at the movie, but he wasn't paying attention. He had read the book, and several of his exes had made him watch it. He though for a moment before asking, "So, about what you said last night.. when did that happen? I thought I was just a friend to you."
9:05pm May 1 2013
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Kat forced herself not to glare when she heard what Liam muttered under his breath. Really, she just wanted him to shut up. It wasn't fair of her to want that, but still. She did. "So, about what you said last night.. when did that happen? I thought I was just a friend to you." Kat didn't make any move to show that she'd heard him at first, just stared unblinking at the TV screen. Then she sat up slowly and reached for the remote. One tap against the off button and they were left in silence.
"I've...thought before," she started softly. "About us, I mean. Why wouldn't I? But I knew--I know I'm not your type. You can have any girl you want, you know? Prettier, smarter, popular; in your league. I squashed those feelings. Honestly, if you were really interested, you would have done something so I just figured you weren't." She shrugged. "Doesn't matter. Obviously, I was right." She pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and sent a text to her mom: u home???
It took a minute, but then: no. staying 2 more days 4 business. money in med. cabinet. buy pizza if hungry.
Yeah, real motherly of her. Kat dropped her phone in her lap and rubbed at her eyes.
hello my name is elder price
9:19pm May 1 2013
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Liam propped himself up on one elbow and looked at her, "In my league? Don't kid yourself Kat, you're beautiful, if you weren't, the guys would piss and moan about me bringing you alone. Instead, they stare. Why do you think people assumed me and you were a thing on the side? Because you're hotter than those cheerleader twigs." His face reddened when he realized he was just rambling on, and it got a shade darker when he realized what he was rambling about, "Er, well, in any case, this is mostly just bad timing." He looked away from her and back at the TV, reaching for the bottle absentmindedly.
3:57pm May 2 2013
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If it were any other time and if Kat weren't mad at the situation, she would have blushed at Liam's need to argue against her opinions on her own attractiveness. Stubborn as a mule combined with a loose mouth made the words flow more easily out of her mouth. "You have a biased opinion. Beaman and Klentz discovered the more you're around a person, the more attractive they get. Shakespeare knew this too," she said and raised a brow. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind," she quoted. "By the by, it's only the fact that we spend so much time together that people thought we were dating." Like Jesus, you didn't even want to kiss me.
"Er, well, in any case, this is mostly just bad timing."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," she said dejectedly. "Can I just, like, sleep here and face my humiliation tomorrow when I'm all sobered up and feeling a raging headache? My parents are being their sucky selves and there's no way either of us are driving tonight," she said, nodding toward the bottle he'd grabbed again. "Unless you'll give me my car keys back." She raised a brow.
hello my name is elder price
4:36pm May 2 2013
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Posts: 5,512
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSXPi4ndXtk((This song.....))
Liam stuck the keys in his gym shorts pocket, "Nope, not tonight." He said. He mentally sighed, it was going to be a long night, if not an awkward one. He put the bottle on the floor and his face returned to its normal color, "Beaman and Klentz are full of it. Ugly girls are ugly and pretty girls are pretty. And Shakespeare was gay."
5:31pm May 2 2013
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"I'm not saying there's no such thing as ugliness. I'm saying you get used to ugliness," she said as a matter-of-fact. His last sentence was met with a snort and then a smack on his arm. Her angry resolve dripped away, even if it was just little by little. "Do not use gay in a derogatory term. I've raised you better than that," she said.
hello my name is elder price
5:36pm May 2 2013
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"I didn't mean it in a derogatory way. I'm pretty sure he was literally gay." Liam said with a shrug, "But being openly gay wasn't allowed then, but I once read he had some secret gay lover and he wrote Romeo and Juliet for him, because it was like how him and his lover couldn't be together."
5:55pm May 2 2013
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"Huh. I did not know that," Kat said. She raised her hands and cracked her neck, just to give her something to do. With the TV turned off, things were quiet and although her buzz wasn't letting her feel most of the awkwardness she'd created, it was still there. "I never liked Romeo and Juliet. I mean, they go through all that trouble just to be together. What are the odds that the friar or whatever doesn't get word to Romeo, and that it just so happens that Juliet only wakes up a few minutes after he's killed himself because he thought she was dead? Not to mention she was only like, thirteen and he was, what, sixteen? Like, you can move on, dude." Yes, she was aware that she was rambling and yes, she did not care. She paused though and looked at Liam. "Do you believe in soul mates?"
hello my name is elder price
6:05pm May 2 2013
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"Soul mates? Not like Romeo and Juliet. THey were just morons." Liam said with a laugh, "But kind of, I believe that two people can be meant for each other, and if they are, they might not even know it."
6:10pm May 2 2013
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"I must disagree," Kat said. "Out of the seven billion people in the world, how can one be right for you? Those are terrible odds." She ran her hands through her hair and laid back down, on her side so she was still looking at Liam, but she kept a safe distance between them on the bed.
hello my name is elder price
6:17pm May 2 2013
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"Maybe they are several out there that could be right for you, they are still kind-of-sort-of your soulmates." Liam said, "But here's another question, is love even real? Or is it just some BS we tell ourselves to help us sleep at night?" He reached to pick up his soda and took a drink. His tastebuds were a little shocked to go from the bitter, harsh whiskey, so a sticky-sweet cola.