8:20pm May 2 2013
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"Yes, it's real," Kat said automatically, as if it were a reflex. She rolled onto her back and stared upward, fingers lacing together and resting over her stomach. "My mom once told me a story--yeah, before she became such a *crappy* mom--about one of her cousins. Her cousin lived across the street from her best friend her entire life and they hung out together all the time. She used to tease him about his reluctance to date, or go out and meet women. She wanted him to be happy like she was, with her boyfriend. But her best friend secretly loved her all those years and never said a word. He disliked her boyfriend, not because it kept him from having her, but because the guy was just a flat-out jerk. She was an idiot and thought she could change him."
She took in a breath. "Every time the boyfriend would yell at her or get angry with her and send her to tears, her best friend would be there for her. He never said, 'I told you so' or 'why don't you just give up on him?' He just picked her back up. She realized one day that her boyfriend really didn't love her, go figure, and simultaneously realized that she'd fallen for her best friend, that he'd been waiting patiently all those years for her. He spent his entire life hung up on her. He just knew she was the one." She had started to mumble by the end and she'd closed her eyes.
"They're still happy to this day, with a few kids of their own. Mom told me it was one of the most beautiful things you could see, just watching those two." She cleared her throat. "So anyway, yeah, I think love's real."
Ooc; That's actually a true story of one of the people my mom used to be close with in college. c:
hello my name is elder price
8:38pm May 2 2013
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((Don't believe that crap. Me and Jake had the relationship that made people jealous. My friend Faith used to always tell me "if you two ever split, then I know love isn't real" and now idk....he just quit loving me and walked away..and it hurts bro : every now and then he calls and asks me to come over, and we spend the night just sleeping....but then we wake up and he all but kicks me out. Its those nights that make this too much to handle and make me break down....so pretty much it's nights like last night that killed me. Because I can't ever tell him no. He called me, I went over there, we started watching a movie, then we went to bed, and he just kept whispering in my ear about how much he already loves the baby and how he misses me, and when I told him I loved him, he asked how much, and I said "so much it hurts." and he never replied.. So I say screw love.))
"Hmm." Liam said, "I think love isn't what people make it seem like." He thought for a moment, "I mean, it can't be easy. Its got to be a give and take, but in my experience, one person does the giving, and one does the taking. Its never even." He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I just want a relationship where someone will care as much as I do. Definitely now Jenny." He spit her name out like it burned his tongue and he wrinkled up his nose.

8:53pm May 2 2013
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Ooc; My advice on the matter, and I know it will probably be extremely hard and impossible to do, is, next time when he calls, tell him no. If you keep going over there every time he calls, he's going to think he can do this whenever he wants. What he needs to realize is that if he doesn't want you, he doesn't get you. This will give him a choice, and maybe give him an epiphany: that he really will lose you if he lets you walk away, or that he really does want you and he's just being stupid. Love isn't always the kindest thing. It's work. It's heartache, but I think it's worth it. /snuggles <3
"I don't think it's even," Kat agreed. "He definitely loves her more than she loves him, but I think that's okay. 'Cause if it's even then you don't have to work for anything." She continued to look up at the ceiling, lips quirking with the way his teeth clicked as he said Jenny's name. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for," Kat said under her breath. Was he really going to say that right now? Um, ouch. She turned again, giving her back to him. "Maybe we should sleep. Grab me a few blankets so I can crash on the floor?"
hello my name is elder price
3:08pm May 3 2013
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((Yeah....I went by him last night and I told him I cant do it anymore. He was like, "I already lost my girlfriend, dont make me lose my best friend" so I crashed on his couch cuz the weather took a turn for the worse and he came and got me in the middle of the night and asked me to come to bed. It was kind of nice.. and today he was being a sweetheart. -.- yeah im clueless. Damn boys ))
"My bed is big enough for two!" Liam teased, but he was already grabbing a blanket and a pillow off the bed, "But its rude to make your guest sleep on the floor, so you can have the bed." he said. He got out of the bed and lay down on the floor, covering up with the blanket and looking at the ceiling. "Hey Kat, do you believe love takes time? Or is it one of those things where 'when you know, you know?'"
7:02pm May 4 2013
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Ooc; He needs to get his priorities straight. 8I
Kat started to get off of the bed, but Liam beat her to it. Nestled on the ground in blankets and none the worse, Kat decided not to argue with him. She would gladly take the bed, even if she didn't really deserve his kindness right now. The blankets were warm as she pulled them over herself and, despairingly so, they smelled insanely like Liam of course. Her eyelids drooped and she almost nodded off right then and there, comforted by his healthy boy and best friend smell. But he woke her up with his question.
"You mean like love at first sight? That's bullcrap. I mean, you don't know anything about the person. I think it takes time, you know? Like it happens slowly and you don't realize it. Then when you do realize it, all the pieces fall together at once. Like an epiphany," she said. "Anyway, I'm done talking about love and relationships with you for tonight. Good night," she mumbled.
hello my name is elder price
7:12pm May 4 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((well I cant just up and leave.. I AM pregnant with his kid. *sigh* the woes of Snowy. But getting me a kitten kind of made my entire week :3 squeeeeeeee))
"Well what else is there to talk about?" Liam complained, "I'm not tired yet!" but as if to contradict his words, he yawned loudly, "It's too early for sleep!"
8:11pm May 4 2013
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"Liam," Kat groaned and grabbed one of his extra pillows to throw it at his head. She rubbed at her eyes and yawned. "Fine. So what would you do if I was all, 'I don't care about the repercussions from this and I don't care if maybe we're just rebounding and I don't care if you don't like me anymore, but I want to kiss you and I'm going to do so right now so please kiss me back' and rolled off of this bed and kissed you?" She peered over the bed to look at him.
Ooc; Yeah, but he can't just...keep screwing with your emotions like this. :c
hello my name is elder price
9:52am May 5 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((But like I said, i can't just up and leave. Especially since he wants to be a part of the baby's life))
Liam blinked in surprise, "Err." he paused, "I'm not sure." He yawned again, "Possibly get back into bed."
5:55pm May 6 2013
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Ooc; /snuggles. Love sure is complicated, in't it?
"Possibly get back into bed."
Kat wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she did realize one thing: she was just digging herself into a deeper hole. It was just downright where how nonchalant they were treating this, as if it didn't matter. Maybe it doesn't, she thought bitterly and blinked at him. Upon realizing that she was staring, she rightened herself back on the bed and closed her eyes. "Okay," she said. "Well, I'm going to sleep now. Good night."
Was it so bad that part of her wished he would climb back into bed with her and fall asleep like that? Yeah, probably.
hello my name is elder price
6:15pm May 6 2013
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Liam grumbled in frustration, "That's a terrible response!" he complained, folding his arms over his chest. He stuck his lip out a little just in case she happened to look, "Maybe I want to sleep in my bed." he pouted.
7:24pm May 6 2013
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Kat didn't open her eyes, nor did she budge when Liam complained about her terrible answer and the fact that he wanted to sleep in his bed. "So you won't kiss me, but you'll sleep with me. Nice," she said, just a faint tinge of bitterness tacking onto her words. She dragged herself over to the other side of the bed and wrapped the covers even tighter around her. "No one's stopping you, though," she said softly.
hello my name is elder price
3:11pm May 7 2013
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"Who said I wouldnt kiss you?" Liam asked, getting up and climbing into the bed, smushing his face into the pillow. "I just told you what I would do if you said that, then kissed me again." He said, his voice slightly muffled.He blindly reached to the floor and grabbed his blanket at pulled it over himself.
3:54pm May 7 2013
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Kat was hyper-aware of the way the bed dipped and creaked when Liam crawled onto it. A half smile touched her lips, but she kept her back to him and curled her knees in closer to herself. "Yeah well, it doesn't really matter anyway. Now go to sleep," she whispered.
hello my name is elder price
5:06pm May 7 2013
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Liam rolled over and kissed her hair, "Nu-night Kat." he mumbled. He closed his eyes and rolled onto his back, "In the morning, I'll make you some waffles." he said with a small smile.
6:48pm May 7 2013
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Kat stiffened when she felt Liam's lips press against the back of her head, hair no likely tickling his lips. It was sort of really nice and she relaxed. It was okay that he didn't cuddle with her after that. Things would have just gotten more complicated. "I'm going to hold you to that promise," she said and closed her eyes one last time for the night.
Disoriented, Kat didn't know whose body she was curled up against at first--head on the crook of his neck, one leg between his, arm draped over his stomach. At first she started to chide herself and worry if she'd gotten drunk at a party the previous night. Waking up to a random guy had only happened on two separate occasions, but she knew she hadn't partied last night. No, she'd been at Liam's house..and tried to kiss him.
Her lashes fluttered and she leaned back, trying to untangle herself from him and cheeks turning red. "Oh, um, sorry," she said, not even sure he was awake.
hello my name is elder price
9:37pm May 7 2013
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Liam put one hand over his face, "mmm." was all he managed in his half-asleep state. He could hear his alarm begin to go off, and reached over with one hand to shut it off. He was vaguely aware of someone next to him, and it took him a minute to remember who it was, "Mornin' Kat." he mumbled, rolling onto his side to face away from her, "Five more minutes."
8:57pm May 8 2013
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Ooc; That's right. Today is Monday for them. lmao Good call, Kat. 8I
"Alarm? Why do you have--oh crap." Kat sat bolt upright on the bed and slapped a palm against her forehead. "Liam, wake up," she said and roughly shook his shoulder. "We have school today! Ugh," she groaned and fell onto her back in dismay. "I'm going to have to skip first period to go home and shower and get ready. I gotta go. Should I sneak out the window in case your parents are up?" she asked, knowing he'd probably still be disoriented...and adorable, if she chose to look at him, which she didn't.
hello my name is elder price
6:15pm May 9 2013
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Liam snorted, "Why do you gotta impress them, just wear what you have on, you can shower and use some of my sisters hair stuff." He yawned and rolled on to his back, "No point in going home, or going out the window, my parents wont notice."
8:21pm May 9 2013
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"This isn't about them," Kat whined. "Besides, I don't want to wear the same clothes two days in a row. Really, skipping math really wouldn't put a damper on my day. Then again, I'm lazy," she said, but she was already scrambling off of Liam's bed. Even if he wasn't going to get up and ready, Kat had to. She was already low on time. Her gaze shot to the window, then back to the hallway where she would find the bathroom and shower. She looked down at her clothes and sighed. At least she was somewhat decent.
"Okay, fine," she said and hurried down the hallway and into the bathroom.
hello my name is elder price
8:25pm May 9 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Im so happy ;3; I heard my baby's heartbeat today. My own heart stopped <3 <3 <3 ))
Liam refused to move from his spot in bed. He vaguely remembered offering Kat waffles, but he was just so tired. He would wait until she got out of the shower and make her breakfast, he had plenty of time anyway. It was early yet. He yawned loudly and closed his eyes, covering his face with his arm to block out the light.