8:31pm May 10 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I literally said, "awww" when I heard that. <333
Kat opted to use his sister's hair care and body wash rather than Liam's while in the shower, but she worked through her hair almost furiously against the time. He probably hasn't even budged from bed yet, Kat thought. It took her exactly three minutes and sixteen seconds to finish her shower and once she turned the knob back off, she dried herself down in a towel, slipped back into her clothes and went to work on her hair.
It took a considerable amount of more time for her to blow dry and curl her hair. She rifled her fingers through the twisted locks, loosening the curls so they hung past her shoulders and didn't resemble corkscrews. After using only a little bit of foundation and blush, she promptly left the bathroom and returned to Liam's room. "Your turn," she said.
hello my name is elder price
8:58pm May 10 2013
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Liam grunted and rolled off the bed onto the floor, "I will just shower after gym class anyway." he gumbled, picking himself up off the floor. He walked to the closet and grabbed out a plain white tee shirt and pulled it over his head, he stared at Kat with one eyebrow raised, waiting for her to turn around so he could switch his shorts for jeans.
"What do you want to eat?" He asked casually. Liam reached over to his dresser and grabbed the first pair of faded jeans his hands came into contact with.
6:14pm May 13 2013
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((Sec? Y u no love me no more??))
8:40pm May 13 2013
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Ooc; I've just been busy and stressed. 8C
Kat rolled her eyes when Liam pointedly gave her a look. Although she twirled around and gave him her back, hand coming up to cover a jaw-cracking yawn that made her want to crawl right back into bed. "I recall you promising me waffles last night," she said. Once she was sure he had his jeans on, she turned around and gestured toward the kitchen. "You better hurry up. Mr. Brensburg's going to kill me if I'm late again."
hello my name is elder price
8:47pm May 13 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((*Snuggles* Snoweh knows stress boo. Do you need to talk??))
Liam grabbed a plaid button up shirt from off the dresser and pulled it on, not bothering to button is as he brushed past her, "you women are so needy." he teased. Leslie gave him a hurry up look as he passed her in the living room, but he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. They still had almost half an hour, there was plenty of time.
He quickly began mixing the batter while the waffle iron heated up, "How many do you want?" he called to Kat, spooning the batter onto the waffle iron.
9:00pm May 13 2013
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Kat stood in Liam's room a moment longer after he'd left. She just drank in the room, looking at his discarded clothes on the floor, various sporting equipment and jerseys likewise leaned against walls and laid across the floor. Her thoughts turned to their hazy last night, but she pushed that out of her mind with a sigh, twisting her curls in a finger as she strode out the door.
"Uh, just one," Kat answered and seated herself at the table. "And don't ignore Leslie like that. Not all of us run on their own time schedule like you do," she said pointedly and got up again to pull out some plates.
Ooc; N'aww, I'll deal with it just fine. :3 <3
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm May 13 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((*noms* im here if oyu need me :D))
"I didnt ignore her" Liam said with a shrug, "I acknowledged her. If she doesnt like my schedule, shes more than welcome to take the bus." He poked her sides gently, "as are you, I still have your keys." he teased. He stuck his tongue out at her, then turned his attention back to the waffles. Liam's mouth watered at the scent, "man, what would you do without me?" He asked, "I'll tell you what, you would starve to death!"
9:11pm May 13 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Thanks, hon. And I you. c:
"Ugh, that's right. Give me my keys back, would you? I think I'm sober enough--" she paused to glance at Leslie. "I'm fine to drive," she finished and rocked in her seat while her stomach growled. "You know, I probably would starve without you since no one at home feeds me," she said with a laugh. "Besides, you're foot is actually really good, but don't let that compliment go to your head."
hello my name is elder price
9:18pm May 13 2013
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((lulz. Foot.)) "Pshht. Your words are too late to make me any more arrogant." Liam said with a grin, placing a hot waffle on her plate, and starting another for himself. He walked to the fridge and grabbed out the orange juice, "and you would probably starve due to lack of edible things in your house," he pointed out, drinking the juice straight from the carton.
9:20pm May 13 2013
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"Ugh, Liam use a glass," Kat said and tapped her own glass with a fork to tell him that she wanted some of it to drink. Then she cut into her waffle (after drizzling it with syrup of course) and stuffed a large piece in her mouth. "Also, you're not arrogant." She swallowed and made a thinking face. "You're just....cocky."
hello my name is elder price
4:57pm May 14 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((I saw the baby today :D Pretty sure its a girllll ))
Liam poured her a glass of the oraange juice, but continued to drink from the carton as he grabbed his plate to get his waffle from the iron. He sat down at the table and doused it in syrup, "Ah yes. 'Cocky.' I believe thats a synonym for arrogant." he said with a laugh.
7:49am May 31 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Have you been thinking of names? <3 /also shot for neglect
"N'awww," Kat disagreed. "When you're arrogant, you're more of a douche. Cocky, you can be lovable," she said and took a sip of her juice in a civilized manner. "I wonder how fast our little play-acting spread from the other day," she said and sighed.
hello my name is elder price
8:00am May 31 2013 (last edited on 8:01am May 31 2013)
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Posts: 5,512
((Nevaeh <3 its heaven backwards
Pronouned Nuh-vey-uh))
Liam laughed softly, "Well, I can almost guarantee everyone knows. So now the real question." he leaned across the table, propping himself up on his elbows, "Do we keep it up to piss off the two morons or just let it go?" He asked, with one eyebrow raised, "it could either be hilarious, or could blow up in our faces."
8:07am May 31 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; that's so pretty<333
The torn ex pression on Kat's face was blatant. If they were going to pretend about this, it was going to kill her, but her hunger for some sort of revenge and the need to piss the people she hated off, well, that sort of won out over her inner turmoil. "I think we can take our chances," she said and polished off the last of her breakfast. "Hurry up and eat. We gotta get to school."
hello my name is elder price
8:13am May 31 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam groaned and shoved the remainder of food in his mouth, "I dun wanna go." he mumbles through a mouthful of waffled, "do we 'aff to?" but he was already getting up and taking his plate and Kat's to the sink. He swallowed his over-stuffed mouth and washed his hands.
"Leslie!" he called, "go start my truck!" It was accompanied by a groan, but he heard her get up form the couch, and heard the jingle of keys before the door slammed shut. He slipped his sneakers on and walked toward the door, reaching into his pants pocket and removing Kat's keys, "you wanna ride with me or take your car?"
((gotta go <3 im off to save my relationship XD *flies away into the sunset* ))
10:00am May 31 2013
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"Obviously we're going to ride together if we're going to do this," Kat said, one brow arched. She fixed the curls in her hair with a little mussing around and put her plate in the sink. Anticipation for the day rolled in her stomach. It was all going to be worth it to see the dislike roll off of her enemies, maybe Liam's enemies now too. She only hoped she could keep her emotional sanity in check with all this faking.
Just don't forget that none of this will mean anything to him.
Don't forget.
"Let's go," she said and skipped out the door.
hello my name is elder price
10:06am May 31 2013
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Liam shut the door behind her and walked to the truck. Leslie was already bouncing around in the back, listening to some Justin Bieber tune she found on the radio. Liam snorted and jumped into the truck, quickly changing the station to country as quickly as possible, "what did I tell you about playing girly music in my manly truck?"
"That girly music was for sissy cars like Kat's." Leslie said, sticking her tongue out at him.
"That's right. It's country or nothing in the black beauty" he purred, stroking the steering wheel lovingly. He shot a sideways glance at Kat, "We eat sissy cars for breakfast." he teased, waggling his eyebrows.
9:30pm May 31 2013
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"Hey, stop picking on my car, would you?" Kat said and slapped Liam playfully on the shoulder after she'd managed to haul herself into his truck again. "So what's our game plan for walking into school?" Kat said and turned back to look at Leslie. "Your brother and I are going to extract some revenge on these really mean, irritating kids by pretending we're going out," she said and nodded.
hello my name is elder price
9:36pm May 31 2013
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Liam laughed a shrugged, "well you know how couples act in school, its all, walking with my arm around you, talking all secretive, and whatnot." He said, "should be a piece of cake." He put the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway.
Leslie tilted her head to one side, "Why? I thought you were dating Cole?" she said, looking at Kat. Liam winced slightly. ((Methinks that was his name, i can't remember >.<))
"Or not." He growled, putting the truck in drive and stepping on the gas. He was still irritated with seeing the guy that was supposedly into Kat flirting with his ex. It made him want to punch someone in the face, which is why he had enjoyed taunting the other boy while they were at Kat's house.
3:23pm Jun 5 2013
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