3:58pm Jun 5 2013
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Ooc; I really just want to let it go for now and not let it ruin my mood. ;~; But thanks, hon. <3
"Piece of cake. Right," Kat said. She winced when Leslie piped up in the back about Cole, but suppressed a smile at Liam's growl. "No, Leslie. Cole doesn't deserve this," Kat said and wiggled her hips in her seat as she gestured down her body. In the rearview mirror, she looked back and winked at her, a half-smile cocked on her lips.
"Pet names? Can I call you smoochums?" Kat said with a laugh.
hello my name is elder price
4:19pm Jun 5 2013
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Liam burst out laughing, "smoochums?" he asked, trying to contain himself. "how about not. I'm fine with Babe, Hun, or even Sweetheart, but Smoochums is BY FAR crossing the line." he said, glancing over at her, "we wouldn't want to break up right away would we?" he teased.
4:29pm Jun 5 2013
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"I was thinking maybe doll or muffincakes or something," Kat continued nonchalantly and shrugged. "But if you insist, babe." She shot him a grin and kicked her feet up on his dashboard.
hello my name is elder price
4:34pm Jun 5 2013
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Liam rolled his eyes and reached over to push her feet down, "you can call me muffin when i can call you Boo-boo Titty-" He cut himself off, remembering the little ears in the back seat, "and how many times have I told you, no feet on the dash?" he asked as they pulled into the parking lot, "my trucks too spoiled for that, aren't you baby." he cooed to the steering wheel.
4:35pm Jun 5 2013
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Liam rolled his eyes and reached over to push her feet down, "you can call me muffin when i can call you Boo-boo Titty-" He cut himself off, remembering the little ears in the back seat, "and how many times have I told you, no feet on the dash?" he asked as they pulled into the parking lot, "my trucks too spoiled for that, aren't you baby." he cooed to the steering wheel.
1:47pm Jun 7 2013
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((Sec....I told my dog she was adopted and this is the look I got...
3:33pm Jun 23 2013
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"I'm starting to think you love your truck more than me," Kat said, pretending to be offended. Although she did take her feet off the dash with a bit more grumbling. "Almost there," she said with a sigh. It would be worth it to keep up this facade, she told herself. It's just for a little bit. And remember, it doesn't mean anything to him...
hello my name is elder price
1:09pm Jun 24 2013
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Liam snorted, "I love my truck more than I love myself." He said, finding a spot and parking the big truck, barely fitting it into a single spot. He hopped out, and Leslie let herself out of the backseat. Liam walked around the truck and opened the door for Kat, offering up his hand, "ready babe?"
6:45pm Jun 30 2013
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((I...I seriously cant right now. I just had the most amazing moment of my life. WHen I was about 6 or 7, my grandpa took me with, and let me pick out a draft horse. I found one, he was stubborn and cranky and I loved it. His name was Jake, but I called him Jakers from day one. He pulled as part of my grandpas draft team for YEARS until my grandpa died when I was 13. Jake and his partner Pete were givin to my grandpas best friend, who still pulls them to this day. TOday was one of those days. While watching the pulls, i said "Good job Jakers" as he walked by, and I saw him stop for an few seconds. But I didn't think anything of it. After the pull, I walked back by the horses, and saw Jakers. I went up to him and said "Hi pretty boy." He hasn't seen me in almost 2 years, and i half expected him to treat me like he did everyone else, with a nip and a headbutt. But he sniffed me once, and put his head on my shoulder. He nuzzled at my hair a little, sniffed my belly, poked my belly with his nose, then just rubbed his forehead on mine. Jake never acts like that around people. But he let me throw my hands around his neck and play with his mane. Maybe it was just because I'm a pregnant woman that made him so gentle, but I think he remembered me. And I started crying. It was just...a wow moment..)

12:17am Jul 17 2013
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"Oh, please," Kat said and shook her head. "There isn't anything in this world you love more than yourself. Now let's get this over with." Kat wrapped her fingers around Liam's and slid down onto the ground. She slammed the door shut behind her and kept Liam's hand clasped at her side. "Spy the queen beeot--" she started and then cut herself off when Leslie started to get out of the truck. "Or Cole for that matter?"
hello my name is elder price
12:27am Jul 17 2013
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Liam shrugged, "I'm not gonna look for anyone in particular. Word will get to them before first bell rings, you can count on that." he said with a laugh. He looked down at their hands for a moment and smiled to himself, then looked up toward the school, slightly confused. He didn't like Kat like that anymore. At least, that's what sober Liam told himself.
((Am i the only one who wants to touch molten lava?? :I *is watching a documentary on Hawaii ))
12:40am Jul 17 2013
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Ooc; Yes, you're the only one who wants to touch molten lava.
"Of course it will. Look, Annie's already running off to blabber to her first period," Kat said, watching the red-haired gossip girl bop away off to class. Well, if the cat wasn't out of the bag yet, it certainly was going to be soon. Though Kat, personally, thought it better to compare her and Liam's relationship to Schrodinger's cat experiment. She sighed. "Probably dead," she muttered under her breath.
hello my name is elder price
1:31am Jul 17 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((but ;-; I wanna....))
"Hmm?" Liam asked, Kat's voice bringing him back to the moment. "What's dead?" He nodded his head once in acknowledgement((SP?? 0.o )) to the football team who waved and cat-called to him, but made no effort to go join them. He opened the door to go inside the building, holding it for Kat. It's just a game. He reminded himself, to show them how it feels. He glanced around the halls and spotted the cheerleaders huddled outside a classroom door, while Annie talked animatedly in the center. She quickly stopped when she saw Liam and Kat, and all of the girls 'sneakily' glanced over their shoulders at the new 'couple.' Well, it's all going as planned...
1:46am Jul 17 2013
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"What's dead?" he asked.
"The cat," Kat said matter-of-factly and glanced sideways at the rest of the football team. Half of them were jerks. The other half acted like jerks, but were really sweet guys. Then there was Liam, who was just a sweet guy. He'd already figured it all out, but somehow he still got screwed over when it came to women. Kat shook her head, suppressing a scowl, and breezed through the open door Liam held out for her.
Kat resisted the urge to make an obscene gesture to the girls who were giving her death glares hidden inside furtive glances over their shoulders. "Ha, we should have done this a long time ago," Kat said. You know, now that she thought about it, she could live with Liam already having moved on. Heck, she could move on, too, maybe see if Cole would turn out alright if she actually gave him a little bit of attention. And maybe gave him tips on kissing. After all, since she'd heartily obliterated all of the butterflies that had ransacked her stomach when she'd held Liam's hand, the contact was empty. She could just be friends if she wanted to. Yeah, yeah she could.
(badum tss. liam gon have to convince her to try now orz)
hello my name is elder price
5:53pm Jul 17 2013
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Liam raised an eyebrow at her, "But I don't have a cat. And neither do you." He said, sounding confused. He pulled her closer and released her hand, tossing his arm over her shoulder. One of the cheerleaders, probably Annie, snorted in disdain, which almost made him laugh. He stopped walking when they reached Kat's locker, "so, you gonna sit by me at lunch?" he asked with a wink.
7:44pm Jul 17 2013
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"Well, now I don't. Poor Schrod, I didn't even get to say good-bye." She melodramatically swiped some non-existent tears off of her face. When Liam dropped her hand and tossed his arm over her shoulders, she ordered her tummy to crush and digest every butterfly that was insistent on trying to bother her. Glad she'd crushed her feelings at the moment--hey, if she kept this up, this could actually work--she leaned against her locker and angled her head down, looking up at Liam through her lashes. She could feel the jealousy coming off of her audience.
"Sure, baby," she said and tilted her head to bring her lips to his in a slow kiss. A few snorts, a few squeals from their peers, and then she leaned back, getting off of her tiptoes too. "Sorry," she whispered and turned to her locker, the tips of her ears red.
hello my name is elder price
4:49pm Jul 18 2013
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Liam blinked a few times, slightly dazed, "sorry for what?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows at her. He reached over and placed his hand in the small of her back, "you don't have to pretend if you don't want to." he whispered before turning to walk away. His own face was getting red from all the stares. And even though Kat wasn't really his girlfriend, he had to admit, he kind of liked this.
4:58pm Jul 18 2013
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"That's exactly what I have to do," Kat muttered to herself as Liam walked away. A few girls watched his back as she left and, like the good, possessive girlfriend she was, she gave them a weighted death stare. They ducked their heads and walked away, Kat grinning to herself and saying, "awesome." She grabbed her books from her locker and started to head to class. Cole was in her first block and if he hadn't heard about this by now, he certainly would when she walked into class and the whispers started.
hello my name is elder price
5:16pm Jul 18 2013
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((Hrmmm. When do we wanna time skip to? lol))
4:08pm Jul 23 2013
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((Ill skip to their lunch when I have the chance I guess))