4:55pm Jul 23 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Res ate mypost when i replied to this and i forgot to go back and fix it. lmfriggin'ao. |D Skipping to lunch is fine. i'm probably going to put a little blurb about her time w/ Cole in first block though.
hello my name is elder price
9:52pm Jul 23 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,512
((Well add her blurb as like, her thoughts or something XD ))
Liam sat down in his usual spot at the lunch table. He looked down at the "food" on his tray and wrinkled his nose in disgust. The space next to him was empty, but the rest of the table was filled with football players and their bimbo girlfriends. Did I really date girls like that? He asked himself, shaking his head. He looked around the cafeteria, searching for Kat, the only person he could have an actual conversation with.
10:17pm Jul 23 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Cole hadn't believed any of it for a second, Kat knew that much. He'd given her a lopsided grin when she'd walked in the class, shook his head and snickered. Though he did feign interest in the chatter of the girls at the far corner as they talked about the news and complained that Liam was off the menu again. Ugh if it means saving him from those nut jobs, I can gladly put my sanity on the line. Kat swallowed something sour and twisted in her seat to pay attention to the teacher.
She scoured the lunchroom for Liam, found him at his usual table, and plopped down next to him. "You know," Kat said as she sat down and threw a few chips in the back of her mouth. "This whole ordeal is a double-edged sword. Now you can't find a new lady friend for real 'cause you have to put up with me." She kept her voice low so no one would overhear her, not that anyone was really paying attention to them. They were too busy talking about them to actually care about what she and Liam were doing.
hello my name is elder price
4:27pm Jul 24 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "Look at it this way, you are protecting me from heartbreak all over again." he said with a wink, "besides, I'm done dealing with girls like these. I want to find a girl like you." He winced in his mind, realizing how he probably sounded like a huge jerk. I just friendzoned my 'girlfriend.'
6:52pm Jul 24 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Kat tried not to look too taken aback, but anger rose up in her eyes and she took a savage bite out of her sandwich. "Well, tell me when you find her so I can meet her," Kat bit out sharply and tore another bite out of her sandwich.
hello my name is elder price
7:28pm Jul 25 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam forced a grin, "Oh Kat, you know you're one of a kind." he said, poking her in the side playfully, "so I guess I'll just have to be forever alone." He sighed melodramatically, trying to lighten the mood.
9:55am Jul 26 2013
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Posts: 3,828
"Sure," she said with raised brows, but couldn't help the lopsided smile that plastered itself on her face. She shook her head and glanced sideways at him. "It's amazing how I can't stay mad at you." After a few more bites on her sandwich, she said, "So, what's the plan for after school?"
hello my name is elder price
1:17pm Jul 26 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 5,512
((*Eyetwitch* So i sent you the snapchat of me being a burrito. Well that was taken at Jakes. I took a little nap, and when i woke up, it was raining and he had left for work. i sat and listened to the rain for a while, playing pokemon.(rain is nice. We just had a heatwave and its been rain-free here for weeks) My mom texted me and asked when i was coming home. I thought about it. Then i thought, "where did I even park my car?" suddenly it hit me.........When i had gone to sleep, it was sunny, and there wasnt a cloud in the sky. I live in a small town where nobody will steal anything, so naturally, i left ALL THE WINDOWS ROLLED DOWN AND MY SUNROOF OPEN!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?! XD))
Liam laughed, "Sweetheart, I can't even stay mad at me." he pretended to toss long hair he didnt have and said, "I'm just too fabulous. And I have football practice until four thirty, but I'm FREE after that." he winked, proud of his own pun.
((lol it started as unintentional, then i looked at the line and was like lulz Liam Free is free after 4:30))
