7:50pm Apr 10 2013
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Liam shook his head, "No. You're mean because you didn't let ME answer the phone and talk to him in my flawless impression of you." He stuck his tongue out as he sat across from her. He reached over and took the syrup and drowned his pancake with it, "So. Since I'm single, you got any cute friends?" he asked with a wink. "I have to say, I'd be quite a catch for any of them."
8:41pm Apr 10 2013
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"Flawless impression of me, ha," Kat said and rolled her eyes. She kept her feet propped up on the chair to her left and eyed Liam as he went about getting his pancakes ready for consumption. If he was still upset, he was hiding it well. Ugh, just the thought of that stupid cheerleader made her blood boil. How could you cheat on someone? How could you hurt someone like Liam? She just didn't get it. Maybe Jenny had a brain tumor or something that made her stupid. Or maybe she was just stupid. That was possible.
Her thoughts made her formerly miss what Liam had asked her but when reeling back into the conversation, she recalled his question. "Aren't guys supposed to like, enjoy the single life? You know, go bang some hot girls, make out at parties. No attachments? Although it would be quite possible for me to set you up. Chicks in art class don't shut up about you." She put on her best bubbly blonde dialect and gushed, "Ooooh, Liam's so handsome. Liam's so hot. If there were anything I wouldn't do to that boy." She ended up cackling with laughter.
"But really," she said after a fit of giggles. "You won't have any trouble there. Unlike me, people actually like you." The hard truth of things was that if Kat wasn't friends with Liam, she probably wouldn't be included with the group of friends he had (AKA the popular kids). In her eyes, she was just an art geek with a weird taste in music. It's why she didn't like going to parties without Liam. It was okay for her to tag along with him, but on her own...she just felt intrusive.
Kat also had the inability to hide her emotions and most if the time, her face was an open book. She made for a terrible liar, too.
Ooc; So my laptop may or may not have just died for good. :< Replies will be coming from my phone until I find out for sure. Going to try a few more things....
hello my name is elder price
3:28pm Apr 11 2013
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((My laptop is acting up too : and its only a few months old.I've heard a bunch of people complaining at school too -.- *sigh* Intergoogle is craashing)) Liam waggled his eyebrows, "Nothing they wouldn't do to me huh?" He laughed, "I think I just might have to take advantage of that." But he knew that the whole 'wham bam thank you ma'am' thing just wasn't his style. He would never admit it around the guys, but he didn't really like fooling around with just anyone. Sure, he had had the opportunity place before him, but it just didn't feel right. It felt dirty.
Liam sighed, "I don't know. I don't really want to rush into things you know? Jenny may be in to getting around, but I want to find a girl who's actually going to be faithful," he paused for a moment, "unlike certain blonde cheerleaders I know. What are the girls from your art class even like? I mean, you're the only artist that ever really hangs around with the football team and cheerleaders." He knew that the cheerleaders weren't Kat's first choice in friends, and he also heard the snide comments they said about her whenever she walked away to go to a different class.
Ugh. Why does she even hang out with us? She's such a loser. If it wasn't for Liam, that *censored* wouldn't have any friends. Freak.
But he hardly thought anything of their comments. Hell, the cheerleaders talked about each other like that, so he kind of figured that's just the way they were, and if they didn't talk about her the second she walked away, something must really be wrong. But he didn't care what they had to say. The cheerleaders never had any intelligent comments. Kat was the only person he felt that he could really talk to about anything, even if people made snide jokes that they were most likely banging on the side.

4:34pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; dude, Google hasn't been working for me either.
Kat listened in silence as Liam talked and munched on his pancake. The more she listened, the more her anger broiled at Jenny. She knew for a fact that the head cheerleader had never liked her, probably because she was jealous of all the time Kat spent with Liam. She suddenly wondered for a minute if maybe the reason things hadn't worked out between the two of them was because of her, brows dipping downward and creases indenting her forehead as she thought. It was an ex pression typically used when she was thinking hard on something she didn't like, like now, with her lips tilted downward in discontent. It was also used when she was painting or sketching. Right now it was because of the former, obviously.
No, it's not your fault. Any chick that wants to date him needs to be okay with our friendship. Kat wasn't stupid. She knew what people around them thought, that her and Liam had some type of undiscovered (or in some cases, widely discovered) love. Which, of course, was laughable. Just the thought made her stop frowning and turn her attention back to the conversation at hand.
"Yeah well, Jenny doesn't deserve you anyway." She tucked a loose strand of red hair behind her ear and reajusted her baseball cap. She decided not to comment on the fact that she was the only art geek that hung out with them. There was a reason for that. "There's this really nice girl named Maggie that talks about you sometimes. She's kinda quiet, but you know what they say about the quiet ones." She winked. "I think she draws porn comics though, if those even exist. She keeps a secret notebook and doesn't show anyone what's in it, but I've glanced at it when she wasn't looking."
"No worries, babe. The love of your life is out there somewhere just waiting for you to sweep her off her feet." She stood from her chair and grabbed his arm impatiently. "But right now your best friend is really itching to get some sun. So let's go.
hello my name is elder price
6:34pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "well is Cole the love of your life?" he teased before getting up and running from the room to get his towels and such for the beach. He knew Kat well enough to know that she had been, well, upset is the only word he could think of to describe her ex pression while he had been talking, but he thought better than to ask.
"Why don't you go start the truck and turn on the AC while I grab my stuff?" He yelled down to her, "The keys are on the table by the door." There was no other girl he trusted with the keys to his coveted Dodge Ram. He had saved for 3 years just for the down payment. He knew the shiny, black behemoth of a truck turned heads of all the guys when he drove by. One thing he never got around to doing with it was putting in a step bar. He always had to lift girls in and out of the lifted truck, and walked to the window to see how Kat would try and get in, folding towels and putting them in the duffel bag as he watched.
((grhgfiuweFirjohdiugasorshgoei I think I'm going to blow a tire in my car -.- and all i have to say about it is, I NEED NEW ONES ANYWAY))

6:34pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "well is Cole the love of your life?" he teased before getting up and running from the room to get his towels and such for the beach. He knew Kat well enough to know that she had been, well, upset is the only word he could think of to describe her ex pression while he had been talking, but he thought better than to ask.
"Why don't you go start the truck and turn on the AC while I grab my stuff?" He yelled down to her, "The keys are on the table by the door." There was no other girl he trusted with the keys to his coveted Dodge Ram. He had saved for 3 years just for the down payment. He knew the shiny, black behemoth of a truck turned heads of all the guys when he drove by. One thing he never got around to doing with it was putting in a step bar. He always had to lift girls in and out of the lifted truck, and walked to the window to see how Kat would try and get in, folding towels and putting them in the duffel bag as he watched.
((grhgfiuweFirjohdiugasorshgoei I think I'm going to blow a tire in my car -.- and all i have to say about it is, I NEED NEW ONES ANYWAY))

6:34pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "well is Cole the love of your life?" he teased before getting up and running from the room to get his towels and such for the beach. He knew Kat well enough to know that she had been, well, upset is the only word he could think of to describe her ex pression while he had been talking, but he thought better than to ask.
"Why don't you go start the truck and turn on the AC while I grab my stuff?" He yelled down to her, "The keys are on the table by the door." There was no other girl he trusted with the keys to his coveted Dodge Ram. He had saved for 3 years just for the down payment. He knew the shiny, black behemoth of a truck turned heads of all the guys when he drove by. One thing he never got around to doing with it was putting in a step bar. He always had to lift girls in and out of the lifted truck, and walked to the window to see how Kat would try and get in, folding towels and putting them in the duffel bag as he watched.
((grhgfiuweFirjohdiugasorshgoei I think I'm going to blow a tire in my car -.- and all i have to say about it is, I NEED NEW ONES ANYWAY))

6:35pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((GAHHHHHH truiple post -.- word to the wise, never buy a chromebook))
6:56pm Apr 11 2013
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"He hasn't swept me off my feet yet," Kat yelled back to him, even though he'd already disappeared up the stairs. While he went to grab his stuff, she stacked their plates together and put them in the sink. She ran some hot water over them for a quick rinse before sticking them in the dishwasher. Still bent over, she stopped what she was doing to hear Liam and after replying with an, "okay," she shut the dishwasher door, stood, and looked around for his keys.
They weren't very hard to find. She only had to move a bit of mail on the table to uncover them. Kat strode outside and first went over to her car, where she dragged out a beach bag that held some very important items. Highest on her list were her art supplies, then tanning oil, then towels. She shouldered the bag and started to contemplate how she was going to get into Liam's truck. The thing was monstrous.
Kat decided to toss her bag into the passenger seat first. Then she took her flip flops off too and tossed those in. He'd probably known she'd have trouble getting in. She had done so before and the attempts had failed more times than succeeded. Come to think of it, he was probably watching her right now. She flexed her fingers at her sides, knowing full well trying to pull herself up wasn't going to work. She simply didn't have the arm strength.
Kat reached up to grasp the edge of the seat (which proved to not make a very good hold) and crouched down before jumping up. Her toes curled against the edge of the door frame and she hung there for a few seconds, other arm flailing before finding purchase on the headrest of the seat. With a hint of strain, she hauled herself in. She pushed her bag down by her feet and leaned over to put the keys in the ignition. The engine rumbled with the twist of her wrist and warm air blew in her face. She cranked the AC on high and closed the door.
Then she pressed her face up against her window and stuck her tongue out at Liam.
hello my name is elder price
7:06pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Do you have snapchat? I wanna show you my latest drawing :3 'tis not finished though) )
Liam chucked and quickly traded his pajama pants for swimming trunks. Then he decided against bringing a shirt and strode out the door, duffel bag in hand. He walked to the driver door and opened it, reaching up to grab the inside door handle and expertly pulling himself in.
"So." he bagan, putting the truck in reverse and backing out of the driveway, "did you have fun almost falling on your butt?" he asked playfully. Once they were on the actual road, he put the truck in drive and began toward the lake. He knew that a lot of people would be there. He also knew the cheerleaders would probably be tanning. He had decided to not care, and if Jenny would be there with the wide receiver she was cheating on him with, he knew that pretending would be hard.
7:54pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Hey sec, what music player did you use to em bed that song onto your profile?))
7:57pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Snapchat is InfiniteSecrets c: Also, watching the hangover 2 for the hundredth time lmao. And about the player, you just use an em bed code with a link to an mp3 file. Like dio src=your mp3 file> dio> I think that's the coding. o_o Use musicaddict.com for the file for songs. If that's not the right tag, go to my profile and look at my prof encoding lulz
Kat rolled her eyes. "Yeah, fun, fun, fun'" she said sarcastically and held her arms out. "Too much physical exertion for them for one day." She leaned forward to move stuff around in her bag. Her fingers grasped at her sketchbook. Settling it in her lap, she flipped through a few pages to get to her latest completed drawing, which had been done before she went to the game last night.
"Finally finished this. I don't know if I want to keep it black and white or splash some color on it. Whatya think?" She asked and held it up for him to see. It was an intricate floral design, tangled ivy snaking around lotus flowers and cherry blossom petals. Although Liam really wasn't on her spectrum when it came to hobbies and whatnot, he had long since gotten used to talking with her about her art.
She realized then what Liam had already come to the conclusion to. It was hot out. Everyone would be at the lake. Cole would see why she blew him off and Jenny...Oh, that chick better pray Kat didn't find her there.
hello my name is elder price
8:10pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((I sent you a snap :3))
Liam glanced at the sketch, "You know, this is distracted driving, and is a very bad idea." he teased. He looked for a moment longer, "Maybe if you keep the colors faded, you know what I mean? I think it would look better with softer colors in it." He said. Liam had always wished he had been able to draw, but his hands were for throwing footballs and lifting weights, not carefully sketching. ((failpost XD))
8:28pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 3,828
"Hmm, I'll go with water colors then," she said. She stuck the book back into her beach bag and settled into her seat. "Liam?" she started and then reached up to turn some music on. It was their town's pop station filled with overplayed pop music she didn't like, but it was something to ride to. It was summery too, which made it bearable.
"You'll be alright if we see her there, right?" She sighed. "I should have thought of the possibility of her being there..."
Ooc; it's so pretty ;o; <3
hello my name is elder price
8:35pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Snoweh has lots of artwork :3 im working on a painting too, but im out of gold paint XD))
Liam shrugged, "I saw her at last nights game, didnt bother me then, why should I let it now? Besides, I'm going to have to deal with her for the entire school year, so I might as well just get this awkward phase over with." His grip tightened slightly on the steering wheel, but his face remained void of the mixed emotions he was feeling, "I'd rather just pretend like it never happened." He said with a forced calmness.
8:38pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Oh yeah, and just to prove my artistic talent, the pic i sent you is based off of a photo of your truly....well....the pose anyway. XD its on my profile. I still need to add the hand and hat design))
8:47pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((What do you think of my hat decal? 'Tis my name XD))
8:59pm Apr 11 2013
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"I can beat her up for ya, you know, since law dictates that guys can't hit girls." Her attempt at a joke fell a little flat because of the worry laced in her words. She reached out and placed her hand on Liam's shoulder, squeezed gently and smiled softly. Kat never really did see the side of Jenny that Liam had. To her, she was the stereotypical *censored*y cheerleader that despised anyone who could think for themselves. Kat was in that category, so maybe she was just biased. Whatever it was, she was a glad it was over. Sure it had ended terribly, but maybe Liam would find someone better to be with.
They pulled up at the parking lot by the lake and Kat sat up a little straighter to peer out by the water. It didn't take long for her to find the witch herself. What confused her was seeing Cole sitting on a beach chair next to her and running his hand down her calf. "Huh. I guess her and her other boyfriend are through," she said, jaw tightening. Fierce determination welled in her eyes. "If I get out of this truck, in going to wring her neck. Now, would you please help me get out?"
Ooc; man, gimme your artistic talent plz
hello my name is elder price
9:08pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam pressed the lock button, "No. What you're going to do is listen to me. I want to get back at at Jenny, and also want to punch Cole in the face, but that's not rational since he's 17 and I'm 18. I don't wany any criminal charges." Anger boiled in his stomach. He thought he was fine seeing Jenny, but he wasn't. And Cole wasn't helping too much. His mind worked quickly and he already had an idea, "Now here's whats going to happen. I'm going to get out of the truck, I'm going to walk around to your side, and instead of just helping you down, I'm going to lift you down, and you're going to giggle like a 12 year old at a Justin Bieber concert. Understood?"
He doubted his composure, but he just wanted to make it seem like neither him nor Kat were hurt, "I know how these people work. If we act bothered, they will jump on it like mice on cheese. What we're going to do is something they can understand. We're going to play their game. Get what I mean?" What he was implying would be strange, Kat was is best friend, and now he wanted to pretend they were lovers. Just for now. Just to make his ex and her almost-boyfriend jealous.
((how could this possibly go wrong?! XD and nooooooooooo I had to work for my talent D:))

9:29pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Kat tested her door and made a noise in frustrated complaint when it wouldn't open. Ugh, Cole knew about Liam and Jenny, knew about Kat's dislike for the girl. Even though they weren't close, betrayal still stung. Angry tears blurred the edge of her vision, but she bit them back and settled back into a pout. Her arms crossed over her chest, brown gaze like steel as she glared at them. Although she wasn't looking at Liam, she was listening to what he was saying. "I would much rather kick him where it counts," she muttered.
"The new thing is One Direction, by the way," she added dryly. She almost didn't want to go along with this. Forget the fact that Kat really didn't like playing mind games, it would just be too weird to act like she had a thing for Liam. It was...not right. The decisions were weighed carefully on her face and eventually, with a sigh, she gave in. "Fine, but no kissing or touching. Sorry, but ew," she said and grinned to let him know she was just teasing.
"Well, care to unlock the door so we can begin the show?"
Ooc; omg that drawing looked just like my guy-friend's dog Otis. Sgzuejdjxodndjx
hello my name is elder price