9:36pm Apr 11 2013
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((tis my dog Jada :D))
"No kissing or touching?" Liam mock-protested as he got out and walked around, opening Kat's door, "you're taking away all the fun." He stuck his tongue out at her and lifted her from the truck by her waist, and just for good measure, he twirled with her still in the air before setting her feet both on the ground, "can't I have just one little kiss?" he asked jokingly, his lips brushing her hair by her ear, just in case Cole or Jenny happened to be looking. "Relax sweetheart, its only for a few minutes, I bet Jen will get pissed off and leave."
9:53pm Apr 11 2013
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Kat was, despite herself, a little breathless by the time Liam put her down on the ground. She'd always known he was strong; it's not like he hadn't picked her up before, but something about a guy being able to hold you and twirl you in the air with ease was hot. No wonder girls went head over heels for him. She justified the shiver that went down her spine at the touch of his breath against her hairline by reminding herself that the ears and neck were sensitive places on the human body. She was starting to doubt this idea when she leaned to the side to look past Liam.
Well, Jenny looked mighty pissed, as expected. Her cheeks were red and she looked like a spitting cat. Her red fingernails dug into the back of her beach chair. The two girls locked gazes and the wildness in Jenny's glare subsided. Then Jenny smirked. And then she sat herself on top of Cole and kissed him. Hard. He seemed taken aback at first, but his arms wrapped around her in a way that told Kat he'd done that before. She was still looking their way, the smug look having crept in her eyes.
"Great plan," she said sourly. "Can I go kick him in the nuts now and slap her across the face? Or are you still Mr. Pacifist? Oh," she said. Cole had seen them now. He'd turned beet red. "Huh, at least he has the decency to look embarrassed. Maybe I still have a shot," she joked weakly.
Ooc; Purty bby. Lab?
hello my name is elder price
9:59pm Apr 11 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Yup :) purebred XD but we got her for $50 from a friend))
"Still Mr. Pacifist." He said, twirling a lock of her hair around one of his fingers. "Where has violence ever gotten you in the past?" He asked with a smirk, remembering all the times she had punched him in the time they had been friends, "Besides, she's trying to hard, we can make this look easy, at least I can, if you would relax."
He looked over at Cole and locked gazes with the smaller man and Cole seemed to shrink in the intense glare of Liam's green eyes. He put one arm possessively around Kat's waist, "I think I'm going to have to break your no touching rule." He teased as they walked toward the water together.
7:18am Apr 12 2013
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Ooc; my dog's a mix of lab and Dane. Mojo<3
"I like to think I've beaten you into obedience," she said. "But alright, alright." She gave in to Liam's request and looked up at him, but he was too busy glaring at Cole to notice the glance. She looked sideways and almost grinned when Cole cowered lower in his chair. It was a bit refreshing. Kat gratefully leaned in against Liam when he snaked his arm around her waist. Jenny's eyes were like daggers.
"Wow, that did piss her off. I wonder..." she said aloud and as they were walking, Kat stood on her toes and brushed a kiss against Liam's cheek. His tanned skin was warm under her lips, a slight scratch of stubble running under her skin. When she looked back over, Jenny and a couple of other girlfriends, along with Cole, were packing up.
"Mission accomplished. We're going to pay hell for that at school though and I don't think I'll be allowed to go to anymore parties any time soon," she said, not sounding too bothered by it.
hello my name is elder price
7:22am Apr 12 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((I have a Dane-shepherd mix :D))
Liam laughed, "Oh please, Jenny is mad, the other girls are just followers. They're like sheep." After the cheerleaders were gone, his arm dropped to his side, "So, now that we took care of that, pick a spot, I'm ready to lay down and take a nap." he said with a yawn. ((another fail but I gotta go :3))
9:10am Apr 12 2013
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"Let me go grab my bag," she said. Free from Liam's grasp, Kat stuck her fingers in her pockets and headed back to his truck. She opened up the passenger door and dragged her bag out. It landed on the ground with a thud. Her phone light was blinking and she reached down to check it.
Tlk l8r 2nite?
Cole. She was still angry so she thought it better to ignore the text. The other option would be to cuss him out, which probably wasn't a good way to handle the situation. Besides, maybe later she may have the patience to listen to what he had to say. For now though, she wanted to start enjoying her day with Liam.
"Here," she said and tossed a towel to Liam. She laid her own out on the ground and dropped her shorts. Her shirt came off next, but she replaced the ball cap on her head. Left standing there was a skinnier-than-average girl in a simple red and white striped bikini. Kat sprayed some tanning oil on herself and then stretched out along her towel.
hello my name is elder price
3:17pm Apr 12 2013
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Liam layed a towel out and flopped down beside her with a yawn, "Man, if someone hadn't woken me up, I would be sleeping in my nice warm bed, with my shades drawn and my day would be perfect. But no. I'm here, where there is sand and." he mock shuddered before saying, "people."
12:13pm Apr 14 2013
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"Oh, shut up you," Kat said and propped her head on the palm of her hands. Her elbows stuck out to the sides, legs stretched out and toes in the sand. "You wouldn't know what to do without me," she said with one corner of her mouth tilted up. She tilted her head to the side and opened one eye to peer at Liam.
"So Cole said he wanted to talk to me tonight. I'll probably call him when we get back. Poor guy, just lost the most beautiful and perfect girl he'll ever find in his life." She sighed dramatically, then yawned.
hello my name is elder price
7:04pm Apr 14 2013
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Liam snorted, "I wouldn't even call him. Id just shoot him a 'take care now, bye bye then' text." He thought for a moment, "SO, about that girl in your art class, is she hot?" he asked, laying on his wide with his head propped up on his fist, "cuz, you know, I DO have a reputation of snagging the hottest girls in school."
7:57pm Apr 14 2013
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"I'll let him explain. If anything, I want to get a laugh out of this." Kat closed her eyes again and fidgeted to find a more comfortable spot on her towel. It was blistering hot out now, though that provably had more to do with the oil on her skin and the sun beating right on them on the open clearing around the lake. If Kat wasn't careful, she could fall asleep and fry within a few hours. Liam's had to shake her awake before to get her to put more lotion on before she burned.
"'Is she hot?'" Kat mocked and shook her head in disdain. "All you boys are all the same. It's what's inside that counts, babe. Some guys miss what's right in front of them 'cause they don't realize that." She paused and laughed. "But yes, she's hot. Long blonde hair, nice figure, a little chubby in the cheeks but hey, no one's perfect. I would know."
hello my name is elder price
10:27am Apr 15 2013
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Liam laughed, "But I'm perfect. Always have been.." He teased, "So I need the perfect woman." ((Ugh. My brain is absolutely fried. I am sick as hell and just wanna quit life :))
11:59am Apr 15 2013
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"Perfection is unobtainable," Kat chimed. She stretched out her limbs and opened her eyes. Her skin was getting way too hot and she was feeling a little lightheaded. "Okay, it is too hot. I'm going to go hop in the water for a sec." Kat gathered herself off the towel and half jogged down to the waterline. The water was still and the first few steps weren't too refreshing; the water itself was a little warm. But she continued to walk further in until she reached the drop off. She took in a deep breath and dove right in. Cold water coursed over her warm skin, goosebumps fleshing up.
Kat kicked and reached he surface. A spout of water shot out of her mouth and she waved her hand to Liam. "Come in! It's great."
OoC; awww, poor Snoweh. Being sick sucksss. :c I have something that will happen later between Kat and Cole. When they're done with the lake, she'll just head home. 8)
hello my name is elder price
12:37pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Ohhhhhh boyyyyyy lol and I feel much better now that I showered and took meds))
"Great means its ice cold." Liam replied, but he got up from his towel anyway and walked toward the water, "How do I know I'm not going to freeze to death in there?" He asked, eyeing Kat suspiciously. But then again, the sun was scorching hot against his tanned skin, and some cold water would probably feel nice..
((I'm so hungry -.- but if i eat, I just throw it back up. What do I do?! lol))
7:49pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Feeling better now? ALSO bought myself a new laptop. <3 So replies will be better now. xD;
"Oh, please. There is no need to be so prissy," Kat said and dove under the water again. When she came back up, her cheeks bulged with water. She pushed her lips together and spit the water out in a steady stream toward Liam. It didn't exactly hit where she'd aimed (which was at his face) but landed quite close and splashed right on his chin. She giggled and also decided to slap some of the water his way too before making a hasty retreat farther out into the lake. The bottom disappeared out from under her again and she paddled out well away from the shore.
"Can't catch me," she called over her shoulder.
hello my name is elder price
8:02pm Apr 15 2013
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Liam raised one eyebrow, "Can't catch you? More like you can't get away!" He called after her, running into the water. He was right. It was kind of chilly, but it was too late to turn back now. He dove forward into the water as it got deeper and swam after Kat.
As was a definite given, his arms were stronger than hers(perks of being a quarterback) and he quickly began to catch up. Once he got close enough, he reached forward and grabbed Kat's ankle, pulling her under the water as he began to tread water.
8:13pm Apr 15 2013
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"Liam!" Kat yelped when she felt his hands tighten around her ankle. She expected him to just pull her towards him, not drag her underwater. Although the suddenness of it made her start to laugh, round bubbles burst from her mouth as she giggled underwater. When she flailed around and managed to kick back to the surface, she was sputtering and coughing. "You got it in my nose," she said and sneezed some of the salt out of said nose. It was lake water, so it was murky enough where if she dove under, she completely disappeared.
She used this tidbit of information to her advantage and took another swallow of air. Diving back down, she circled around where she hoped Liam's backside would be. She rose back up to the surface as quietly as she could, only taking in a small huff of air when she came up. With the element of surprise on her side, she reached forward to latch onto Liam's back. Her arms would fall around his neck and her legs would wrap around his sides, if he didn't buck her off that is.
hello my name is elder price
8:20pm Apr 15 2013
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Liam laughed and flopped onto his back so Kat was underwater again, "Don't start with me little girl!" He said when he let her come back up for air, "If you mess with the best, you'll go down with the rest!" He teased.
Liam reached around his back and tickled her sides where he knew most girls were ticklish and only hoped she would let go.
8:56pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Kat was certainly not expecting the assault Liam put on her sides. She curled in against him, back arching as she fought an onslaught of laughter. Eventually it became too much and she let go. The cold against where Liam's warm skin had been rushed against her and she shivered. Deciding that enough was enough, she paddled her way back to shore and dragged herself over to her towel, where she flopped onto her stomach and exhaled a long sigh.
Ooc; If we run out of stuff for them to do at the beach, feel free to skip to them going home at any time.
hello my name is elder price
9:04pm Apr 15 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((I'm gonna time skip during this post...))
Liam dragged himself from the water and shook his shaggy hair out so all of the water droplets landed on Kat's body, "I warned you." He teased, flopping down on the towel beside her.
Liam shut off the truck engine after they pulled in to his driveway. He turned to look at Kat, "Thanks for dragging me out of bed today, otherwise I would have sulked there all day. You're really the best friend anyone could ask for." He said.
It was silent for a moment before he added, "And if you tell any of the guys I gushed to you like that, I will find you and kill you in your sleep." He shrugged, "You know how it is, my reputation and whatnot." He tried to keep his tone serious, but ended up chuckling despite himself.
9:22pm Apr 15 2013
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Kat stretched her arms out over her head and yawned, nodding her head up and down to show Liam she accepted his thanks for her 'dragging him out of bed today.' What else would she have done? It's not like she could have just left him to wallow in his own pessimism and brood over Jenny. Never mind that Liam didn't deserve that, Jenny didn't even deserve his moping over her cheating on him. The thought of Jenny made her then think of Cole, which made her eyes narrow in the slightest. Although she'd calmed down from earlier and trusted herself to give Cole a (more or less) civilized talk, she was still disappointed with the whole turn of events.
"Yeah, yeah. Reputation, whatever. You can trust me with your secrets. Seeya later," she said and nudged her passenger door open with her foot. She shouldered her bag and made a not-so-graceful landing on the ground after sliding from her perch on the seat. After shutting the door and giving Liam a wave, she walked back into her house and called for her parents. No one answered her so she assumed they were still out doing whatever they were doing, which by the note her mother left on the table, informed her that they were at dinner. They wouldn't get home until late, which was fine with her. That's how her evenings typically went, with her parents spending time to themselves and letting their daughter do whatever she wanted. Good thing Kat had good morals.
She grabbed an apple from the fridge (but only after realizing she'd eaten all the Cheetos last night) and dialed Cole before she could chicken out. He picked up after the second ring. "Kat," he said. She took a bite out of her apple.
"You sound surprised." "I didn't think you'd call." "Well, you said you wanted to talk." "Yeah, but you looked pretty mad." "Yeah, well, I kinda have a right to be." Silence. Then: "Uh, can I come over? I'm actually really close to where you live now and I figure--" "Yeah, that's okay. See you then," she said and hung up.
hello my name is elder price