7:13am Apr 16 2013
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((*doesnt know what to post* lol))
11:12am Apr 16 2013
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Ooc; Liam going home? Idk lulz. My other post will finish up the night.
hello my name is elder price
3:08pm Apr 16 2013
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((*rolls around on floor*))
Liam walked toward the stairs to his room, and debated taking a shower and going out to tonight's bonfire. His parents were in the living room watching TV with his little sister, but they paid him no mind. They only really cared that they had a son when he was getting fame of some kind.
He kicked the door shut behind him as he entered his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, checking his phone. He had a text from Jason.
U coming to Annies bonfire?
He sighed and hit the reply button.
Yup. Be there @ 9
That gave him some time to shower and get the lake water off of himself, and it also gave him time to plot more revenge on Jenny.
3:45pm Apr 16 2013
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Kat was a little impatient when waiting for Cole to arrive. There she was on her front porch, pacing back and forth with a scowl on her face. The girl was working herself back up. She didn't know whether she'd be angry or relieved to see Cole (although her bets were on angry). Maybe it would be sad, desperate, but most of all she really didn't want to blow this all out of proportion and do something she may regret. Her tongue could be pretty harsh when she wanted it to be, hence Liam being her voice of reason. Oh, she could have groaned. Where was he when she needed him?
And there was Cole pulling around the corner of her neighborhood. She'd spot that old convertible anywhere. The top was up, so she didn't get a really good look at his face until he'd ambled into her driveway. Dang, he looked upset. When he got out of the car, he looked up at her and took a hesitant step forward. She stopped her pacing and just watched him in silence as he walked up the steps and stood over her. He coughed. "Can we go inside?" he asked.
"I think right here is fine," Kat said. Good. That was a good response.
"Okay, well uh--"
"Why don't you start with telling me why you were feeling up Liam's ex at the beach today?"
"You said you didn't want to hang out so I called up Jenny--"
"Oh, so is she your 'go-to' when the chick you've been interested in lately isn't around?" Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good response. He seemed a little irked, too. His eyes flashed with something, irritation maybe. Or anger, she didn't know.
"Look, I went to the beach with Jenny and I kissed her."
"Ha, kissed. That looked like more than a kiss." Cole silenced her with a glare.
"Look, I came back to apologize. I know what I did was stupid, alright? Can't you just lay off and give me a break?" Kat's jaw almost dropped. Instead of answering him (although what she was about to do should have been answer enough), she wheeled around and started to stalk back to her door, all the while making an obscene gesture with a particular finger behind her. It surprised her then, when a strong hand clasped around her arm and pulled her back. The grip was like iron and she cried out from fear and a bit of pain.
"Cole, let go," she said, voice low, but he hushed an equally low, 'please' and his grip tightened. He didn't know how strong he was and Kat bit her lip to stop from whimpering. She had no idea if his hurting her was intentional, but when she didn't budge, he tugged again and dug in harder. "Ow," she yelped and he instantly let go. It wasn't on purpose, she realized. But that didn't stop her from looking down at her arm and seeing the five red blots on her skin that would most definitely turn into colorful lilac bruises by the end of the night.
"Kat, I didn't mean to--You know I would never--"
"Just go, Cole," she said and he did. When she got inside, she stared at the marks and kept biting her lip. Oh man, Liam could most definitely not see these.
hello my name is elder price
4:39pm Apr 16 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Awwww damn. Liam might commit murder))
Liam showed up at the bonfire and pulled out his phone. Still no texts from Kat. He decided to text her first.
Wanna come keep me company at Annie's?
As he put the phone back into his pocket, he felt a can of beer get shoved into his chest, it was Annie, and she looked a little buzzed already.
"LIAM!" She squealed, tossing her long red hair, "I heard about Jenny, that's like soooooooo sad and stuff!" She crooned, placing a hand on his chest, "I'm so glad you came out tonight, you know, I always thought you were the cutest guy on the football team."
"Uhhh..." Liam's voice trailed off, but luckily, he felt a friendly slap on his back and turned to see Jason standing beside him.
"Glad you could make it bro!" Jason said with a lopsided grin, "I thought I was going to be the only single guy at this place!" He half-yelled.
Liam impatiently grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked it impatiently. Save me Kat! He wished silently. He looked between Jason and Annie, but instead of saying anything, he decided the best option was to take a swig of his beer and smile. That always worked.

4:54pm Apr 16 2013
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Kat had left her phone on her bed (where she'd thrown it) while she showered so until she came out wrapped up in a towel, she didn't see Liam's text. Wanna come keep me company at Annie's? Not really, was her first initial thought. She loved Liam to death, but hanging out with a bunch of people who really didn't like her just didn't suit Kat's mood tonight. Usually she was game for it, because Liam was friends with them and he usually liked the parties, but she felt she'd had enough of his clique for today. By association, they are your clique too, she pointed out to herself and groaned as she flopped down onto her bed. She didn't even want to get up to put her pajamas on.
Then again, Liam's probably still messed up about Jenny. I don't want him doing anything stupid at the party. She dragged herself back up and off the bed, texted him back saying, Can you make it while I get there? :P and started shimmying herself back into some jean shorts. She threw on a tank top and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. When she reached out to grab the handle on her door, she glanced down at the ripening bruises on her arm. "Crap," she said and went back into her bathroom. After searching around in her drawers, she removed a few thick wristbands. They certainly didn't cover all of them, but it was as close as she would get. It wasn't like Liam would be staring at her arm for no reason anyway.
Kat had been to Annie's house before; the girl was notorious for her parties, so she knew the way there. It was a twenty minute drive from her house and Kat flipped on her stereo, absolutely loathing the crap they played on the local radio stations. Death Cab for Cutie was something to relax to and she sighed. When she reached the girl's house, she parked on the grass across the street and trekked her way over, almost wanting to just stay in the car with her music.
She didn't bother with the front door, just went right around back where everyone was. And after a few minutes of searching in the darkness that danced with light from flames, she found Liam with a beer in hand. "Hey stranger," she called and tapped him on the shoulder.
hello my name is elder price
5:04pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam spun around, turning away from Annie, "oh thank god!" He breathed, "you have NO idea what I've been going through tonight. Jason made my shotgun two beers, Craig brought out the shots and," he leaned closer to whisper in her ear, "and Annie has been hitting on me ALL NIGHT!" He said with a laugh. He had a slight buzz on, but he was still glad to see Kat, "I don't like being hit on. Why do women put up with this stuff?"
6:41pm Apr 16 2013
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"Yeah, well, that's Annie for you," Kat said and snorted. "And shut up. All guys like being hit on." She swiped at her nose and looked down at the dress shoes she'd slipped on. "You seem like you're having fun though. I almost didn't come," she said and scratched at the back of her head. "Want to head inside or chill by the fire? I'll protect you from Annie," she promised and then held up her hands in mock surrender, "and I won't flirt with you."
hello my name is elder price
6:57pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam laughed, "Aw but Kat, I don't have a no touching rule!" He teased, "Let's go inside, I want to talk to you about loverboy." He said, referring to Cole, "since I'm assuming you talked to him." Liam grabbed her by the wrist and gently led her to the house, "But mostly, I want Annie to stop touching me. She's pretty and all, but I've heard some bad things about her." he said with a laugh.
7:15pm Apr 16 2013
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"Loverboy?" Kat repeated and then realized whom Liam was referring to. At his grab of her wrist, her arm jerked in his hold from reflex of pain and she winced. Though it only lasted a moment, she cursed herself for not hiding the pain more quickly and prayed that Liam hadn't noticed. An uneasy laugh escaped her lips and she went to change the subject as she followed Liam up to the house. "Yeah, don't want to catch any of the diseases she's probably carrying." Maybe he's buzzed enough where he hadn't noticed, she thought.
Ooc; I love how fast we're banging these posts out. I don't even have to wait. x3
hello my name is elder price
7:22pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam raised an eyebrow, noticing that she pulled away, but deciding not to press the subject....yet. But he didnt want to talk about Annie either, thats why they left the fire in the first place, "Yeah, she's a little sketchy." He opened the door and walked inside, "So. About Cole. Did you dump him flat or what?"
((Hrmmmm. Where do we go from here))
7:32pm Apr 16 2013
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Ooc; I wonder....
Kat was more familiar with this house than she was in her own. Well, not really, but you get the point. There were still some people passing through the hallways, horny teenagers going upstairs to where the bedrooms were to do what horny teenagers at parties did. The dining room, thankfully enough, was absent of party-goers and Kat pulled out a chair for Liam, then sat down in her own. "So. About Cole. Did you dump him flat or what?"
Again, Kat was an open book. Her emotions played off her face like a glowing billboard and it was obvious she was trying to hide something. This was probably a bad idea after all, she said and resisted the urge to look down at her arm. "Uh, yeah. I told him to get lost, really. He nearly ran back to his car," she said lamely. She subtly turned her arm so her palm was planted on the table, hopefully hiding most of the bruising. However, she failed to notice that the movement caused her wristband to slide down and reveal the mark of his thumb print.
hello my name is elder price
7:44pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam studied Kat's face, "Something tells me there's more to the story than you're telling me." He kept his green eyes trained on hers, waiting for her to spill her guts, "Did he say something to you?" He reached out for her hand and looked down, seeing a bruise on her wrist, "Did he..." his voice trailed off and he grabbed her hand, pushing the bracelets out of the way and getting a full view of her bruises.
When Liam's eyes met Kat's, they had a murderous glare in them, "What happened." He snarled, his voice shaking a little.
7:55pm Apr 16 2013
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"Something tells me there's more to the story than you're telling me."
"No, there isn--"
"Did he say something to you?"
"Really, Liam, it's--"
"Did he--" She glanced down at the same time he did. Her gaze snapped right back up to his, enough to see his eyes widen in shock, then recognition as he put two and two together. "What happened." The intensity in his voice made her cringe and she yanked her wristbands back down and grabbed Liam's wrist with her own hands, frail fingers circling around him in a hold that would tighten if he tried to stand. The last thing she wanted was him to go off on some murderous rampage when it wasn't that bad. It was an accident too, which is what she started to stumble on saying:
"Okay, listen. It's not that big a deal, okay? I basically told him to get lost and he grabbed my arm a little too hard and I said ow and he let me go and apologized and left, okay? It's not his fault. He didn't realize it," she said in a rush. "I'm fine."
hello my name is elder price
8:05pm Apr 16 2013
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"It IS a big deal, it is to me." Liam snarled, "Accident or not, its not okay." He looked back at Kat's wrists, "Its not alright to hurt a girl like that." His voice had softened, as had his ex pression, "You have to grab someone really hard to leave bruises like this, and there's no reason to grab someone like that." He was still angry at Cole, and would probably knock him straight out next time he saw the other boy, but his anger wasn't at Kat.
8:13pm Apr 16 2013
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"Okay, you sort of have a point, but don't do anything stupid," Kat said, relieved to see that Liam's initial anger was already starting to die down. "And he did apologize," she insisted. "The boy just doesn't know his own strength, just like he doesn't know how to kiss." Her attempt to lighten the mood left her with a halfhearted smile. She stared into Liam's eyes and found the simmering anger there, but also saw the concern. A new, different kind of warmth spread through her and she frowned, drew back and wiped away the alien thoughts that had just crossed her mind. Stress is getting to you, Kat. Liam doesn't think about you like that, she thought.
"You uh, want to get another drink or something?" she asked.
hello my name is elder price
8:20pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam sighed, "Might as well. I need something strong." He shook his head, "If you're sure you are alright." He got up from his chair and reached his hand out for Kat to take. ((Gah. Fail. My head hurts -.- ))
8:34pm Apr 16 2013
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"I already told you I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up, but fine," she said and gratefully slipped her hand in his. More than anything, she hoped that Cole hadn't also gotten a text for the party. She peered out the window in the kitchen overlooking the backyard. The bonfire's flames swelled, silhouettes of teenagers against the darkness. There was no moon tonight; everyone was just outlined in orange. She couldn't differentiate between anyone in the crowd, only saw minor alterations in shapes and sizes. Shaking her head, she turned back around and rummaged through one of the coolers in the floor of the kitchen. She pulled out some beer and slid one across the counter to Liam and popped the other tab for herself. Liam had already had too much to be able to drive properly, so she'd just be the designated driver and stick with one drink for now. It didn't bother her much. She was already tired and sick of the damn party. Really, she just wanted to go home.
She wiped the scowl off of her face when she realized she was scowling and took a sip of her beer. "Great party," she said sarcastically."I would much rather be in bed listening to Death Cab or M83," she muttered under her breath.
hello my name is elder price
8:41pm Apr 16 2013
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"Just stay for one beer, then we can go." Liam said, slinging an arm protectively over her shoulder, "so people can't say your an introvert." He teased, looking down at her with a faint smile. His anger was far from gone, but he decided pretending to have a good time was the best choice for his sanity.
He was quiet for a moment, "Would you be mad if I punched him? Like, if he happened to be here and I straight up knocked him out?" he laughed a little, but he meant every word he said.
8:48pm Apr 16 2013
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"Alright," she agreed. Liam threw an arm over her shoulder and she sank gratefully into the embrace, cheek pressed against his shirt as she leaned into him. "Please, let them think what they want," she said. Once upon a time Kat really did mind how Liam's groupies seemed to outright hate her. Over the years she'd realized the main reason she was a target for their hatred was because of their jealousy. She'd dealt with teasing, a few confrontations that Liam still didn't know about, but over the years she'd started not to care. It's not like they went out of their way to intentionally make her miserable anymore. Liam would notice it if they did, and god forbid they look bad in front of him. The only thing that bothered her was sometimes she wondered her place with Liam himself, if she really ought to be a friend to a guy like him.
"Would you be mad if I punched him? Like, if he happened to be here and I straight up knocked him out?"
"Yes and no," she said after a while. "He's an ass, but I don't think he deserves that," she said and tilted her head back to look up at him. "Thanks for the offer, though."
hello my name is elder price