8:55pm Apr 16 2013
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Liam laughed and brushed Kat's hair from her face, "What if I promise to not break his pretty-boy face? I can just bruise it a little." He sighed, "From now on, I do a background check on all of your boyfriends and they get to come over and they get to help me clean my shotgun." He teased, sounding more like an overbearing father than a best friend. "And there will be no ifs, ands, or buts about it."
9:00pm Apr 16 2013
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"Ew, that sounds like something a dad would say," she said and scrunched up her nose. Kat set her drink down on the counter and turned so she could press herself against Liam. Her arms went around him in a hug and she buried her head in his neck. "All guys are *censored*s," she said against his shirt.
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm Apr 16 2013
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"I take offense to that!" Liam protested gently. He squeezed her tighter in a one-armed hug, "how about we head home, and you come in for some ice cream at my house?" he offered, "we should probably leave my tuck here." he said with a laugh. He knew he didn't want to be here. He was starting to outgrow these people. That's why he hung out with Kat. She wasn't obsessed with the latest trends, or always worried about where the next party would be. She was down to earth. Girls like her didn't deserve to have to deal with guys like Cole. ((GOTTAAAAA PEEEEEEEEEEEE)))
9:16pm Apr 16 2013
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"I recall earlier you saying that you think you had chocolate ice cream in your freezer. I, on the other hand, know for a fact that I have strawberry, chocolate, and french vanilla at home," she said and raised a brow. "You can crash at my place if you get too tired, or rather, if I get too tired to drive you home. Mom left one of her infamous notes so her and dad probably got a hotel somewhere," she said. There was another reason her and Liam probably got along so well. Both their parents were pretty sucky parents. Liam's only cared about his accomplishments and Kat's never really wanted a kid in the first place. They were sweet to her, sure, but her mother didn't have a maternal bone in her body and didn't know how to raise a kid. As soon as Kat had been old enough, they'd started spending weekends out by themselves, to get away from the house and the stress of being "parents." Kat didn't really mind so much. She didn't know any better.
Jeers and raucous laughter came from the backyard. Drunken hoots and hollers followed. Yeah, they definitely wouldn't be missing much. It was a miracle they hadn't run into Jenny or Cole yet, if they were here. Kat pointed to her passenger side door on her car and slid in.
"If it makes you feel any better, I think you're an exception from my earlier statement about guys being *censored*s," she said. "Alas, it would be just my luck to find the 'perfect guy' as you like to call yourself and end up loving him as a friend and not a lover. I'm forever doomed to be an eighty year old virgin cat-lady who reminisces on her sucky high school life," she said with a melodramatic sob.
hello my name is elder price
3:08pm Apr 17 2013
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"And tomorrow, we will get you your first cat!" Liam teased. He downed the last of his beer, "Now m'lady, after you." he said with an over dramatic arm gesture at the open screen door, "The ice cream awaits!" ((I can see lightning :D HAPPY FACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Time Skip to Kat's house. I say so))
Liam opened his car door and pulled himself out with a sigh, "I can breathe! Look! I can move!" He teased, referring to the small size of her car, "It's a miracle!" He walked over to Kat's door and opened it before she had a chance, reaching out a hand to help her up.
3:31pm Apr 17 2013
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"My car doesn't appreciate your jibes," Kat said and halfheartedly took Liam's hand. Sure enough, her father's car was still missing. She checked her phone, which read 12:54 PM. Yep, they definitely weren't coming back home tonight. At least that meant Liam could stay if he wanted to. Then again, even if he wanted to leave, she sure as heck wasn't jumping back in her car to drive him home. She was already exhausted from today. Ice cream and then possibly bed would do her some good.
Kat led the way inside, locking the door behind them in the process. She rummaged around in her freezer and triumphantly emerged with a few cartons of ice cream. A couple of bowls were set out, along with spoons, and then Kat went to work on dropping the flavors into her dish. "Delicious," she said after the first spoonful. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to bed after this so you can either walk home or stay the night." She yawned.
hello my name is elder price
3:39pm Apr 17 2013
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"I'll just crash in your bed," Liam teased, "you can have the floor." He grabbed his bowl of ice cream and took a big bite. Yep. Ice cream was definitely better than getting hit on by Annie. He leaned back against the counter, "So what would your parents say if they came home and I was here?" He asked taking another bite. He doubted it was every day that Kat brought home boys, but he didn't think her parents would notice even if she did.
4:07pm Apr 17 2013
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"Good luck with that one," Kat said with one brow raised. She contemplated his question, twirling her spoon around in her bowl. "I dunno. Mom would probably assume the worst and get all huffy about it, then forget the next day and do whatever she does. And dad would probably just yell and then do the same." She shrugged and picked up her mom's note where she'd left it on the counter and tossed it in the garbage. "They won't be home though. You'd think I"d throw more parties, what with my parents never being here and all," she said with a laugh.
hello my name is elder price
4:58pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam snorted, "they wouldn't be able to yell. They would just say, "Oh! That boy is SO perfect, congratulations on being his friend Kat!" He said in a bad imitation of her mothers voice, "But maybe we should throw a party sometime." ((too stressed to rp.))
5:08pm Apr 17 2013
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Ooc; Awww, that's okay. :c /snugs You should add me on Skype- rigirl61 Don't worry about replying if you don't want to. I'm plenty busy right now anyway.
"You're too full of yourself for your own good," Kat said, but she said it good-naturedly. Honestly, she knew that Liam was just joking around. His confidence in himself was amazing and when she was around him, Kat's self-consciousness went away. She knew she could be herself around him because that's the girl he liked, the girl he was friends with. She gave him a once-over, wondering if he ever looked at her as more than a friend. There's something wrong with you tonight, Kat.
"Cole must be getting to me," she murmured out loud, and blinked.
hello my name is elder price
5:53pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam tilted his head to the side, "What do you mean?" he asked curiously.((I dont put much insight in to Liam's thoughts do I??Hrmmm. Toooo much stress in Snoweh's life)) He inched closer to her, ready to force the answers if necessary.
((Blah. I cant stop my tummy aches.........failtastic...)))
6:05pm Apr 17 2013
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Ooc; That's okay. xD
"What do you mean what do I mean?" she asked defensively. When Liam took a step closer, she moved back, quite an unusual thing for her to do. But there was no way she was ever going to voice her question to Liam, absolutely no way. Not to mention it was embarrassing, it would just bring a stretch of awkwardness between them. She just...couldn't do that. "Just eat your ice cream," she said and picked up his spoon to wedge some ice cream past his lips.
hello my name is elder price
6:24pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam laughed and crinkled his nose at her, "Now who's gonna get this ice cream off my face? Fix it!" He teased. He was completely aware that Kat changed he subject to avoid his question. Come to think of it, Kat was acting really nervous all night, and he was determined to find out why. It had been his experience that sweet-talking someone and making them smile was the best way to get information.
6:29pm Apr 17 2013
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Kat let the spoon clatter back down in his ice cream bowl and reached to grab a napkin. She swiped the ice cream off of his lips and moved away from him to go and throw the dirty napkin away. At least he wasn't questioning her anymore on the subject. Kat hated that she couldn't suppress her emotions, and with that came an easy breakdown of spilling what was wrong with her. Her brows dipped and she shook her head. "TV? I'm not tired now that I'm all hopped up on sugar," she said and promptly left the kitchen to go lay across the couch in the living room, where she flicked the TV on and searched for something to put on.
hello my name is elder price
6:34pm Apr 17 2013
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"Sure," He replied, following her to the living room and flopping his huge body on top of hers. "What are we watching?" he asked, squirming around a little to squash her into the sofa even more. ((My borthers friends do that all the time. THey seem to love crushing me -.- ))
7:00pm Apr 17 2013
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Kat looked up at Liam when he entered the room, brows furrowing when he turned and started to sit down on her. "No, Liam sto--oof," she said and wiggled around underneath him. He really was crushing the breath out of her. Liam was a pretty dense guy, not because he carried a lot of fat, but because he was pure muscle. Eventually, she just went limp underneath him and started blowing air into his ear. "Get off of me," she said.
hello my name is elder price
7:32pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam laughed and slid on to the floor, "Since you asked so nicely." He sat on the floor with his back to the couch, "Let's watch a scary movie." He said with an excited ex pression on his face. It didn't matter that he was terrified of scary movies. It was the thrill of it. "And not some old crappy movie, I mean scream-bloody-murder, make-a-grown-man-cry scary." He didn't realize it until he, but he was a little sleepy. But that was most likely the four beers and two shots that were now wearing off talking. He yawned and tipped his head back a little bit, looking up at Kat with a smile.
7:38pm Apr 17 2013
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"I don't think niceness applies when you're crushing the air out of me," Kat said and fumbled for the remote, which she'd dropped when Liam so rudely dropped on top of her. When she found it, she sifted through the scary movie channels at his request and settled on Sinister. She herself wasn't too big a fan of scary movies, mostly because she hated the thoughts she'd have when she was alone. However, she swallowed her pride and decided to go along with it as the opening scene rolled out. Her parents would be billed since it was pay-per-view, but she didn't really care. She swung her feet around on the couch and patted the cushion to her left.
"If we're watching a scary movie, you're sitting up here with me. You know I don't handle them well," she grumbled.
Ooc; ohgod they should get really sleepy and start saying cute things to each other/flirting dksjfaljd
hello my name is elder price
7:55pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam scrambled up on to the couch, "Quickly! Grab a blanket so I can hide you." he teased, tickling her side again. "Don't worry honey, I'll be here all night to chase away the nightmares." He stuck his tongue out at Kat, "No boogyman shall catch you on my watch."
8:00pm Apr 17 2013
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"You don't need to treat me like I'm four years old," she said and jerked away from his fingers as they tried to tickle her sides again. The blanket was a good idea though, so Kat got up off the couch and went to free one from the hallway closet. When she came back into the room, a conversation was going on between a police man and some guy on the screen. She figured she hadn't missed much and plopped down next to Liam again. Then she unfolded the blanket and laid it across their laps, settling back against her seat and training her eyes on the screen. Suddenly a bit self-conscious because she was strangely aware of the thin distance between the two of them, she brushed her hair out from behind her ear and let it rest as a curtain between her and Liam.
Ooc; Okay I really really want to type Luke instead of Liam in these posts. You had a character named Luke before, didn't you? o_o
hello my name is elder price