8:07pm Apr 17 2013
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((Luke was Liam's twin in an rp or two :3))
Liam was completely absorbed into the movie, and hardly noticed Kats return. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. It had been a while since he had watched a movie with a girl as just friends, and it felt kind of weird. It wasn't the same without the contact. He glanced at her again, "you know," he began quietly, "you dont have to sit all the way over there, I don;t bite." He paused, "Well......sometimes I do....but not THAT hard."
8:13pm Apr 17 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Ah, okay. x3
What he said really did confuse her. She was perfectly content with sitting at the end of the couch, like she'd done with him loads of times before. The only thing that bothered here was that something did feel different, out of place. It was a change she really didn't like and she tried to squash it, but the knot in her stomach that formed out of anticipation of leaning up against Liam to watch the movie, tucking her legs up under her and resting her head on his shoulder...
--What no. That was way out of line. Where'd that come from? she thought and frowned. Good thing it was dark, a chance for him to miss her facial ex pression. "Uh, sure," she said and scooted over next to him. Her shoulder pressed against his, same with her leg. She moved her hair farther in front of her face and nestled back against the couch, swallowing loudly and trying to focus back on the movie.
"Better?" she said and tilted her head to the side to look at him.
hello my name is elder price
8:19pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam chuckled lightly, "Kind of," he looked down at her, "You seem really edgy tonight. Wanna tell me what's up?" He asked. She felt sort of rigid beside him, compared to how relaxed he felt. But something felt wierd. His skin felt warmer where she touched it, but he passed that off as the way alcohol had always made him feel warm.
He felt the sudden urge to tuck her hair back behind her ear, the way it was, so he could see her face. Are you on crack? He thought to himself, normal guys didn't do that with their girl friends. They did things like that with their girlfriends. And Kat was not his girlfriend.
((yet XD /shot ))
8:27pm Apr 17 2013
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"Yeah, oh uh no, I'd rather not," she said uneasily and twirled one of the red pieces of her hair with her fingers. "So you really don't like the dye?" she asked as she sifted through the streaks of red and natural brown in her hair. She'd taken her baseball cap off when she got home so now the straight locks just hung loose around her shoulders, of course having lost her curls after she'd showered. Something happened on the screen, a flash that drew her attention, and she jumped when she saw a creepy face staring back at her.
"Holy--" she started, hands coming up and fingers curling tightly against Liam's arm. She squeezed her eyes shut and muttered, "This was a bad idea."
hello my name is elder price
8:31pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam couldnt help but laugh, even though he had jumped too, "This was a great idea." He paused for a second, "I always thought your hair was pretty, I didn't see the point of the dye." He shook his head, "stop distracting me, you've avoided every question I have asked all night." he placed his free had over hers, "Now please tell me what the hell is going on. You're tense, and now it's like you're wierded out just by sitting next to me."
8:39pm Apr 17 2013
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The point of the dye was that she wanted something new to look at instead of her boring old self, but she didn't voice that aloud. She really did like the red and once it started to fade, she planned on doing it again. 'I always thought your hair was pretty.' She almost snorted again, but he'd started talking--thankfully--so she was spared. However, his next few words were things she really didn't want to hear or be pressed with. When he said she was tense, she tensed even more. Her hand stiffened under his and she started to draw away.
"I'm not weirded out by sitting next to you," she said. It wasn't really a lie, but she was stalling. He probably knew it too. "And nothing's going on," she insisted. "I just don't like scary movies." And you're a terrible liar.
hello my name is elder price
8:44pm Apr 17 2013
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Liam sighed, "If you say so." He decided it would be best to just drop the subject, "And nobodyy likes scary movies. Thats the whole point." He said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
((methinks its bed time))
8:54pm Apr 17 2013
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Kat sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be Debbie Downer or anything. Let's just enjoy the movie," she suggested and patted him on the cheek. It was hard to enjoy the movie though, what with the jump scares making her squeal and close her eyes in fright every few minutes. A few more scenes in and she was bracing Liam's arm for dear life, as if the Sinister monster--or Baghul or whatever its name was--could physically come out of the TV and take her.
Ooc; Nighty night then? xD
hello my name is elder price
8:59pm Apr 17 2013
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"Kat honey, I think my arm is about to fall off." Liam teased, flexing the muscle in his arm, "are you trying to rip it off?" He was gripping the arm of the sofa just as tightly, but that was a minor detail and one he wasn't too eager to share.
9:12pm Apr 17 2013
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"I don't care," she said through gritted teeth and pulled his arm up over her eyes. Now this was more like it between the two of them. She did release a little tension in her fingers, though. She didn't want to cut off the circulation in his arm or anything. A few more scenes rolled by without incident and she relaxed a little bit. "It was your idea to watch a scary movie anyway," she said stubbornly. Her eyelids were starting to feel a little heavy and they drooped, the scary scenes no longer making her jump because she wasn't paying attention to them anymore.
As she slipped over into the fringes of sleep, she leaned against Liam. Her cheek pressed up against his shoulder, nuzzling up against him before she let out an exhale. She almost dipped right into a very forgiving sleep, but someone screamed on the TV and made her wake up. It was then that she realized what she'd been doing and her cheeks turned a little red. "Uh--sorry," she mumbled. "I'm a little tired."
hello my name is elder price
7:18am Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "It's alright. It's better than losing my arm." He sighed, "I'm a little tired too." As if to confirm his words, he yawned loudly, "Wanna tell me a bedtime story?"
((I hate sneezing lol I feel like I'm gonna die))
4:00pm Apr 18 2013
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Ooc; I actually like sneezing. It feels so good.
Since both of them weren't watching TV anymore, Kat grabbed the remote again and flipped the screen off. Darkness swallowed the two of them; the only source of light was that which flooded in from the hallway. Why do I just want to curl up right against him and just fall asleep? The desire to do so seemed even stronger in the half-darkness where she could only make out Liam's silhouette. She swallowed.
"Hey, I'm just an artist. I don't tell stories very well," she said. "Why don't you?"
hello my name is elder price
4:23pm Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam raised an eyebrow. "Aren't artists supposed to be good at telling stories?" He teased, "I'm a football player, story-telling isn't my thing." He was silently grateful that the TV had been turned off, but now the room seemed darker and they seemed more alone without the background noise.
4:44pm Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 3,828
"Fineeee," Kat groaned and crossed her legs. Her fingers tapped rhythmically against her knees, a hmm sound resonating in her throat. "Once upon a time there was a girl named..." She stopped and sighed. Even if it was going to be obvious, it would be an easier way to say it than face to face, because the truth would come out /sometime./ It was Kat after all. "Katarina." She changed her name at the last second, paused to recollect herself again.
"She wasn't a princess or anything. In fact, most people didn't really like her, and sometimes she didn't like herself. However, there was one exception, her best friend in the whole world: Luke. Well one day both Katarina and Luke had been made fun of and humiliated by their other friends, so they found comfort in each other. And when they were with each other, Katarina wondered what it would be like if Luke wanted to be more than friends...She knew it was silly so she didn't tell him and he never said anything, of course, because he doesn't think silly thoughts. Then they lived happily ever after as best friends. The end." She turned her head away from Liam and twiddled her thumbs.
hello my name is elder price
5:01pm Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 5,512
"That's not a very good story." Liam wrinkled his nose, "where's the suspense? Where the romance?" He winked, "I think it should go something like this. Katrina invited Luke over to hang out, and they went for a walk, then halfway through their walk, Luke randomly kissed her and said, 'Oh Katrina! You are my dream woman and I've always secretly loved you!' And then they hooked up and lived happily ever after. The end" He said with a beaming smile.
"Nobody stays just friends in stories." He finished.
7:22pm Apr 18 2013
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Kat was both dismayed and belated to find that Liam had completely missed the point of the story. Well, ignorance is bliss, she thought, but all the same groaned and dropped her head into her hands. "But Luke most definitely does not secretly love her. You can't just change my story like that," she said stubbornly.
hello my name is elder price
7:27pm Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 5,512
"I just did." Liam stuck his tongue out at Kat, "and mine was much better. How do you know he doesn't love her? You're not a mind reader!" He crossed his arms over his chest, "Unless you are and have kept that from me."
7:38pm Apr 18 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Because he doesn't love her.
"Because you don't love her." She stopped with her mouth open. Had she spoken those words right? No! Her teeth clicked when she snapped her jaw shut. Maybe he'd heard her wrong, or hadn't heard her at all, but either way Kat wasn't to stick around to hear him awkwardly realize what she'd been talking about and then awkwardly amend what he'd said before. She started to get up, murmuring something about grabbing him a pillow and blankets.
hello my name is elder price
7:15am Apr 19 2013
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Posts: 5,512
"Huh?" Liam asked reaching out to grab her arm, standing up at well, "Don't love who Kat?" He wasn't going to let her get away without answering him anymore tonight, she had been doing enough of that.
You don't love her. But who was she? Kat? He had been absolutely in love with her as a little kid, that's why he went through so much trouble to be her best friend, but after a while, he moved on. But she liked Cole.....at least until today.
((Fail :3 yayyyyy I can't rp anymore XD Ive lost my talent))
9:58am Apr 19 2013 (last edited on 4:01pm Apr 19 2013)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Not as bad as my post lol. This was the last thing Liam needed right now--the whole thing with Jenny had just ended and it still hadn't blown over yet. She looked down at his arm and nibbled on her lower lip. "You don't know," she said dully. She raised the hand he wasn't holding and rubbed her face. Tired and drained, she certainly wasn't thinking straight, so the truth fell from her lips.
"Me, Liam. You don't have feelings for me. And that's okay. I didn't--I didn't mean to say anything. I don't want to ruin our friendship so just forget about it, okay?" She twisted her wrist and tried to get out if his grasp so she could flee back to her room.
hello my name is elder price