3:08pm Apr 19 2013
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"Forget about what? That the girl I liked for years likes me back after I moved on to other girls? That's kind of unfair." Liam replied, "The whole reason I started talking to you was because I liked you, and you just wanted to be friends. Besides, up until tonight I thought you like Cole!" He let her hand go and ran a hand through his hair, "Girls are just creatures I will never understand."
4:07pm Apr 19 2013
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Kat was stunned into silence. That the girl I liked for years like me back after I moved on to other girls. She processed his words, couldn't really make sense of them even as he continued to explain. I moved on to other girls. So he'd had feelings for her before, but had moved on. Of course. Her frustration welled up, a sharp tinge of anger building on her tiredness. She hadn't wanted to tell him her stupid feelings in the first place. Along with those feelings, however, came bliss--Liam had liked her after all these years, and to boot cared enough about her to stay in her life as just friends. Dang, it was confusing.
Still, Kat was a girl who worked off her emotions so she said, "So you've moved on anyway. Either way, it doesn't matter now." Her voice was flat, shoulders sagging. At least he'd let her go because then she backed away from him and pointed to the closet out in the hallway. "Extra pillows are in there, along with some blankets if you get cold. I'm heading off to bed."
hello my name is elder price
4:08pm Apr 19 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Bah.......what do I do? XD))
4:29pm Apr 19 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Just let her go to bed, man. She's a meanie-head right now. lmao She can wake back up to apologize to him and they can snuggle n fall asleep w/ each other...just an idea. 8I
hello my name is elder price
4:38pm Apr 19 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Then you time skip, 'tis your turn XD))
4:41pm Apr 19 2013
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hello my name is elder price
4:42pm Apr 19 2013
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((No you!! Kat is the one who's gotta wake up, liam is passed out on the couch XD))
4:44pm Apr 19 2013
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Ooc; But I posted laaaaasssssttttt.
hello my name is elder price
4:48pm Apr 19 2013
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(( >:( ))
4:48pm Apr 19 2013
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Ooc; /kicks <-- Misspelled that so many times before getting it right.
hello my name is elder price
4:52pm Apr 19 2013
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4:54pm Apr 19 2013
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hello my name is elder price
5:05pm Apr 19 2013
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Kat stomped back into her room and started to slam her door shut. Before it reached the frame, she had a change of heart and decided to close it gently. Then she twisted the lock on the knob and walked over to collapse on her bed. A face full of pillow was rewarding and she laid there face-down, still in her clothes, legs and feet hanging off the bed like she didn't have the will to right herself. After a few painful minutes, she dragged herself back up and stripped off her clothes. She got into some sweatpants and a spaghetti strap tank top, brushed her teeth, and crashed back onto her bed.
Kat's eyes closed on her own and her physically tired body wanted nothing more than to drift off and go to sleep. Her mind decided to be an ass though and keep her awake. She tossed and turned in her bed, actually punching her pillow a few times to release some of the tension and guilt she felt. Now that she'd calmed down, she felt bad. Liam hadn't done anything. It was her fault, her fault she hadn't realized any of this before and her fault that she'd pushed him away.
"I need to apologize," she murmured. "Tomorrow," she said and tried to sleep. No, now, her mind seemed to whisper back to her. So now it was. She groaned as she slid back off of her bed, wiping at her eyes as she fumbled for the lock on her doorknob. The hinges of her door creaked as she stepped out into the hallway. Her lip was going to be bruised if she kept up all this lip biting.
Instead of entering the living room, she went to the kitchen and turned the light off. Darkness swallowed the house. Padding back into the other room in socked feet, she silently went to stand by the couch Liam had taken the liberty of using as a bed. "Hey. You," she said and crouched down next to him. Her fingers sought for his shoulder so she could shake him awake. Then they found his cheek and she prodded his jaw. "Wake up. I want to apologize. My guilty conscious is preventing me from sleeping," she whispered.
hello my name is elder price
5:31pm Apr 19 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam groaned and opened one eye, "Don't apologize." He muttered, still half asleep, "come here." He slid back a little on the couch so she would have room to sit down, or even lay down if she wanted to, "I'm sorry for being so dense, I'm a bad friend."
7:25pm Apr 19 2013
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Kat's eyes softened when Liam murmured a sleepy, "Don't apologize." When he made some room for her on the couch, she carefully sat down on the edge and looked down at him. He was adorable sitting there with midnight bedhead, eyes closed and half asleep. She chuckled when he apologized. "All boys are dense and you're not a bad friend. You're the bestest friend I could ask for," she said and decided why not? She stretched out along the couch next to him, though was careful to stay on the edge and keep some space between them. "So you really meant what you said earlier?" she said quietly. "That you've always liked me?"
hello my name is elder price
10:30am Apr 20 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam yawned, "Have I ever outright lied to you?" He asked. He opened both of his eyes, "but thanks for waking me up." He half-heartedly teased. Liam reached out one arm and wrapped it around her waist and pulled her closer, so she wasn't on the edge, "Now go to sleep."
((Too early to be awake *eyetwitch* but I cant sleep. XD))
11:53am Apr 20 2013
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"No, I guess you haven't," she said. Her eyes closed and she breathed slow and long. They were both tired and she wondered what would happen in the morning. All they've ever been before was friends...sure, their relationship was a little more close than usual, almost unheard of before a guy and a girl. She just couldn't fathom that Liam had ever wanted her. He wanted peppy cheerleaders, popular, beautiful girls that were in his league. Not Kat.
Her eyes snapped back open when he wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer. Breath caught in her throat, she could only nod when he told her to get some sleep. He was so warm next to her, inviting, and she snuggled up against him, resting her head under the crook of his neck. "Good night, Liam," she whispered and closed her eyes.
hello my name is elder price
12:33pm Apr 20 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam smiled a little, "Goodnight Kat." He whispered. He closed his eyes and felt sleep reclaiming him. It felt nice to feel her so close to him. Hell, if he were being honest, he would admit that it felt nice to have anyone to fall asleep with. And although him and Kat were 'just friends,' having her to hold still felt natural.
((I lurve cuddling :D ))
6:38pm Apr 20 2013
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Cuddling is the best feeling in the world.
Kat honestly didn't know where she was when she woke up in the morning. When she opened her eyes and stared straight into Liam's shirt, she blinked a few times. Oh. Oh. Feeling flustered, she ran through a list of what had happened last night--it was a sleepy blur, static on the edges. She almost started to move away, but Liam was still sleeping...and she wanted to enjoy this moment for a bit longer before whatever chaos was going to ensue.
So Kat closed her eyes again and nuzzled his chest, breathing out a long sigh and hoping he wouldn't wake up for a few more precious minutes.
hello my name is elder price
12:30pm Apr 21 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((I got to sleep with my sort-of-ex-sort-of-still-my-boyfriend last night :3 it was nice. we just cuddled all night))
For a minute, Liam had no idea where he was or who was in his arms. He blinked a few times and the memories started coming back and he tightened his grip on Kat slightly, "good morning." he whispered into her hair.
He had no idea where their friendship was going to go from here. He didn't know if he could handle losing his best friend. He wasn't sure that she really liked him or if she was just rebounding after Cole....or if he was rebounding after Jenny. But at the moment, it was alright. He was happy, and that was enough for him.