1:03pm Apr 21 2013
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Ooc; Aww, you lucky bum. I got the cuddle with my special someone this past Christmas for a short while. xD
Kat had almost started to fall back asleep by the time Liam whispered a good morning in her ear. "Mmm," was her response, followed by a yawn. Sleep was withdrawing from her then, as much as she didn't want it to. Reality was probably going to suck. The girl I liked for years. His voice from last night trickled through her mind and she wondered if what he'd said had been true, or if it was just desperate sleep-induced nonsense. Or maybe he was just craving someone to have since him and Jenny...
"Oh, man," she muttered. "Okay, so--" she started as she finally picked up her head from his chest to take a look at him. Which, in all honesty, was a bad idea. Liam's hair was flattened on the side he'd slept on, mussed on where not, and the bleariness in his just-awake eyes was too darn cute. "Uh," she managed stupidly and blinked. You know, I probably look like a mess right now.
hello my name is elder price
1:12pm Apr 21 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam laughed, "Nice hair, you might want to look in a mirror." He teased. Her hair was in tangles, but he assumed his wasn't much better, "You look like someone took a week whacker to your head." ((I wanna go back to his bed : mines lonely XD))
1:24pm Apr 21 2013
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Posts: 3,828
"Well, yours isn't much better," she said and shoved him playfully. "Here." She ruffled up the flattened side of his hair and grinned. When she was done, she went to go touch her own hair. The brown and red strands were all tangled together and she raked her fingers through them in an attempt to somewhat smooth it down. It worked, somewhat.
Liam's arm was still wrapped around her waist so she couldn't wiggle free, even if she wanted to. "This is weird," she said because she couldn't help it. It was weird. Her and Liam having fallen asleep together--because 'slept' together implies something different to the teenage mind. Just the thought of that made her frown and crinkle her nose.
hello my name is elder price
1:52pm Apr 21 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((res is eating my post >:( my internet isn't working well..Ill post later))
5:08pm Apr 21 2013
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hello my name is elder price
6:14pm Apr 21 2013
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Liam let go of her, "Sorry, I was really comfortable." He said with a laugh. He rolled onto his back, all but pushing her off the couch. As he did, his stomach growled. "And I believe it's your turn to make breakfast." he teased. Liam's stomach was turning a little, most likely a result of his beers the previous night. It wasn't really bad, nothing a little food couldn't cure.
6:33pm Apr 21 2013
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"Yeah, comfortable," she said and eyed him as she stood up off of the couch. Her head tilted to the side and she pursed her lips, hoping for some great epiphany to assault her and tell her exactly what was going to happen or what she was supposed to do. Alas, the world did not work that way and just left Kat sighing and shaking her head as Liam ordered her to make breakfast. "One night together and you're already sending me to the kitchen. And here I thought you were different," she said lightheartedly with a shake of her head.
"Come on, I'll pop some cinnamon buns in the microwave. That's as far as my cooking skills go, unless you count cereal," she said.
She knew they were just stalling. Eventually they had to talk about what happened last night...and what was going to happen. But for the time being, she was content with her uneasiness rolling inside of her whilst making cinnamon buns.
hello my name is elder price
6:39pm Apr 21 2013
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Liam sighed, "No bacon? No toast? How would you survive without me to cook for you?" He asked jokingly. He was determined to keep his best friend, whether that meant pretending last night didnt happen, or by acting on it, but for now it was time to sooth his stomach.
6:48pm Apr 21 2013
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"You have no right to be picky," she said as she plopped a few cinnamon buns on a plate and stuck them in the microwave. "However, because I understand that you are a growing male that is the equivalent of a walking vacuum for food, I'll fix something else for you. I think we only have turkey bacon though," she said and went over to the fridge. "Ugh, mom, you do have a daughter," she muttered under her breath as she searched through the fridge. It was scant since her parents ate out most of the time, or were just usually out of the house. Yet Kat did manage to find some of the promised turkey bacon underneath some type of box holding a half-eaten veggie wrap her mom had brought home for dinner a few days ago.
"You sure you want me to cook this up? Cinnamon buns and bacon. Ew," she said and waved the package of bacon in front of Liam's face.
hello my name is elder price
7:23pm Apr 21 2013
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Posts: 5,512
"Depends." Liam began, "do you have any eggs? You can't have bacon without eggs." He stretched his arms above his head, "But I suppose I should probably make it myself to avoid food poisoning." he teased.
8:37pm Apr 21 2013
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"You think my mother would actually buy me--wait, I think we have one left," she said, because she's walked back to the fridge to rifle through it again. Her hand moved aside some apple juice to reveal a single egg that was wedged in the back. The carton had been thrown away with the rest of the egg shells. "Maybe I should text her or something and start asking her for money each week so I can buy myself some food." She thought for a moment as she nudged the fridge door closed with her foot. "Or, you know, I could always lose some weight," she said and tapped her tummy.
"You make it," she said and set the egg aside--away from the edge of the counter so it wouldn't roll off-and placed a frying pan on the burner. The microwave beeped. She took out the cinnamon buns and replaced them with a paper towel-covered plate of bacon. Then she picked up one of the buns and nibbled the side of it.
"Liam, we're going to have to talk about last night," she said around the side of her bun.
hello my name is elder price
3:03pm Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam waltzed over to the stove and started laying the bacon into the frying pan, "What about it?" He asked, avoiding the obvious. The bacon quickly began to sizzle and his mouth began to water, "you want some of this?" he asked, pointing at the pan.
3:35pm Apr 22 2013
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"Don't give me that," Kat said and lowered her cinnamon bun onto the paper plate she'd grabbed before sitting down. Her chest pinched. He probably regrets it. You were both tired. He'd been drinking earlier... The doubts were a bit too much, so she folded her arms on the tabletop and put her head down. "And no, I don't want any," she said, voice slightly muffled because she was talking into her arm.
hello my name is elder price
6:37pm Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam sighed and flipped the bacon in the pan, "Honey, I just don't know what to think. I mean yeah, I liked you for a long time, one could even say I loved you, but you didn't like me back then, and it kind of hurt, so I moved on. What else do you want me to say?" He turned to look at her, his ex pression one of confusion. His head was kind of jumbled, "I just don't want to lose my best friend."
7:08pm Apr 22 2013
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"Nothing, I guess," she said in response to his, 'what else do you want me to say?' thing. She pressed her cheek against one arm, dropped the other by her side and stared at the wall. Her cinnamon bun lay half eaten on its napkin to her right. The smell of bacon and frosting was nauseating. "I don't want to lose you either, but--" She breathed out a sigh and closed her eyes again. "If I hadn't said anything last night, we would be fine right now." Frustration leaked through her words and she frowned.
Her door bell rang. "Huh. Wonder who that is," Kat said, though she was glad for the excuse and neatly slipped out of her chair to head over to the front door. They didn't have windows on or around the door so she couldn't tell who it was until she opened it. If she'd known beforehand, she probably would have just left it alone. Cole stared back at her, glanced down at her arm, then went back to staring.
"Now's not really a good time," she said in a low voice. "Leave."
"Look, I just came over to give you these. I feel really, really bad about what happened," he said and removed from his back a bouquet of flowers. They were carnations. She hated carnations.
"Okay, thanks. Look, you really, really should go," she said, voice rising just a little bit.
hello my name is elder price
7:24pm Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 5,512
"Who is it?" Liam called from the kitchen, taking the bacon from the pan and dumping the hot grease out. He reached for the egg and cracked it into the pan, "Unless they are selling girl scout cookies, we don't want any!" he was kind of glad the doorbell had rang. It saved him, for the moment, from a conversation he didn't want to be having.
7:24pm Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 5,512
((Or delete my links res....thats cool too.....))
7:34pm Apr 22 2013
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"Free?!" Cole yelled through the doorway at the sound of Liam's voice. Kat, still holding open the door with one hand, decided to hit her forehead against the wood, muttering: "You're an idiot."
"You're with Liam Free?" he asked, obviously thinking he could put two and two together. She could practically see his conclusion drawn up on his face: that Kat had been pissed about him and Jenny and had decided to drown her sorrows in a feisty night with Liam. "Well, I said what I needed to say. Guess you've moved on anyway," he said.
I wonder if Liam still wants to punch you in the face, she thought.
hello my name is elder price
7:56pm Apr 22 2013
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Posts: 5,512
Liam turned off the burner and walked toward the door, "Yes, Liam Free." He said, sounding slightly annoyed, "Is there something wrong with me?" he asked, standing behind Kat in the doorway. A snide wicked played across his face, "At least I can take rejection without leaving bruises behind." He said, folding his arms across his chest.
8:06pm Apr 22 2013
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Kat was sort of happy that she was in between the boys right then for a couple of reasons. One: Liam was extremely close to her and it was a little reassuring (and wonderful) to be able to simply feel his presence behind her. Two: She was unsure how this was going to play out and as long as she was in the middle, it wouldn't get physical. Cole started to make some sort of snarky reply to Liam's first question, but his jaw snapped shut at his comment.
"Was that really necessary," Kat asked over her shoulder.
"Funny how you have the nerve to say that while hiding behind Kat," he said and took a small step forward. Kat unconsciously took a step back and bumped into Liam.
"Are you really doing this? Liam, go finish cooking or something. Cole, leave," she said.
hello my name is elder price