8:09pm Apr 22 2013
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"Well I'm not you, I'm not just going to force her out of my way." Liam snarled, his green eyes flashing. He unfolded his arms and placed his hands at Kat's waist, "But if she would like to move out of my way, I would be more than willing to say it right to your face." He knew he was ignoring Kat, but he was kind of enjoying taunting Cole.
8:36pm Apr 22 2013
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Thinking about how much Kat liked Liam's hands on her waist wasn't helping the current predicament any. Cole was obviously taking as much interest in the move as she had, although with a different set of feelings of course. "You think you're all that, don't you? All self-righteous and *censored*," Cole volleyed. Kat was starting to get more than just a little annoyed and she was half tempted to step aside and let Liam have his way with Cole. However, she wasn't going to let Liam fight her battles for her, nor was she going to risk the two of them getting hurt.
"Cole, you really need to stop. You came here to apologize and that's great. Thank you for that. I'm not mad at you or anything, okay? So just stop trying to pick a fight with my best friend and leave. Jesus," she said.
Cole stopped and took a step back. "Best frie--ha, alright. I'd like to see you again, under different circumstances, assuming that's okay since you're just friends." Kat actually paused after he said that. Liam had said he'd moved on already...not that she'd ever dream of attempting something with Cole ever again but still, if he was over her, she just had to do the same and shove the feelings aside. She'd have to do what he did.
"Not a chance. Get lost before I punch you myself," she said. She walked backward into Liam, forced him to take a few steps backward, and then shut the door in Cole's face. Then she neatly sidestepped out of his embrace and threw her hands in the air. "Why can't you men just listen!"
hello my name is elder price
8:43pm Apr 22 2013
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Liam laughed softly, "I'm sorry, I couldnt help myself!" He put his hands in his pockets, "did you seriously expect me to just leave him be? He's too easy of a target. Besides," He raised one eyebrow, "are you honestly going to tell me you didn't enjoy watching him get that flustered?" He had had to keep himself from bursting out in laughter at Cole's face when Liam had touched Kat.
He turned and started to walk back toward the kitchen, grabbing his plate full of bacon and adding the egg to it. He then grabbed a fork and sat down at the kitchen table across from the spot Kat had been sitting in and waited for her to join him and most likely lecture him.
3:54pm Apr 23 2013
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"I am not going to encourage this any further," Kat said as she followed after him back into the kitchen. She swiped her half-eaten cinnamon bun from atop its napkin and plopped back down into her seat, taking a rather forceful bite out of it. "Cole was right," she said, hoping just to irk Liam a little bit before explaining what she meant. "He backed off when I called you my best friend and realized we weren't really a thing, I guess. Which, obviously, we're not. So what we're going to do is pretend nothing happened last night and I'm going to continue to find and date guys like Cole and you're going to continue to find and date girls like Jenny because honest to God good human being really don't exist. Mkay?" she said and raised a brow.
"You're welcome," she said without waiting for him to answer, and effectively cutting him off if he was going to say anything else. "You probably want to get home and shower and change right? We can spend our last day of the weekend together and do something fun or I dunno, not hang out. Whatever you want."
hello my name is elder price
7:42pm Apr 23 2013
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"But hanging out with you is fun." Liam protested, "besides, you have to drive me to my truck so you're stuck with me for at least another twenty-minutes or so. You might as well enjoy it." He continued to eat his breakfast, but watched her intently. He had no intention of arguing with her, it would get him nowhere.
"Oh, and in my defense, you're the one who came to me in the middle of the night. So I'm innocent." He teased with a wink. If they were going to stay friends, there was no use in being awkward around each other.
8:03pm Apr 23 2013
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"Yeah well, I didn't exactly ask you to wrap your arm around my waist," she said and took the last bite of her cinnamon bun. "Oh, right. Forgot about your truck." Him watching her made her feel a little self-conscious and she shook out her hair so her side bangs fell and covered most of her face. "I'll take you after I shower," she promised and on her way out of the kitchen, tossed her napkin in the garbage can.
Kat wasn't going to keep him waiting, although she did yell from her room that he could watch TV or make himself at home or whatever, like he usually did whenever he was over. So she shut her door, locked it, and stripped off her clothes to hurry in her shower. The shower was quick and when she got out, she twisted the wet hair into a bun and threw on something for the warm weather, which turned out to be a loose-fitting tank top, some ripped short-shorts and flip flops.
"Leggo," she said.
hello my name is elder price
8:08pm Apr 23 2013
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Liam sighed, "But your couch is so comfy." he groaned. He grudgingly rose form the couch and dragged his feet as he walked toward the door, slipping on his shoes and opening the door. "What are your plans for today? Because I was just gonna mope around the house unless you have a better idea."
8:19pm Apr 23 2013
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"Actually, my schedule's booked today. Maybe I could squeeze you in if you really wanted," she said. Of course she didn't have plans today. Liam knew that. "And why would you mope around the house? Surely you're over Jenny by now." When she rounded her car, she fished out the keys and used them to point at Liam, a stern look on her face. "No jokes about my baby or I'm kicking you to the curb," she said and opened the door to slide in.
"You don't have any drinks stashed at your house or anything, Mr. Goodie Goodie, do you? I'm feeling a sort of miniature party between the two of us. Hell, we could have champagne for all I care. Although if you have a better idea, I'm all ears," she said.
hello my name is elder price
8:24pm Apr 23 2013
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Liam laughed, "I may have a bottle or two of something intoxicating in my room. But I thought you were booked." He squeezed into the car and hunched his arms forward to fit more comfortably, "But seriously, can't you get a slightly bigger car? How are you NOT cramped in here?" He rolled down his window and put his arm out.
8:48pm Apr 23 2013
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"Again, it's not my fault you're so ginormous. And the obvious answer to that is because I'm smaller than you. Duh." Her candor was typical between the two, a nice easy-going openness. At least it's not awkward. However, beneath all of this was a still upset Kat, upset because Liam had never told her about his feelings and then proceeded to move on because it was no big deal. And upset with herself for getting in this predicament anyway.
"I just want a romance like from The Fault in Our Stars, except without the whole cancer-death part. Is that too much to ask? Or does love only exist for those who die young?" She rolled down her own window and slouched to the side, one hand on the wheel, her other pressed against her cheek as she let out a deflated sigh. "Yep, we are definitely raiding whatever goodies you have stashed in your room."
Ooc; Sorry for TFiOS reference. I just finished the book...again...for the umpteenth time and ohgod all the feels.d fjsaklfjajdf
hello my name is elder price
3:03pm Apr 24 2013
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"Drinking on a Sunday afternoon." Liam thought out loud, "we might be alcoholics." ((My life motto-I'm not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a drunk. We go to parties XD))
He started flipping through radio stations and stopped on one playing the song '1994' by Jason Aldean, "I don't know if I like this song because its good, or because I was born in 1994." He said with a laugh, "either way, I love it."
4:25pm Apr 25 2013
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"Mmm, well his voice certainly isn't flattering," Kat said and stuck her tongue out as if she were gagging. She winked to let him know she was kidding though. That was Kat with music; rarely did she ever find something she hated. It was more like different forms of tolerance, as if she had a fun time trying to see where a song could fit in a certain place and time (There's a time and place for anything, as the saying goes). Of course radio music wasn't on her list of top favorites, but every once in a while she enjoyed a new song.
Now let's get outta this town, outta this club.
"I can't wait to get out of this place," she said and turned the music down a smidge. "I'll move to New York or maybe Chicago. I just want a city, a place where things never stop moving."
hello my name is elder price
4:53pm Apr 25 2013
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"I wanna go somewhere warm." Liam said with a dreamy sigh, "Where it never snows, just warm sunshine, hot babes, and cold beer. Preferably Hawaii, but I'll settle for Cali or Florida." He thought for a moment, "But I think I'd prefer a small town. Too many people in a city." The song changed to something else. 'Kick it in the sticks' by Brantley Gilbert was now playing and Liam smiled, "I just like the small town setting, the bonfires, the way everyone knows each other, its nice."
5:15pm Apr 25 2013
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"See, I like the cold," Kat disagreed. "Bundled up in sweaters, snuggling by the fire while drinking some cocoa. But yeah, I don't see you in a city." She was quiet for a moment, listening to him talk about his love for small towns. Then she realized it. After high school, there would be no more Liam and Kat, inseparable duo and lifelong friends. The thought rocked her sideways--she shook her hair out from behind her ear to place a curtain so he couldn't see her face.
"There's no secrets in small towns," she said after she recovered. "There's no mystery, no adventure, little opportunity. You're stuck with what you've got. I don't want to ever run out of things, of places to see, people to find."
hello my name is elder price
5:32pm Apr 25 2013
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Liam shrugged, "but the people will get on your nerves. And I can bet you any money you will get sick of the noise. And most obviously, there's much less safety in a city." He pointed out, "I want my future kids to be able to run around and play outside whenever they want, without someone needing to watch them so they don't get kidnapped. Or to get caught up in some gang when they are in their teens." He thought about his childhood. Their town wasn't necessarily big, but there was a LOT smaller towns. As a kid, they could ride their biked outside while their parents weren't around, and everyone could trust their neighbors. That's the way he liked it, and that was how it should be.
5:56pm Apr 25 2013
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"Pfft, people will always get on my nerves. It's one of the perks of being me," Kat said and grinned widely at him. However, Kat thought otherwise with his statement about her hating the noise. She couldn't stand quiet, which was odd considering she could be a quiet person who liked her solitude. The sound of the cicadas and crickets outside of her window at night annoyed her and she much preferred sticking earbuds in her ears and falling asleep to rugged voices drowned out by loud instrumentals.
"Kids are overrated and I'd be a terrible mom anyway," she said flatly. They ambled onto Anne's street and then her driveway, where Liam's truck sat and was, thankfully, unscathed. There'd been a few incidents where teenagers who had a bit too much alcohol in their system and ended up trying to drive their cars, which typically did not end well for everyone else's cars in the near vicinity.
"I'll follow you home," she said and yawned. .
hello my name is elder price
6:11pm Apr 25 2013
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Liam nodded and got out of the car. He walked to his truck and jumped in, firing up the engine and turning in the direction of his house. He turned up the radio to drown out the engine noise as he drove. Before he knew it, he was singing along to his Lee Brice CD at the top of his lungs. "I drive your truck. I roll every window down and I burn up every back road in this town. I find a field, I tear it up, till all the pain's a cloud of dust, yeah sometimes I drive your truck."
Before he knew it, he was pulling into his driveway, but he left the engine running to finish his song. It was the ti tle track of the CD, "I'm hard to love, hard to love no I don't make it easy. I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood, I'm hard to love, hard to love yet, you say that you need me. I don't deserve it but I love that you love me good."
((Im listening to the second song now and it sucks. Im going through a tough time with my man, and that's our song : ))
5:03pm Apr 29 2013
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5:04pm Apr 29 2013
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Oooc; Ughhhh. Want to just skip to them going in the house? lmao That's where we left off anyway, right?
hello my name is elder price
5:05pm Apr 29 2013
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((Yeah but I had a long post.. -.-))