5:08pm Dec 27 2010
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((Love it. O:)) Greyson vaguely heard a voice, someone waving papers in his face. Finally, he forced hismelf awake, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Sitting upright, he lowered the volume on his iPod, soft music still playing. Removing one earbud he turned to eM. "Oh, hey." He carefully took the paper from eM and began reading, soon to be lost in the poetic hurt. "It's pretty good. I can sense the hurt, the truth. Pretty deep. Mind if I write on it?" He picked up his notebook, and trotted over to reclaim his runaway pencil. Sitting back down next to eM, he turned to a new page in his notebook, and began copying down the lyrics. Afterwords, he flipped through his iPod, stopping on the music that he had composed and recorded for Why? without words, of course. He began to softly hum, and then began to sing the lyrics eM had written. The music fit the lyrics perfectly, everything eM had written flowed amazingly with the music. Greyson's voice rang out clear, his voice slipping into the comforts of the music. Now, the piece was rock, hard and cold, but sounded soft with the lyrics. ((Gotta go, sis wants on. I expect a post to be waiting. ;D -joking- Bye Aphem~))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:51pm Dec 27 2010
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Posts: 113
((Thankies ^^)) eM found herself sitting crosslegged, staring at Greyson, head tipped slightly to the right. But she wasn't seeing Greyson. She was seeing some famous singer, mouth against the microphone, with the solitary intention of connecting with the thousands of adoring fans sitting, breathless, in the audience. She was that audience. "Woooah," she whispered under her breath. "How-- how did you do that??!" ((writer's blockkk xP))
5:46pm Dec 28 2010
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Greyson forgot that eM was there; he was lost in the moment, the typical cliche. When the song came to the end, he snapped out of it. "Huh. Oh. Um, I dunno, really. Love the lyrics, by the way. Tell me, have you ever considered song writing for a band?" His blue-gray eyes pierced eM's. They stayed looking into hers before he started messing with his iPod again. He switched it off, wrapping the earbuds around it carefully, before he slid the whole contraption into his pocket. ((Yeah...me too. xD Yay writer's block! DX -not really-))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
9:01pm Dec 28 2010
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Posts: 113
((I actually am a songwriter for a band called Aliatoire xD)) eM gazed into his eyes shamelessly. She thought she heard him say something, but the sound was distant and any words that it might have consisted of were garbled. "Your eyes look like marbles. You know, the cat's eye ones, with the swirlies. But.. after they've been run over by a dump truck. All cracked and icy-like. In a good way. I mean..." eM covered her mouth and giggled. "In a good way. Pretty-like. And yeah, I wrote a couple songs for my brother's band, but they told me the lyrics were too girlie and happy or something. I don't know. But I'm glad you like them." She smiled. "I like your melody better." eM realized that he was no longer listening. She hadn't noticed the earbuds tucked behind his shaggy locks. She pulled a beaten-up deck of cards from a candy wrapper in her back and began to shuffle them mindlessly. She split the deck and placed half of it in front of Greyson. As he placed his iPod in his pocket, she asked, "Do you know how to play Kings in the Corner?" ((idk xP))
9:19pm Dec 28 2010
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(( That's pretty awesome.)) Greyson just looked at eM, the busted out laughing. Hard, rolling laughter. Soon, his face turned red and he fell over. When he finally stopped laughing, he wiped the tears from his eyes and sat up. "Sorry about that. Just....yeah, anyway, I don't. Never heard of the game in my life." Greyson looked down on the cards, to see the corners bent, dirt smeared. It was obvious she had had those cards for a long while. He reached down and picked one up, observing it closer. "So you have written for a band. Maybe you'd consider it again?" He hoped she would, for he thought the band could use another writer. ((Really short. I'm trying to think of something so that both of us will have longer posts. DXX)
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
11:14pm Dec 28 2010
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Posts: 113
Again, eM found Greyson's laugh contagious. She bit her lip in a feeble attempt to contain her giggles, and began to arrange her half of the deck of cards in a strange formation between them. She glanced up at Greyson, who was still fiddling with the corner of what she knew to be a four-of-spades with a rip in the corner, and wondered what her own eyes looked like in that particular lighting. Greyson seemed to have a sort of majestic air about him, with the skeletal trees casting an eerie shadow over his face and shoulders. His eyes seemed to glow through the shade. Those eyes... eM was jealous. She sat back and examined her sprawl of cards as she considered Greyson's question. She had been invited into many different bands before, but none seemed to follow through with their offers. She didn't want to get her hopes up again, but there was a sense of honestly and ethic that she hadn't felt around the previous musicians. "Maybe. I don't know... I mean, I love songwriting and everything, I guess I'm just waiting for the right band to come along, you know?" she answered, smiling. ((gaahh. Dx))
11:50pm Dec 28 2010
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((Now's a good time to introduce a new charrie. O:)) Greyson smiled lightly, then said, "Hmm. Well I'm prepared to offer you a deal. You help me write songs, and in turn I'll pay you. That is, if you ever decide to work with us." He handed her back the card and leaned back, pressing against the wall. It was cool and shady here, and he felt unsually relaxed. He took back out his iPod, using the reflection as a mirror. "Hmm..." he muttered quietly to himself, thinking about changing his hair color. He liked the multi-colored streaks that defined his hair, but he was getting tired of it. Then, he decided to dye it only two colors, one being his natural color, the other, not natural at all. Greyson looked back at eM, studied her hair. Kay, that's a bit odd, but her hair was a pretty maroon color, something he hadn't really seen much. "Hey, here's a question for you. Should I leave my hair this length, or cut it? I'm already changing the color of it." He wondered, because if he cut it short, he'd spike it, if not, well his hair would pretty much stay the same length. Once again, he caught himself looking at eM. Something about her was different, though he couldn't quite place it. ~ Inside, a girl stared out dreamily, but her eyes fiery. She had just come back from being away for years. In those years, she had changed, and realized things she didn't know before. Now that she was back, she knew exactly what she wanted: Greyson. now, maybe not as you think, but ye, she wanted him. And she was going to get him. She slid open a window, breathing in the fresh, spring-like breeze. A sigh escaped her mouth, and she felt a bit annoyed. Thumping her foot noisly against the floor, the hallow sound echoing, she whispered silently, "Wait and see, Greyson. Just wait." ((Mystery gurl.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:32pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 113
"Oh, oh, no need to pay," she said, a little too quickly. "I mean, unless you want to. Or don't. Haha. Um. Er... sure. Why not." A goofy grin appeared on her face and she giggled. Too much caffine that morning. Chill, eM, she thought to her self. In response to his latter question, she studied his hair thoughtfully and tried to picture a shorter haircut. She couldnt help but put a leather jacket on that mental image; He'd look like a biker. She giggled again. "Keep it that length. I like it natural. The style, I mean, not the color... I mean, I'm sure your hair looks great any color but.." shut UP, eM. "I'd try a neutral color highlighted with dark turquoise. It'd really bring out the color in your eyes, you know." She wondered if turquoise would have the same effect on her eyes. ((bio for Mystery Gurl coming soon? :o))
10:14pm Dec 29 2010
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9:53pm Dec 30 2010
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Greyson chuckled, "Oh my God, would you stop giggling? It's making me laugh." Then his brain processed what she had just said. His eyes lit up, and he grinned widely. "So you'll do it? Awesome! I'd hug you, but I'm too lazy and too tired to do much moving." Then he considered what she had just said about his hair. And eyes. "Yeah, actually, I was planning on dying my hair black and turquoise anyway. You know, you should consider cutting your hair even shorter and dying it a plum, but maybe a rose-red. It'd bring out your eyes a great deal." With that, he found himself looking at her eyes again, studying the hazel color. Red highlights or plum streaks would really eccentuate her eyes, instead of the maroon color her hair was now. It's a bit pathetic you know this much about colors, Grey, he told himself mentally. ((Lol, maybe when I'm not as lazy. x3))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
1:02pm Dec 31 2010
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Posts: 113
eM covered her mouth, shoulders still shaking with giggles, eyes still laughing. As she collapsed on her belly and propped her chin up in the palms of her hands, she took a strand of maroon hair between her fingers and looped it around them in a weaving pattern. "Shorter? You think so? I was afraid it'd make my face look round." She puffed out her cheeks like a blowfish and bunched her hair up around her face, eyes shining with laughter. "Maybe a bob with side bangs or something. And yeah, I was thinking of going completely red. Both of my parents are natural redheads, so we figured that there must have been a recessive blonde gene from my dad's side. Iy'm Iyreesh, ya kno," she said, rolling her "r"s perfectly. "I must say, I'm impressed with your knowlege of colors. Are you an artist?" she inquired. ((ughh. xP failgaloshes))
10:04pm Dec 31 2010
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Greyson started laughing. Really, really laughing. Finally, he took a deep breath. "Yeah, it'd look pretty. As for the color thing, I thank my brother. He's the artist, actually. My whole family is the odd, weird, unusual wonky type. Then there's me. Who surpas.ses that point." He started coughing, and then finally caught his breath. Laughing made him cough. Way too much. His leg was falling asleep, so he balanced himself, thrusting upward and standing up. He knew the bell would soon sound, and figured they better be heading to clas.s. Greyson extended a hand, offering to help eM up. ((I think they've been in one spot for a looong time. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:33pm Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 113
((yeah they have xD)) eM tipped her head sideways, as though studying the words as they left his lips. "Really? Wait, was that your mom in the parking lot... the one with the big paper flower on her headband? I talked to her for a few minutes, she's cool. I can see where you get yor artistic flair," she giggled. "Does your brother go to this school, or is he in college..?" eM looked down at her watch and realized that she had less than a minute to make it to cl*censored*. Taking Greyson's hand, she pulled herself upright and slung her bag over her shoulder. "Hey, you wanna grab a milkshake or something after school? My uncle's girlfriend works at DQ, she can get us a discount."
6:51pm Jan 1 2011 (last edited on 8:42pm Jan 9 2011)
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After helping eM up, Greyson started towards the enterance, knowing full-well he wouldn't make it without running. He pondered eM's question and then smiled. "Sure. But now, I think we should run." With that, the bell sounded and he began jogging around the corner. ((Sorry. Won't be on much. Exams. Deadlines. Stress. -shorts out-)) Turning, Greyson looking up to see something hurdling at him. Not thinking, he flipped backwards, landing on one knee, one hand, while the other rested on his knee. He had done a backflip, narrowly avoidign the ob ject, Glancing, he saw it was a basketball, but it made no sense for it to be traveling at such speeds. Then he noticed the person coming towards him, a pleased smile on her face. He gasped. ((Sucks, but run with it. Might not be on until weekend. ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
11:22pm Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 113
((I wanna reply but I want you to finish xD soo... -bump-))
3:54pm Jan 7 2011
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bump? D:
8:43pm Jan 9 2011
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 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:45pm Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 113
eM pondered a moment, considering the fact that her current craving for a milkshake couldn't be quenched before the end of school, and made her way to the door to the janitors closet. As she reached for the doorknob, a quick burst of air and a loud whoosh! stirred the hair at the back of her head. She jerked around and crouched, hands protectively sheilding her face, and peeked out from between her fingers, only to see a basketball bounce off of a tree on the other side of the staff parking lot. Must be the 6th-period flunkies, she thought to herself. There was a group of kids that always skipped 6th period and played basketball or spider behind the building. eM was never sure of the significance of the number "6" around the school, but she noticed that that same group of students always consisted of six members, although they interchanged throughout the schoolyear. She quickly pulled herself up and jerked open the door to the closet. The air suctioned from the room dragged a small pile of leaves and dust out the door. Along with the leaves and other random floorstuff, a pink sticky note bounced against her shoe. Two words were carefully printed in purple sparkly ink: "He's mine." ((uh.))
7:59pm Jan 11 2011
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((yah.o_o Braindead now. Figuring a way to introduce crazy-chick. o;))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
11:16pm Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 113
((as.suming that she, like any awesome crazy chick, writes in purple sparkly pen))