11:48am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium smiled. She picked up the second doughnut and took a bite. It tasted fantastic. Otium gave Kiba a hug as a way of thanks.
"Thanks." she said. "So...you've seen me come up here before?"
11:51am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"Yes I have." He said then lightning crash and the thunder sounded.
12:06pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium watched the lightning streak across the sky. It was a remarkable sight. Otium thought that it must be amazing to have that power under your control.
"How come you've never spoken to me before then?" she asked. "Or we're you too shy?"
12:15pm Jul 16 2012
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"I did not want to disterb you. Ok I was shy."
12:24pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium smiled at Kiba again.
"Really? That's kinda sweet, you know." she said. "I would have been glad to talk to you if you'd have wanted to, though. All you needed to do was say hi."
12:27pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"Really thanks."
12:27pm Jul 16 2012
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[Should they kiss.]
12:28pm Jul 16 2012 (last edited on 12:29pm Jul 16 2012)
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Posts: 2,052
Otium smiled at Kiba and held his hand.
"You know, you're probably the nicest person I've ever met." she said. "Really."
12:32pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"No way."He leaned forward. [They kiss.]
12:34pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium saw Kiba lean forward. Otium had never kissed anyone before but she decided that there was a first time for anything. She kissed Kiba.
12:37pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 1,003
[That makes me feel weird concidering that I'm a Female and your a female.]
He then hugged her. "Wanna be my gf?" He asked
12:50pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
((It is a little bizarre, I must admit...but they're just RP characters.))
Otium smiled and hugged Kiba back. She heard his question looked into his eyes.
"Two demi-gods together? I can't think of a better match." Otium said to him. "Of course I'll be your gf."
12:54pm Jul 16 2012
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"Yes." He punched the air with his hand that was on fire. He started to shoot fire balls into the air.
1:01pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium was a little surprised when Kiba started to throw fireballs into the air. Otium manipulated the air to make the fire swirl around and then explode, like bright red fireworks. The tiny embers floated down, like tiny stars and disappeared.
1:15am Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 1:15am Jul 17 2012)
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"Wow that was amazing!" He said then suddenly 2 pegusus's came down from the sky. A white one went to Otium. The black one went to Kiba. "I think my cuz sent them." He said
3:54am Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium watched the white pegasus come closer. When it was closer enough she nervously reached out a hand to stroke the creature's face. When she found that it was calm and didn't mind being petted, so Otium smiled.
"They're beautiful." she said. "Why are they here for us?"
1:18am Jul 18 2012
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"Mabey dad want's to see us." He said then mounted the pegasus.
3:46am Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium got onto the back of the white pegasus and petted it. The noble creature seemed to enjoy this and tossed its head higher. "What? Zeus wants to see us?" she asked. "I can understand why he would want to see you...you're his son...but why would he want to see me? Because I'm a demi-goddess and Ma'at is my mother?"
10:18am Jul 18 2012
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"Mabey because your offically my girl friend now." He suggested
10:22am Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium smiled pleasantly.
"Maybe you're right, Kiba." she said, with a nod. The white pegasus she was riding flexed its wings, eager to take flight.