2:16am Jul 20 2012
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Posts: 2,052
"Come on, then." Otium said. She walked out of Kiba's room and up to the white pegasus, petting it softly on the face before getting onto its back.
"I'll lead the way." Otium said.
10:06am Jul 20 2012
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Kiba mounted the black pegasus called Darkness. Leo flew and followed.
10:34am Jul 20 2012
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Otium gently urged the white pegasus on and it took flight. She didn't know what it's real name was but she kept wanting to call it Ivory. They kept flying for a while until a tall mountain came into view ahead of them.
"We're almost there." Otium called back to Kiba.
10:51am Jul 20 2012
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Kiba waved as he saw his cousin in the distance.
10:56am Jul 20 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium soothed the white pegasus and it landed on the mountaintop, with Otium dismounting soon after. A beautiful woman greeted them.
"Hello, mother Ma'at." Otium said. She smiled at Kiba. "Mother, I'd like you to meet Kiba...he's my bf."
10:59am Jul 20 2012 (last edited on 11:00am Jul 20 2012)
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Posts: 1,003
[Could you make Hudors girlfriend please]
Name: Hudor [means water in ancient greek]
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Demi-God
Looks: Tall muscular build, with red hair and beautiful blue eyes
Personality: rp out
Good or Evil?: NA
History (optional): His dad is Posiden.
Powers/Abilities: controls water and can summon Pegasuses
Crush: on his girlfriend
Other: NA
11:12am Jul 20 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"Hello." He said then kneeled down.
11:12am Jul 20 2012
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Posts: 2,052
((Ok, sure thing.))
Name: Tenebris (means 'darkness' in Latin) Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Demi-Goddess Looks: Tall for her age, and of a slightly tanned complexion. Her hair is brown and shoulder-length, and her eyes are bright green in colour. She often wears a black leather jacket, purple shirt and jeans, though sometimes she wears a different outfit. Personality: RP it out Good or evil?: Neutral History (optional): Unknown Powers/Abilities: Can control the power of darkness (she's not evil, though) Crush: Hudor Other: Her father is Anubis, the Egyptian god of the underworld.
11:14am Jul 20 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ma'at smiled, waving a hand.
"Oh, no need to bow down." she said, pleasantly. "But all the same...Otium, you've got a very polite and pleasant boy here."
"Mum!" Otium squeaked, blushing.
10:29am Jul 28 2012
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Posts: 1,003
[Sorry laptop broke . At dads now. on holiday in 3 days and wont be back for around 3 weeks. oh and Tenebris is great.]
"Nice to meet you. How are you?" He asked and saw Hudor in the distance. "Hello. I'm hudor Kiba's cousin and you are?" He said asking Oitum.
6:49am Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ma'at could see that Otium was doing well, so she left her to speak to her friends. Otium smiled politely at Hudor and nodded to them.
"I'm Otium...Otium Nocte." she said. She saw Tenebris nearby. "Who's that?" Tenebris, who had been daydreaming, blinked and looked up. She walked over to them and gave a shy smile.
"I'm Tenebris...nice to meet you." she said, shaking Otium's hand.
9:59am Aug 3 2012
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"Hello Tenebris. I'm Kiba Hudors cousin." Said Kiba.
"Guys and your hiness this is my girlfriend Tenebris." He said and gave a half smile
11:43am Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Tenebris politely nodded to Kiba.
"Nice to meet you." she said, shaking Kiba's hand. She stood next to Hudor, and when he introduced her to Kiba and Otium as his girlfriend, Tenebris found herself blushing a little. She looked at Otium.
"So...are you Kiba's girlfriend, Otium?" Tenebris asked. Otium smiled a little.
"Yes, I am." she said.
1:25pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"Cool." Said Kiba and stood next to his cousin. he patted his head.
1:31pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Tenebris looked over at Otium again.
"So...Ma'at is your mother?" she asked, politely. Otium nodded in response to this question.
"Yes. And I'm assuming that you're a demigod as well?" Otium questioned. Tenebris blinked, then nodded.
"Yes...my father is Anubis. And you know who that is." she said, a little quietly. "But before you ask, just because my dad is the god of the underworld it doesn't mean I'm evil." Otium smiled, kindly, then shook her head a little.
"You seem perfectly nice to me." she told Tenebris, who smiled.
"Thanks, Otium." she replied.
1:36pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 1,003
While the girls were chatting the boys were playfighting. Kiba got Hudor in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles along his head. "Ouch." Said Hudor then Kiba stopped. "Sorry."Kiba said and hugged hudor.
1:50pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Otium glanced over to see the two boys fighting. She laughed a little to herself, and Tenebris grinned as well.
"So...how long have you been Tenebris' boyfriend, Hudor?" Otium asked, walking back over to Kiba and Hudor with Tenebris following close behind.
5:03pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 1,003
" A year I think. around about a year. "He replied then walked to Hudor and hugged her.
12:31am Aug 4 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Tenebris blushed a little and hugged Hudor back.
"Yes, I'd say we've been together for about a year." she said. "How about you two, Otium and Kiba?" Otium smiled.
"I only just became Kiba's girlfriend." she said.
5:17am Aug 4 2012
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Posts: 1,003
"It was one of them love at first sight and we went on a date and boom I asked the question and she accepted." Kiba said then hugged Otuim
"Aww thas so sweet." Said Hudor.