Sent [Private, me and Ice] to Die

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2:56pm Nov 23 2011

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Posts: 3,371
"She's always hissy." Two explained as he listened to the conversation. He looked at Five and Six. It was sad that they would die. They were both so young. Too young. He sighed, and turned back to Four,

One turned to Three. "'m actually originally from the West Half." She admitted. "I can show you a few places to stay where they hardly ever look."

"I know!" Five said, smiling. "We're going to save the whole East Half!"


3:05pm Nov 23 2011

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Posts: 3,950

Four nodded coolly.  He understood, and he was fine with that.

Three's ears perked up.  "Nice.  Lead us.  After all, you're One.  I've heard which number you are states how important you are, but I've also heard that it's just a rumor."

"It's so excitingg!" Six said, "Everyone's gonna love us 'cause we're gonna be so important when we come back!"

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
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3:10pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
"I know!" Five said happily. "We're gonna be heroes! It's going to be so cool! Maybe we'll even lead the East Half!"

One shrugged. "Alright, this way." She said, running down a sidewalk. "Be very quiet." She said, and continued running, then turning at a corner that led into an alley. She then jumped onto the top of a big garbage can, and used it to jump up onto the roof of the building it stood next to- a Taco Bell resturaunt. It smelled like, well, tacos, from the roof, and she waited for the other cats to follow her and jump up.


3:16pm Nov 23 2011

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Posts: 3,950

"Y'know, I hadn't thought of that!" Six said with a happy gasp.  She then looked up at One, climbing skillfully.  "How did you do that?" she asked in wonderment.

Four followed and breathed in the scent.  "Tacos!  I've had one before.  It was good."

Three went after Four and looked back at Five and Six.  Hmm... would they make it?  If the rumor was true.. They were weakest.  It might be, they were very young and inexperienced.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

3:20pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
"Well, we'll probably get plenty of them here." Two said to Four. "The humans sometimes throw them away without even touching them."

One sighed, jumping down onto the trash can, and picking up Six, then carrying her as she jumped back to the roof. "Never try to jump off." She said, before doing the same thing with Five.


3:41pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Six nodded, "I don't ever want to do that.." This was the highest she had ever been in her life.  "Look at the view, Five," she breathed.

Four nodded.  "Humans waste too much good stuff."

Three lifted his head into the air and sniffed.  The scent of tacos was very overpowering, but he could faintly smell traces of cat not too far off.
West Half cat.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

3:49pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(Lol. I think it's kinda funny that they're going to be staying on the roof of a taco bell resturaunt.)

"Woah..." Five breathed

"I know." He said. "They throw away food, when there are cats like us starving all over the city that they could just give the food to, and maybe save a life or two."

"They're humans, Two." One said. "They're not gonna do that."


3:55pm Nov 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Four agreed.  "Sometimes I doubt their intelligience."  He then considered thing and added, "Well, maybe a lot of the time."

Three padded over.  "Are we going to have human food now?" he asked, trying to clarify.  He kept one eye on Five and Six.

Six breathed in the smells of the city, her ears zoning in on the sounds, and her fur feeling the slight breeze.  Her eyes took in the scenery.  Everything was so brand-new to her!

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:49am Nov 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
"Well, believe it or not they are pretty intellegent." Two said. "I mean, look around. The buildings and streets and tacos and garbage cans, the cars and streetlights, the lights on the buildings- I can assure you, Four, that none of those things are naturally there or made by cats. And they have to be smart to make these things." Two looked from the roof of the Taco Bell resturaunt out into the city.

One turned to Three. "If you want to." She said. "Just jump down onto that garbage can we used to get up here, and slide the top of partway. But don't let it fall off completely, or we'll have no way to get down from here without jumping into the garbage, and no way to get back up."


6:13pm Nov 25 2011

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Posts: 3,371


4:34pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 3,950

"True..." Four spoke.  "In the meantime, how are we supposed to drive out the West Half? Anyone have a plan?"

Three flicked his tail in response and landed on the trash can with a small clatter sound.  He nosed the lid off a bit and squeezed his way in.  A while later, he came out with one half-eaten taco, one bit of a taco, a whole taco aside from the small bite that had come from it, and then a partially eaten burrito.  He carried each up one by one and deposited it in a neat pile, then going back to close the lid.  Promptly returning back to the roof, Three began to lick himself clean to rid the garbage stench from his fur.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:50am Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
"Way to go, Three!" Venna said with a smile. She padded over to the pile. This is for all of us, right? She couldn't help but wonder.

"Maybe you should ask Two, Four." One said. "He seems to be the expert on all things dark and evil and depressing." One knew everything about how the six were just sacrifices sent to die for the leader's selfishness, putting her own life above the lives of several others. A Former West-Half cat would know. All of the West Half knew. Before One had to join the east, her uncle, Keiser had told her about Sky's 'Six.' But...if she told the others, it would simply ruin it for all of them. And One didn't want them to give up, like Two already seemed to have done. One hoped that if they had faith in the fact that they were going to save the East Half...

...Then maybe faith would be enough.


5:53pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(She is not Venna.  She 'tis Five.)

Three purred for a moment, happy with Five's comment.  "Thank you.  Take whichever one you want."

Four turned to Two. [lol.  to Two.]  "Do you have a plan, dark overlord of all things evil and depressing?"  he said with a joking smile.

Six padded over and took the smallest one - the one that was merely a piece of a taco.  She wasn't very hungry.  The small cat began to eat, carefully taking small bites of this 'taco.'  It was pretty tasty and very new to her.  These tastes were so exotic.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:50pm Nov 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
Two smiled slightly. "Well, yes." he said. "I've actually been thinking about it for alittle bit now. You see, we need to find out where Kieser is at, and somehow get him alone. Then, we can all overpower him, and surely the rest of West Half will go running off. It's a bit...simple, but it could work. Sorry for my lack of creativity." He sat down.

Five took the partially eaten burrito, seeing that it was different from all the other peices, and took a bite out of it. "Woah!" She said. It was sort of...spicy. Like, really spicy. " kinda hurts my tongue, Three."


1:04pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950
Three purred.  He had been out in the Crossroads... secretly.  "It's sort of spicy and hot.  Be careful."  He flicked his tail and wondered about the humans' water bottles. "Usually if you drink water, it helps it go down.  Humans like that taste.  Or at least some."

Four listened then answered, "That's not too bad of an idea.  But how in the world are we going to get Kieser alone?"

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:12am Dec 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
"Where do you get water in the city?" Five asked, confused. Was there a river? That was...well, running through the city? Surely she would have heard of it. She looked around, but didn't see any water anywhere nearby.
    "...Oh." Two said, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to think of something. "Well, um, that could be a little problem. But...One, you're from here, right?" When one nodded, Two continued. "Isn't Kieser like...your cousin or something?"
    "My uncle." One corrected.
    "Right. So, maybe you could say you need to talk to him...or something?" Two suggested, but One simply hissed at him.

    "He sold me to the East Half, Two." One snapped. "He doesn't want to talk to me."

    "He...sold you...?" Two asked.


5:33pm Dec 2 2011 (last edited on 5:35pm Dec 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

"I'm not sure... So I guess you'll just have to bear through it.  It should wear off soon," Three said, his ears pulling down with disappointment in himself.  He should know how to get a water bottle!  All of them were usually empty.  No human truly threw a full water bottle away.  Then his ears picked themselves up once more as they heard the clat-clatterr of a water bottle poudning against the trash can as it went in.

Water bottle.
Trash can.

Three sped off, finding the trash can, and pulling out a half-full water bottle.  Now that was a pure stroke of luck.


Four listened intently, as if it was juicy gossip he'd later exploit.  He needed details for gossip, though, and the details weren't out yet.  Continue, please, please.  Do go on, he thought.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:01pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
One sighed. "West Half was short on prey, and so he traded me to the East for a little bit of food." She explained. She laid down, and scented the air. She could smell a West Half patrol. "Everyone lie down!" she whisper-yelled as she noticed where the cats were. If the six of them lied down, the patrol might not notice them.

"What?" Two hissed. "WHy?"

"Just do it!" One whispered.

Two obeyed, and lay down.
"Thanks, Three." Five said, smiling. "If the West Half cats ever'll protect us...right?" It was at that moment that One yelled to lie down, so Five did, but waited for Three to answer.


5:13pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Six ducked down in an instant, no questions asked.  When someone said something like that, it had a good reason behind it, and she wasn't going to ob
ject to that.

"Why?  There's nothing-" Four started, stnading up even taller.  He then whipped around, hearing voices, and saw unknown cats.  "Oh crap," he muttered, laying down quickly.  Hopefully they didn't notice.

Three lay down, looking around for any signs of why.  Then he saw West Half cats.  No wonder.  "Yes," he answered quickly, ears flattening so they wouldn't be visible.  And also because he wasn't sure if he'd keep that promise.  So he added, "I'll try my hardest to keep every single one of us alive.  But right now, sshhhh."

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

6:50pm Dec 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
Five felt safer knowing that Three would protect her. She put her ears back, realizing that Three had a good idea- the West Half cats night see Five or Three's ears if either of them kept their ears up.

One watched the two cats as she listened tp what they said.

"You could be wrong, Rill. Maybe he somehow got away. After all, he was really quick." said the first.

"Then why hasn't he come back, Irian?" Rill hissed. "That dog ate him, and you know it, too. Stop trying to comfort me."
Dog...? One wondered.

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