5:44pm Jan 15 2013
Posts: 541
((Sure)) Want me to ask people in the SB if they want to join? =D
5:48pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 5,406
((Yes please XD))
6:06pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 163
Name: Demios Age: 30 Gender: Male Characteristics: His lower half is pure black. His upper half is a nice golden tan, Black hair and peircing blue eyes. He has a dragon tattoo winding up the left side of his chest (He makes his own tattoos with dyes) Personality: He seems cold and brisk at first, but once you get to know him, he can be sweet and kind.
6:26pm Jan 15 2013
Normal User
Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was laying in a field of flowers as she watched everything go past from the wind to the small river next to her. She hated being around her brother all the things he says to her every time he see's her makes her want to cry. She doesn't mean to be the way she is but she can't hurt a soul no matter how bad they are or how much they hurt her she couldn't hurt them back but her brother didn't see it that way he saw it as weakness and in turn she was weak and not worth being his family.
Kaze was training as he normally did around this time. It gave him time to think not just about training and getting stronger but about his sister. He knew she was weak but she was his sister and as much as he wanted to beat some sense into her he couldn't he just had to try and make her see things his way by telling her she was weak. He didn't want her to be hurt but she would be if she kept going down the route she was going.
6:27pm Jan 15 2013
Posts: 3,211
:D sounds like fun~
Name: Kinran Age: 28 Gender: male Personality: Kinran is a grumpy old sod but has a heart of gold, his bark worse than his bite and it shows. He enjoys cooking and oddly enough general arts and crafts, he can often be found working on some small project. If you walk in on him working on his project be prepared for a tantrum, Kinran will more than likely have a hissy fit and storm away, crawling back embarrassed a few minuets later to pick up his supplies. Despite all this he will help any one and any thing in need no matter how small, and is an excellent agony aunt.
Looks- thin with mid length messy black hair. Tail is thick, long and black fading to grey at the end fur is a dark grey with longer hair/ tufts around the hooves and ankles. he has a rather long face with dark eyes and a lip ring
xD hope thats ok~
6:34pm Jan 15 2013
Normal User
Posts: 5,406
((Its great :D))
6:35pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 163
Demios glanced around, sniffing the air. He had been traveling for days without food or water. While he was used to it, a nice drink would be refreshing. His eyes lighted up when he smelled some water, a faint memory on the wind. He trotted through the meadow he was in, casting his eyes in various directions. Anything could try and eat him, but he was ready for it. Suddenly the sight of water had him racing down to it, throwing caution to the wind. He shoveled into it, drinking it desperately. He slowed his drinking when he smelled other centaurs. He froze hoping they hadn't noticed him.
6:48pm Jan 15 2013 (last edited on 6:59pm Jan 15 2013)
Posts: 541
Melliandra raised one studded eyebrow as she scented the male centaur on the wind. It smelled like no one she knew, and her nostrils flared in the thin atmosphere, trying to scent just where he had come from without success. This was not good, he could be a rival or a threat just as easily as a traveler, more so even. Unsheathing the knives she carried at all times, she crept slowly closer to the stranger, on guard for an attack.
The older centaur watched her from a distance, shaking his head before he re entered his cave, had he ever been that paranoid as to expect attack from all sides? If he had been, he no longer remembered it.
6:56pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi watched the male and tilted her head a small smile on her face before she stood up picking up her home made canteen. She walked over to him and filled it up before handing it to him. "Here i think you may need this if your a traveler." She said to him smiling. She didn't think what if he attacked her or what if he killed her all she thought of was he looked like he hadn't drank in a while and it didn't look like he had his own canteen. She then tilted her head and smiled abit more "Are you hungry?" She asked him smiling.
7:03pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 163
Demios stepped back a bit. He was surprised by this stranger's generousity, but maybe it was a trick. He sniffed the air again and looked at her sharply. He was hungry but he wasn't taking the chances. "Look um, whoever you are. I believe this is a trick. If not, show me the other Centaur." He said, his voice deep and at the moment a bit stormy. He snorted and stamped his hoof, tiny droplets of water splashing everywhere.
7:14pm Jan 15 2013
Posts: 541
Meliandra froze, knife outstretched, staring at the other female centaur. What was she doing, the outsider could be a threat, the last visitor had certainly been anything but mild. She still bore the scars of that battle, the knife in her hand had been the one to slit his throat. She let out a cry of mingled fury and challenge and straightened up, the wind catching her tail and whipping her hair around her face. Hopefully she looked impressive, hopefully whoever the stranger was this time, he would think twice before attacking.
7:19pm Jan 15 2013 (last edited on 7:22pm Jan 15 2013)
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi tilted her head. Other Centaur she didn't know if there was another centaur around. This was her spot and she always came here alone. "There is no other centaaaaa" She said confused at first before a female centaur ran out screaming scaring her enough to make her run for cover. She was extremely scared the only other centaur she knew was her brother and she couldn't smell him. He never came any where close to this area. He hated her so much she had a feeling he would rather kill her then be seen with her.
9:30pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 163
He looked unimpressed at the female centaur that had exploded from the bushes. "And you are?" He asked mildly. He glanced around for the other centaur, who he couldn't see. *That's to bad. I never even got her name* He thought to himself as he watched the new comer. His eyes flicked to her knife. Well she was prepared. He wondered if the two knew each other, but dismissed the idea.The other had run, so probably not.
10:12pm Jan 15 2013
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was in the tree lines hidden wanting to kick herself. It just proves how much of a coward she is there was someone going to attack and she ran. Kaze was right was all she could think, she couldn't believe what she had done but at least she dropped the canteen for him and she had left her lunch there if he was hungry he could just eat it. She would wait for them to leave before she would come out again.
3:02pm Jan 16 2013
Posts: 3,211
Kinran knelt in the soft moss, soft shafts of sunlight filtering down from through the canopy above.Leaning forward to forage through dried ferns he gently blew a stay strand of hair off his face, mumbling to him self as he checked each fern, searching for the perfect selection of leaves. Plucking a few and gently placing them in his brown leather satchel which was slung from his pale shoulders. Standing again he flicked his tail, mentally ticking ferns of his supply list. Kinran hoisted up his bag, ready to set off home, when he caught a strange sent on the wind. It was faint and muddled with the smells of the forest, yet the light musk was familiar. There were other centaurs out there, and defiantly more than one.
Snorting and shaking his head to clear it off the odd sents he set of in its direction, Heading for the distant tree line. Slowly the sents become stronger and easier to mentaly untangle, allowing Kinran to identify the new comers unique smell.
Kinran stopped suddenly, he was so distracted with the sents he didn't relies the young female a few trees in front of him. He pawed at the ground, pondering this new comer and what to do about her.
finally throwing caution to the wind Kinran brought him self up to full hight.
" hey, you!" he called out
4:49pm Jan 16 2013
Posts: 541
'I am Meliandra. Who are you, stranger?' She said, flatly, trying to intimidate him. 'What do you want here, the water alone, or the lands, like the other who have come before you. I *know* this place is not on a normal route, or even on most of the maps. So I ask again, what. Do. You. Want. Here.'
4:56pm Jan 16 2013
Normal User
Posts: 163
He smirked as she demanded an answer. Instead he asked one of his own. "And why would you want to know? Are you keeper of the land or something?" He laughed. "I am Demios, at your service." He bowed a bit and then straightened up. Demios turned to look back to where the other female had vanished. He picked up her water canteen and lunch, hoping he would see her again and could give them back. For now he threw it in the saddle bags he kept with him at all times.
5:50pm Jan 16 2013
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked startled as she looked at the new male that called out at her. "Yes?" She tried to shout back over to him slowly moving out so he could see her. She had no clue what to do or what he wanted but she thought it would be better if she just came out to him then to make him mad.