8:55pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"I don't...I don't understand...And....Rainbow unircons like pretty llama ping pong balls." She fell over, alseep. (( calyx fails so much. o.o ))
8:59pm Apr 19 2011
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"... um..." Meddie bent over to make sure she was okay. He thought about picking her up and taking her to her room, but decided against it.
9:00pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( LolFail. It'd be awkward if Homura found her asleep by teh blood thingie. xDD Tome skip? ))
9:03pm Apr 19 2011
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8:04am Apr 20 2011
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(( You post. xDD ))
5:30pm Apr 20 2011 (last edited on 5:33pm Apr 20 2011)
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((Fine >o)) The sound of birds had waken Homura up. A bit aggrivated, he headed down stairs to get a drink. On his way down, he found Mediano sprawled out on the couch. He laughed at the sight and continued on down to the cellar. He suddenly felt Calyx body heat where he was going. Unsure of what to do, he stood in the passage way leading to the cellar. What is she doing down there? Soon enough, he found out she was sleeping, as he attepmted to tackle her and bring her up stairs. Relieved he didn't have to attack, he quickly picked her up and set her on the couch next to Mediano. Homura's stomach growled, so he ran down stairs to feed himself. Mediano was sound asleep and really was no where near waking up.
8:03pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx groaned, blinking the grit out of her eyes. She let out a yawn, stretching her arms and hitting Meddie off of the couch. She rubbed her elbow, peering over the edge of the couch. "Why are you in my room?" She asked awkwardly, still half asleep. (( I had to go to the hospital. D; My dad had a fail. ))
3:34pm Apr 21 2011
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((aw, I hope he's okay D8)) Mediano woke up and yawned. At first, he had no idea what happen seconds before, then the sharp pain in the back of his head hit him. He grabbed his he and stumbled over things as he whined due to the pain. "I'm not in your room." He whined some more, "I... I'm in the living room..."
5:06pm Apr 21 2011
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(( He's good. :DD He keeps acting like a pirate. )) Calyx looked around. "I guess it is," She said, sitting up. "Hey, how'd you get on the floor?"
7:16pm Apr 22 2011
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If eyes could kill, he just brutally murdered Calyx. "What the hell do you think happened?!"
7:18pm Apr 22 2011
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Calyx shrunk back. "I dunno." She said. "You just....were on the floor. And I was....here...Why was I not in my bed?" she wondered.
7:28pm Apr 22 2011
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"Why don't you go and ask Homura?!" He walked off to find a more quite place where he could wake himself up properly.
7:29pm Apr 22 2011
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Calyx giggled. "Rock-raeper had a tantrum." She teased.
7:38pm Apr 22 2011
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Mediano had paid no attention to her. He snuggled himself in a little corner and fell asleep for 2 minutes. After two minutes, he stretched out his arms a yawned, all happy.
7:41pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx stared at him. "Well that was awkward. You stayed there for like, two minutes. Now your...less grumpy. Whats with that?" She asked. "And I know you know why I'm out here. Exxpplllaaaiiinnn."
7:53pm Apr 22 2011
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"I like to wake myself up and if you have a problem with it, you can talk to my fist!" He began walking in the direction where the cellar was, then turned around, "Last night, you fell asleep on the floor, I didn't bother taking you up to your room, so I left you there. Besides, why on earth would I lay you next to me on the couch?! Homura probably found you sleeping down there and put you up here."
7:58pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx shrugged. "That pretty much sums it up." She said. "Thank yew~"
7:18pm Apr 24 2011
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Mediano huffed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
7:30pm Apr 24 2011
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Calyx, being the lazy girl she is, ran up to her room and got dressed. She wore a regular tanktop and some jeans. She plopped down on the couch. "Where is Homura, anyway?" She asked.
7:33pm Apr 24 2011
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"I said he's down stairs."