7:48pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Is this during school or after school????))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:19pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 8:20pm Mar 12 2011)
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 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:21pm Mar 12 2011
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Posts: 657
(After school)
8:32pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 6:51pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Alrighty, thanks)) Cole walked through the halls, he skipped his last cla.ss becuase 'he wasn't in the mood to attend it.' Going to his locker, Cole tore off a peice of paper stating the prom that was coming up soon. "Whatever." He crumpled the paper, and threw it onto the floor, going into his locker a moment later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah opened her locker, taking out her books that she needed to bring home. She finally shut her locker, noticing a piece of paper on the wall across from her. "The prom...." she wispered to herself. When she finally took it all in, she smiled, and jumped up and down. "Yes, the prom, yay." She stopped when a teacher gave her a odd look, making her turn around ackwardly, and proceed to walk out of the building. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie trudged through the halls looking for her brother. I hope for his sake I don't find him. Unfortunately for him, she did find Cole who was at his locker, rummaging through his messy junk. "Oh Cole?" Kylie said in a singing like tone. He hesitantly looked to where the voice was coming from, and when he noticed it was his sister, he shut his locker and went in the opposite direction. "Whoah whoah whoah, where do you think your going mister, you skipped cla.ss AGAIN." Kylie crossed her arms over her chest to seem tougher, but it barely worked. "Uhh, got lost. Hey look, the prom's coming up." Kylie stopped glarring at her brother, and instead looked over at the wall where a single sheet of paper was resting. "The prom, I've been waiting for this for YEARS." Cole sighed in releif as his sister ignored the whole skipping thing.....for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas scolded himself after getting in trouble for being late for school, his little nap payed off for a few minutes, until he finally got to school and was lectured by his teacher. He heard girls around the school talking about the prom coming up, and he was a bit excited, even though he didn't have many girls to choose from, his eyes always seemed to almost 'scare' them away. He brushed it off for now, and went on with getting his things ready to go home.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:23pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 657
(I have a question....who should ask who? to the prom) Tess had been waiting for the prom for years. She always pictured it, finding that dress hat fit you just right, going with the boy you've always been crushing on, swaying just right onthe dance floor. Her only problem, no boys were likely to ask her to the prom. She wasn't in a relationship right now, meaning no one was for sure going to ask her, but might. She had been told she was pretty before, but it didn't count, because her mom had said it. She waited for her sister to stop talking to her friends, like always, but instead, she found her sister gaping at a prom poster on the wall in the hallway, she literally wasn't moving, was she breathing? "Lindi! What's your problem?" "The-the-prom!" Lindi said, her mouth was dry, she always knew it was coming, but she always pictured herself already in a relationship, with guys lining up to ask her to prom, it was the opposite of her fantasies, but then again, this is the real world, right? What should she do? Who's going to ask her? "Who do you think is going to ask you?" SHe asked her sister, maybe her sister was just as insecure as she was. Jake was walking down the hallway. Prom. He backed up, already? He ripped the piece fo paper of the wall and stared at it. He saw Lucas about to leave the building, "Lucas wait! Come here!" Austin could hear someone in the hallway yelling for lucas, who? He went to go find out, instead he found Cole and Kylie. "Hear about prom?" He asked the two of them. He thought about asking Kylie, but should he? He also could ask Hannah...
3:51pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Hmmm, let me make some up. Lucas is all sad and all from no sleep, so he needs someone to cheer him up/help him sleep...if thats possible, so mabye Tess for him, he can drive her to school or whatever in the morning so that she's not late. So Lindi can be with Cole, both are somewhat not as caring about school as their siblings, but are kind of opposites, can be fun. Hannah is more open and outgoing then Kylie, so you can pick who goes with those two, I don't really mind. Tell me what you think)) ((Imma post a reply now :p ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:56pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 657
(Sounds good Tess + Lucas Lindi + Cole Hannah + Jake Kylie + Austin That okay?)
3:57pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Yes, perfect. Imma write now :( this might take awhile))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
4:27pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 657
(Alright. I can wait)
4:32pm Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 4:35pm Mar 13 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Huh, that took awile, I was distracted)) Hannah then remembered the teacher telling her to give Lucas the paper he missed' for today. He was probably late from doing drugs, I swear he looks like he has issues. She trudged through the halls, looking in every direction for the one person that kept her from going home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie turned and smiled as Austin came into view, reminding her of the prom instintly made her smile. "Of course we heard, I can't wait." She stopped smiling when she rememebred not having a date to bring. "Uhh, well me and Cole are going to have to find someone to bring first, right Cole?" Kylie looked up at her brother who stilled seemed a bit hesitant to speak to his sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole glanced at his sister, then looked at Austin. "Well that's IF I go, it's so lame." Kylie punched Cole's shoulder, not really doing anything to Cole at all. "It's not lame, it's going to be fun, I'll force you to go." Kylie looked back at Austin. "Uh, are you going with anyone?" Cory rolled his eyes, wanting to leave as soon as possible so that he could go back to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas stopped walking as he heard a familiar voice behind him. When he turned, he noticed Jake right away. "Oh, hey Jake, have you heard about the prom too?" Lucas walked up to Jake as he waited for an answer.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
4:40pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 657
"Yeah, and I'm real excited about it." Jake said, sarcastically. "What about you? Who are you going to ask?" "I haven't asked anyone yet. I haven't decided who, yet. I'm deciding between two girls. What about you? Who do you want to ask you?" Austin said. Tess saw Lucas and jake chatting, she dragged her sister over to them. "Hey, prom's comin' up, huh?" (I have a question, should Austin ask Kylie instead of Hannah, since he's talking to her right now? I can edit the post above)
4:56pm Mar 13 2011 (last edited on 2:54pm Mar 17 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( Well it does say Kylie+Austin already, unless you just changed it :s , if not, sure )) Lucas shrugged and looked down at the ground. "Not to sure about that, but I was hoping to ask Tess, but I'm not very good at asking, let's just say I'm....bad at it." he smirked for the first time today as he looked up at Jake. "How about you, have anyone in mind?" Before Jake answered, Tess ran over with a smile on her face, her sister being dragged behind. "Oh yeah, can't wait" Lucas scratched the back of his head while smiling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie blushed, making sure to hide her face a moment later. "W-well I was hoping for uhhh, well this one guy to ask me, but 'm just going to see what happens, no need to jump to decisions yet." She looked back up, trying to smile in a genuine way without showing any sighns of ackwardness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole sighed, hoping to get Kylie's attention, but it didn't work, so he slowly slipped away, going into a different direction. She can take the bus home. He thought to himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah finally hear a voice she knew very well, she rounded a corner to see a small group of people consisting of Lucas, Jake,Tess and Lindi. She slowly walked up to them, trying to easdrop at the same time.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:11pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 657
(ohhh, right. Well I gtg I'll post later)
5:13pm Mar 13 2011
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Posts: 375
((Alright, cyaa then :D ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:48pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 657
"Well. I was going to ask---" Jake was cut off, he didn't want to say who in front of Lindi and Tess, since he wasn't going to ask either of them. He kept his mouth shut, he pictured Tess and Lucas at the prom together, they could make a cute couple. Would he and Hannah though? Austin smiled, he saw Cole sneak off. Perfect, he ahd Kylie all to himself. "What would you say if a guy named Austin asked to take you to prom." He blushed, but snapped out of it. "Need a ride home?" He asked her. Nodding in the direction her brother had went. Tess smiled at Lucas, he was the one she really wanted to ask her. I mean, look at him. Sure, sometimes he had bags under his eyes, from not enough sleep. That's not his fault though, and it make him look cute. His hair is at just the right length for him, and his eyes, his dreamy, dreamy eyes. "Tess!" Lindi said, she could see her sister drifting into dreamy land, but with which boy, Jake, or Lucas? Did Tess just bring her over here to be her wing girl? The guy she likes isn't even here. In fact, she had only seen him once today, she didn't even get to see his head, first it was shoved in his locker. Although, she hadn't seen him in cl*censored* like usual, he probable had his head stuffed in a book, so the teacher wouldn't call on him. Great diguise. But, cute too. Tess heard her sister call her name, she snapped out of her phase. "So, Lucas...Umm, erm how are you?" She spat out, blushing. She couldn't wipe her grin off her face.
12:16pm Mar 15 2011 (last edited on 7:02pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 375
Cole walked past his locker knowing that he didn't need anything in it at the time, and proceeded to go to the school's parking lot. After sitting down in his car, he stopped moving and thought deeply. What if she doesn't have the money, or....she gets hurt. Cole mentally scolded himself as he got out of the car, partially slamming it when he closed the door. He walked through the hallways, hoping to find her so that he wouldn't feel guilty for 'ditching' her any longer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie lightly bit her lip, and started to deeply blush. I didn't know Austin would ask me to the prom, he's so cute. She managed a small giggle and nodded her head. "Y-yeah, I would love to go with you, and..." she looked around, seeing that Cole was no where to be seen. "...yeah, a ride home would be nice, thanks Austin." She smiled, then followed him as he brought her to his car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah decided to stop easdropping, and instead walk straight up to Lucas, giving him the paper right away. "Stop being late for cla.ss Lucas, it's going to look bad on your record." Hannah tapped his nose and turned around, ready to leave, until she saw Jake, which made her stop. "Jake, hey." She gave a slight wave in his direction, followed by a smile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas took the paper and looked at it, sighing at how hard it looked. He ignored it for the time beeing, and looked back at Tess. " Hey Tess, how have you been doing? Are you excited for the prom?" Lucas smiled at how happy Tess looked, it made him feel happy, something that usual didn't come easily for him.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
3:24pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 657
"I'm very excited for the prom. Sort of. Only if the right guy asks me..." Tess trailed off, hoping he got the hint, that he was that guy she had been waiting for to ask her. Would he catch it, or think it's another guy? "What about you? Are you excited? Who ya gonna ask?" She smiled at him, blushing. Could she make it more obvious? She scolded herslef, try to play it cool, she thought to herself. "Oh, hey Hannah!" Jake smiled at Hannah, he left Lucas and Tess alone, well with Lindi, too. He walked over to Hannah. "How are you? I mean, excited for--for the prom!" He pointed at a prom poster nearby, they were everywhere! Austin smiled, "That's great. I'm never good at asking girls out. How'd I do?" He opened the car door for her, then went over to the driver's side of the car, and got in. He looked over at her. "Ready?" He started his car. "Want to come to my house? Or should i drop you off at your house?" Lindi decided to go find Cole, where was he? She saw him just strolling through the hallways. "Hey Cole!" She rushed over to him, she mentally scolded herself for leaving Tess alone with a boy, but it was worth it for being with Cole.
3:48pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas smiled. Okay, let's try this. "Okay, I'm real bad at this, but......I was going to ask this really pretty girl, she has long hair, peircing eyes, she looks exactly like you.....mabye you know her?" He scratched his chin to make it look like he was in deep thought, when truthfully, he was 100% sure he wanted to bring Tess to the prom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled, looking at the poster right away, then back at Jake. " Of course I'm excited for the prom, especially if the guy I want to bring says yes." Hannah batted her eyelashes and smiled up at Jake, partilly biting her lip ((one of her traits in confidence, and she can sometimes be flirtatious, just to let you know)). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole stopped walking, nearly giving up altogether. She's proabably gone, mabye she can call me later. He looked over to where he heard someone call his name, and noticed Lindi, a smirk came across his face a moment later. "Sup Lindi." He cautiously looked around, wondering if her sister was behind a corner sneaking up on them. "Uhhh, where's your sister?" he then looked down at her, he was pretty tall for his age, standing at about 6,1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie smiled, "You did great, very straight forward and to the point." she giggled. She followed him to his car and sat down, putting the seatbelt around her waist right away. "Uhh, well it's always boring at my house, Cole never hangs out with me much anymore, so..... yeah, I can hang out with you for awhile." I should call Cole later to let him no I'm alright, even though he did leave without saying anything. Kylie sighed and leaned back, getting a bit excited to go over to a guys house, something her brother never let's her do.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:28pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 657
"Hmmmm, Interesting. The only girl I know that fits that deion is...Me? Were you going to ask me, perhaps? If you were, I would have to say, YES!" Tess was very excited, but sort of embar*censored*ed, what if he meant some other girl? She would've really messed up then. She quickly added, "This whole time I've only been planning on saying yes to one guy. You fit that deion, you did fine!" "Ohh, would you like to let me know if that guy is right in front of you, making an idiot out of himself?" He hoped Hannah would want him to ask her, because during prom time, he was the only girl he'd been seeing. Did she feel the same way? It was really cute the way she was looking up at him right now. Please say yes, please yes, please say yes...Jake chanted in his head. "My sister?" Lindi was distracted when he asked about her sister, why would he want to know that? She was the one for him, not her!!! "What?" She had forgotten what he asked her, tehn remembered, "Right--ummm, She-she's over there with umm, that boy. Uhh, Lucas." She didn't remember anything once she looked up into Coles eyes. WAIT! Her sister! How could she have left her sister alone with Lucas!
7:18pm Mar 15 2011
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Posts: 375
Cole sighed in relief, Tess was almost always with Lindi, giving him no time to talk with her, and even though he hated the idea of a dance, she would be okay to bring to the prom if he HAD to go. "Alright, just wondering cause she's usually always with you, it's kind of suprising that your alone actually." He noticed she was kind of freaking out, her eyes wondering the hallway. "Are you okay?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A smile appeared on Lucus's face as she approved his offer. "Of course I was talking about you, I wouldn't ask anyone else." He lightly grabbed Tess, and hugged her. The action suprised himself more then anyone else, but he was happy he did, Tess made him happy, and no one else was able to do that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie slumped in the seat of the car, and slightly glanced over at Austin as he drove the car. Wow, he's a pro at driving. She smiled and looked forward again, watching the car's and people go by. "So....do you own any pets?" she asked, trying to make some small talk as they drove to his house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smirked and turned around. "Mabye, I have to think about it, I mean, why are you so different from all the other guys that might ask me?" She walked over to her locker which was only a few steps away, and opened it, getting some books out, but still keeping an eye on Jake.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*