1:55pm Mar 17 2011
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(( bump ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
11:45am Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 657
(Sorry...was gone on a trip from Thursday-Saturday) "Yeah, yeah. Fine, I just can't believe I'm leaving my sister alone with a boy. Oh, well." She gazed into his eyes, "Anything you wanted to ask me?" Lindi smiled hopefully, please please please be her, let her be the one he'll ask to prom! Tess felt Lucas reach out, and hug her. Tess surprised, this was abrupt. Although, it felt really nice to be in his nice, cozy arms. She wrapped her arms around him, in favor. She put ona huge grin. Could he be the one? He was so warm, and loving. Maybe he felt like this was love at first sight, also. He must feel strongly for her, but in a good way. She felt positive he was the only guy she wants to be hugging. "Actually, I do. I have a dog, he's a boder collie. What about you?" Austin was happy she had said something, he had been spending the last few minuted thinking of something to say, that won't make him look like an idiot in front of this girl. He smiled over at her. Jake followed her to her locker, "Let me get that for you." He helped her pull out an extra large Math book, then grabbed her pther books, and held them for her. "Maybe it's because you know you want to say yes."
12:36pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 375
((Oh that's alright, I hope you had fuun :D )) Cole scratched the back of his neck. "Uhh...." he scrutinized Lindi's face to see if he could guess. What would I ask? What's coming up- he cut off his own thought and spoke aloud. "Ohh, the prom, I almost forgot about that." he wispered the last part, feeling stupid for forgetting so soon. "Sorry, I'm not really into the whole dance thing, but for you, I'll go. I mean, if that's what you wanted to ask me. Wait, let me do this again..." Cole cleared his throught. "Do you want to go to the prom with moi?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas broke away from Tess, slightly blushing. "Sorry about that, but I'm really happy right now." he looked down at the ground, shuffling his feet a bit in nervousness. "So, do you know what colour dress your wearing? Or am I going to have to get you random coloured corsage." Lucas looked up with a small smirk on his face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well me and my brother both look after a female siberian husky, she's mostly mine though, he doesn't really take good care of her." Kylie rolled her eyes at the thought of her brother. She shifted a bit in her seat, looking back out the window as she leaned her head against the frame of the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled and shut her locker. " Huh, you have a point there. Fine, I'll go with you, and thanks by the way." she pointed to the books that he held in his hands. "By the way, how do you get home? Do you have a car?" Hannah leaned against her locker, looking up at Jake.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:23pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 657
(Yep!) "YES! I mean, of course I'll go with you, or moi. I mean you did fine. You already won me over." Lindi smiled, he was funny. She digs that. SHe breifly hugged him. "So, see you then?" She asked him, then headed off to her locker. "Well, I don't know yet. I was thinking white or blue, maybe green, what do you think? Maybe you could come dress shopping with me, if you want." Tess was thinking, she hadn't thought about what dress she would get. "Interesting. Maybe someday I'll meet your husky?" He looked over at her, then pulled into the drive way, and hopped out. He opened the car door for Kylie. "Yeah, I got my own car. Bought it myself. Need a ride? I can provide." Jake didn't try to rhyme, but he did, hope it didn't make him sound cheesy.
9:00pm Mar 20 2011
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Cole smiled as Lindi hugged him quickly, "Yeah, I'll see you then, I can't wait." Cole stopped smiling as he rememberd his sister, making sure to call her later on when he got home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas smiled. "Great idea, even though I'm sure you would look good in any dress, but I would love to go with you. Mabye I can get a tuxedo while we're there." This might be expensive, but worth it. Lucas thought as he talked about shopping, something he doesn't really do much of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie giggled as Austin opened the car door for her. "Why thank you." she proclaimed, getting out of the care carefully. She stood up and walked with him to his front door, waiting for him to open it. She looked up at at the house, "Nice house you got here." she smiled, finally looking back at Austin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah laughed at how the line worked into a rhyme. " Oh aren't you cute, and yes, I would love for you to drive me, taking the bus is such a hastle." She looked back at her books that he was holding, and walked next to him as they went to the parking lot of the school.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:15pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 657
"Sounds good. Then we can also pick out a tie that matches the dress." Tess smiled. "How about tomorrow?" "I know, right?" Austin knew she was just joking, he played along though. Jake opened the car door for her. "Hop in, Ma Lady!" (Fail post....sorry, Was hurrying)
9:27pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 375
((It's fine, happens to the best of us)) "Sounds great, I can't wait." Lucas scratched his arm in a nervous way, becoming a little shy for no real reason. "So, are you going to go check on your sister now, I mean, usually you two are together all the time." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie shook her head. "No really, it's nice." She looked at the door and put her hands on her hips. "Are you going to invite me in or not?" Kylie asked jokingly, looking at Austin, and waiting for an answer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled. "Thank you kind sir." she sat down and put her seatbelt on, noticing the interior of the car right away. "Wow, nice car." she ran her hand over the leather seats, feeling the quality right away. ((:s not really sure what to write for Cole now))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:09pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 657
(It's Okay) "Oh, right. My sister, Lindi. Now that you say something, I don't know. She went off in that direction, she said something about Cole. Maybe she went to go find him, she's been crushing on him. I need her for my ride home, so I hope I find her. Unless...You would like to give me a ride? Well, do you have a car?" Tess looked at Lucas, knowing, they would have a blast at prom. "Of course. Let me givce it a shot. Tell me how cheesy I sound." Austin clered his throat. "Now, Ma'lady, would you like to join me for a gathering inside?" He said it in a terrible British accent. "Yeah. Used to be my Brother's, then he bought another car, newer model. He let me take this one. I had to pay him some money, then it was sort of banged up, so I took it in, and got in repaired. Guess it was worth the money?" Jake asked. Lindi walked away from Cole, she looked back once, and smiled. She walked over to her locker, grabbed all her homework, she started to look around for her sister. Where could she be? I hope Lucas didn't give her a ride home, she thought. If her did, she'd be in SO much trouble. For riding with a guy without Mom's permission. She wouldn't have left yet, would she? This isn't that big of a school, how far away could she be?
5:45pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas nodded his head. "Yeah, in the school parking lot, I can drive you if that's fine with you of course, not the nicest car ever, but someting I can afford with my own money." He slowly started to walk out of the school, making sure Tess was beside him the whole time. " Why don't you have a licence hmm?" He glanced over at her, a smile present on his face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole smirked, walking away and heading to his car, finally going back home in the process. He looked at his phone, ready to call Kylie right when he got through his front door. I swear, she better not be with a guy, even though this is partially my fault. He shook his head slowly to get the thought of his head and payed attention to the road. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie put her hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh, she lowered it to talk a minute later. "Very cheesy, but in an adorable way. Thanks anyways, and good try." she kept a smile on her face as she stepped into his house, feeling refreshed right away. "Alright, I'm not joking, you have a nice house." She roamed the room with her eyes as she was in a completely new sorounding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah looked over at Jake and nodded. "Totally worth it, it's amazing." for a girl, Hannah liked car's a lot, something her father brought her up knowing many things about, other then that, the more girly girl things she likes comes from her mom. " So, are you dropping me off, or are we going to your house?" she glanced over at him, smiling in a seductive matter, sort of hoping she would have a chance to chill out somewhere out other then her own boring house.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
4:57pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 657
"Well, my parents said I couldn't get one until Lindni moved out, because until then, Lindi can take me wherever I need to go, so they won't let me even try to get my lisence. Me and Lindi both hate the set-up, but my parents seem to think it's best." Tess looked at Lucas, and sighed. She had always wanted to get her lisence. "Who cares if it's not that nice of a car? At least you have one!" "Thought so." Austin winked at her, while walking inside. "Well, it's not exactly my house, it's my parents. My mom usually stays at home for her work, but she's on a business trip right now, and my Dad has a job that pays pretty well." Austin just shrugged, it was no big deal. Who cared if you were poor, or rich? Or average? "Well, depends. Do you want me to take you to my house?" Jake was sort of worried, he knew his house was really messy right now, well at least his bedroom was. Maybe they won't go in his bedroom, maybe she won't care. "Because, I would be very happy if you did." He smiled. Lindi could've sworn that she had walked over the whole entire school. She couldn't find her sister anywhere! She finally gave up, hoping that she had her own ride home, not with a boy. I'll talk to her about this later. Maybe Mom will, that'd be a sight. She smirked at the thought, her sister never gets in trouble, just the way she is. Then again, maybe she wouldn't be able to go to prom, and that'd be too harsh! Lindi got into her own car, for once, alone. Not feeling the presence of ehr sister in the p*censored*enger seat, in it's own way it was nice.
5:16pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas kept walking, almost regretting asking the question right away. "Well that sucks, but you'll get one eventually, mabye I can teach you the basics one day." He walked into the parking lot, walking up to his 2005 Toyota Corolla. "Here it is, my own blood sweat and tears." he opened the p*censored*enger seat car door for Tess so she could hop it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yeah, sounds like a good thing, but you must get lonley sometimes." She pouted, smiling a second later. "Well if you ever are, just call me, I can visit whenever you want, as long as Cole doesn't catch me that is." Kylie took out her phone from her pocket a looked at it. "I should call Cole, one minute." She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. "Hello, yeah it's me.........mabye......uhh.......okay......at the most an hour, plea*censored*eee......YES thanks Cole, your awesome, love ya bro." Kylie hung up, looking at Austin with a smile on her face. "He actually said I could stay for an hour at the most, but that's rare, mabye he's in a good mood." Kylie shrugged. "So, do you wanna give me a grand tour?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before he got out of his car, Cole heard his phone ringing, answering it right away when he saw his sister's name. " Hey Kylie?........are you at a guy's house?........Is it Austin's, well if it is, then you can stay there for half an hour....... fine, an hour....love you too sis, bye." he hung up, suprised he even agreed for her to go. Wow, I guess I changed in a matter of minutes. Cole got out of his car, walking through the front door of his house, lying down on his bed. He flicked the television on, finally resting after a long day of school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled agian. "I was hoping you would ask, of course, I would love to." she sat up straight, getting a bit excited to go to a guy's house, even though she was sort of used to it, Jake was different, he was a nice guy, not to mention hot. "Let's go then." she smirked, looking at him as he started the car.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:15pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 657
"Well, don't worry about it! I'm sure I will, besides Lindi is a senior, so she'll be gone soon enough." Tess shrugged, like it was no big deal, sometimes she wished she had a driver lisence, but most of the time. She didn't care. She got into his car, "This isn't that bad, you know. Also, I would love it if you could teach me sometime!" She said, sweetly. It would be really fun for Lucas to help her. "Alright, glad you can stay." He looked at his watch, 3:15. "How about I drive you home at 4:15?" He smiled, this could be fun. "Well, I guess you're right, I do get lonely. Quite a bit actually, my older brother already moved out, to college. I'll be sure to call you, maybe tomorrow you can show me around your house? Today, I"ll show you mine." He walked into a room nearby. Lindi called her sister, and waited for her to pick up. "Hello? Hi Tess, it's me, Lindi. Oh, hi. Why are you calling me? I just wanted to know where you were, I didn't see you when I was getting ready to go home, and I looked everywhere, you should've told me you got a ride home, who gave you the ride home? Was it Austin? Well, yes I'm with Austin I just got into his car. Sorry. Is he taking you to our house, or his? I don't know, let you know later. Bye!" Lindi could hear the dial tone, she wasn't done talking! She knew her sister wouldn't answer if she call back, so she shut her phone, and drove home. "Alright Baby! Let's go." Jake said, pumped. "So, anywhere you wanna stop on the way?" He knew his house wasn't that big either, would she care? He doubted it. "Tomorrow, should we make plans to get a tux and dress?"
7:53pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 375
"Sounds like a date." he smiled, turning on the ignition, and driving off. "Your house right? I don't really know where you live, that's a good thing though." he chuckled, not wanting to seem like a stalker. In truth, he has never been to someone of the opposites sex's house, but it's not like he never tried. He drove stick shift, so paying attention to the road and car was his number one priority, even though Tess was sitting right noxt to him, and she was kind of distracting. ((In a good way of course)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole slowly started to drift asleep, he had his cellphone beside his bed just in case his mother called, she was working late, and his dad, well let's just say he's not in Cole, and Kylie's life anymore. He stretched, making sure to get comfortable before trying to doze off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yeah, sounds perfect." Kylie looked around, noticing it must have been the living room, the couches perfectly set up, and a fireplace was nestled in the corner of the room. "Wow, very romantic." she giggled, blushing at her own comment. She glanced over at Austin, smiling from the pure happiness she was experiencing. "I love it, it's so....homey." she said, not sure what word described it the best. ((I kind of made the room up, sorry if that sucked or whatever :p )) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah bit her lip. "Umm, yeah, no plans, and I need a dress, sounds like I can." She then thought about the places they might have a chance to stop at before going to his house. Mabye the video store, rent a movie, wait no, how about....we.. Hannah shook her head, not sure what to do. " I don't know, is there anywhere you wanna go?" she asked, looking at herself in the sideview mirror of the car, making sure her hair wasn't messy in any way.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:12pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 657
"Well, I would be very happy if it was a date." She smiled at him. "Yeah, sure my house is good. I'll tell you if you need to turn, right now you're on right road, I don't live that far from the school, I could probably walk, but I don't. "Tomorrow, we need to get our prom clothes. When we get to my house, what do you wanna do? Wait-Take a right here, and it's the first house right there." [I don't mind, couldn't have done better.] "You're right, I've never thought of it that way. I guess it can be 'homey', or romantic." He used her word, 'homey'. "Which do you want it to be?" He looked serious, but on the inside, he was nervous. "Well, not in particular. It's too early to eat. Want a movie? Or should we just go there? maybe ice cream?" Jake thought about this.
8:56pm Mar 22 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas listened, turning right, right away. He eventually went into her parking lot, making sure to answer the question before anything else. " Well I would do almost anything, but mabye we can......Wait, do you like cooking?" he wondered not randomly, but he was sure it would make a cute house date. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie stopped roaming the room with her eyes, and looked at Austin, a slight blush appearing on her face. "I-I would probably say..." she tried getting over her nerves, and smiled. "....romantic." she nearly wispered, still looking into Austin's eyes. Cole is going to kill me if he finds out about this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah thought about it. "Movie's, it's a great tension dissolver, most of the time I mean." she lowly giggled, thinking of what movie to watch. "But it matters what genre you like, are you more, horror, or romance, mabye even action." she said, trying to add emphases in each word.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:15pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 657
"Sometimes! Depends who I'm cooking for." Her mouth slightly smiled at the ends, "What do you like to eat? I can only cook a few things, but I like cooking them." She thought. "Wait. Uhhh, when should this be?" Maybe this summer, she thought to herself. Tess was already getting excited, even though it was a long ways away. "Ah, romantic. I was hoping you'd pick that. With my family it's homey, but with you it's definetly romantic. This may be too straight on for a first date, but.." His voice trailed off, not sure what to say next. He thought about it, then ended his sentence, not sure where he was taking teh conversation, love came over him. "What would you feel like doing here, in this romantic room? I got a few movies, a few romantic ones." Austin smiled, looking in her eyes, also. "Well, I like a wide variety of movies. Depends who I'm watching it with. I usually just watch whatever the person I'm watching it with wants to watch. You want to watch...?" He let her fill in the blank, there would be a reason to watch all three of those genres with Hannah. Horror-She might get scared, and he could probably make his first move. Romance-Well, they might be considered a couple now, and it might be nice to watch one with a girl friend, but he wasn't too mushy gushy about romance. Action-Would be exciting and fun for both of them. They all make a good point, he thought to himself.
9:23pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas chuckled, keeping his eyes on the steering wheel, not sure what to do at this point. "Well to tell the truth, I like Italian food, but if you choose otherwise, mabye we can do two things." He then cleared his throat to answer the next question. "And, we should probably do it after prom, I mean, it's kind of far, but we're both kinda busy for the next few days, unless you think of another option." he wasn't sure what to say, but managed a few decent sentences, hoping he didn't sound like he was hesitant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole jumped up from his sleep as he awoke from a nightmare, rubbing his head a second later. He looked toward the door when he heard his mother walk into the house, finally getting home from a long day of work. How is she going to take this...? he thought about Kylie, hoping his mom wouldn't get upset that she was at a boys house. Here goes nothing. Cole stood up, walking toward his door, and opening it, seeing his mother right away. "Hey mom." she turned to him and smiled. "Hey Cole, where's your sister?" Cole scratched his neck, getting ready to confess where she was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oh really, I love romance movies, but it has to be short, well unless I finish it another day, if I can come over again." she pouted at the thought of going home in fifty minutes, wishing her brother would let her do whatever she wanted. "But yeah, I'd like that." she regained her smile, not taking her eyes off of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oh you'll learn so much about me right now, I have to say, romance is sooo.....chick flicky, something I don't really like that much, but if it's good, I'll watch it. Umm, action, well that's always cool, I mean, I like it, but cars have to be involved for sure. Lastly horror, one of my favourites, you might think someone like me hates it, but it's one of my fav's." she shrugged, still smiling. "I guess it's up to both of us, which one's do you like? I can't pick and choose all by myself you know." even though she liked horror, the movies always scared her, but it made it that much more better.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:27pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 657
(Happy early Birthday!) "Actually, sounds good. I really love Italian food! What should I cook? You know we can decide that later. Wait, what do you mean? What two things?" SHe asked, curious. "Also, after prom sounds good." In her mind she had a lot going on, Lucas, school, Lucas, prom, Lucas, homework, Lucas, friends, cooking, also, did she metion, Lucas? "Maybe some other day, you could come over for a longer amount of time, because it's no fun to watch a movie one day, and finish it the next. Maybe sometime I could bring a movie to your house, maybe your brother would be less up-tight. Then again, it wouldn't be as private. As it is here." He sighed, he walked over to the loveseat couch. "Well, I've never been a guy for romance. Gotta admit that to you. So, looks like we're in agreement on that. Action- for me so-so. Horror is fine by me. I don't really know of too many action movies with cars in them. I say we get a horror?" Austin smiled, happy they were agreeing, and had something in common already. Lindi decided to make a stop on her way home. She wasn't sure where yet, she didn't want to be home without her sister, it'd just seem-weird, should she stop at Mom's work, and rat her out? Or stop at Cole's? She could never work up the nerve to go to Cole's, also it was an un-expected visit, what if he wasn't home, and his parents answered the door? That'd be too awkward.
6:14pm Mar 24 2011
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Posts: 375
"Woah, slow down, I'm only one person you know?" he chuckled. "And don't worry, we should cook together. Mabye we can make some original Italian stuff, you know like spaghetti or cannoli for desert, whatever I can try to mix up without burning it. The two thing, I was reffering to our interests of food, if you would rather have another type of food, we can always make two different kinds." he stopped talking, not wanting to confuse her even more. Lucas sighed as he took a small break from speaking. "Well I can't wait, looking forward to it already." he smiled again, looking at the garage in front of the parking lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sounds good, but....." Kylie walked over at sat next to him, leaning her head on the comfortable couch. "..my mom and brother are going to out this weekend for a few hours, mabye I can convince my mom to let you stay over, if not, them I might just have to sneak you in." Kylie giggled, she would have never thought about doing it before, but for Austin, it was worth it, and sneaking seems kind of fun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole took a deep breath in, then out. "Kylie is at her friends house at the moment, I'm going to pick her up in about...." he glanced down at his watch and looked back up at his mom. "..half an hour." His mother nodded, taking her coat off, and putting her bag down. "Oh, who's this friend, is she nice." Cole smiled nervously, "Uhh, well actually it's a guy, names Austin, but he's real nice, genuine even." His mom looked up at him with a hint of suprise in her ex pression. "A boy? Wow, never knew you would let her go to a boy's house, hopefully both of them are going to be good, and not do anything....bad." Cole stood still, feeling a bit ackward. "Yeahhh, well I'm going back in my room, I'll make sure to get her later." he walked back into his room and sat down on his bed. They better not be doing anything bad. Cole grabbed his cellphone and dialed a number, hoping the person would answer. Come on Lindi, answer the phone. he shook his leg as he waited, hearing the phone ring on the other line, wondering if she would answer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah gave a slight nod in Jake's direction. "Sounds like a plan." she said, feeling anxious right away. "I hope I'm not being a hastle, I mean, if you were planning on doing something before I came to your house, I can always hang out with you another time." Hannah sighed, trying to seem a bit more sad then she actually was, but she thought Jake was cute when he was put on the spot.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
10:23am Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 657
"Alright. Well, actually Italian is my favorite type of food. I guess, maybe we could do Chinese too. That's my second favorite. Come in?" She asked, noticing she hadn't invited him inside her house yet. She smiled back, "As am I." She walked over to her front door, unlocked it with a key. Then went inside, she waited for Lucas. "Tomorrow, we need to go prom shopping, agree?" "Ooh." Austin cooed, "You're one of them bad girls?" He teased her. "Well, okay. Let me know sometime, I'm pretty much available anytime." He held her hand, he would do anything for her. They hadn't been really with eachother before, talking. They weren't exactly in a relationship yet, that would probably change at prom. If she said yes, which it seems like she would since she's willing to sneak me into her house. This could be an interesting relationship, very fun though. Lindi heard her phone ring, she looked at the caller I.D. it was Cole, yes! She was going to call him, but couldn't work up the nerve, instead he had called her. She pressed the green talk button. "Helloo Cole." "Hastle? What! No." Although he was going to go to the library and study for finals coming up, but Hannah, oh Hannah. He couldn't do that to her. He was worried, but didn't show his worry, instead he smiled. Study, Hannah, study, Hannah. He knew what was right, and he knew it was at the top of priority list. But, he went against it. "I had no plans at all. Just you and me."