2:37pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas instintly nodded, knowing that he had no real plans for tomorrow. "Agree a hundred percent. Thanks." he walked in the house, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. "Are your parents home?" Lucas looked over at Tess, hoping she didn't think the question had anything to do with him wanting to be alone with her, even though he woulnd't mind that at all. He took the second to look around, liking how her house was nice and secure, having some picture on the wall of Tess and her sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie looked down and bit her lip lightly as she blushed, the physical contact causing it, although she didn't mind. " Alright." she nearly wispered. She looked over at the fireplace, feeling the heat radiate off of it, making her feel warm. Kylie then looked back at Austin, smilng slightly as she thought about how awesome he was, not to mention cute. The thought made her face become pink once again. "So, is there anything we can do within half an hour?" she sort of regretted asking the question due to how bad it sounded, but kept a straight face, hoping he wouldn't notice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole leaned back on his bed, resting one arm behind his head. "Hey you." he smiled, happy she answered the phone. "Are you busy right now, cause I was wondering...." he switched the phone to his other hand. "...mabye we should do something, you know, keep up occupied, it's real boring here right now." he sat up straight, wondering what she would say next. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah looked over at Jake and smirked, thinking that he was really sweet and handsome of course. "Alright, just checking." she noticed a video store not far from the side of the road, making her heartbeat race for some unknown reason. Mabye it was caused my Jake himself, or just being around him made her fell nervous, in a good way of course. "Huh, we're here." she managed to say, not really sure how else to repond at the moment.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
8:59pm Mar 26 2011
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"Nope. Went out on a trip to Hawaii, won't be back for a month. Although, my sister Lindi will be coming home. But, she usually stays in her room. But probably won't be happy with me being alone with a boy." Tess said. She was wondering why Lindi wasn't home yet. "Should I turn on the fireplace?" He smiled, and walked over to turn it on, making it both toasty in the room, and even more romantic, maybe they could make a romance movie of their own, although not filmed, and only a half an hour in this room. He gazed at her with loving eyes. "Actually, that sounds perfect! I'd have to let my sister know. So she doesn't wonder where I am. I've been bored, too. Should I come to your house?" Lindi said, excited he read her mind, he had the same idea as her. "Right." Jake got out of the car after parking it, and walked over to the p*censored*enger side, and opened the door for Hannah. "Know any good horror movies?"
12:42pm Mar 27 2011
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4:22pm Mar 27 2011
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(( Sorry I was out today, Imma post ASAP ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:07pm Mar 27 2011 (last edited on 11:03pm Mar 27 2011)
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Posts: 375
"Hawaii huh? Sounds amazing." Lucas then wondered where her sister would be, it is after school, where alse would she go other then home? He couldn't say much though due to the fact that he was at another person's house. "And warm." the temperature outside was a bit more chilly then usual, so the thought of a place like Hawaii seemed nice. "Have you been out of the country before?" Lucas asked as he once in awhile inspected the house, liking it right away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole smiled, getting up from his bed and looking out his bedroom window to look at nothing in particular. "Yeah, sounds good, that's IF you don't mind my mom being here though." he rolled his eyes, for awhile now he's been wanting to move out, but because he isn't 18 yet, he can't. "You know where I live right?" Cole went over to his computer desk and sat down, resting his head on his open hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie felt warm right away, getting a bit heated, and not only because of the fire. "Yeah, thanks, much better." she smiled, but stopped when Austin looked at her with a strong gaze. "Thanks for letting me come over." she wispered, noticing the small proximity between the two of them. This would have been a great kissing moment, but she was scared to do anything, she had never kissed anyone before, and the thought of doing it almost worried her, but with Austin, it seemed....right. "I really appreciate it." she finally said, finishing the sentence completely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah slowly stood up, standing out of the way of the door so that it wouldn't hit her as it was closed. "Thanks, umm, well there are a few...." she walked into the store next to Jake, thinking of some new titles. "...there is The Cabin in the Woods, looks okay, oh wait." Hannah turned and walked backwards, making sure to face Jake. "How about Paranormal Activity 2, I haven't watched that yet." she smiled, waiting for a responce, at the same time, making sure not to fall backward as she walked.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:36pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 5:36pm Mar 30 2011)
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(it's fine, sorry I haven't posted in a while, been real busy!) "Yeah, wish I could be there with my parents, but that would mean missing prom, and not being with you. Out of the country? Well, once when I was really little emy parents, me and my sister went to the Bahamas, but I was so little I don't remember any of it. If that still counts!" Tess half laughed to herself. "No, I don't mind. Better than my house where my sister is, and maybe even Lucas. Isn't your house on 64th street? Oh, wait I remember, my mom brought me by your house one time when I was little. Be there in a bit, bye!" She hung up her phone, and started driving to his house, then she remembered she had to call her sister, she dialed her number, "Hello? Oh, Hi. It's me, Lindi. I'm going to Cole's house, so I won't be there. That's okay, Lucas is over here to keep me company, have fun! Wait! Cole asked you to the prom? Or, why are you going to his house? You too! Yes, he asked me, and now I'm going to his house, and I'm guessing you're going with Lucas? Yep, see you then. Bye! Bye." Lindi hung up her phone. "No, no. My pleasure." Austin smiled warmly at her, and put his arm around her, scooching her closer, even though she was already pretty close. He had only kissed a girl once before, and that his mom, if that even counted. In his book, it didn't. Now, would be the perfect shot to kiss her, but in his mind there was a debate going on, should I? Or no? Finially, after silence between them, he did. He leaned forward, he tilted his head, so their noses wouldn't bang together, had she kissd anyone before? His lips met with hers in 3...2...1. He was kissing a girl, really kissing her. He reached his other arm around her, into a hug, then drew away. His eyes sparkling with delight. "Perfect." Jake grabbed the case, and headed over to the counter. "Need anything else?" He handed the guy the DVD, then paid him enough to rent the movie for one night. He walked back to the door, waiting for a response.
7:38pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 7:41pm Mar 30 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( No biggy deal at all, as long as you don't leave it to die, then it's fine )) Lucas took another small step into Tess's house, feeling warmer right away. "Wow, sounds like fun." he continued to look around, noticing family pictures on the walls, making him a bit sad, but played it off. "Um, so, what should we do? Do you have anything we can do around here?" he glanced over at Tess, a smile on his face every time he was around her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole smirked and hung up as well, walking straight into the living room of his house. "Hey, ma?" she turned and looked up at her son, smiling once she noticed him. "Yes sweety?" Cole rolled his eyes, but ignored the name for the sake of the conversation. "Lindi' is coming over, please don't do or say anything embaressing." he put his hands together in a pray like position. His mom giggled. "Ohh, a girl, well I'll try not to. Do you want me to leave so you can be alone?" Cole shook his head, wanting desperatly to roll his eyes agian, but managed not to. "No, it's fine, I have to go pick up Kylie kind of soon anyways, and we're just hanging out, that's it." he folded his arms over his chest, wanting the conversation to end as soon as possible. "Okay, I'll be here if you need me." Cole nodded, and returned back on his room to change clothes, and partially fix his hair which was messed up from his previous nap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah put a finger on her chin and thought. "Ummm, nope, I don't think so, unless you want something. If not, we can finally go to your house." she smiled, winking at Jake at the end of the sentence. Hannah walked over to Jake's car, standing next to the pa.ssenger door for him to unlock it. "Do you have some popcorn at home?" she asked, following him with her eyes as he walked up to the car as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie was a little caught off gaurd when Austin kissed her, but she went along with it, not really sure how to react. When they stopped, she smiled and looked down at her hands, blushing once again. " Out off all the people I could have had my first kiss with..." she finally looked up into Austin's eyes, they always captivated her every time she saw them. "..I'm glad it was with you." Kylie smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, making her face flush right away. I wish this moment would last forever.... she thought, remembering that she would have to leave soon.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:20pm Apr 2 2011
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"Well, we have board games, some wii games. We could watch a movie. We could go on the computer. There might be other stuff, but thats mainly it, unless you're up for ping pong, I got a ping pong table in the basement." Tess listed off some of the activities at her house. Lindi arrived at Cole's house. She sighed with happiness, she was a boys house, and it wasn't for homework purposes. She stopped before ringing the doorbell, she peered inside. It looked so inviting, even from the outside, it looked like a house in a magazine, or in a movie. She rang the doorbell, waiting for Cole. Jake unlocked the car, "Tons. Butter, or kettle corn? We can put m&ms in if you want." he got inside his car. He turned on the car and drove out of the parking spot. A few minutes later, they arrived at his house, he got out, making sure to open her car door for her, when they got inside he's get some popcorn popping right away. "I'm glad it was too." he smiled, and stroked her face, brushing her hair behind her ears. "Wait, this was your first kiss? Mine too. Well, you sure are good at kissing." He didn't want to get rid of the romance going on between them, but that had to be mentioned. He scratched his head, and went in for more, this time it lasted a little bit longer.
5:49pm Apr 2 2011
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Lucas thought about all the options, not really sure what to choose. "How about we do different things, but we can play some ping pong, never played in awhile, so don't go hard on me." he smiled, hoping he wouldn't get his butt kicked by a pretty girl. "Is that alright?" he asked, not wantint to do something she wouldn't want to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole heard someone at the door, knowing right away that it was Lindi. He checked his hair and breath for another second before heading for the front door, opening it to see Lindi. He leaned against the door frame and smiled. "Hey, welcome to my crib, come on in." he moved out of the way and stepped into his house, making sure his mom stayed in the living room the whole time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mmmm, popcorn." Hannah stepped into the kitchen, smelling popcorn right away, making her mouth water. She looked over at Jake, seeing that he had the movie in his hand, and back at the microwave. She then walked up to him, trying her best not to smile too much, the act seeming a bit creepy after doing for a long time. "Jake, were can I put my sweater?" she took off the sweater that was on her the whole time, and slung in nicely over her shoulder, showing off her low cut shirt, and small body. Hannah then looked around the room, not wanting to throw the artical of clothing anywhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After another full blown kissing session, Kylie broke away, trying to breath. " Wow, you really know what your doing." she smiled, giving him another quick peck on the lips. " I'm suprised it's your first too." She managed to get closer to him on the couch, if that's even possible, and looked into his eyes. "Does this mean....we're official?" she said in a low tone. I've never had a boyfriend before. she mentally giggled at the thought, becoming excited.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:14pm Apr 2 2011
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"Yeah, perfect! I love ping pong! And don't worry, I'll go easy on you." She smiled, and headed toward the basement, she took out two paddles, and a ping pong ball. She walked to one side of the table, and gave him a paddle. Tess got in a starting position to serve. "Ooh! I likey likey!" Lindi walked inside the house, she slightly blushed, and almost gigled, he was so cute and funny. "Watcha got to do, here at this crib of yours?" She really did like his house, she followed him into another room. "Well, I'll take that for you." Jake grabbed her sweater off her arms, and hung it on the stairs. He grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave, and popped the movie into the DVD player. He settled in on the couch. "Yes. Yes it does." He smiled at her, a girlfriend? This day gets better and better! He wrapped his arms around, and blushed, he slightly picked her up, setting her on his lap. "Comfy?" He asked her.
7:05pm Apr 2 2011 (last edited on 7:06pm Apr 2 2011)
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Lucas grinned, standing in a ready like position, waiting for the ball to come at him. He held the pattle securly in his right hand as he waited, not wanting to look like a complete loser. When she served though, he wasn't ready....or he just wasn't expecting it, and it flew right pa.ssed him. "Hey, not fair." he said, trying to be serious, but chuckled mid sentence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, we can go in the jacuzzi, it's perfect weather, but you probably weren't expecting that, so you don't have a bathing suit. Or we can...." Cole looked around, trying to think of something quickly. "...always play some video games, or something." he scratched his head, feeling a bit ackward. "Sorry, I didn't really think this through, as you can probably tell." he smiled, hoping she wouldn't think he was a hastle, or anything a.ssosiated with that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Thanks." Hannah walked over to the couch next to Jake, not wanting to get too close, but not far either. She grabbed a pillow and held it in her lap, just in case she needed something to hide behind. "I think I'm ready." she said in a off tone, not sure if she was ready to be scared to death. "If your ever scared, let me know." she smiled, knowing she would probably be the one who would be scard instead of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie looked down at her legs, trying to hide her blush. When she looked back up she smirked. "Very." she answered, telling the truth, Austin was warm, adding that with the fire made her feel a little too hot. She slowly slipped out of her over-shirt, and nuzzled up against Austin, sighing as she heard his heart beat right next to her ear. "I didn't expect this to happen when I came over here, but I'm glad it did." Kylie closed her eyes, still listening to the beat of his heart, smiling as she noticed it was a bit faster then usual.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
7:23pm Apr 2 2011
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Posts: 657
"Didn't you see it coming?" She asked, smiling. She felt defensive, like she was going to hard on him. She immedietly went into competition mode, ready for fun, and laughs. "I'll let you serve this time!" She laughed with him. This would be a fun day. "Well. I have my bathing suit in my car, along with a towel, and all that stuff. Just so I'm always ready and prepared! I'll go out and get it." She ran out, and got her bathing suit, she went back into the house. "Should I change in this bathroom? Or where?" She asked, she hadn't been in a jacuzzi for a long time, and was happy she'd be in one with a boy, Cole. Who she really liked. "Don't worry. I will let you know." He smiled, knowing she meant otherwise, if she got scared though, he could always comfort her, that was one reason why he wanted to watch a horror movie with a girl. "Great." He smiled at her. He noticed she took off her over shirt, leaving her undershirt, which happened to have a low cut to it. He could feel his heart beating faster, and wrapped his arms around her, noticing he still had on a sweatshirt, which he took off, he had a short sleeve shirt on underneath, which showed off his very well defined muscles.
8:45pm Apr 2 2011 (last edited on 1:42pm Apr 3 2011)
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Posts: 375
"Alright." Lucas went over to where the ball landed, and picked it up, getting ready to play a second later. He lightly threw it up in the air and hit it, making sure not to whip it too hard, not wanting it to hit Tess in the process. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wow, how convenient, and...." Cole walked over to the nearest washroom, gesturing toward it. "...this washroom's fine, I'll meet you out back, it's just down the hall and out the door." He walked to his room, pulling out one of his several bathing suits. Cole tightened it around his waist, noticing the camo desighn as something of a favourite to him, and glanced at his stomach, seeing the partial abs he was starting to get, and that he was working hard at recently. He walked out to the back, opening the jacuzzi, and setting the temperature so that it wasn't too hot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled, and looked back at the screen, the beggining was never really scary in horror movies, more like the middle and end. She tood a small bit of popcorn and ate it, enjoying it while it lasted, when the scary parts come around, her apetite would probably decrease. She snuggled up to the pillow as it became darker, the movie seeming to adjust to the room's atmosphere. Hannah brought the pillow up to her face, not wanting something to pop out and make her jump. She managed to get a bit closer to Jake, trying to snuggle with anything around her to take away the creepy-ness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie's eyes widened as he took off his sweatshirt to get more comfortable, noticing his built physique. She timidly used her finger to trace the outlines of his arms, noticing more that he was in shape. She desperatly wanted to touch his stomach, wondering if he had well toned abs. "Do you work out, or are you naturally like this?" she asked, still glancing from his face to his arms, smirking the whole time, likeing how he took care of himself. (( Rescreatu people's, don't worry, I aint going to make Kylie do anything inapropriate. Alright, just saying that cause it's getting real heated real fast :p, and I don't wanna be banned. ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:10pm Apr 3 2011
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Posts: 657
(if you want to, you can check out my links in my signature, me and iceheart46 made them...) Tess saw the ball coming towards her, normally she'd whack it acroos the table, but right now this was Lucas, so she lightly tapped it, just enough to make it over the net. She wanted to go easy on lucas, but not too easy, that'd be stupid, but since he's an amature and she's attracted to him she didn't hit it hard. "Is this good for you?" She asked him. Lindi was in the bathroom, changing. She had on her bikini, it was light blue, and white striped. She chose this one over her lime green flowery one-piece she had for swim team. This was with a boy, in a jacuzzi. She didn't want to wear some one piece. SHe pulled it on, looked at herself in the mirror, then headed out to him, she put her other clothes in a bag and set it on the couch. Jake noticed Hannah put the pillow in front of her face, he felt the same, it just seemed like something creepy would pop out, but since he was with a girl he kept those feelings in, instead he wrapped his arm around Hannah comforting her, and him. "Well..." He wasn't what to say. "Every once in a while I get to the gym. At the present it's been a few weeks since I've been there. I guess I still got it? Wanna give 'em a pinch? Let me know if I've still got my abs? Used to have a six-pack. If I still got it, wanna see?" He was very surprised he was saying this, but Kylie came over him, and he just felt love speaking for himself.
9:34pm Apr 3 2011
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Posts: 375
((Oh coolios, I made an account already :D Looks awesome)) Lucas hit it back with ease, noticing she was going a little soft on him. "You know I can hold my own, you don't have to go that easy on me, unless you play like this all the time." he smirked, knowing she would probaby be way better if she really tried. Lucas has played when he was younger, but he was a bit rough due to the time that had alapsed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole turned when he heard the door open, smiling right away. " Are you ready? This jacuzzi's pretty hot." he noticed her bathing suit, not wanting to stare or anything, but she wore it really well. " Do you think you can handle it?" he smirked, standing in front of the now ready jacuzzi. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah was a bit tense, that was until Jake put his arm around her, the act making her smile. She leaned closer toward him so her head was nearly resting on his shoulder. She was half loving the moment, and half being scared, not sure which over powered what. Hannah all of a sudden jumped when something popped up on the television, causing her to bury her face in Jake's arm. "Tell me when it's over." she said in a sarcastic tone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie blushed, not sure what to do at first, her mind telling her no, when her heart said yes. Without saying anything, Kylie lightly ran her hand over his stomach, smirking to herself when she felt his abs. "Yeah, you still got them." she said, giggling at the end of the sentence, her usual immature personality coming out at a random moment. "Mabye I can come with you next time you work out, we can lift some wieghts together." She looked down at her watch and noticed her time was up, but she didn't want to leave. She hoped Cole would forget a bit longer that she was at Austin's house.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:28pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 657
(Wow, thanks!) "Alright then." Tess had noticed she was going quite easy on him when he hit it back with ease, so she took it up a notch. She knocked it back to him just a little harder. "Better? Or would you like me to go harder?" She asked. She wasn't sure what his level of skill was, and wanted to match it, so it was even between the two of them. "Puh-lease. You don't think I can sit in here?" Lindi walked over to him, and noticed he was wearing his swimming suit, and no shirt on either. She knew this was a stupid comment in her head, but she couldn't help but notice he had a start of some abs in there. She got in teh jacuzzi, "Ah, relaxing. Comin' in?" Jake noticed Hannah getting closer and closer each time something popped up in the movie, then she would bury her face in his arm, it was adorable, she was adorable. He held her hand with his hand that wasn't currently resting on her shoulder. "That's great." He lifted up his shirt a tad, to show the abs, he smiled then pulled it back down. "Well, I would love that. You sure you want to lift weights though?" Normally girls usually prefered other types of excercise, he'd be glad if she watched him. He flexed, then noticed she looked at her watch. "Time's up, huh?" She was only there for an hour, but it felt like five minutes, he never wanted her to leave. She made him smile, she was his first kiss, first girlfriend. He loved her.
5:49pm Apr 4 2011 (last edited on 5:51pm Apr 4 2011)
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Posts: 375
Lucas smirked, hitting it back, but noticing it was a bit harder to hit then before." Almost there, just a bit...." he hit the ball back again. "....harder." he answered, keeping his eyes on the ball even though he desperatly wanted to look at Tess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole scoffed. "Course." he gently got in, not wanting to slip and embaress himslef. He leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. " Are you thirsty in any way?" he asked, knowing that there was a small fridge next to the jacuzzi. He looked up at the sunny sky, basking in the warm sun, enjoying the moment as much as he could. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah looked back at the screen when he held her hand, making her feel better right away. "You wouldn't let anything attack me would you?" she said, giggling a bit until something else jumped out, making her scared once more. Hannah glanced up at Jake and smiled, not really taking it all in that she was with him until now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie sighed, almost regretting glancing at her watch. "Y-yeah, but I don't wanna go. Mabye he'll forget." she said, wanting it to be true. "Let me call and see." Without moving, Kylie took out her cellphone and dialed her home phone number, praying her mom would answer. "Yeah, hey mom." she cheered in her head, and proceeded to talk. "Listen, I'm still at-" she sat up normally, not leaving Austin's lap. "Okay, yeah I understand, bye." Kylie looked over at Austin as she hung up, not really showing much emotion at first. "Cole has a girl over at the house, so....." she leaned in closer to him and wispered. "....I can stay or a bit longer." she smlied, happy that she got to spend time with her new boyfriend. "What should we do with the extra time?"
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:03pm Apr 4 2011
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Posts: 657
"Alright, then." She once again hit it back a step further as his request. "Perfect?" She asked, hoping it was. She got it drilled in her mind, so she would make it stay that way. Tess smiled, she could tell he was comcentrating, she was trying to too, but her eyes kept going back to him. "Well. Yeah, I guess. Got anything fizzy?" She didn't know why, but she was it teh mood for something fizzy, or bubbly. Cole had that effect on her. She leaned against a jet, which was m*censored*aging her back. She breathed a sigh of relief, and rested her head. She was on the opposite side of him, so she half swam, half walked over to him, and leaned against him, she had noticed that this action had made her top fall a little, when she noticed, she blushed, and pulled it back up. "Course not. Do I look like that kind of guy?" He made an evil face, to show he was kidding, and joking around. Jake felt free around Hannah. Soon, they'd probably have to take it to the next step. "Hmm, we're left with an extra block of time. Well, do you want to continue where we left off, or do something else? Totally up to you, although I don't know what else there is to do... I could probably think of something, though." He knew in his mind that he wanted to continue where they left off, but if she didn't they could have fun with other stuff, too.
6:28pm Apr 4 2011 (last edited on 6:29pm Apr 4 2011)
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Posts: 375
Lucas nodded, still looking at the ball. "Yeah, perfect." he looked at her, or tried to look at her when saying it, but nearly made the ball fall onto the floor. After a few more hits, his rythem went a little off, making him miss his last hit, the ball hitting the floor a moment later. " Now we got ourselves a game." he said, looking at Tess and smiling. He went to where the ball landed, and picked it up. Before serving once again, Lucas smirked, loving every second he got to spend with Tess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole nodded, leaning over slightly to grab two cans of pop. When he went back to sit down, he noticed Lindi had come closer, real close actually, making him smirk. He noticed her top slightly fall, but didn't say anything other then smile as she blushed at the action. "Here you go." he said, pa.ssing it lightly to her. He opened his and took a sip, resting on the side of the jacuzzi so that he didn't have to hold it. "Beautiful day isn't it." Cole wispered, talking in Lindi's ear, and smiling the whole time. In truth though, he thought she was more beautiful, but saying that would be too cheesy, and he was to chicken to say it. He leaned toward her, not wanting to make it seem as though he didn't want to her be next to him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah laughed, ignoring the movie alltogether. "Ohhh, your very scary." she said in a low tone of voice. She took her fingers and crawled it up his arm to try and act like a spider, or something a.ssociated with it. "How about me, do I scare you at all, I can be very...... scary when I want to be." she said, leaning a bit closer to him, but more in a teasing way then anything else. Her other hand was unable to use due to Jake holding it, but she didn't mind at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That's a hard choice, I gotta think about it for a little while." she said, putting a finger on her jaw to make it look like she was thinking. Eventually, she looked back at Austin with a smile on her face, leaning in to give him a small kiss. "I guess we both have to decide then. I mean, I don't think there's anything in this house that can top this." Kylie was trying not to blush, but the conversation was way out of her element.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:42pm Apr 9 2011
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Posts: 375
((AHHH bump ))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*