9:33pm Apr 9 2011
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Tess smiled at Lucas, and watched him re-serve it. They hit it back and forth a few times, then she missed it! She picked up the ball, and held it in her hand. "You are distracting!" Se meant this in a kidding tone, she hoped it came across that way, although he was distracting, but with his beauty, that was the distracting part. That she couldn't look at him, and had to keep her eyes on the ball. Lindi took her drink from Cole, and took a sip, then set it on the side of the jacuzzi, as he did. She could feel their bodies touching, and it felt like some sort of prickly tingly feeling everywhere they were touching, she rested her head on his shoulder. "It really is." "Yes." Jake touched her nose, ever so slightly with his index finger. "You, are my worst nightmare." He said, in a scary tone. Just then some scary music appeared on the movie, as if to prove his point, something popped out. It even made him jump a little, he blushed at the act, but quickly recovered. He smiled at her kiss, she was right. This was better than anything in the world. She was better than anything in the world. "Let's take this over to the couch." Austin knew they wouldn't go further than kissing, but he didn't want to stand. He walked over there, and sat down, in an easily accessible way. He reached his arm on the couch, where she'd be sitting, unless she got on his lap again. It had felt nice with another person with him, resting on him, her warmth, her touch.
1:53pm Apr 10 2011
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Lucas smirked at the comment that she had made, not knowing if she was serious or not. "Yeah, I can say the same for you." he said, smiling while he lightly hit the ball back as she served it. "What's the winning score?" He hit the ball once again, knowing that both had a point, which ended up a tie. "And, what happens when one wins?" Lucas smirked agian, thinking of some possible things he could ask for if he did win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole sighed, leaning his head on her's, looking at the sky as it started to get a bit dimmer, signifying that the night was near. Then, Cole remembered...Kylie, shoot. He closed his eyes and mentally scolded himself, not sure what to do know, either stay here, or get his sister. Just a little longer, then I'll go. He relaxed a bit, knowing if anything happened, his mother could always get her. "Are you any good at dancing? Cause I'm not really good at it." he chuckled, trying to start a small conversation. He didn't really think about the dancing itself at the prom, he would probably have to ask his sister for help, she did take dancing lessons after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah also partially jumped at the movie as something popped out, making her giggle as she also saw Jake do the same. "I can sure pick a good movie huh?" she looked back at the screen, still a bit curious of what was going to happen. She grabbed a little bit of popcorn, eating them individually as she watched everything that went on. Hannah would occasioanly glance at Jake in the corner of her eye, making her smile instintly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie slightly giggled, walking over to the couch and snuggling up against Austin, wrapping her arms around his torso. She loved the feeling she had with him, only recently had she felt the warm feeling in her heart that ached for him, the tightening of her heart when she kissed him. I can't be falling in love with him already.......can I? She was almost scared to think about it, but it also kind of made her excited.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:12pm Apr 12 2011
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"Hmm, let's see. How about the first person to five points wins. Also, if you win. I"m not sure. Do you have any ideas?" Right now Tess's mind was blank, she couldn't come up with anything for what the winner would get. She hoped he could. SHe smiled, hoping that he meant what she had said in a good way, that's how she meant it towards him. "Well. I'm not sure if you would consider me a good dancer. But, I don't look like an idiot. If that's a good enough answer for you." Lindi thought about this, when she ahd always dreamt of going to prom, she thought of the romance with the perfect boy, the fun, the laughs, never dancing. "You sure can!" Jake smiled at Hannah, but noticed she went back to watching the movie. He decided to, too. Every once in a while he would catch her glancing at him. He grinned, widely, most likely making him look like a huge nerd. He didn't care, because he was witha girl he really liked. Austin smiled when he felt Kylie's presence once again resting on him, her breathing on him. He brushed the hair that was falling down into her face away. She was so beautiful. "Kylie." he paused through nerves, he filled the silence by lightly kissing her on the forehead. "This may sound crazy." He paused again. "But.. I think I'm falling in love with you."
5:53pm Apr 12 2011
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Posts: 375
"Well if I win........." Lucas contemplated over it, thinking of what to do. In his mind, he wanted to say 'I get to kiss you' but that was a little far fetched, especially because they barely even know each other close enough to do something so......meaningful. "...then you owe me a date." he smirked. "and I get to choose where to go. But if you win, you can pick somewhere to go. Deal?" He smiled, but really wanted to run away and hide. The idea of a date made him feel like a loser for asking in such a lame way, but at the same time, he was glad that he had the chance to ask. Lucas then missed the ball again, thinking too hard, making him mess up. "Heh, by the look's of it, I need to step up my game." He went back to get the ball, trying to find it within the house. Where did it go? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole sighed, not wanting to embaress himself, but he could think about that later on when the prom comes up. "That's cool." he rolled his eyes at himself, thinking he was being a little 'un-romantic'. "Well mabye we can just hang out if one of us isn't comfortable with dancing, I mean, talking or even holding you is fine with me." Cole again wished he didn't say something so random, but it was true, he would rather hold her in his arms then dance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah could tell that the movie was nearly over, all of the character's in the film were either dead, or going crazy (not true, just making it up) and the only people alive consisted of a dog and baby. "I really hope the baby doesn't get hurt.....or the dog." she held onto his arm with her hand that was available for use, and watched the movie with much intensity. After a few more minutes, she looked up at Jake, smirking slightly, not saying anything, but just thinking of how lucky she was to spend time with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie stopped smiling, looking into his eyes and freezing. Did......did he just say what I think he said? she went back a bit, not sure what to do. A couple of seconds ago she was pretty sure she was falling in love too, but to know he feels the same way makes it way more real. "Austin, I-I..........." Kylie smiled, and leaned foward once again, kissing him for just a couple more seconds then before. When she broke apart from him, she smiled again, "I think I'm falling in love with you too Austin." she giggled slightly in happiness, and somewhat from being shy.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:31pm Apr 14 2011
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When Dylan missed the ball, it made her smirk. Tess went off in the direction Lucas went, and helped him search for the ball. She found it a little later. "There it is! Also, that sounds really nice." A date, in her head she was screaming for joy, like YES! It finally happened but she kept her cool on the outside. "Anything else...? You want to add on to the date?" In her mind, she knew what she wanted to add on, a kiss. But, she didn't want to say that. SHe wanted to make sure that he wanted the same thing. Lindi couldn't help, but smile at Cole. "Well, that sounds okay. I mean prom isn't all about dancing, more so like just having a good time. With someone you really like, and enjoy being around." She looked at him. "I'm sure it'd be cozy in your arms, test run?" She knew she sounded cheesy, but wanted to be in his arms, badly. Jake looked at Hannah, "Some movie." He slightly smirked, "But, you know if they do get hurt, that would be sad, and nothing else would be living." He was glad that the movie was non-fiction, and that if it was real, he might be freaked out. Austin blushed, happy they felt the same way about eachother. "Looks like we're going to geta long great at prom." He sighed, relieved. "I"m glad you feel the same way as I do. I was nervous. But, I feel like I can share anything with you, even t hough I've known you not very long." He could tell they were meant to be.
7:12pm Apr 14 2011
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Posts: 375
"Thanks." Lucas picked up the ball and went back over to the ping pong table, not starting yet. "Well, you'll have to wait and see what happens." he smirked, finally serving the ball once more. "If it goes well, then I guess....." he hit the ball back and looked a her smiling slightly before looking back at the ball. "......we'll see." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole smiled and nodded slightly. "Of course, come here." he lightly pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her, resting his head on hers. "I can get used to this." he chuckled, sighing as he felt comfortable as he held Lindi. He looked out toward the sky again, loving every second he had with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah kept her gaze on Jake for another minute before looking at the television once more. "Yeah, true." she kept watching until there were only a few minutes of the movie left, seeing how everything was starting to unfold. She looked over to the right, thinking she heard something, making her a bit freaked out. "D-Did you hear that?" she managed to look back at the t.v to see what was going on, but looked to the right once more as she was worried something was in fact there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie smiled, feeling like she was floating on air when with Austin. "Yeah it's wierd, we barely knew each other, and now, we're...........together." she nuzzled up against his chest, sighing as she felt so good when she was with him. Wait, what time is it? she looked down at her watch and groaned, noticing that she would have to leave any minute. Kylie looked up at Austin, pouting partially. "I have to go soon, unfortunatly. But I'll see you tomorrow, right?" She smiled and put her head against his, there faces nearly touching.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
12:36pm Apr 16 2011
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Tess walked back to the picng pong table, just as Lucas served to her again. "Alright, then." Tess feltt a slight, and unplanned smile creep across her face. She hit the ball back to him. Getting back into the groove, and trying hard not to look at him. She realized this was too hard, playing with him. "Hey, wanna do somethin' else now?" "Same here. Very nice. I wouldn't mind spending prom, right here." Lindi smiled at him, this was romantic moment, and she wasn't sure what to do next. To fill the sweet silence, she turned her head, and leaned in towards him, she couldn't believe she was doing this. SHe kissed his lips, a little later, she drew away. "I could get used to that, too." Jake started to worry when Hannah mentioned she hadheard something. It had seemed as he had heard it, too. He knew in his mind, that they were proabably just hearing things, and letting the movie get to them, but in his heart, he wanted adventure, and he believed he ehard something. "I think I heard it too. But, I think the movie's just egtting to us, right?" His voice was shaking, he said that mianly to convince himself. "Amazing, huh?" Austin pulled Kylie closer, he whispered in her ear, "Can't wait 'till prom." Then, Kylie announced sh ehad to go, but that they'd see eachother at school, he looked at the clock, she was right. The thing is, at school, they can't do the same things as they can here.
1:03pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 1:04pm Apr 16 2011)
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Posts: 375
Lucas caught the ball at the last second, throwing it in the air and catching it. "Yeah, let's just say you win that one, but I guess we'll never know who would have won." he raised an eyebrow and smiled. He leaned against the ping pong table and looked over at Tess." Alright, do you know what this 'something else' is that we are going to do?" Lucas walked over to her and crossed his arms over his chest, seeing the time in the corner of his eye, noticing he would have to leave soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole was partially caught off guard by Lindi kissing him, but he didn't mind at all. "Yeah, that too." he smirked, not being able to resist one as she was right in front of him. "I have to go soon, I really don't want to leave such a pretty girl, but I must." Cole kissed her forehead and sighed, not wanting to move at all. "Sorry." he wispered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah nodded and looked back at Jake. "Y-Yeah, that's it, it's just our imagination." She smiled up at him, but it went away when the last bit of the movie included people screaming, making her scream as well, followed by a small jump. "Holy, SHOOT that nearly gave me a heart attack, feel." Hannah grabbed Jake's hand and placed it over her heart to make him feel the sudden increase in her heartbeat. "Is it just me, or is your heart racing too?" she smirked up at him again, making sure nothing popped out on the television this time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie sighed, and looked at Austin. " Yeah, I'm looking forward to prom too." she sat up a little more, but made sure not to leave Austin. "Tomorrow, we can out hang at lunch, but I'm going to miss this." Kylie went back to hugging Austin, dreading the door as she waited for her brother to knock on it.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
1:24pm Apr 16 2011
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"Well, not exactly. But, is there a certain you have to leave?" Tess said, noticing him eyeballing the clock. "That way, I can pick somethin' quick." In her mind, there was a list of stuff tehy could do, but they all sounded lame to say to Lucas. "No, it's fine. Hey, let's do something next week, or maybe tomorrow?" Lindi got off of him, feeling chilled, even though she was in a jacuzzi, his warmth was better. Before she got completely off, he kissed her on the forhead, she reached over and lightly kissed him on the cheek, it would last for now. "Yeah nothing paranormal is happening, no one is here. It's just us." Jake breathed a sigh of releif when teh credits came rolling on the sreen, he went over and took out the disc, putting it safely back in it's case. "I will too." Austin sighed, he almost felt like crying, but he didn't. He held onto her, and he'd continue to, until her brother came to pick her up. he kissed her cheek, nothing too big, in case her brother walked in right then, they'd break away immedietly, like nothing ever happened.
8:48pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 375
Lucas nodded and looked at Tess. "Well, how about we....." he scratched the back of his neck in a nervous like way. "....can always just talk, or something, heh." He sighed in a bit of embaressment, not sure what he was thinking. "Unless you have something in mind that would only take a short time to do...?" Lucas stopped being figeting and stood still, waiting for a responce. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cole forwned jokingly as she got off of him, but he had to get out anyways. He proceeded to stand and slowly get out of the jacuzzi, making sure he didn't slip. "That's fine by me, I don't have any plans at all this week, tomorrow is perfect." When Cole got out, he reached a hand out for Lindi, making sure she had something to hold onto when she got out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah sighed as well, feeling a little better as the movie ended, making the knot in her stomach go away. "Well that was interesting, although my favourite part of it was spending time with you." She stood up as well, stretching slightly as her legs were beginning to hurt from sitting for a long time. When she yawned, she walked over to Jake as he put the movie away, looking at the dvd the whole time. "Thanks by the way, for letting me come over." she smiled, moving her eyes to his face. He's so hot, it should be illegal. she thought, tilting her head slightly as she scanned his facial features. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't let Cole find out about us, he would be a bit upset, he's protective." Kylie frowned, wishing he was a bit more pa.ssive about it. "But it's totally worth it." she traced her finger over is arms, feeling his muscles once again. She kept her gaze on his shirt, not looking at his face, scared that she might begin to cry. "I really don't want to leave you." she wispered, the words barely even audible.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:31pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 657
"Well, hmmm. Short things, short things." Tess muttered to herself, in her mind she was thinking kissing, but was too nervous to say anything, was he hinting at that, but didn't want to say it, or did he have anything in mind at all? Why are boys so hard to understand? She thought to herself. "Talking would work, unless you have something else in mind...?" "Thanks." Lindi said, as she got out of the jacuzzi. She grasped his hand the whole time, it felt warm, probably from the jacuzzi. When she was fully out, she didn't let go of his hand, with her other hand she pushed her hair behind her ears. "Great. So, tomorrow? How about we go to my house tomorrow." "It's no biggy. I'm just glad I got someone who I really, really care about here with me. That I enjoy spending time with." Jake didn't want this to turn out to be some mushy-gushy lovey-dovey moment, but he spoke his true feelings, and thats what they were. He stood up, and hugged her. "I know, I don't want him to find out wither. It 's just hard for me to hide my feelings for you." Austin smiled when Kylie traced her finger along his arm, it tickled him. "I never want.." He gulped for air, keeping in sad emotions of departing. "..To leave you either. I feel like we're meant for eachother." Austin hoped they would still be together when they were older.
9:41pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 4:05pm Apr 19 2011)
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Posts: 375
Cole kept a light grasp on Lindi's hand and smirked. "Tomorrow sounds perfect, and if I go to your house, mabye we can even spend more time together. I should get dressed before going out, this might not be the proper attire for picking up my sister" He chuckled lightly, not wanting her to leave so soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah wrapped her arms around him and nodded slowly, not wanting to let go. After almost a minute pas.sed, she stepped back and smiled. "I have to go unforunatly, we do have school tomorrow." she rolled her eyes, not really liking the idea. " But we will meet again, I'll look forward to that." Hannah then remembered that he was her ride home, making her sigh. "I don't want to bother you, but would you mind if you drove me home?" she didn't want to ask, but a bus right now seemed a little scary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie nodded, closing her eyes a little, not thinking of anything in particular, just listening to Austin's heartbeat and smiling at his comment. "We have to hang out more often, I don't think I can spend a long time away from you." she chuckled partially, saying what was on her mind. The thought of being hours without him, the thought made her stomach turn, and her heart ache. Kylie opened her eyes and looked up at Austin, not wanting to take her eyes off of him when he was close to her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas kept his arms crossed over his chest, finding his heart beat going a bit faster then usual. "There are a few things I might have in mind, although I'm not sure if you would agree fully." he slightly looked at her lips, not sure if he should or not. What am I waiting for, just kiss her. he shook his head a little, trying to get his mind straight. "Actually, mabye I should just show you what we should do, then you can tell me if you agree or not." Lucas slowly took his arms from his chest and gently placed one on her back, and the other holding her face in the palm of his hand. "I hope you don't mind." he wispered, eventually leaning in and placing his lips on hers, only kissing her for a few seconds, not wanting to freak her out. When he broke away, he left his eyes shut for a minute, opening them to see what she would do next, feeling butterflies in his stomach as every second pa.ssed by.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:45pm Apr 19 2011
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"Okay. Sounds really fun!" Lindi smiled, but a playful frown appeared on her face when she realized she'd have to go really soon. "Hey- Uh! Where should I wait, you know while you get dressed? Or should.." He voice trailed off, not wanting to complete the sentence, she was going to say come with you, but this was the first time together, and that'd be weird. "Never mind. Where should I wait?" "Don't worry! I'd be happy to give you a ride home!" Jake was happy he'd spen more time with Hannah, and get out of this house, which was currently still freaking him out, even though they'd decided it was their imagination, he still was creeped out. He could probably use the fresh air. "Hey, well there's prom. That'll be a long period of time for us to do more of this." Austin knew he shouldn't, but he leaned in, and kissed her, not letting go for almost a minute, but it seemed like a few seconds. He would've gone longer, but the thought of Cole walking in drew him away. "Can't wait." He didn't feel like crying anymore. Tess started to get nervous, she had a feeling about what he was hinting at, she liked the idea of it, but started worrying. Does my breath smell okay, what if my nose hits his, what if he's way better than me? She slowly calmed as he took away the space from her lips, she was overwhelmed with joy, and loved every second, until he drew away. "Well. Hmm, what do I think of that? Can I show you?" She wrapped her arms around him, and this time with more p*censored*ion, she kissed him, for around ten seconds, then drew away. "That answer your question?"
6:23pm Apr 19 2011
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"Are you getting dressed too? If so, then we can get changed in different rooms, but if not, then just come in my room...." he walked toward his room but stopped outside of the door.".....I can trust that you'll turn around right?" he smiled, nearly chuckling as he waited for Lindi to move. Cole's shorts were still sligthly dripping wet, making the water droplets hit the floor over and over again, he looked down and noticed it. I have to clean this up later before me mom see's. He looked back up with a smile on his face yet again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah sighed in relief, smiling as she walked over to the front door to get her shoes and sweater. "I appreciate it, thanks." she opened the door, not yet going outside, she thought that the fresh air might help her nerves calm down due to her heart still slightly beating more then usual. She looked up in the night sky and noticed the faint trace of stars, the sight makeing Hannah smile more. This night can't get any better can it? she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, opening her eyes to then exhale. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie smiled as she opened her eyes from the kiss. "I can't wait either." she giggled and wanted to kiss him again, but she knew it might not be a good idea, Cole was too protective for his own good, and the thought of him finding out made her get the chills. Kylie sighed and looked over to the wall in front of her, not sure what else to do as the time pas.sed be. Spending time with him is good enough for me. she thought, grabbing Austin's hand and kissing it lightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas had to recover from shock before he could answer, but when he finally recovered he smiled widely. "I guess it does." he kept his head up high, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. Lucas leaned toward Tess's ear and smiled, making sure to wisper so his voice wasn't too loud. "Your a great kisser." he chuckled before going back to standing up straight, not able to stop smirking. "Mabye you can show me to your door, and we can 'talk' more, what do ya say?" His voice was still a bit low, trying to set a certain atmosphere.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
9:17pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 657
"Nah, I'll just throw on my cover-up, and call it good. Oh, yeah don't worry, I'll turm around!" Lindi would give anything just to look into his charming eyes and his pretty hard chest, but she knew that'd just be weird, and she'd be seeing more than that. She sighed, and looked away, burying her eyes in her hands. "Yep. Hope I see you again, soon. Real soon." Jake tried not to make it sound cheesy, and more romantic, but didn't think it worked. He opened the car door for her, and waited for her to get in, before shutting it. He then walked over and got in on the other side, before starting car, he sighed. "Beautiful night, huh?" "Well, watcha wanna do to pass the time, besides what we were doing before, which is out of the question, so we don't get caught." Austin sighed, not knowing what to do or suggest next. "Sounds real good, let's go up to my room, in case my sister comes home, in which case we'd have to act like nothing happened, and we were working on schoolwork." Tess sighed, she wanted to feel him next to her more often.
6:20pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 375
(( Not sure if ya celebrate it, but Happy Easter anyways :D )) Cole nodded and went to his dresser, taking out a t-shirt and sweat pants, something he only needed for a short amount of time. "No peeking." he said in a teasing tone, turning so that his back was facing her. He quickly put his shirt on and took off his shorts, eventually replacing them with his sweat pants. When he took a towel out from his closet and dried off his hair, he walked back over to Lindi and kissed her hands which were over her eyes. "Okay, you can look now." he walked over to his door and waited for her to follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah put her seatbelt on after getting in the car. "Yeah, that's an understatement, I couldn't think of another night to spend with you." She smiled, shaking her head slowly as she thought about what she said. "I sorta sound cheesy don't I?" she giggled, knowing that she did. She rested her head on the head rest of the seat, and placed her hand next to the stick shift/ middle of the seats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hmmmm..." Kylie stood up, prancing over to the other side of the room. "Not sure, do you know a little game called...tag?" she smiled, her mood staying at an elated level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas nodded slowly, thinking it was a pretty good idea. "Well, you can lead the way, cause I have no clue where your room is......that's a good thing though." he smirked, waiting a few seconds for her to lead the way.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
5:17pm Apr 25 2011
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(I do.. So, Happy Easter right back at you!) "Alright then." Lindi slowly moved her hands away from her eyes, sort of un-sure that he wasn't going to play a prank on her, wahen they were off her face, she opened her eyes, and he kissed her hand. "Oh, hi." Lindi said, standing up and resting her head on his shoulder. "No, you don't sound cheesy, well you know you sound cheesy if you start talking like me." Jake felt good that he wasn't the only one nervous, and talking cheesy like, but it made him feel better. He rested his hand on hers, and put the car from park to reverse, keeping her hand there the whole time. "Sure do." Austin started jumping around as if to say, 'can't catch me, can you?' This was a whole different activity from what they were doing earler, but a change is nice. "So, who's it?" He said, realizing they hadn't decided that yet. Tess smiled. "It is, otherwise I'd be calling you a stalker right about now." She laughed jokingly. "Okay, so we go upstairs, then take a left, go up another flight of stair, and here, the first door is my room. Make yourself at home on my bed." She made a motion to point at her bed, where she walked nervously on the inside, but calmly on the outside over, and sat down.
6:20pm Apr 25 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 375
((Grazie :D )) Cole smiled and stayed standing with Lindi for a moment. "Come on, I'll bring you home, then I'll pick my sister up." He didn't want his sister to be watching them as they said their goodbyes, so it seemed like a better idea. He grabbed her hand and lead her to the front door. "I'm going to pick up Kylie." Cole peeked into the living room, making sure his mom heard, and walked out the front door, proceeding to his car and opening the door so that Lindi could get inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hannah smiled and blushed ever so slightly. "Nah, I think it's cute, not cheesy." she leaned back and relaxed, loving the feeling she had with Jake. "I hope you remember where I live?" she teased, only telling him one time when she had a house party a few weeks ago. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kylie smirked and stood still, thinking. She walked over to him slowly and hesitated. "Well...hmm..." Kylie looked up at him and smiled, making sure to touch his chest lightly. "..you." she wispered before running off in the other direction, giggling as she tried to find somewhere to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucas followed suit until he stood in her doorway, smiling but also a bit nervous. "Nice room you got here." he walked to her bad and lightly fell onto it, resting his hands behind his head and sighing. He looked over at Tess and smirked, gesturing her over to him. He left his left arm to his side as the other stayed behind his head, laying down was comfortable, and he wanted her to join him.
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*
6:08pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 657
"Sounds like a plan. But, that means you need my address." Lindi looked around for something to write her address on, but didn't find anything. "Here, I'll just tell it to you." She then told him her address, not sure he'd remember it by the time they got to the car. She followed him out the door. "Hmm, gotta think about thaat one for a minute." Jake paused, and thought, remembering that he had gone to a party at her house a few weeks ago. "I remember what your house looks like, but I don't remember the address to it. Help me out?" Austin smiled. "Me?" But, by the time he had said that one word, she had already dashed off. Great, he'd have to find her now. He started off in one direction, checking the kitchen, nope not here. Austin thought he heard something, like a snicker, he headed in that direction, he must catch her! Tess saw Lucas's gesture. She moved over next to him, and laid down. "Thanks." She finally replied to his comment about her room. She had never been so close to a boy, but she was glad it was Lucas, not anyone else.
12:45pm May 1 2011
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(100th post!!! 8D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -