Sonabutt, get in heres

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3:29pm Oct 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
[[Take your times :>]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

3:22am Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Arghablargh this took forever I'm sorry. ;u;
Your reply can be longer, shorter, whatever. c:}

The ginger-haired boy stood before the massive, lumbering shape of an Ursaring. The tall bear-like Pokemon stood facing Leroy only a few yards away from him, silvery claws poised and ready to slash into something and mouth filled with stark white teeth prepared to bite down. Leroy stood in his place, unwavering, as the Ursaring snarled in impatience. The Pokemon was obviously rearing to go.

Leroy actually had no intent on capturing this particular Pokemon; he already had a full team that he trusted and took pride in. No, he simply needed the practice. His Zoura and Luxio hadn't reached their final evolution yet, and were in dire need of the practice.

His hand found one of the Pokeballs that had been fastened to his belt. He quickly unattached the small red and white capsule, then pressed down the flat white button in the center. A beam of red light flashed, a small black and cyan blue lion-like Pokemon materialized on the forest floor in front of him.

"Lux, Luxiooo!" it yipped, tiny sparks of electricity flying off the small yellow star attached to its long black tail. The Luxio hadn't battled for quite some time, so it was anxious to begin the battle. It stood with all four of its paws planted firmly on the ground, trying to be patient while it awaited his masters command which would begin the fight.

"Alright, Luxio. Use Spark." The Pokemon seemed to nod just slightly before beginning to sizzle with visible yellowish electricity, its fur standing on end as sparks and tiny jolts of lightning-like lines shot off its fur. Once its entire body was engulfed in the nearly-blinding light, it began to charge towards the much larger Pokemon fearlessly. The Ursaring roared and attempted to swing at the lion-dog Pokemon, but the Luxray's smaller size gave it an advantage and the bear-like creature missed.

The sheer force of the attack caused the Ursaring to stumble backwards, but it was still very much healthy and ready to fight. The Luxio landed and skidded backwards, and while it attempted to recover from the damage of hitting a Pokemon head-on, the Ursaring slashed at the much smaller Pokemon's face repeatedly; fury swipe.

There was a moment of silence while Leroy contemplated what to do next and the Luxio caught its breath. The trainer knew that sometimes the environment around them could be used as potential weapons, so he began to search the area for anything his Pokemon could possibly use to its advantage. After a moment of thinking, he just kind of pointed at the tall rock formation behind the wild Pokemon.

The Luxio seemed to understand this command and darted behind the enemy Pokemon, scaling the rock in long strides. As soon as it reached the top, he looked toward his master, who simply said, "Spark." The Luxio leaped from its perch a top the rock and landed squarely on the brown, furry back, digging his claws in to hold his spot. The Ursaring spun in circles, trying to shake his attacker off, but the Luxio unleashed a powerful jolt of electricity that stopped it dead in its tracks.

One final cry and the Pokemon toppled over, dazed and unconscious. The Luxio stepped off the mound of fur, his breathing hard and a grin of triumph pulling back his lips and showing off his tiny white teeth. It chirped happily as it realized what it had just accomplished, but Leroy did nothing more than sigh.

"Didn't even evolve. Bummer." He returned his Pokemon without a word of approval, then promptly clicked the ball back into place. Stuffing his hands in his pocket and sidestepping around the fainted Pokemon, he headed on his way to the next town.

{Must have been a really low-leveled Ursaring. 8I
Actually I'm just tired and don't feel like making the fight scene longer, sorry. ;u;
Your post can be whatever for right now, but we'll have to have them meet up soon. c:}


12:56pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
[[I'll post soon. Need to go get my hair done for the banquet today but I'll have hours after that I can work on it. <3]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

1:32pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Alrighty! <3
Take your time. c8}


5:23pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
She has always loved the forest. The soft noiseless quiet that was filled with noise and yet somehow was still silent in its essence. There was the song of flying pokemon throughout the canopy of leaves above her head, the lullaby of chirping kriketune that played whether it was night or day. Yet the silence of the forest was permeable. Leaves rustled through the wind and if you were to glance up at that moment you take in the beauty of the all to blue sky with awe. Her feet crunched the same autumn colored leaves under her shoes, the noise that resulted joining the other noises and then fading into the same background silence that she had come to love.

How could everyone not appreciate this?

The only noise she paid absolute attention to was the small chattering noise that came from above her. Specifically, right ontop of her head. A bit of scratching came as the pokemon scurried quickly down from her head and onto her shoulder, rubbing against her neck quickly and making the hairs there stand on end from the static charge that they were given. It didn't have enough power in it to hurt Clara, obviously, since the little joltik was not using any type of move, but there was also the factor that the girl had grown used to this feeling. The pokemon was no larger than the palm of her hand and honestly, Terrabolt, otherwise known as Terra, had the tendency to keep close to Clara. The baby of the group, the lowest level as well.

Clara rubbed a hand over the little head quickly before diverting her attention to the road ahead of her. She preferred to take her time walking through the forests, exploring every corner of area until she was sure she had seen every last beautiful part of it, but today just didn't seem like the day to do that. There was an odd feeling in her that she couldn't shake, the feeling that if she stayed in here any longer she would have to deal with something she didn't want to.  These feelings were normally right and that caused her feet to move a little bit faster and her eyes to dart around more often than normal.

The rustling to her right should have been sign enough that something was wrong but the large thud was also a good reminder that she was not alone. The noises were still fairly far off but she would prefer not to have to battle with any sort of pokemon unless she specifically wanted to. Why else would she keep a stash of max repels in her bag if not for that reason. Not only that but Terra was not ready to fight the kind of pokemon that lived in this forest. It was why she had the tiny experience share clipped around his foot. He could watch the battles and learn from them... and the experience share gave him aid in that to help him grow in power.

Clara began to jog now, taking a left off the path and moving away from the noise, heading into the main grassy area. Fighting on her own terms was better than heading towards a noise that she couldn't identify. Her hands wandered to her bag, searching through main pocket till her hand clasped the small smooth ball with the A carved into the top of it. How others identified their pokeballs without some clue of which they were, Clara had no idea. She had taken a knife and over the coarse of a few weeks, carved in the first letters of all her pokemon's names into the material of each pokeball. Far easier to remember and to blindly grab if they had something distinguishing them in the dark.

"Come on out Aaron. I'll probably need your help here soon," She said quietly so as not to disturb the Pokemon that may be hidden in the grass around her. The ball that Clara threw upward hung in the air for a second before shiny a red light out like a laser beam towards the ground. How pokeballs worked, the girl would never fathom, but when she had asked her pokemon if they were comfortable in there, they had shaken their heads yes happily and that had been the end of it.

The lucario formed in front of her quickly, about the same height as she was. When the red light finally stopped glowing, she was left with her partner in crime. Aaron had, unlike what most would expect, had been her first pokemon. She had moved to this region as a child and as far as she was aware, the egg of a riolu had come with her. Of course, the story there was far more complicated than she would ever hope to understand, let alone explain at this moment.

She gave Aaron one quick smile and watched him nod his greeting in the way he always did. A pattern between the two of them, a routine hello. "We're going off the grid. Decided I'd rather face Amoonguss and Pidgeotto than whatever was in the other direction." Clara gave a small laugh at the almost patronizing look that Aaron tossed at her as they both began to walk. "Hey, I know that they aren't as fun to battle but you can one hit um so it's not that hard." The grunt was enough to express the pokemons exasperation. "What, would you rather have headed into the unknown pokemon? I would rather have you go battle something you don't know."

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:29am Oct 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{omg please forgive me. ;v;
Pokemon RPs and really long posts are just so daunting for me I constantly put them off aszdgfnj I'm sorry.
I'll be better about replying from now on.}

Leaving the fainted Ursaring behind, Leroy ducked under a branch and exited the clearing, reentering the thick forest. The forest was made up of sections of thick groves of trees, but would flatten out into clearings filled with tall grass. Dirt pathways surrounding the forest, aiding trainers trying to find their way around (hope it's okay that I kind of made-up the forest!).

Leroy honestly preferred the clearings and pathways, but none were currently in sight so was forced to resort to the trees. Leroy, unlike many other's, didn't appreciate nature. Hell, the kid didn't even like it. Some might assume that he didn't even like his own Pokemon, but that would be a false accusation.

Leroy was hard on his Pokemon, but it was only to better them. He never praised or rewarded them, but he had his reasoning. He figured that, if he were soft on his Pokemon, it would only make them soft in the end. He took battling very seriously, seeing his Pokemon more as tools rather than companions. He did love them, but it was a form of tough love. He just didn't show his affections.

He plodded through the forest for a few moments, mumbling and grumbling as twigs and spiky plants that happened to be sticking out brushed his skin and left tiny cuts on his face and arms. He didn't understand how a single person could even remotely like nature. The weather was so unpredictable and could easily make a person miserable, and plants were just living green things that didn't even move.

He paused when he heard the voice of a young girl, sounding about his age, from somewhere in the trees. The tree in front of him happened to have a rather thick trunk, so he was able to hide himself behind it and peer out of from being it.

Just as he suspected, a young female that was no older than him stood across from him, close enough to hear and see but not to touch. He wasn't entirely sure who she was talking to  until he spotted the blue and dark gray Pokemon known as a Lucario standing beside her. 

He considered asking her to battle for a moment, but thought against it. He was more of a solitary person that stuck to battling wild Pokemon instead of actual people, so it would be very unlike him to suggest a battle. If she wanted to, however, that was another matter. He would be up for a battle if she suggested it.

{Ech, I wasn't sure how to reply so this isn't a great post. ;u;
I'm sorry for making you wait for this. </3
You can reply with whatever, there really wasn't anything I had in mind.
If you need me to, I can add something to get you started. :o
Just let me know~}


10:48pm Oct 30 2013 (last edited on 10:49pm Oct 30 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
She had been told before that it was stupid to talk to her pokemon. Off in other parts of the world people simply acted as if pokemon were only a working force to be used, a resource to be implemented where they needed to be. Her own foster mom had told her more than once to shut up and stop talking to her 'infernal little blue thing'. But really, who else was she supposed to talk to? It's funny, how often she jumped between foster homes here and there in different cities but the riolu followed after her diligently.

Aaron was pretty incredible. The Lassy of the pokemon world really because no matter who tried to separate Clara from that pokeball, Aaron would get out of his little round orb and follow right on after her. The pokeball always managed inadvertently to make it's way back to Clara and the scratched A in the material, carved by a child's hand, was easily distinguished from other pokeballs of the same appearance. So yes, she talked to her pokemon. Quite constantly to. It filled the silence, gave her something to actually do, and with Aaron, that went above and beyond.

Only a little time after Aaron evolved, she had begun to sense the lucario's presence when she knew she shouldn't. Emotions she shouldn't have known otherwise, feelings that wouldn't have come across with simply a look. It wasn't audible or anything crazy like that but lucario's do possess a type of aura communication and it has been said that the trainers of lucarios who are highly close to them begin to be able to sense the aura of their pokemon as well. Course, she didn't expect it to be as amazing as the legend of the Aura Warriors like she had read in countless books but she couldn't reject the idea.

Aaron took care of the smaller pokemon around them as they walked, simply knocking them away with his foot or hand. These pokemon in this section of grass were highly under leveled for likely her most powerful pokemon. In the mean time, Clara spent her time rubbing at the sweat at the back of her neck and glaring mutely at the sun above her head. No trees gave her shade right now and the sun was unpleasantly hot. Enough that it made her almost second guess leaving the cover of the very dense forest in favor of the sparser foliage.

Still, something was imposingly off. Aaron obviously sensed it to by the way he kept looking over his shoulder back at the denser more thick trees. "We can't both be paranoid, can we," She muttered with a sigh following quickly after and then stopped walking all together, one hand being placed on her hip and the other moving to shade her eyes for a better view. "Your call, Aaron, but remember that suspicion killed the skitty." The pokemon began to walk in front of her then, back towards the tree line, making her decision for her, and Clara followed after. She would take down whatever pokemon was stalking them and then be once again comfortable under the shade of the leaves.

What the girl didn't expect was to see the shape of a trainer around the edge of one tree. Dear god not another one. It wasn't that she didn't like to battle but back when she was a kid and a new trainer, only about thirteen or so, there used to be these people in the forests who would hide in trees or shrubs and jump out to initiate a battle within seconds. Talk about a heart attack. What sort of creep does that anyway? If you wanted to battle, just go up to the person and ask. Don't be weird about it.

Arms crossed over her chest for a second as she glanced at the trainers form and then shook her head slowly. "Let's get it over with then," she grumbled under her breath and moved closer to actually get within speaking distance of him. At least this time the guy wouldn't have the chance to jump out at her.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:08am Nov 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Ergh, I should stop making up excuses but I've just been so busy and upset lately I haven't had even the slightest bit of motivation to reply. D:}

"Let's get it over with then." The sudden voice caught Leroy off guard, causing him to jump up slightly and smack his head against a low-hanging branch. He mumbled a curse word under his breath, then reached up to rub his head through the gray beanie. When he moved his arm, his bag shifted on his shoulders and slid off, landing in a limp heap on the ground.  His clothing spilled out, underwear and all, and incredibly embarrassed he hurried kicked it all back in and pulled the bag straps back over his shoulders.

"Look at what you made me do," he huffed, his face a fading shade of pale red. His beanie had slipped down and a couple strands of red hair was sticking out, so he fixed his hat by pulling it down over his ears. After readjusting the beanie, he turned his attention to the female that had startled him.

He'd never seen her around before, so he looked over her quickly, arms folded as though he was judging her appearance. She couldn't have been much younger than him; in fact, they were probably just about the same age. She was shorter than he was, brown hair, green eyes; nothing out of the ordinary, but she was a pretty little girl.

His mind turned back to the initial question she had asked. What did she mean by "getting it over with"? He hadn't suggested anything to her, he didn't think. Unless... Unless she thought he wanted to battle? Well, after she had surprised him like that she deserved to have her butt kicked but he didn't know if he really wanted to battle at the moment.

His hand fumbled around on his belt for one of the Pokeballs. He'd never labeled them, but he'd grown to know hot to set them apart just by their tiny differences. The Chandelure's Pokeball had a chip in the surface from when he thought it was an empty ball and threw it at a Gravelier. The paint of the Lapras's ball was diluted after he'd accidentally thrown the ball into the water instead of letting the Pokemon out of the capsule first. They were small differences, but his memory was one of his strong suits, so he managed to tell them all apart.

"I wasn't really looking for a battle darlin', but if you wanna know how a real Pokemon trainer does it, I suppose I can humor you." He said it like he was doing her a personal service or something. His hand gripped an oil-stained Pokeball containing his favorite Pokemon, Flygon, ready to click it off the belt and send the pale green dragon into battle.

{It's 2:00 A.M. and wow I'm tired sorry it's short. ;v;}


11:13am Nov 3 2013 (last edited on 11:14am Nov 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
"Oh, right, as if the person hiding behind the tree doesn't want to battle. What is with all you creeps?" She said in disgust, voice literally dripping with exasperation as she glanced over at the lucario next to her.  "And I most certainly didn't make you do anything. If I remember, you were the one hiding behind the tree, not me. Even if I can't be sure if you were watching me, Aaron can be," She shook her head once, watching the pokemon next to her nod once before glancing away both from her and the other trainer back towards the woods.

She never got over just how little Aaron liked strangers.I mean... Clara didn't like them either for the most part. She hated anyone jumping into her business and claiming rights over it (that was really her only experience when it came to strange people) but she didn't completely ignore them like her pokemon tended to. There had been some saying that your pokemon only amplify your own personality. Of course not all her pokemon were like this... but Aaron she would have to say was the the most like her. The one who seemed to understand her. Weird that her best friend would be a pokemon... but she had never been close to humans anyway.

"And don't call me darlin. You'll regret it later if you do," Clara's eyes flashed as she motioned for Aaron to step forward, eyes scanning over the pokemon the guy scent out. Dragon and Ground, hardly a good match up against her pokemon in the first place. Not if she had anything to say about it. Her hands rummaged in her bag for a second before tossing Aaron just one item and glancing back at the guy in front of her. Plain, ordinary... but oddly enough, her age. She was so used to little kids being the one to challenge her. It was so stupid that they thought they would get anywhere with their weak attempts. But hey, she was that little kid once.

"Calm mind, Lucario," She said under her breath, making it near soundless in her command. She didn't need to yell it out, didn't need the people to hear what she was saying. She never quite understood why they did that. Well, actually, no, that's not true. Clara understood perfectly. Most pokemon have average hearing and that would be even worse in the thick of battle when their attention is diverted. The trainers would need to call out their moves in order for their pokemon to even hear them.

However, that was not the case with a lucario. In all circumstances, their aura picks up on noise extremely easily. As long as they are in tune with the aura around them, the lengths falling behind their ears will float slightly, picking up any traces of noise around them. So while she might not be able to keep quiet forever, Clara did recognize that Aaron would be distracted in battle, she was not going to yell out her first few commands. How stupid would that be?

Aaron's eyes closed momentarily and he stood still for maybe a moment or two, just breathing in. Relaxing the muscles in his body to be fluid, calming his thoughts to be more fluid, sharper. Not only that, but it gave a significant increase to more types of moves that any Flygon would use against him. This was going to be fun.

[[Is it sad that I have a complete planned thought out battle for this? >.> At least from my side.]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

10:26pm Nov 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Pfft, not at all. x3
I pre-plan my battles too.}

"Creep?" His eyes narrowed as soon as she deemed him a "creep" for hiding behind the tree. "And for your information, I wasn't even looking for a battle. I was just behind the tree because... Because..." He kind of trailed off and feel silent. Why had he been hiding behind the tree in the first place? He could have just walked past her without a big deal, so why did he find the need to hide? He half-shrugged and let the conversation drop at that.

He only stuck his tongue out at her when she insisted she hadn't made him do anything. Well, she either just thought of herself as a saint that would never cause anyone get to get hurt or she was just a liar, because she had been the reason he'd it his head on the branch. How dare she just sneak up on him like that? You don't just sneak up on a person hiding behind a tree! Who even does that?

"Sweetheart, if you can scare me into hitting my head on a tree, then I can call you whatever I want," he said stubbornly. She beckoned the Lucario standing beside her forward, so he assumed that was the Pokemon she wanted to battle with.

He evaluated his choices for a moment. None of his Pokemon would be very effective again the odd mixture of steel and fighting, and since his Flygon was his highest leveled Pokemon, he decided to go with the ground and dragon type. Not only that, but the Flygon happened to know Fly, which would be super effective against the fighting half of the Lucario.

Leroy's fingers found the little latch attaching the red-and-white capsule to his belt, then snapped it off. The ball rolled into his hand, which was then closed around his fingers. His thumb pressed into the little button in the center, causing the ball to pop open and beam the dragon creature out.

The Flygon hadn't been released of its cramped, spherical prison for quite some time, so the moment it was freed, it shot straight up into the air, tucked and rolled in the air a couple times, then dipped down and circled around its trainer's head repeatedly before zipping downwards so it was just hovering above the ground slightly. It cried out excitedly, its wings darting up and down so quickly they appeared to not be moving at all.

Leroy looked at his Pokemon with the tiniest glimpse of actual love in his eyes. His Flygon was his very first Pokemon; he'd received it as nothing more than a Trapinch. Now, don't get him wrong, he'd hated the rust-colored termite-like Pokemon from the minute he received it. He'd always been reluctant to release it from its ball because the other children would laugh at him, but eventually, it had evolved. As soon as it evolved into a much cooler-looking Flygon, he'd affectionately nicknamed it "Flynn" and it quickly became his favorite. Over time, the nickname disappeared because he became far too cool to nickname his Pokemon, but there would always be that undying love for the Flygon.

"Do you want to start, or shall I, darlin'?" he called from one side of the clearing, putting emphasis on the word "darlin'" just to show her that he truly could call her whatever he wanted. He waited patiently for her answer, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back against the tree.


9:39pm Nov 7 2013 (last edited on 9:39pm Nov 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
Her eyes lit up like they were kindled by their own personal fire at the name and a disgusted look passed her face for just a moment. She hated people like this, ones who didn't respect the wishes of others or their own requests. If this was how the guy treated everyone, Clara did not want to get to know him at all. She would just settle this score and have it over with, done. She had shown others before that she was stronger than she looked, told them that she was no one to mess with. Clara had to do this as well, it seemed, just like she had taken care of her stepbrother and stepfather one at a time. This was just another monster that she would kick down and then be done with.

"My pleasure," She said with a sneer, hands crossing against her chest. She knew this forest well enough that the terrain was going to be an advantage. Aaron had a few advantages Clara would need to remember during this battle. Never forget your advantages, never forget their weakness.

"Calm mind, Lucario," She said under her
breath, making it near soundless in her command. She didn't need to yell
 it out, didn't need the people to hear what she was saying. She never
quite understood why they did that. Well, actually, no, that's not true.
 Clara understood perfectly. Most pokemon have average hearing and that
would be even worse in the thick of battle when their attention is
diverted. The trainers would need to call out their moves in order for
their pokemon to even hear them.

However, that was not the case
with a lucario. In all circumstances, their aura picks up on noise
extremely easily. As long as they are in tune with the aura around them,
 the lengths falling behind their ears will float slightly, picking up
any traces of noise around them. So while she might not be able to keep
quiet forever, Clara did recognize that Aaron would be distracted in
battle, she was not going to yell out her first few commands. How stupid
 would that be?

Aaron's eyes closed momentarily and he stood
still for maybe a moment or two, just breathing in. Relaxing the muscles
 in his body to be fluid, calming his thoughts to be more fluid,
sharper. Not only that, but it gave a significant increase to more types
 of moves that any Flygon would use against him.

Now, what did she know about Flygon? It could whip up a sandstorm rather quickly with it's wings but there wasn't any sand here to whip up. It would require more effort, then for the pokemon to make large sandstorms in a grassy forest. It was fast, probably about the same speed as her lucario, and she would need to be on alert to watch where it moved and how it moved. It was a dragon ground, and flying obviously meant that no ground moves could hit it. Thankfully she had long ago taught Aaron other moves rather than ground. Her gogoat was the master in ground moves, Aaron didn't need to be.

So no ground moves, keep moving, and use dragon moves. That was basically the playbook here. Though there were a few tricks up her sleeve as any trainer worth their snuff was bound to have. It could use flying moves, most likely, but since Lucario was both steel and fighting they would only do normal damage. The best chance that the pokemon had of doing extreme damage on Lucario was with ground moves. Though she doubt that would be that much of an issue. It was taken care of already.

{I'm assuming you want to make it closer to the shows than the game :> More creativity there. How do you want to deal with dodges btw?}

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:30am Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Although he didn't show it physically (he really never did), Leroy was actually excited that he'd agitated her to the point of causing her fiery eyes. He found that he kind of like annoying people to that point; don't get him wrong, he would never take pleasure in seriously hurting someone, but he did like irritating people a little bit. It gave him a sense of accomplishment, and it was a nice feeling that he didn't feel often.

Besides that, the fire in her eyes would only fuel her drive to put up a good battle, and a heated battle was always more fun than one that was not. A single spark seemed to leap out of her eyes and ignite the fuel in his, because his eyes lit up with the sudden aggressiveness. He couldn't wait to begin.

 She was all too happy to begin, but started with an unlikely move, in Leroy's opinion. Calm Mind didn't really do anything. He wasn't one much for strategy; he tended to charge into battles head-on without any thought of consequence or a plan in his mind. All of his Pokemon knew offensive moves, none defensive. He lost a lot of battles because of his recklessness and lack of strategy, but he never seemed to learn.

One thing Clara and he had in common was their tendency not to yell the moves at their Pokemon, but Leroy didn't just do it because it was unnecessary. He found it rather stupid. Most Pokemon had heightened senses, so yelling at them would just alert the opposite team of their next move and give them a couple of extra seconds to think. Leroy wasn't the smartest trainer, but even he realized this.

"Alright, Flygon. Dig." The green dragonfly-like Pokemon nodded its head sharply, then immediately began scratching at the earth with its short but very sharp silverish claws. It easily clawed away the grass, then began tearing up dirt and rock, sending up a flurry of dust clouds. Its wings whipped at the dust furiously, creating a tiny duststorm that blocked off the Flygon from sight while it dug.

Once the dust had cleared, Flygon was gone, a wide hole where the Pokemon had burrowed in. Leroy carefully watched the Lucario, waiting for his Pokemon to take the upper-hand while the opponent's Pokemon was oblivious to its hidden surroundings.

{Ech, not a great post, sorry. ;u;

I usually deal with dodges differently depending on the move.
If it's a move like, let's just say... Quick Attack, for example, I almost always would say that it hits.
But if it's something like Fly, then the opponent has more time to plan and get a head start... So it pretty much depends on the move quite a bit for me. ^-^;
Moves hit most of the time for me and then don't hit occasionally, but I'll also do "half-hits" where the opponent moves out of the way but not in time and gets injured some, but not full-on. c:
Hopefully that made sense. o-o;}


10:47am Nov 9 2013 (last edited on 2:55pm Nov 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
Ah, the idiot. A smirk passed her face for just a fraction of a second as he called out his move and then Aaron just gave a sarcastic humph. This guy was all talk... and yet he didn't even know how Lucario's worked, did he. The whole point of Dig was for your opponent to a.) Be unable to hit you physically and usually with special moves as well and b.) to catch them by surprise. Did this trainer not even realize that you can't take a lucario by surprise? You can only outmatch it in speed, power, or defense to truly beat it.

How could you take a pokemon by surprise when it always knows where you are. Aaron could sense the auras of people around him, painting out a clear picture in his mind of where the pokemon was, what it was doing, and even sometimes it's thoughts and feelings though never enough to affect the battle in THAT regard. But location... well that was just an idiotic move for a Flygon to use when there was no surprise at all going to be used.

Aaron's eyes snapped shut and Clara was aware of how the pokemon seemed to be just standing there, doing nothing except breathing and crossing its arms. To anyone else, it looked as if the pokemon didn't care a smidgen about what the trainer had called his pokemon to do. But Clara knew better.

Not only that, but they both knew the move wouldn't hit Aaron anyway. Not with what Clara had done. She had met trainers like this before, who seemed to be cocky in every regard but held no plan for strategy, no thoughts for how they would move and act if even their most powerful moves were unable to hit. Not because Aaron had dodged... but because Clara was smart enough to plan ahead. That's how you beat an opponent. Not by strength alone... you needed to out think them.

And it seemed, right this moment, as if Clara happened to be the only one with a brain to think with in this battle. "How much do you actually know about pokemon anyway? Because after I win, I'll be happy to fill you in on all the information you seem to be lacking." She shook her head once, voice not even a hint sarcastic, just sad. Trainers these days. Honestly, at one point in time, she might have been the one to head straight into battle. She could have slaughtered them all... but then she realized that it was no longer fun to simply one hit KO someone. Clara no longer found battling a pleasure when she didn't need to think about a strategy or a planned defense. So she changed her routine, taught her pokemon new moves, and while there were still a few of her partners who battled all out, Clara refused to be that idiot who charged into battle recklessly anymore.

[[Righty. That makes sense :3 We should also account for items as well and obviously if the person is hiding in a tree, things won't hit it as often or as much. Common sense stuff :u]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

9:47pm Nov 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Ahh yes, I do try to include a lot of common-sense in my battling as well. ^-^}

From Leroy's point of view, all he saw was settling dust from the entrance to the Pokemon had burrowed into the ground and an empty space before him. Below the earth, the long and slender dragon Pokemon was tearing its way through the dirt with small but powerful silver claws. Dirt was flying into its face and the tunnel was so narrow it could just barely crawl through, but it just folded its wings against its back and surged forward with a look of determination in its eyes.

The distance between Leroy and the Lucario wasn't long, and within just moments, the Flygon realized that it was below its opponent. Its powerful and hard-shelled head slammed up against the earth's crust repeatedly until it felt the ground above it crack under its head. Realizing that the rock was weakened, it pushed through the surface and shot up out of the ground. It shot behind the Lucario, raising its tail and swinging it at the black and blue fox Pokemon.

"How much do you actually know about Pokemon anyway? Because after I win, I'll be happy to fill you in on all the information you seem to be lacking." He narrowed his eyes, sticking out his tongue at for a split second.

"For your information, I probably know more than you think, girly. I'll have your ass handed to you by the end of this," he retorted, leaning back into the tree further and pulling his beanie down further. She'd better just wait and see what he could do before she judged him.

Although Leroy's attempt at sneaking up on the Lucario may have seemed illogical at first, there was a bit of thought behind it. He actually wasn't using Dig for its intended purpose, to sneak up on someone; he was using it as nothing more than an attack move. Perhaps he could have thought it out a little more and come up with something a little more clever, but Dig would do.

{I'd say that there's the same chance of it hitting as it would be not hitting, so it's up to you! ^-^}


10:26pm Nov 10 2013 (last edited on 10:27pm Nov 10 2013)

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Posts: 1,586
Dig was a physical ground move. Ground. It would have hurt Lucario quite a bit had Clara not thought through her move set... and specifically the item that she kept as Aaron's secret weapon. "Lucario's can sense where their opponents are no matter if they are hidden or not. Dig is just as affective as your Flygon simply flying up and trying to swat at my pokemon with it's tail. Not only that... but you really should observe your opponent more. You would notice something very interesting if you had been looking at Aaron a bit more closely." There was a silence involved after she spoke and the silence was permeable. She knew what Aaron was concentrating on and she let him do his thing. Already the pokemon knew where the Flygon was, where it was burrowing, and which direction it would choose to come at him from.

 The girl smirked slightly as the ground right behind her pokemon began to shift but Aaron was already on it.

In the instant the Flygon appeared and moved to attack, Lucario shifted. His paw came out to grasp the tail of the pokemon and with one word from Clara, retaliated "Dragon Pulse," She answered in sync with her pokemon, watching the glow in the lucario's paw shift to a dark pulsing blue and purple light. There was energy building up within the span of just a second or two. Dragon type energy.

 With his grasp on the Flygon's tail, it was more than likely to hit but who could say for sure. Aaron's arm pulled back quickly and then within an instant, snapped forward in an attempt to slam it against the pokemon's body as hard as he could. It wasn't a physical move but he was coating his arm in the energy and using the special attack in this close ranged as effectively as possible. With such a close distance between them, the punch would explode on contact with special dragon energy if it did hit.

[I gave Lucario an item before the battle started. If you want to, you could say Flygon already had something on him? I keep alluding to this item... because it's kind of something that will come into play in the rp as soon as I'm forced to use it.]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:28am Nov 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Sorry this took so long!
Stuff happened. :u}

Leroy did nothing but lazily raise an eyebrow when she went on about how ineffective his move was, his bored facial ex
pression showing that he really couldn't care less about her little lecture. He didn't need a lesson on how to battle Pokemon; he'd been doing it since he was just a kid. It almost angered him how little she thought he knew about Pokemon, as he'd always prided himself in his battling abilities. In fact, that was probably the only thing he'd ever prided himself in. He just pursed his lips and looked down, ignoring her as though he hadn't heard anything.

The Flygon startled as it was suddenly and forcefully stopped mid-attack, being held against its will. It struggled against the Pokemon's grip, but the Lucario had a surprisingly strong hold on its tail and wasn't intent on releasing it before taking advantage of the Flygon being restrained. The dragonfly-like Pokemon took one look at that glowing blue aura and realized it was a dragon-type almost immediately, which caused fear to flash in its eyes.

It let out a cry when the attack hit, sending it barreling backwards. Before it could slam into a tree or something similar, the Flygon caught itself in mid-air and shot out its wings to hold itself up. It was still energetic enough to beat its wings so nimbly they looked to be vibrating, but it was breathing harder and there was obvious marks on its pale green skin.

Since it was launched backwards, it had the advantage of being behind its opponent. Despite Lucario being able to sense nearby Pokemon, Leroy figured that it might be distracted just long enough for Flygon to get a move in. He didn't want to alert the Lucario anymore than it already would be, so he mouthed the words "Hyper Beam".

He realized that Hyper Beam wasn't the greatest move for the situation, but he honestly didn't see what else he could do. It had other ground moves, but he didn't want to stick two ground moves together, so he decided to stick the normal-type move in the middle. It wouldn't be very effective type-wise, but the sheer power of the move made up for it. Flygon would have to rest for a bit afterwards to make up for it, but it was a small price to pay for the advantage to use a move like Hyper Beam.

His Pokemon caught on quickly, gave a very curt nod, then began to work on the attack. This attack was very powerful and would take up a lot of energy, so it took a deep breath, then tilted its head back. A white ball of light began forming in its mouth, growing larger and larger by the second. When it was too difficult for the Flygon to maintain, it jerked its head downwards and released, watching the beam of blinding white light streak towards the blue and black fox Pokemon. Although the Lucario may have sense it beforehand, the beam was headed straight for it and although anything could happen, the Flygon was confident that its move would hit.


3:50pm Nov 13 2013

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Posts: 1,586
The small smile on her face as the move hit was enough to show Clara's pleasure. Not only was it super effective but due to Calm Mind, Lucaro's special attack and defense had been raised significantly, allowing Dragon pulse to do far more damage than it would have otherwise. The marks on the pokemon as it skidded back could be seen from this distance and it seemed short of breath. The girl would give it some credit for not looking for tired than it did. It should look exhausted after a hit like that, being critical with a stat raise, even if it was at the same level as Aaron. Maybe she had underestimated it just a bit.

No matter, this wouldn't last all that much longer if Clara had anything to say about it. Aaron already was shaking off the attack, his paw moving a little to push away the excess glowing energy that was still surrounding it. It was at that moment that the trainer called out his move. Aaron and Clara both blinked quickly and while Aaron turned sharpy to view the pokemon flying above him, Clara was already springing into analyzing hyper beam. She had maybe four seconds to drag up everything she knew about the move but it was enough.

Hyper beam: A powerful special attack, normal type, that took quite a while afterward to recover from. Great. This wasn't as bad as it could have been. There was no chance of Aaron dodging it, not being out in the open like this and with the Flygon having the upper hand with it's hovered flight but that didn't mean anything. Even with it's enormous power, it was still normal typed... and it was still special. That was what she was loving about strategy. You could find so many nice retaliations even if dodging was impossible

"Aaron, Calm Mind, quick." She yelled out sharply, voice pushing over the loud sound of growing energy. Two seconds left before that beam was zipping towards her pokemon. Let's just hope Aaron could pull this off in those times.

The pokemon's eyes snapped shut and you could visibly see him relax as he attempted to obey Clara's orders. It took longer than normal with the pressure of moving so quickly but the same shiny coat of silver energy pulsed over his skin. Not a moment to late either.

The ray shot out red and white energy towards her pokemon, just as Aaron opened his eyes again to gaze up and the blast surrounded her pokemon in white light. Dirt sprayed up at her and dust clouded the area. Even bits of grass managed to take flight enough that they landed in her hair. She'd have to sit down to get all the little bits out later, fun. The explosion around where her pokemon was standing lasted a good second before fading and just leaving a thick cloud of dust almost incapable of viewing through.

But dust will always eventually settle and as it began to fall back to earth, you could see brilliant red eyes shining through the grainy air. Aaron was standing among the rubble, a few scratches on the steel like fur and dust coating his shoulders and arms but otherwise alright. Clearly the sspecial defense tactics had done it's job. Not only was Aaron's defense far higher than it would be normally now... but his special attacks were too. 

[[Literally, I think Calm Mind is the most useful stat change ever. At least, for Lucarios.

Also, I told you that you could take your time xD I meant that, love.]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

9:58pm Nov 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{ugh this is so late I'm sorry
these past few days
they've been rough
I'm okay now tho so I'm ready to rolplay. :v}

Leroy watched with unanticipated apprehension in those mere five seconds between the preparation of the attack and it actually hitting. His hands were clenching and unclenching repeatedly behind his back, a nervous habit he only did when he was very tense. It was very rare for him to get this nervous during a battle; in fact, he didn't think he'd been that anxious during a battle for quite some time. The part was most annoying to him was that he had no idea why he was feeling the way he was. He had faith in his Flygon, and the girl really wasn't much of a threat to him. He supposed it was because he had talked himself up pretty big, and if he didn't live up to his words, he'd seem pretty stupid.

The girl managed to use one final move before the bright white light struck, and although "Calm Mind" wasn't the move Leroy would have chosen, he didn't doubt her decision. He was sure that she knew what she was doing. Although he might have had the slightest upper-hand when it came to brute strength, she was certainly quite a bit smarter than he was. Even he could admit that.

The beam struck, immediately causing an explosion of chunks of earth and blades of grass. The sudden uprooting of so much dirt caused millions of tiny particles to momentarily cover the arena, too thick to allow Leroy to see the girl who was standing just across the arena. The only thing said or heard in that moment where the dust blocked out the results of the battle was single cough from him, and then dead silence while he waited to see what would be behind the dust.

Just as he had been expecting, the Lucario was still standing and not even seeming tired. There were scratches on its steely pelt, but not enough to make it faint. He sighed softly, but it wasn't like he was expecting any differently.

He tried not to seem impressed, although he was genuinely surprised that the Lucario could withstand so much power. It was a worthy opponent indeed. His Flygon hovered above the ground, but it seemed lower than before, as the move had taken a lot of out of it. It's breathing was more of a soft and quickened chirring noise, trying desperately to catch its breath before the Lucario could take advantage of its momentary exhaustion.

Leroy looked across the arena at the girl and cocked one eyebrow, basically saying, 'Your move.'


10:56pm Nov 30 2013 (last edited on 10:56pm Nov 30 2013)

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Posts: 1,586

It was basically a free hit. The Flygon was exhausted, breathing heaving and hovering slightly over the ground. The move basically made it incapable of doing anything and unless Aaron was to shoot into the sky, it was basically just a free for all time. If she actually knew the person, she might just wait out the time allotted to her. There was something about hitting an opponent when they were down that bugged her, at least when the person was her friend. This guy, however... well Clara had no reservations using every chance that she was giving. 

"Dragon Pulse."

The lucario gave a grin, sharp teeth flashing just once as he crouched down, resting his weight on the balls of his feet and pushing off. His speed increased quickly as he moved towards the Flygon, both hands glowing with a purple pulsing light. The more he ran, the more the energy in each palm began to swell and expand till two swirling waves were barely able to be contained. 

That was when it happened. The lucario stopped in mid run, feet skidding in the dirt as his hands moved to clap together and the powers in each hand collided into one giant beam of energy that roared to life in the direction of the Flygon, expanding outward as it grew. If the Flygon shifted upward or backward, Aaron would follow the pokemon, controlling the beam as it pulsed out energy from his palms. He wouldn't be able to hold that bean forever but long enough, most definitely, to possibly get a really good hit in. 

Clara always was surprised when Aaron did that. They had gone over the move over and over, the charging in each palm had taken time, but watching the results of the action was always going to shock her. A pokemon's raw power was something that she would never get used to. That somewhere in each pokemon was the strength to destroy everything and yet they chose to partner with weak humans. Aaron could control the aura of others and yet he consented to stand by her side in battle. Battle that had no cause other than to teach a jerk a lesson and to gain experience. 

Slightly humbling, really. 

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

9:53pm Dec 1 2013

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Posts: 4,355
Both the Flygon and Leroy knew that the fight for the dragon Pokemon was nearly over before their opponent even called out the next move. Leroy realized too late that it was stupid of him to have his Pokemon use such an energy-draining attack directly after taking so much damage, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He'd been foolish and his Flygon was going to pay the price.

The word 'dragon pulse' caused Leroy to wince and frown slightly. As Flygon was part dragon, this would be very effective against it. The Flygon raised its head slightly, making a final 'coo'ing sound before the move hit. Even the Pokemon knew it didn't stand much of a chance against a powerful dragon type move.

Leroy's Pokemon didn't even attempt to avoid the attack, and Leroy didn't even command it to try. Both Leroy and the Flygon watched the bright beam of sheer power and energy explode out of the Lucario's palms, then slam full-force into the Flygon's already weakened body. The Flygon gave a final loud cry as it was engulfed in light, and in that duration of the move hitting and the Flygon being covered, Leroy held his breath.

He knew what was going to happen, but it was still somewhat nerve-wracking.

Leroy tilted his head to the side when the light of the beam faded and his Flygon was still hovering slightly, its head down and its wings suspended in midair, flapping just enough to keep it aloft. A second later, however, the Pokemon's battered body dropped to the earth with a solid thud.

Leroy looked down at his fallen Pokemon and pursed his lips just slightly. Sighing quietly, he reluctantly returned his fainted Pokemon to its ball that was still clasped in his hand without a single word. He clipped the ball back onto his belt, then looked up at his opponent.

"You wanna keep going, or...?" His voice lost a huge majority of its usual sarcastic and rude tone. He sounded a little embarrassed and very, very defeated, if anything. That didn't go as planned.

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