2:41pm May 15 2011 (last edited on 4:17pm May 21 2011)
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Generations have passed and the story of the first avian and serpiente war is nought but an old tale fit only for the youngest children. Wyvern court is a place of peace and happiness. Though rivalries still spring up every now in then, the society is calm. Serpientes and avians mingle openly without prejudice. Over time the avians have become more forthcoming and less upright about what is decent and what is not. In turn the serpiente have stopped being quite as promiscuous as they once were. But the secret that the shm'Ahnmik, the falcons, have kept hidden for centuries, has been leaked out. The informant is dead, tortured by Cjarsa's Mercies until he spilled the truth and was killed swiftly for his cooperation. Unfortunately this rumor spread like wildfire until it reached the ears of the current Diente and Tuuli Thea of the Wyvern court. It was the falcons who began the first war. The one that had nearly faded from their minds. Awakening their rage Wyvern court nearly declared war upon the falcons, but calm words from their advisors compelled the Diente and the Tuuli Thea to cool their anger and come up with a plan. And so a meeting was to take place. A diplomat from each of the people was sent to the Mistari lands to come to a truce of some sorts. Only time can tell if this will work or if Wyvern court will declare war upon the shm'Ahnmik. Only time can tell. Character Skeleton Name: [self-explanatory. if a certain people has a naming custom follow it] Age: [not below eighteen if a diplomat] Gender: [self-explanatory] Species: [avian, wolf, lion, obsidian guild, mistari, falcon or serpiente.] Ranking: [diplomat, royal etc.] Appearance: [should follow species standards] Personality: [detailed] Weapons: [should follow species standards] Other: [history and whatnot] Characters Mistari Aeseli Tsi'lak [Bengal Tiger] - Female (Heir to the Mistari Disa) Diplomats Kylar Vesculi [Black Mamba] - Male Marim S'Nipsrap [Cliff Swallow] - Male Royals Cjarsa's Mercies Visara Ulk'mhet [Barbary Falcon] - Female Sithyka Il'Altai'akhmet [Saker Falcon] - Female The Royal Guard

8:15pm May 15 2011 (last edited on 12:39am May 21 2011)
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Name: Visara Ulk'mhet Age: 23 Gender: Gender Species: Falcon [Barbary Falcon]
Ranking: A member of Cjarsa's Mercy (Sent as a diplomat)
Appearance: Visara has long brown hair that reaches to her waist. It is shot through with streaks of gold and a few hints of black. She generally wears it in a long braid or some sort of plaiting that keeps it out of her way. She has deep brown eyes of varying shades that span from amber to coffee-colored. They are intense, and tend to show her current emotion if she isn't carefule. She is fairly tall, standing at 5' 7", and she carries herself with a graceful stature. Visara's skin is a pale golden color, which coupled with her hair and eyes gives her a very 'brown' appearance. Her face generally does not betray her emotions, save for her eyes, and her movements are a constant mix of graceful volatility. Personality: Visara was not always the cool, almost never ruffled falcon that you would see today. Before she joined the Mercy, she was a dancer, always very passionate and generally good-humored. But after she began her training in the Mercy, she underwent a personality remake. A shutter closed over her emotions, and she lets almost no one past her emotional wall. She is wary of showing anything personal about her, and isn't very quick to trust. Visara is still passionate about one thing, though--staying true to the falcons. Weapons: Visara is very skilled with a whip, as well as dagger-throwing. Swordplay is not her strong suit, but she brought along a few sabers, just in case. One of her three dagger sets has its blades dipped in the special falcon poison--just in case. She would like to learn archery, but since this is not a weapon of the falcons, has never had the chance to learn. Other: Visara was raised by her parents, and showed an interest in dance from a very young age. By the time she was ten, she was already performing in a high-class guild, and though not famous, those who witnessed a performance could see her talent. At age fifteen, however, her mother spoke against the empress during a public party when she was intoxicated. The next day, the Mercy came to collect her after hearing she was attending one of her daughter's performances. But after seeing their daughter dance, the Mercy members realized that the young falcon had great potential to be a warrior. They made a bargain with the family: for Visara's mother's freedom, they would take Visara instead and train her as a member of the Mercy. It was a high honor, and Visara accepted despite her parent's pleas to not do so. She had trained ever since, and was chosen to travel to the Mistari lands for her calm attitude and for 'experience.' She wears a small golden chain necklace with a feather pendant around her neck at all times. It was a parting gift from her mother. --- Name: Marim S'Nipsrap Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Avian [Cliff Swallow]
Ranking: Diplomat [Courtier back in avian lands, potentially courting one of the avian princesses]
Appearance: Marim is a handsome young man, but not strikingly beautiful. He has sandy brown hair, inquisitive green eyes, and sweet smile that will melt your heart. His skin is a golden tan, and he stands tall and strong, though his manner is not demanding. His face has high cheekbones and slightly chiseled features--features which are not very skilled at hiding emotions. His hands are gentle or lethal, depending on which he desires, and though he can move gracefully when concentrating, Marim can also be a bit clumsy. Personality: Marim is quite the charmer, an attribute which has helped him boost from common ranking of merchant to an esteemed courtier. He can be flirtatious at times, but never encourages things to go very far. Marim was heightened to his current status partially because of his persuasive tongue and infectious personality. He can almost always be seen in a good mood when he's comfortable, but when out of his 'comfort zone,' he can be distant and sometimes hard to talk to. Marim is genreally hard to anger, so when he is, he can be very volatile. The only surefire way to upset him is to hurt those close to him. Weapons: A set of hand daggers (Non-poisonous), and two sabres. Other: Grew up as a jewelry craftman's oldest child and only son. He led a relatively normal existence, flirting with girl shis age, doing well in school, and slowly, reluctantly learning his father's trade. Marim was much more interested in swordplay, however, and was able to pick up a few techiniques from a kind neighbor once in the Shardae's guard. One fateful afternoon, he was selling wares in his father's stead, who had taken ill that morning. The second-eldest princess had happened by, and was enchanted by his wares. As he became more and more popular, and the wares gained royal customers, Marim saw more and more of the higher-class markets. Eventually, he was able to wheedle his way into a royal celebration, and his status grew from there. He was chosen to attend the Mistari group as a diplomat for his way with words and charismatic charm. Oh. And his last name is 'Parsnips' spelled backwards. --- Name: Aeseli Tsi'lak [Asa]
Age: 20 Gender: Female Species: Mistari [Bengal Tiger] Ranking: Royal [Heir to Mistari Disa]
Appearance: Waist-length black hair and striking blue eyes, Aeseli has dark olive skin and a fine-featured look to her that gives the appearance of her being delicate. She is petite, standing at about 5' 5", and her build is lithe and gracefull, but the way she moves shows every bit of the predator she is. Aeseli could be considered beautiful by some, but her sharp features are more magestic than pretty. She carries herself in a way that speaks of her self-assurance and her status, though her green eyes may hint at the compassiont underneath. Personality: Though Asa has much more of the graceful predator within her than her parents, she is filled with compassion for the world around her. She is fiercely protective of her people and their home, and her natural reaction to strangers is guarded hostility. Her mother has shaped her into the future Disa she is today, and now will regard strangers in her lands with the benefit of the doubt, but a shielded protectiveness still lingers underneath. Aeseli much prefers being among her people and easing their suffering to the long, monotonous lessons that also accompany a royal status. She resents having been appointed to the dispute between the falcons and the avian and serpiente. But her loyalty to both her land and her position, coupled with a startling stubborn streak, will help see her through it. Weapons: A delicate whip, and a variety of daggers she keeps in numerous sheaths. Varies day by day. Other: Was born to the royal family as the eldest, and surprisingly only, child. She was raised being prepared to take on the task of Disa, but refuses stubbornly to even consider taking a mate. Her history isn't much more, besides the usual childhood mischief and games, as well as lessons too boring to be recounted here. She will take over as Disa in three years, unless she takes a mate, which then will result in immediate ascension to the throne. Though she's scared to admit it, Aeseli is also bi-curious, and fears what her parents would think if this were ever to come to light. Ooc// Sorry if Aeseli's bio isn't very good. I'm sleep-deprived, but I really wanted to finish it. <3
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
12:58pm May 16 2011
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Ooc; Awesome! I love Visara by the way. <3 I'm doing my characters now-ish but I'm in class so they probably won't be finished till after school.
9:06pm May 16 2011 (last edited on 5:14pm May 17 2011)
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Name: Sithyka Il’Altai’akhmet Age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Falcon [Saker falcon] Ranking: One of Cjarsa’s mercies, sent as a diplomat Appearance: Fair of skin and fair of hair is Sithyka. Matched with her pale turquoise eyes this warrior has the appearance of an ice queen. Wearing her hair in a simple design of a single sheet of hair falling down her back with two slim braids adorning the side of her head shows that Sithyka values simplicity and directness. Other than the deep violet and royal purple streaks that color the edge of her bangs and a few cerulean beads that decorate some thinner braids that hang loose, Sithyka does not wear jewellery or embellishments. Being a fairly small woman Sithyka is only about 5’4” high and has a wiry body not suited for any sort of close-contact combat. Weighing only 112 lbs Sithyka’s weight is nearly all muscle with a hint of fat to keep her padded. These muscles are mostly situated on her abdomen and her arms, toned after long hours of sword-work. Personality: Sithyka is a double-edged lady with quite a bit of backbone for one her size. Completely and utterly loyal to Cjarsa she is willing to lie, cheat and kill to please her Empress. Seen as having no moral standing whatsoever most falcons know to keep on Sithyka’s good side. Of course it has been rumoured that this particular Mercy has no good side, but as mentioned earlier she has a double-edged personality. Forming close bonds with her peers and her fellow Mercy Sithyka would do anything to keep her loved ones alive. Being mistrustful of others has caused her to become a closed kind of person who opens up only with a lot of difficulty and arguing. This means that when Sithyka opens up her emotions to someone she feels a close, visceral bond with that person. Weapons: Trained from a young age to wield a double-edged long sword Sithyka is best with this kind of weapon. Other: Born to a family known for producing Mercies and Pure Diamond falcons alike Sithyka knew her social standing as soon as she could talk. From the moment she stood Sithyka was trained in dancing and fighting by her elder brothers and sisters. Though she had no particular talent for dance other than her agility and emotional magic, Sithyka shone as brightly as any star when she took hold of a weapon. Following her second eldest brother Calene’s footsteps she learned to dance to a deadly tune with the long sword. By her sixteenth birthday Sithyka was noticed by Cjarsa and asked to join the Empress’s Mercies once she turned eighteen. Delighted at the prospect the normally dour girl was all smiles in the next two years leading up to her prospective employment, training even harder with her magic and combat. Now, having been a trusted member for three years, Sithyka has settled into her usual grim routine Name: Kylar Vesculi Age: 25 Gender: Male Species: Serpiente (mamba) Ranking: Part of Wyvern courts’ main entourage, chosen as a diplomat by the current rulers Appearance: Kylar is as pale skinned as the next falcon (though he is serpiente through and through), though the rest of his coloring does not match the norm for falcon-kind. Atop his head is a large ruffled mess of black hair that falls into his eyes, giving Kylar a boyish type of charm. Coupled with his deep green eyes gives Kylar a mesmerizing appearance. Slim and lithe Kylar stands at about 6'2" and weighs around 142 lbs. Though strong Kylar is not overly brawny and at a quick first glance he tends to have the aura of a dancer around him, rather than a warrior. He has a angular look to his face and a similar trend going on with the rest of his body. Most of Kylar's abdomen is dominated by smoothly toned muscles due to battle training. Personality: Kylar is a charmer with a suave personality. He's open, definitely extroverted and wears his emotions all over the place. Though this makes him a rather terrible diplomat his natural friendliness can be useful when required. Such as opening up any of the pretty lady diplomats. Kylar is a flirt and isn't afraid to walk up to anyone, despite their ethnicity. Weapons: Twin daggers and the occasional use of a spear or other long weapon. Other: He walks with the grace of a trained dancer. He lived in the nest for a good while before switching over to the main entourage of Wyvern court.
Kind of hashed this out. :/ I hope Kylar's better in the actual rp.

9:25pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc/ I'm fine with taking an avian and a Mistari. <3 Lol, it seems my text spazzed out on my bio. :P
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:36pm May 16 2011
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Ooc; It did? I can't see anything odd about your post. o-o And alright then. <3 I should be in bed now/soon-ish so I can't finish Kylar tonight. D:
9:55pm May 16 2011
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Ooc// That's fine. And lol, the weirdness might just be my Mac. o3o It's been acting weird lately.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:56pm May 17 2011
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Ooc//Bump~ Added part of a new character. ^^
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:05am May 18 2011
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Ooc; Your avian surpasses my serpiente. XD You're so much better at deions~ And as for gender, not much preference. Whatever feels right to you, I guess. I can always balance it out. :P
1:46pm May 19 2011
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Ooc; Just a quick bump so it doesn't get to the second page. :D
12:40am May 21 2011
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Ooc// Added my characters. <3 Shall we start tomorrow? I was thinking the intros could be their arrival at the Mistari lands. o3o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:17pm May 21 2011
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Ooc; I missed the post. D: We can start now, if you're still online. <3 Me or you?
4:20pm May 21 2011
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Ooc// I don't really care. :3 Do you have a preference? And lol, I can't decide if I think Kylar and Marim will get along with or murder each other. o3o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:43pm May 21 2011
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Ooc; Probably kill each other when they start flirting with the same lady. lD Unless it's one of the falcons. Then they'll just be in pieces. c: And could you? I have another role-play I need to reply to D;
4:44pm May 21 2011
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Ooc// No problem. <3 And lol, I this Asa might tear them up too. |D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
5:37pm May 21 2011
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Visara was high above the rugged terrain of the Mistari lands when she spotted the tribe. Her cry to her fellow Mercies was sharp and commanding, but she knew they would not question it as she dove downward, angling her wings so that the air sluiced past them as if it were water. The ground rose to meet her at a dizzying speed, but she did not pull up until she was mere meters from the ground, wings snapping out to carry her gracefully to the ground. As her claws made contact with the scuffed earth, Visara shifted into her demi form, long wings arched over her back as humanity reas.serted itself over the falcon. She looked around with calm, calculating eyes on the outcropping of rocks surrounding the Mistari's central 'city.' She sniffed in disdain, and then ventured forward. An elegantly carved granite gate stood before her, its sides flanked with two guards. Their faces showed no effort to hide their awe at the imperial Mercy's arrival. As they approached her, spears held in a gesture of respect, she caught the slightest glance of a messenger slipping away, as graceful as a shadow. She sighed and looked to the guards. The visit had begun. --- Marim adjusted his wings' rate to slow with his Tuuli Thea as she descended. Below, the sweltering Mistari lands gave off their heat as surely as an oven might. Marim shuddered--he would have much rather been back at the avian court, flirting with Kiara. But the second-eldest daughter had been left at home, only the heir attending with their small group. He spiraled down lazily as the last of their party, surveying the granite circle as they coasted to their center. Mistaris flocked around them, shouting "Avian" in a foreign-sounding accent, their eyes alight with curiosity. Marim landed as his small cliff swallow, and then shifted back into his human form just as the golden-haired Shardaes did the same. He smiled at the crowd, unable to help it as he caught the eye of a pretty girl and winking. Her smile grew shyer, and then she was lost in the crowd. The Tuuli Thea cleared her throat delicately, and surveyed their entourage with stern eyes. "Our audience will begin with the Disa and Dio this evening," she said, "I suggest you get to your rooms and get settled." Marim saw behind her words. It would be a long night. --- "Asa, our visitors have arrived." Aeseli glared venomously at her mother. "Why must I be the one to show them our lands? It is your duty, as Disa." Her mother's face grew tight with irritation, and her tone poorly disguised her frustration. "Because, Asa, you will be Disa one day as well. You know we must resolve this without conflict. Or all of us will pay the price." Asa groaned in frustration, but moved from her lounging position on a silk pillow. "The falcons, avians, and serpiente. How the gods must be laughing right now." The Disa walked toward her daughter, touching her shoulder with an aging, gentle hand. "I know you can do this, dear heart." Aeseli shook her head, her long black hair cascading over her shoulder as she did so. "Must I greet them now?" she asked quietly. Her mother nodded. Sighing in resignation, Aeseli smoothed out her loose silk pants and straightened her white blouse. She glanced at herself in the mirror, checking that she looked presentable. Then, with as much reluctance as one could feel, she stepped out of her apartments and into the glaring sun of midday. The commotion around her only confirmed that their guests had arrived. Asa narrowed her eyes against the harsh lighting, and started forward. How the gods must be laughing, indeed, she thought bitterly.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:02pm May 21 2011
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Wings spread wide Sithyka circled above Visara to make sure her fellow Mercy made it down safely. As her partner shifted into her demi-form, dark wings spilling down her back gracefully. Echoing with her own fierce shriek, the sharp kiy-ee rolling across the sky, she dove skillfully, her lithe form shooting downwards at an awesome rate. Moments before she hit the ground Sithyka flared her wings, startling the two guards who had just let Visara enter. Good, she though evilly, smiling inwardly. Let them fear Her Imperial Majesty's divine power. Bare feet hit the ground with a small thump, a dust cloud obscuring Sithyka as she reverted back to her own form. Her own dark gray wings floating down her back elegantly as she padded towards the gate. Head held high, turquoise eyes challenging, Sithyka pushed past the guards with a small sniff, keeping her eyes ahead. As she walked, moving at a faster rate than Visara so she could catch up to her fellow falcon, Sithyka did not deign to react to the fearful, or appreciative, murmurs of the crowd. Let them goggle, she thought primly as her eyes took in the scene in front of her. A large crowd pushed at the edges of a stone walkway that led up to a small palace. At the end appeared a small shape, either the Disa, Dio or their heir. "Let us commence these talks then, sister," Sithyka uttered in a cool voice as she fell in place next to her fellow Mercy. -- Kylar came from the ground, perched on his dun horse with a small sigh. Ahead of him rode the heir to the Serpiente throne. There were few serpientes in this convoy, the rest at home waiting to hear the news of these peace talks. In his opinion Kylar thought that peace was a foolish thing. The falcons had started the first war, killing untold numbers of serpiente and avians alike for their own selfishness. They should pay, he thought, a sneer curling on his lips. Though not much of a warrior Kylar believed thoroughly in justice. And justice was just was the falcons required. "A painful end of painful means," he muttered, causing another serpiente riding next to him to give Kylar a startled glance. Green eyes hard he glared at that rider until they kicked their horse into a quick trot. Sighing the usually upbeat mamba simply gave the evil eye to any passerby. It was a few more hours until they reached the Mistari lands, the only sounds being orders being shouted and the clanging of bridles and creaking of saddles. Slightly relaxed after the long ride Kylar wished desperately for a nice warm bath and sleep. Unfortunately they would not come for quite a time. [To simplify things could Visara and Sithyka be partners? :o And you don't need to put a period in your words anymore. ^O^]

6:34pm May 21 2011
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Ooc// Sure~ :D And no more censors? -dances- Lol, I've been gone waaaaay too long. :P I can't post right now (dinner party...), but later tonight I should be able to. <3 I wish there was more information about how the Mistari lived. >_>
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:37pm May 21 2011
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Ooc; Why not make the stuff up then? :D I assume they live in mostly stone caves or low dwellings, from our deions. o3o
4:10pm May 22 2011
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